From 7d038dfef15c4bba3cadc29f11e9fa0063b9d1d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joe Haddad Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2020 13:36:57 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Suggest `npx` over `npm init` (#13637) This updates old examples to the more universal `npx` command. Fixes --- | 2 +- examples/active-class-name/ | 2 +- examples/amp-first/ | 2 +- examples/amp-story/ | 2 +- examples/amp/ | 2 +- examples/analyze-bundles/ | 2 +- examples/api-routes-apollo-server-and-client/ | 2 +- examples/api-routes-apollo-server/ | 2 +- examples/api-routes-cors/ | 2 +- examples/api-routes-graphql/ | 2 +- examples/api-routes-middleware/ | 2 +- examples/api-routes-rest/ | 2 +- examples/api-routes/ | 2 +- examples/auth0/ | 2 +- examples/basic-css/ | 2 +- examples/basic-export/ | 2 +- examples/blog-starter-typescript/ | 2 +- examples/blog-starter/ | 2 +- examples/catch-all-routes/ | 2 +- examples/cms-contentful/ | 2 +- examples/cms-datocms/ | 2 +- examples/cms-prismic/ | 2 +- examples/cms-sanity/ | 2 +- examples/cms-takeshape/ | 2 +- examples/custom-server-actionhero/ | 2 +- examples/custom-server-express/ | 2 +- examples/custom-server-fastify/ | 2 +- examples/custom-server-hapi/ | 2 +- examples/custom-server-koa/ | 2 +- examples/custom-server-polka/ | 2 +- examples/custom-server-typescript/ | 2 +- examples/custom-server/ | 2 +- examples/data-fetch/ | 2 +- examples/dynamic-routing/ | 2 +- examples/gh-pages/ | 2 +- examples/head-elements/ | 2 +- examples/hello-world/ | 2 +- examples/layout-component/ | 2 +- examples/nested-components/ | 2 +- examples/progressive-render/ | 2 +- examples/ssr-caching/ | 2 +- examples/svg-components/ | 2 +- examples/using-preact/ | 2 +- examples/using-router/ | 2 +- examples/with-absolute-imports/ | 2 +- examples/with-algolia-react-instantsearch/ | 2 +- examples/with-ant-design-less/ | 2 +- examples/with-ant-design-mobile/ | 2 +- examples/with-ant-design-pro-layout-less/ | 2 +- examples/with-ant-design/ | 2 +- examples/with-aphrodite/ | 2 +- examples/with-apollo-and-redux/ | 2 +- examples/with-apollo/ | 2 +- examples/with-app-layout/ | 2 +- examples/with-astroturf/ | 2 +- examples/with-aws-amplify-typescript/ | 2 +- examples/with-aws-amplify/ | 2 +- examples/with-babel-macros/ | 2 +- examples/with-carbon-components/ | 2 +- examples/with-cerebral/ | 2 +- examples/with-chakra-ui/ | 2 +- examples/with-context-api/ | 2 +- examples/with-cookie-auth-fauna/ | 2 +- examples/with-custom-babel-config/ | 2 +- examples/with-custom-reverse-proxy/ | 2 +- examples/with-cxs/ | 2 +- examples/with-docker/ | 2 +- examples/with-dotenv/ | 2 +- examples/with-draft-js/ | 2 +- examples/with-dynamic-app-layout/ | 2 +- examples/with-dynamic-import/ | 2 +- examples/with-electron-typescript/ | 2 +- examples/with-electron/ | 2 +- examples/with-emotion-11/ | 2 +- examples/with-emotion/ | 2 +- examples/with-env-from-next-config-js/ | 2 +- examples/with-fela/ | 2 +- examples/with-firebase-cloud-messaging/ | 2 +- examples/with-firebase-hosting/ | 2 +- examples/with-flow/ | 2 +- examples/with-framer-motion/ | 2 +- examples/with-glamor/ | 2 +- examples/with-google-analytics-amp/ | 2 +- examples/with-google-analytics/ | 2 +- examples/with-graphql-faunadb/ | 2 +- examples/with-graphql-hooks/ | 2 +- examples/with-graphql-react/ | 2 +- examples/with-grommet/ | 2 +- examples/with-hls-js/ | 2 +- examples/with-http2/ | 2 +- examples/with-i18n-rosetta/ | 2 +- examples/with-kea/ | 2 +- examples/with-linaria/ | 2 +- examples/with-lingui/ | 2 +- examples/with-loading/ | 2 +- examples/with-magic/ | 2 +- examples/with-mdx/ | 2 +- examples/with-mobx-react-lite/ | 2 +- examples/with-mobx-state-tree-typescript/ | 2 +- examples/with-mobx-state-tree/ | 2 +- examples/with-mobx/ | 2 +- examples/with-mocha/ | 2 +- examples/with-mongodb-mongoose/ | 2 +- examples/with-mux-video/ | 2 +- examples/with-netlify-cms/ | 2 +- examples/with-next-css/ | 2 +- examples/with-next-less/ | 2 +- examples/with-next-offline/ | 2 +- examples/with-next-page-transitions/ | 2 +- examples/with-next-sass/ | 2 +- examples/with-next-seo/ | 2 +- examples/with-next-translate/ | 2 +- examples/with-now-env/ | 2 +- examples/with-orbit-components/ | 2 +- examples/with-overmind/ | 2 +- examples/with-passport/ | 2 +- examples/with-patternfly/ | 2 +- examples/with-polyfills/ | 2 +- examples/with-portals-ssr/ | 2 +- examples/with-portals/ | 2 +- examples/with-prefetching/ | 2 +- examples/with-quill-js/ | 2 +- examples/with-rbx-bulma-pro/ | 2 +- examples/with-react-bootstrap/ | 2 +- examples/with-react-ga/ | 2 +- examples/with-react-helmet/ | 2 +- examples/with-react-intl/ | 2 +- examples/with-react-jss/ | 2 +- examples/with-react-md/ | 2 +- examples/with-react-multi-carousel/ | 2 +- examples/with-react-native-web/ | 2 +- examples/with-react-relay-network-modern/ | 2 +- examples/with-react-toolbox/ | 2 +- examples/with-react-with-styles/ | 2 +- examples/with-reason-relay/ | 2 +- examples/with-reasonml-todo/ | 2 +- examples/with-reasonml/ | 2 +- examples/with-rebass/ | 2 +- examples/with-redux-code-splitting/ | 2 +- examples/with-redux-observable/ | 2 +- examples/with-redux-persist/ | 2 +- examples/with-redux-saga/ | 2 +- examples/with-redux-thunk/ | 2 +- examples/with-redux-wrapper/ | 2 +- examples/with-redux/ | 2 +- examples/with-reflux/ | 2 +- examples/with-relay-modern/ | 2 +- examples/with-rematch/ | 2 +- examples/with-segment-analytics/ | 2 +- examples/with-semantic-ui/ | 2 +- examples/with-sentry-simple/ | 2 +- examples/with-sentry/ | 2 +- examples/with-shallow-routing/ | 2 +- examples/with-slate/ | 2 +- examples/with-static-export/ | 2 +- examples/with-stitches-styled/ | 2 +- examples/with-stitches/ | 2 +- examples/with-stomp/ | 2 +- examples/with-storybook/ | 2 +- examples/with-strict-csp/ | 2 +- examples/with-stripe-typescript/ | 2 +- examples/with-style-sheet/ | 2 +- examples/with-styled-components-rtl/ | 2 +- examples/with-styled-components/ | 2 +- examples/with-styled-jsx-plugins/ | 2 +- examples/with-styled-jsx-scss/ | 2 +- examples/with-styletron/ | 2 +- examples/with-tailwindcss-emotion/ | 2 +- examples/with-tailwindcss/ | 2 +- examples/with-typescript-graphql/ | 2 +- examples/with-typescript-styled-components/ | 2 +- examples/with-typescript/ | 2 +- examples/with-typestyle/ | 2 +- examples/with-universal-configuration-build-time/ | 2 +- examples/with-universal-configuration-runtime/ | 2 +- examples/with-unstated/ | 2 +- examples/with-urql/ | 2 +- examples/with-userbase/ | 2 +- examples/with-videojs/ | 2 +- examples/with-web-worker/ | 2 +- examples/with-webassembly/ | 2 +- examples/with-webpack-bundle-size-analyzer/ | 2 +- examples/with-xstate/ | 2 +- examples/with-yarn-workspaces/ | 2 +- examples/with-zeit-fetch/ | 2 +- examples/with-zones/ | 2 +- 186 files changed, 186 insertions(+), 186 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 7bc0271e62..1e027bd5da 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example DIRECTORY_NAME DIRECTORY_NAME-app +npx create-next-app --example DIRECTORY_NAME DIRECTORY_NAME-app # or yarn create next-app --example DIRECTORY_NAME DIRECTORY_NAME-app ``` diff --git a/examples/active-class-name/ b/examples/active-class-name/ index 891665503f..da807b41cf 100644 --- a/examples/active-class-name/ +++ b/examples/active-class-name/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example active-class-name active-class-name-app +npx create-next-app --example active-class-name active-class-name-app # or yarn create next-app --example active-class-name active-class-name-app ``` diff --git a/examples/amp-first/ b/examples/amp-first/ index 2f8279f8a3..5573de7681 100644 --- a/examples/amp-first/ +++ b/examples/amp-first/ @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example amp-first amp-first-app +npx create-next-app --example amp-first amp-first-app # or yarn create next-app --example amp-first amp-first-app ``` diff --git a/examples/amp-story/ b/examples/amp-story/ index 1ba7626ec0..e690f6312f 100644 --- a/examples/amp-story/ +++ b/examples/amp-story/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example amp-story amp-app +npx create-next-app --example amp-story amp-app # or yarn create next-app --example amp-story amp-app ``` diff --git a/examples/amp/ b/examples/amp/ index b70a6f0487..4507fef6b1 100644 --- a/examples/amp/ +++ b/examples/amp/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example amp amp-app +npx create-next-app --example amp amp-app # or yarn create next-app --example amp amp-app ``` diff --git a/examples/analyze-bundles/ b/examples/analyze-bundles/ index b8610577e5..348704a5d9 100644 --- a/examples/analyze-bundles/ +++ b/examples/analyze-bundles/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example analyze-bundles analyze-bundles-app +npx create-next-app --example analyze-bundles analyze-bundles-app # or yarn create next-app --example analyze-bundles analyze-bundles-app ``` diff --git a/examples/api-routes-apollo-server-and-client/ b/examples/api-routes-apollo-server-and-client/ index 7c93f06e90..b2004003ac 100644 --- a/examples/api-routes-apollo-server-and-client/ +++ b/examples/api-routes-apollo-server-and-client/ @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example api-routes-apollo-server-and-client api-routes-apollo-server-and-client-app +npx create-next-app --example api-routes-apollo-server-and-client api-routes-apollo-server-and-client-app # or yarn create next-app --example api-routes-apollo-server-and-client api-routes-apollo-server-and-client-app ``` diff --git a/examples/api-routes-apollo-server/ b/examples/api-routes-apollo-server/ index 027200af8e..a0880f52c3 100644 --- a/examples/api-routes-apollo-server/ +++ b/examples/api-routes-apollo-server/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example api-routes-apollo-server api-routes-apollo-server-app +npx create-next-app --example api-routes-apollo-server api-routes-apollo-server-app # or yarn create next-app --example api-routes-apollo-server api-routes-apollo-server-app ``` diff --git a/examples/api-routes-cors/ b/examples/api-routes-cors/ index 2e92f2e347..a94d6e7354 100644 --- a/examples/api-routes-cors/ +++ b/examples/api-routes-cors/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example api-routes-cors api-routes-cors-app +npx create-next-app --example api-routes-cors api-routes-cors-app # or yarn create next-app --example api-routes-cors api-routes-cors-app ``` diff --git a/examples/api-routes-graphql/ b/examples/api-routes-graphql/ index acdd995c98..34d86ff571 100644 --- a/examples/api-routes-graphql/ +++ b/examples/api-routes-graphql/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example api-routes-graphql api-routes-graphql-app +npx create-next-app --example api-routes-graphql api-routes-graphql-app # or yarn create next-app --example api-routes-graphql api-routes-graphql-app ``` diff --git a/examples/api-routes-middleware/ b/examples/api-routes-middleware/ index 2a9a357e85..b4c34705a7 100644 --- a/examples/api-routes-middleware/ +++ b/examples/api-routes-middleware/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example api-routes-middleware api-routes-middleware-app +npx create-next-app --example api-routes-middleware api-routes-middleware-app # or yarn create next-app --example api-routes-middleware api-routes-middleware-app ``` diff --git a/examples/api-routes-rest/ b/examples/api-routes-rest/ index 07f8fe8875..7f2726f6ca 100644 --- a/examples/api-routes-rest/ +++ b/examples/api-routes-rest/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example api-routes-rest api-routes-rest-app +npx create-next-app --example api-routes-rest api-routes-rest-app # or yarn create next-app --example api-routes-rest api-routes-rest-app ``` diff --git a/examples/api-routes/ b/examples/api-routes/ index 538f0f7b05..bdf46def5a 100644 --- a/examples/api-routes/ +++ b/examples/api-routes/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example api-routes api-routes-app +npx create-next-app --example api-routes api-routes-app # or yarn create next-app --example api-routes api-routes-app ``` diff --git a/examples/auth0/ b/examples/auth0/ index 63fff2036e..0c68513820 100644 --- a/examples/auth0/ +++ b/examples/auth0/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Read more: []( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example auth0 auth0 +npx create-next-app --example auth0 auth0 # or yarn create next-app --example auth0 auth0 ``` diff --git a/examples/basic-css/ b/examples/basic-css/ index a70b111f6e..4459f0abb4 100644 --- a/examples/basic-css/ +++ b/examples/basic-css/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example basic-css basic-css-app +npx create-next-app --example basic-css basic-css-app # or yarn create next-app --example basic-css basic-css-app ``` diff --git a/examples/basic-export/ b/examples/basic-export/ index b2e2289213..91fcaff3fc 100644 --- a/examples/basic-export/ +++ b/examples/basic-export/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example