diff --git a/examples/with-sentry/README.md b/examples/with-sentry/README.md index 14dd7c30547f1b666d0a84f984820d9cd45fb1bb..759c61273b80b133b16bad1b4d389f8ec9a83f04 100644 --- a/examples/with-sentry/README.md +++ b/examples/with-sentry/README.md @@ -79,8 +79,6 @@ More configurations are available for the [Sentry webpack plugin](https://github - By default, neither sourcemaps nor error tracking are enabled in development mode (see Configuration). - When enabled in development mode, error handling [works differently than in production](https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/custom-error-page#customizing-the-error-page) as `_error.js` is never actually called. - The build output will contain warning about unhandled Promise rejections. This is caused by the test pages, and is expected. When deploying to Vercel, "Client Error 1" will actually be sent to Sentry during the build, while that test page is being statically rendered. -- The version of `@zeit/next-source-maps` (`0.0.4-canary.1`) is important and must be specified since it is not yet the default. Otherwise [source maps will not be generated for the server](https://github.com/zeit/next-plugins/issues/377). -- Both `@zeit/next-source-maps` and `@sentry/webpack-plugin` are added to dependencies (rather than `devDependencies`) because if used with SSR, these plugins are used during production for generating the source-maps and sending them to sentry. - By default, source maps are uploaded to [sentry.io](https://sentry.io). If you're self-hosting Sentry, add `SENTRY_URL` to `.env` or `.env.locale` and set it to the base domain of your installation, which by default is `https://sentry.io/`. ## Deploy on Vercel