import { codeFrameColumns } from '@babel/code-frame' import { constants as FS, promises as fs } from 'fs' import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http' import path from 'path' import { NullableMappedPosition, RawSourceMap, SourceMapConsumer, } from 'source-map' import { StackFrame } from 'stacktrace-parser' import url from 'url' // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies import webpack from 'webpack' import { getRawSourceMap } from './internal/helpers/getRawSourceMap' import { launchEditor } from './internal/helpers/launchEditor' export type OverlayMiddlewareOptions = { rootDirectory: string stats(): webpack.Stats serverStats(): webpack.Stats } export type OriginalStackFrameResponse = { originalStackFrame: StackFrame originalCodeFrame: string | null } type Source = { map: () => RawSourceMap } | null function getOverlayMiddleware(options: OverlayMiddlewareOptions) { async function getSourceById( isServerSide: boolean, isFile: boolean, id: string ): Promise { if (isFile) { const fileContent: string | null = await fs .readFile(id, 'utf-8') .catch(() => null) if (fileContent == null) { return null } const map = getRawSourceMap(fileContent) if (map == null) { return null } return { map() { return map }, } } try { const compilation = isServerSide ? options.serverStats()?.compilation : options.stats()?.compilation const m = compilation?.modules?.find((m) => === id) return ( m?.source( compilation.dependencyTemplates, compilation.runtimeTemplate ) ?? null ) } catch (err) { console.error(`Failed to lookup module by ID ("${id}"):`, err) return null } } return async function ( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, next: Function ) { const { pathname, query } = url.parse(req.url, true) if (pathname === '/__nextjs_original-stack-frame') { const frame = (query as unknown) as StackFrame & { isServerSide: 'true' | 'false' } if ( !( (frame.file?.startsWith('webpack-internal:///') || frame.file?.startsWith('file://')) && Boolean(parseInt(frame.lineNumber?.toString() ?? '', 10)) ) ) { res.statusCode = 400 res.write('Bad Request') return res.end() } const isServerSide = frame.isServerSide === 'true' const moduleId: string = frame.file.replace( /^(webpack-internal:\/\/\/|file:\/\/)/, '' ) let source: Source try { source = await getSourceById( isServerSide, frame.file.startsWith('file:'), moduleId ) } catch (err) { console.log('Failed to get source map:', err) res.statusCode = 500 res.write('Internal Server Error') return res.end() } if (source == null) { res.statusCode = 204 res.write('No Content') return res.end() } const frameLine = parseInt(frame.lineNumber?.toString() ?? '', 10) let frameColumn: number | null = parseInt( frame.column?.toString() ?? '', 10 ) if (!frameColumn) { frameColumn = null } let pos: NullableMappedPosition try { const consumer = await new SourceMapConsumer( pos = consumer.originalPositionFor({ line: frameLine, column: frameColumn, }) consumer.destroy() } catch (err) { console.log('Failed to parse source map:', err) res.statusCode = 500 res.write('Internal Server Error') return res.end() } if (pos.source == null) { res.statusCode = 204 res.write('No Content') return res.end() } const filePath = path.resolve( options.rootDirectory, pos.source.startsWith('webpack:///') ? pos.source.substring(11) : pos.source ) const fileContent: string | null = await fs .readFile(filePath, 'utf-8') .catch(() => null) const originalFrame: StackFrame = { file: fileContent ? path.relative(options.rootDirectory, filePath) : pos.source, lineNumber: pos.line, column: pos.column, methodName: frame.methodName, // TODO: resolve original method name (?) arguments: [], } const originalCodeFrame: string | null = fileContent && pos.line ? (codeFrameColumns( fileContent, { start: { line: pos.line, column: pos.column } }, { forceColor: true } ) as string) : null const o: OriginalStackFrameResponse = { originalStackFrame: originalFrame, originalCodeFrame, } res.statusCode = 200 res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') res.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(o))) return res.end() } else if (pathname === '/__nextjs_launch-editor') { const frame = (query as unknown) as StackFrame const frameFile = frame.file?.toString() || null if (frameFile == null) { res.statusCode = 400 res.write('Bad Request') return res.end() } const filePath = path.resolve(options.rootDirectory, frameFile) const fileExists = await fs.access(filePath, FS.F_OK).then( () => true, () => false ) if (!fileExists) { res.statusCode = 204 res.write('No Content') return res.end() } const frameLine = parseInt(frame.lineNumber?.toString() ?? '', 10) || 1 const frameColumn = parseInt(frame.column?.toString() ?? '', 10) || 1 try { await launchEditor(filePath, frameLine, frameColumn) } catch (err) { console.log('Failed to launch editor:', err) res.statusCode = 500 res.write('Internal Server Error') return res.end() } res.statusCode = 204 return res.end() } return next() } } export { getOverlayMiddleware }