basic-export basic-export-app +npx create-next-app --example basic-export basic-export-app # or yarn create next-app --example basic-export basic-export-app ``` diff --git a/examples/blog-starter-typescript/ b/examples/blog-starter-typescript/ index 05665b15cf..a997a21071 100644 --- a/examples/blog-starter-typescript/ +++ b/examples/blog-starter-typescript/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ To create the blog posts we use [`remark`]( a Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example blog-starter-typescript blog-starter-typescript-app +npx create-next-app --example blog-starter-typescript blog-starter-typescript-app # or yarn create next-app --example blog-starter-typescript blog-starter-typescript-app ``` diff --git a/examples/blog-starter/ b/examples/blog-starter/ index 0f1e97dced..2054201feb 100644 --- a/examples/blog-starter/ +++ b/examples/blog-starter/ @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ To create the blog posts we use [`remark`]( a Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example blog-starter blog-starter-app +npx create-next-app --example blog-starter blog-starter-app # or yarn create next-app --example blog-starter blog-starter-app ``` diff --git a/examples/catch-all-routes/ b/examples/catch-all-routes/ index f2f8db79ea..9a8a4e1b43 100644 --- a/examples/catch-all-routes/ +++ b/examples/catch-all-routes/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example catch-all-routes catch-all-routes-app +npx create-next-app --example catch-all-routes catch-all-routes-app # or yarn create next-app --example catch-all-routes catch-all-routes-app ``` diff --git a/examples/cms-contentful/ b/examples/cms-contentful/ index 044d9d928d..62d5af0311 100644 --- a/examples/cms-contentful/ +++ b/examples/cms-contentful/ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ This example showcases Next.js's [Static Generation](/docs/basic-features/pages. Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example cms-contentful cms-contentful-app +npx create-next-app --example cms-contentful cms-contentful-app # or yarn create next-app --example cms-contentful cms-contentful-app ``` diff --git a/examples/cms-datocms/ b/examples/cms-datocms/ index 076529cbab..bf01d8022a 100644 --- a/examples/cms-datocms/ +++ b/examples/cms-datocms/ @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ This example showcases Next.js's [Static Generation]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example cms-datocms cms-datocms-app +npx create-next-app --example cms-datocms cms-datocms-app # or yarn create next-app --example cms-datocms cms-datocms-app ``` diff --git a/examples/cms-prismic/ b/examples/cms-prismic/ index 55343c3092..67cf2b5983 100644 --- a/examples/cms-prismic/ +++ b/examples/cms-prismic/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ This example showcases Next.js's [Static Generation](/docs/basic-features/pages. Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example cms-prismic cms-prismic-app +npx create-next-app --example cms-prismic cms-prismic-app # or yarn create next-app --example cms-prismic cms-prismic-app ``` diff --git a/examples/cms-sanity/ b/examples/cms-sanity/ index e1f91e95ee..80c8c792e9 100644 --- a/examples/cms-sanity/ +++ b/examples/cms-sanity/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ This example showcases Next.js's [Static Generation]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example cms-sanity cms-sanity-app +npx create-next-app --example cms-sanity cms-sanity-app # or yarn create next-app --example cms-sanity cms-sanity-app ``` diff --git a/examples/cms-takeshape/ b/examples/cms-takeshape/ index a6815783b9..7a1dbe3b57 100644 --- a/examples/cms-takeshape/ +++ b/examples/cms-takeshape/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ This example showcases Next.js's [Static Generation]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example cms-takeshape cms-takeshape-app +npx create-next-app --example cms-takeshape cms-takeshape-app # or yarn create next-app --example cms-takeshape cms-takeshape-app ``` diff --git a/examples/custom-server-actionhero/ b/examples/custom-server-actionhero/ index 91f3a64380..30cd6044ac 100644 --- a/examples/custom-server-actionhero/ +++ b/examples/custom-server-actionhero/ @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ A more detailed example showcasing how to use fetch and web sockets to interact Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example custom-server-actionhero custom-server-actionhero-app +npx create-next-app --example custom-server-actionhero custom-server-actionhero-app # or yarn create next-app --example custom-server-actionhero custom-server-actionhero-app ``` diff --git a/examples/custom-server-express/ b/examples/custom-server-express/ index 9643e32bdd..a59be97c9b 100644 --- a/examples/custom-server-express/ +++ b/examples/custom-server-express/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ The example shows a server that serves the component living in `pages/a.js` when Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example custom-server-express custom-server-express-app +npx create-next-app --example custom-server-express custom-server-express-app # or yarn create next-app --example custom-server-express custom-server-express-app ``` diff --git a/examples/custom-server-fastify/ b/examples/custom-server-fastify/ index ac5f88288f..d3d2b711f2 100644 --- a/examples/custom-server-fastify/ +++ b/examples/custom-server-fastify/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ The example shows a server that serves the component living in `pages/a.js` when Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example custom-server-fastify custom-server-fastify-app +npx create-next-app --example custom-server-fastify custom-server-fastify-app # or yarn create next-app --example custom-server-fastify custom-server-fastify-app ``` diff --git a/examples/custom-server-hapi/ b/examples/custom-server-hapi/ index 6c3e033cb9..76587d9a54 100644 --- a/examples/custom-server-hapi/ +++ b/examples/custom-server-hapi/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ The example shows a server that serves the component living in `pages/a.js` when Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example custom-server-hapi custom-server-hapi-app +npx create-next-app --example custom-server-hapi custom-server-hapi-app # or yarn create next-app --example custom-server-hapi custom-server-hapi-app ``` diff --git a/examples/custom-server-koa/ b/examples/custom-server-koa/ index 6c208abca4..b2f8bde8cc 100644 --- a/examples/custom-server-koa/ +++ b/examples/custom-server-koa/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ The example shows a server that serves the component living in `pages/a.js` when Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example custom-server-koa custom-server-koa-app +npx create-next-app --example custom-server-koa custom-server-koa-app # or yarn create next-app --example custom-server-koa custom-server-koa-app ``` diff --git a/examples/custom-server-polka/ b/examples/custom-server-polka/ index 7a9a303bfb..7d138a2641 100644 --- a/examples/custom-server-polka/ +++ b/examples/custom-server-polka/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ The example shows a server that serves the component living in `pages/a.js` when Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example custom-server-polka custom-server-polka-app +npx create-next-app --example custom-server-polka custom-server-polka-app # or yarn create next-app --example custom-server-polka custom-server-polka-app ``` diff --git a/examples/custom-server-typescript/ b/examples/custom-server-typescript/ index 9dedc2fa00..d3da2b432d 100644 --- a/examples/custom-server-typescript/ +++ b/examples/custom-server-typescript/ @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The second directory should be added to `.gitignore`. Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example custom-server-typescript custom-server-typescript-app +npx create-next-app --example custom-server-typescript custom-server-typescript-app # or yarn create next-app --example custom-server-typescript custom-server-typescript-app ``` diff --git a/examples/custom-server/ b/examples/custom-server/ index 4f8fc32522..7842513a96 100644 --- a/examples/custom-server/ +++ b/examples/custom-server/ @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The example shows a server that serves the component living in `pages/a.js` when Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example custom-server custom-server-app +npx create-next-app --example custom-server custom-server-app # or yarn create next-app --example custom-server custom-server-app ``` diff --git a/examples/data-fetch/ b/examples/data-fetch/ index 7213858d21..9dad52d6a8 100644 --- a/examples/data-fetch/ +++ b/examples/data-fetch/ @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example data-fetch data-fetch-app +npx create-next-app --example data-fetch data-fetch-app # or yarn create next-app --example data-fetch data-fetch-app ``` diff --git a/examples/dynamic-routing/ b/examples/dynamic-routing/ index a9525cafc9..4e90398b6c 100644 --- a/examples/dynamic-routing/ +++ b/examples/dynamic-routing/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example dynamic-routing dynamic-routing-app +npx create-next-app --example dynamic-routing dynamic-routing-app # or yarn create next-app --example dynamic-routing dynamic-routing-app ``` diff --git a/examples/gh-pages/ b/examples/gh-pages/ index 195ee3a78e..fa97db8463 100644 --- a/examples/gh-pages/ +++ b/examples/gh-pages/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This example shows the most basic idea behind Next. We have 2 pages: `pages/inde Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example gh-pages gh-pages-app +npx create-next-app --example gh-pages gh-pages-app # or yarn create next-app --example gh-pages gh-pages-app ``` diff --git a/examples/head-elements/ b/examples/head-elements/ index cb267d7ec1..919dd7152d 100644 --- a/examples/head-elements/ +++ b/examples/head-elements/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example head-elements head-elements-app +npx create-next-app --example head-elements head-elements-app # or yarn create next-app --example head-elements head-elements-app ``` diff --git a/examples/hello-world/ b/examples/hello-world/ index 9debbd6b2b..50171bc57b 100644 --- a/examples/hello-world/ +++ b/examples/hello-world/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example hello-world hello-world-app +npx create-next-app --example hello-world hello-world-app # or yarn create next-app --example hello-world hello-world-app ``` diff --git a/examples/layout-component/ b/examples/layout-component/ index 1fd6ac957f..e9f719263f 100644 --- a/examples/layout-component/ +++ b/examples/layout-component/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example layout-component layout-component-app +npx create-next-app --example layout-component layout-component-app # or yarn create next-app --example layout-component layout-component-app ``` diff --git a/examples/nested-components/ b/examples/nested-components/ index d85fb262e6..a3be4b32d2 100644 --- a/examples/nested-components/ +++ b/examples/nested-components/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example nested-components nested-components-app +npx create-next-app --example nested-components nested-components-app # or yarn create next-app --example nested-components nested-components-app ``` diff --git a/examples/progressive-render/ b/examples/progressive-render/ index 75b87fe2ec..3d9c94c443 100644 --- a/examples/progressive-render/ +++ b/examples/progressive-render/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example progressive-render progressive-render-app +npx create-next-app --example progressive-render progressive-render-app # or yarn create next-app --example progressive-render progressive-render-app ``` diff --git a/examples/ssr-caching/ b/examples/ssr-caching/ index d211ca0dc3..330f2ba39f 100644 --- a/examples/ssr-caching/ +++ b/examples/ssr-caching/ @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ This app uses Next's [custom server and routing]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example ssr-caching ssr-caching-app +npx create-next-app --example ssr-caching ssr-caching-app # or yarn create next-app --example ssr-caching ssr-caching-app ``` diff --git a/examples/svg-components/ b/examples/svg-components/ index 01006e782b..6ef109f91e 100644 --- a/examples/svg-components/ +++ b/examples/svg-components/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example svg-components svg-components-app +npx create-next-app --example svg-components svg-components-app # or yarn create next-app --example svg-components svg-components-app ``` diff --git a/examples/using-preact/ b/examples/using-preact/ index 1dbec61755..6e253e38bd 100644 --- a/examples/using-preact/ +++ b/examples/using-preact/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This example uses [Preact]( instead of React. Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example using-preact using-preact-app +npx create-next-app --example using-preact using-preact-app # or yarn create next-app --example using-preact using-preact-app ``` diff --git a/examples/using-router/ b/examples/using-router/ index c0716de66c..27a3fb911a 100644 --- a/examples/using-router/ +++ b/examples/using-router/ @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example using-router using-router-app +npx create-next-app --example using-router using-router-app # or yarn create next-app --example using-router using-router-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-absolute-imports/ b/examples/with-absolute-imports/ index ec1ea34bf8..462e98a995 100644 --- a/examples/with-absolute-imports/ +++ b/examples/with-absolute-imports/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-absolute-imports with-absolute-imports-app +npx create-next-app --example with-absolute-imports with-absolute-imports-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-absolute-imports with-absolute-imports-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-algolia-react-instantsearch/ b/examples/with-algolia-react-instantsearch/ index d462e3b74c..c92a94fcc5 100644 --- a/examples/with-algolia-react-instantsearch/ +++ b/examples/with-algolia-react-instantsearch/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ The goal of this example is to illustrate how you can use [Algolia React Instant Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-algolia-react-instantsearch with-algolia-react-instantsearch-app +npx create-next-app --example with-algolia-react-instantsearch with-algolia-react-instantsearch-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-algolia-react-instantsearch with-algolia-react-instantsearch-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-ant-design-less/ b/examples/with-ant-design-less/ index ad1c5cf0e3..b55b3ca254 100644 --- a/examples/with-ant-design-less/ +++ b/examples/with-ant-design-less/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-ant-design-less with-ant-design-app +npx create-next-app --example with-ant-design-less with-ant-design-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-ant-design-less with-ant-design-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-ant-design-mobile/ b/examples/with-ant-design-mobile/ index 0bdfe43832..cd78edb203 100644 --- a/examples/with-ant-design-mobile/ +++ b/examples/with-ant-design-mobile/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-ant-design-mobile with-ant-design-mobile-app +npx create-next-app --example with-ant-design-mobile with-ant-design-mobile-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-ant-design-mobile with-ant-design-mobile-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-ant-design-pro-layout-less/ b/examples/with-ant-design-pro-layout-less/ index 511ce95903..d602ba3f5d 100644 --- a/examples/with-ant-design-pro-layout-less/ +++ b/examples/with-ant-design-pro-layout-less/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-ant-design-pro-layout-less with-ant-design-app +npx create-next-app --example with-ant-design-pro-layout-less with-ant-design-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-ant-design-pro-layout-less with-ant-design-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-ant-design/ b/examples/with-ant-design/ index b6bb615fce..1e5c425685 100644 --- a/examples/with-ant-design/ +++ b/examples/with-ant-design/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-ant-design with-ant-design-app +npx create-next-app --example with-ant-design with-ant-design-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-ant-design with-ant-design-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-aphrodite/ b/examples/with-aphrodite/ index 4da065a2e4..751aee9441 100644 --- a/examples/with-aphrodite/ +++ b/examples/with-aphrodite/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-aphrodite with-aphrodite-app +npx create-next-app --example with-aphrodite with-aphrodite-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-aphrodite with-aphrodite-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-apollo-and-redux/ b/examples/with-apollo-and-redux/ index df6ff5bbcd..546ea2290b 100644 --- a/examples/with-apollo-and-redux/ +++ b/examples/with-apollo-and-redux/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-apollo-and-redux with-apollo-and-redux-app +npx create-next-app --example with-apollo-and-redux with-apollo-and-redux-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-apollo-and-redux with-apollo-and-redux-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-apollo/ b/examples/with-apollo/ index e0d83a7456..2ed6389c72 100644 --- a/examples/with-apollo/ +++ b/examples/with-apollo/ @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ _Live Example: Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-apollo with-apollo-app +npx create-next-app --example with-apollo with-apollo-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-apollo with-apollo-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-app-layout/ b/examples/with-app-layout/ index d847936406..c2ed74ecee 100644 --- a/examples/with-app-layout/ +++ b/examples/with-app-layout/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-app-layout with-app-layout-app +npx create-next-app --example with-app-layout with-app-layout-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-app-layout with-app-layout-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-astroturf/ b/examples/with-astroturf/ index 44742af13f..01fd018114 100644 --- a/examples/with-astroturf/ +++ b/examples/with-astroturf/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-astroturf with-astroturf-app +npx create-next-app --example with-astroturf with-astroturf-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-astroturf with-astroturf-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-aws-amplify-typescript/ b/examples/with-aws-amplify-typescript/ index 95b49e106e..0d12557088 100644 --- a/examples/with-aws-amplify-typescript/ +++ b/examples/with-aws-amplify-typescript/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Two routes are implemented : Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-aws-amplify-typescript nextjs-aws-amplify-typescript-app +npx create-next-app --example with-aws-amplify-typescript nextjs-aws-amplify-typescript-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-aws-amplify-typescript nextjs-aws-amplify-typescript-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-aws-amplify/ b/examples/with-aws-amplify/ index 081bc68b7c..6967dde9e2 100644 --- a/examples/with-aws-amplify/ +++ b/examples/with-aws-amplify/ @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Two routes are implemented : Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-aws-amplify nextjs-aws-amplify-app +npx create-next-app --example with-aws-amplify nextjs-aws-amplify-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-aws-amplify nextjs-aws-amplify-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-babel-macros/ b/examples/with-babel-macros/ index 62e00a9e7e..14a786459a 100644 --- a/examples/with-babel-macros/ +++ b/examples/with-babel-macros/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-babel-macros with-babel-macros-app +npx create-next-app --example with-babel-macros with-babel-macros-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-babel-macros with-babel-macros-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-carbon-components/ b/examples/with-carbon-components/ index 7271145581..a80d9e677a 100644 --- a/examples/with-carbon-components/ +++ b/examples/with-carbon-components/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-carbon-components with-carbon-components-app +npx create-next-app --example with-carbon-components with-carbon-components-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-carbon-components with-carbon-components-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-cerebral/ b/examples/with-cerebral/ index 3933863459..0c3723362b 100644 --- a/examples/with-cerebral/ +++ b/examples/with-cerebral/ @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-cerebral with-cerebral-app +npx create-next-app --example with-cerebral with-cerebral-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-cerebral with-cerebral-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-chakra-ui/ b/examples/with-chakra-ui/ index d252931aa7..437a210860 100644 --- a/examples/with-chakra-ui/ +++ b/examples/with-chakra-ui/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-chakra-ui with-chakra-ui-app +npx create-next-app --example with-chakra-ui with-chakra-ui-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-chakra-ui with-chakra-ui-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-context-api/ b/examples/with-context-api/ index 1b4ef94f68..29f0fbe056 100644 --- a/examples/with-context-api/ +++ b/examples/with-context-api/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-context-api with-context-api-app +npx create-next-app --example with-context-api with-context-api-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-context-api with-context-api-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-cookie-auth-fauna/ b/examples/with-cookie-auth-fauna/ index aa0c9283b2..e37222ac1a 100644 --- a/examples/with-cookie-auth-fauna/ +++ b/examples/with-cookie-auth-fauna/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ The helper function `auth` helps to retrieve the token across pages and redirect Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-cookie-auth-fauna with-cookie-auth-fauna-app +npx create-next-app --example with-cookie-auth-fauna with-cookie-auth-fauna-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-cookie-auth-fauna with-cookie-auth-fauna-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-custom-babel-config/ b/examples/with-custom-babel-config/ index cfb6009450..c0e340e99d 100644 --- a/examples/with-custom-babel-config/ +++ b/examples/with-custom-babel-config/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-custom-babel-config with-custom-babel-config-app +npx create-next-app --example with-custom-babel-config with-custom-babel-config-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-custom-babel-config with-custom-babel-config-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-custom-reverse-proxy/ b/examples/with-custom-reverse-proxy/ index 66f4344ade..72793f2291 100644 --- a/examples/with-custom-reverse-proxy/ +++ b/examples/with-custom-reverse-proxy/ @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Sorry for the extra packages. I belong to the minority camp of writing ES6 code Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-custom-reverse-proxy with-custom-reverse-proxy-app +npx create-next-app --example with-custom-reverse-proxy with-custom-reverse-proxy-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-custom-reverse-proxy with-custom-reverse-proxy-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-cxs/ b/examples/with-cxs/ index 027efdb571..b3dcbd2e09 100644 --- a/examples/with-cxs/ +++ b/examples/with-cxs/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-cxs with-cxs-app +npx create-next-app --example with-cxs with-cxs-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-cxs with-cxs-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-docker/ b/examples/with-docker/ index 9904fc4c9b..e0acf09dad 100644 --- a/examples/with-docker/ +++ b/examples/with-docker/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ You can check the [Example Dockerfile for your own Node.js project](https://gith Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-docker with-docker-app +npx create-next-app --example with-docker with-docker-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-docker with-docker-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-dotenv/ b/examples/with-dotenv/ index 05446b0771..39a2a59a97 100644 --- a/examples/with-dotenv/ +++ b/examples/with-dotenv/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-dotenv with-dotenv-app +npx create-next-app --example with-dotenv with-dotenv-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-dotenv with-dotenv-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-draft-js/ b/examples/with-draft-js/ index 5e91022969..a957dfacc7 100644 --- a/examples/with-draft-js/ +++ b/examples/with-draft-js/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-draft-js +npx create-next-app --example with-draft-js # or yarn create next-app --example with-draft-js with-draft-js-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-dynamic-app-layout/ b/examples/with-dynamic-app-layout/ index 1bbaffbd29..73dbc90573 100644 --- a/examples/with-dynamic-app-layout/ +++ b/examples/with-dynamic-app-layout/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-dynamic-app-layout with-dynamic-app-layout-app +npx create-next-app --example with-dynamic-app-layout with-dynamic-app-layout-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-dynamic-app-layout with-dynamic-app-layout-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-dynamic-import/ b/examples/with-dynamic-import/ index 934abbd69b..6a1d8f2f0f 100644 --- a/examples/with-dynamic-import/ +++ b/examples/with-dynamic-import/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-dynamic-import with-dynamic-import-app +npx create-next-app --example with-dynamic-import with-dynamic-import-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-dynamic-import with-dynamic-import-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-electron-typescript/ b/examples/with-electron-typescript/ index 175af1b62a..8c175fab6d 100644 --- a/examples/with-electron-typescript/ +++ b/examples/with-electron-typescript/ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ For development it's going to run a HTTP server and let Next.js handle routing. Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-electron-typescript with-electron-typescript-app +npx create-next-app --example with-electron-typescript with-electron-typescript-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-electron-typescript with-electron-typescript-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-electron/ b/examples/with-electron/ index a66bf89efe..8d86b70cde 100644 --- a/examples/with-electron/ +++ b/examples/with-electron/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ For development it's going to run a HTTP server and let Next.js handle routing. Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-electron with-electron-app +npx create-next-app --example with-electron with-electron-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-electron with-electron-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-emotion-11/ b/examples/with-emotion-11/ index 557bf13bb9..1065b64e29 100644 --- a/examples/with-emotion-11/ +++ b/examples/with-emotion-11/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-emotion-11 with-emotion-11-app +npx create-next-app --example with-emotion-11 with-emotion-11-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-emotion-11 with-emotion-11-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-emotion/ b/examples/with-emotion/ index c4b1a0133e..041b9c2268 100644 --- a/examples/with-emotion/ +++ b/examples/with-emotion/ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-emotion-10 with-emotion-10-app +npx create-next-app --example with-emotion-10 with-emotion-10-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-emotion-10 with-emotion-10-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-env-from-next-config-js/ b/examples/with-env-from-next-config-js/ index 692a44ef0f..b6014fe4c5 100644 --- a/examples/with-env-from-next-config-js/ +++ b/examples/with-env-from-next-config-js/ @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-env-from-next-config-js +npx create-next-app --example with-env-from-next-config-js # or yarn create next-app --example with-env-from-next-config-js ``` diff --git a/examples/with-fela/ b/examples/with-fela/ index 12fcbbd402..baf06781f2 100755 --- a/examples/with-fela/ +++ b/examples/with-fela/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-fela with-fela-app +npx create-next-app --example with-fela with-fela-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-fela with-fela-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-firebase-cloud-messaging/ b/examples/with-firebase-cloud-messaging/ index efd431d842..d11d239c67 100644 --- a/examples/with-firebase-cloud-messaging/ +++ b/examples/with-firebase-cloud-messaging/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ To demo how to implement firebase cloud messaging to send web push notification Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-firebase-cloud-messaging with-firebase-cloud-messaging-app +npx create-next-app --example with-firebase-cloud-messaging with-firebase-cloud-messaging-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-firebase-cloud-messaging with-firebase-cloud-messaging-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-firebase-hosting/ b/examples/with-firebase-hosting/ index 9f4e096c34..9f0fa0b4f0 100644 --- a/examples/with-firebase-hosting/ +++ b/examples/with-firebase-hosting/ @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ If you are having issues, feel free to tag @jthegedus in the [issue you create o Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-firebase-hosting with-firebase-hosting-app +npx create-next-app --example with-firebase-hosting with-firebase-hosting-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-firebase-hosting with-firebase-hosting-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-flow/ b/examples/with-flow/ index ea5e3d7ebd..bfd5da8301 100644 --- a/examples/with-flow/ +++ b/examples/with-flow/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-flow with-flow-app +npx create-next-app --example with-flow with-flow-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-flow with-flow-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-framer-motion/ b/examples/with-framer-motion/ index f0d03146de..421b9f323a 100644 --- a/examples/with-framer-motion/ +++ b/examples/with-framer-motion/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-framer-motion with-framer-motion +npx create-next-app --example with-framer-motion with-framer-motion # or yarn create next-app --example with-framer-motion with-framer-motion ``` diff --git a/examples/with-glamor/ b/examples/with-glamor/ index 2c9da10730..310c14562f 100644 --- a/examples/with-glamor/ +++ b/examples/with-glamor/ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-glamor with-glamor-app +npx create-next-app --example with-glamor with-glamor-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-glamor with-glamor-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-google-analytics-amp/ b/examples/with-google-analytics-amp/ index 5f3ff00341..f15df6f9c8 100644 --- a/examples/with-google-analytics-amp/ +++ b/examples/with-google-analytics-amp/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example:: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-google-analytics-amp with-google-analytics-amp-app +npx create-next-app --example with-google-analytics-amp with-google-analytics-amp-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-google-analytics-amp with-google-analytics-amp-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-google-analytics/ b/examples/with-google-analytics/ index ffbccc9702..de59e603cc 100644 --- a/examples/with-google-analytics/ +++ b/examples/with-google-analytics/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example:: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-google-analytics with-google-analytics-app +npx create-next-app --example with-google-analytics with-google-analytics-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-google-analytics with-google-analytics-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-graphql-faunadb/ b/examples/with-graphql-faunadb/ index f8c2648ecb..5b47279d08 100644 --- a/examples/with-graphql-faunadb/ +++ b/examples/with-graphql-faunadb/ @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ At the end, the newly generated client token will be printed and should be used Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ``` -npm init next-app --example with-graphql-faunadb with-graphql-faunadb +npx create-next-app --example with-graphql-faunadb with-graphql-faunadb # or yarn create next-app --example with-graphql-faunadb with-graphql-faunadb ``` diff --git a/examples/with-graphql-hooks/ b/examples/with-graphql-hooks/ index a0e71a2c25..ae120414a1 100644 --- a/examples/with-graphql-hooks/ +++ b/examples/with-graphql-hooks/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ _Live Example: Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-graphql-hooks with-graphql-hooks-app +npx create-next-app --example with-graphql-hooks with-graphql-hooks-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-graphql-hooks with-graphql-hooks-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-graphql-react/ b/examples/with-graphql-react/ index 63e0e0845a..7a0aba6918 100644 --- a/examples/with-graphql-react/ +++ b/examples/with-graphql-react/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-graphql-react with-graphql-react-app +npx create-next-app --example with-graphql-react with-graphql-react-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-graphql-react with-graphql-react-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-grommet/ b/examples/with-grommet/ index c9ecec0200..c12e47491b 100644 --- a/examples/with-grommet/ +++ b/examples/with-grommet/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-grommet with-grommet-app +npx create-next-app --example with-grommet with-grommet-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-grommet with-grommet-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-hls-js/ b/examples/with-hls-js/ index e939ffbdcf..b79f34deeb 100644 --- a/examples/with-hls-js/ +++ b/examples/with-hls-js/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-hls-js with-hls-js-app +npx create-next-app --example with-hls-js with-hls-js-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-hls-js with-hls-js-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-http2/ b/examples/with-http2/ index a99777fda3..915619b1ff 100644 --- a/examples/with-http2/ +++ b/examples/with-http2/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This example shows the most basic example using an HTTP2 server. We have 2 pages Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-http2 with-http2-app +npx create-next-app --example with-http2 with-http2-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-http2 with-http2-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-i18n-rosetta/ b/examples/with-i18n-rosetta/ index 6718878335..1688f8bc15 100644 --- a/examples/with-i18n-rosetta/ +++ b/examples/with-i18n-rosetta/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-i18n-rosetta with-i18n-rosetta +npx create-next-app --example with-i18n-rosetta with-i18n-rosetta # or yarn create next-app --example with-i18n-rosetta with-i18n-rosetta ``` diff --git a/examples/with-kea/ b/examples/with-kea/ index 8a36699b6f..4e75bf1869 100644 --- a/examples/with-kea/ +++ b/examples/with-kea/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-kea with-kea-app +npx create-next-app --example with-kea with-kea-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-kea with-kea-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-linaria/ b/examples/with-linaria/ index a916c4ade3..6f93c0a3ab 100644 --- a/examples/with-linaria/ +++ b/examples/with-linaria/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-linaria with-linaria-app +npx create-next-app --example with-linaria with-linaria-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-linaria with-linaria-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-lingui/ b/examples/with-lingui/ index 5b038e3f6f..e5009d5691 100644 --- a/examples/with-lingui/ +++ b/examples/with-lingui/ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-lingui with-lingui-app +npx create-next-app --example with-lingui with-lingui-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-lingui with-lingui-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-loading/ b/examples/with-loading/ index 0484f5e9ba..71f0eeaf16 100644 --- a/examples/with-loading/ +++ b/examples/with-loading/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-loading with-loading-app +npx create-next-app --example with-loading with-loading-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-loading with-loading-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-magic/ b/examples/with-magic/ index 0e3dc7023d..d71e6e4e55 100644 --- a/examples/with-magic/ +++ b/examples/with-magic/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel Now]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-magic with-magic-app +npx create-next-app --example with-magic with-magic-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-magic with-magic-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-mdx/ b/examples/with-mdx/ index 1dfc2a0a1d..7fbd87e4e3 100644 --- a/examples/with-mdx/ +++ b/examples/with-mdx/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-mdx with-mdx-app +npx create-next-app --example with-mdx with-mdx-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-mdx with-mdx-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-mobx-react-lite/ b/examples/with-mobx-react-lite/ index f2fee2f6f3..3725b6b1a9 100644 --- a/examples/with-mobx-react-lite/ +++ b/examples/with-mobx-react-lite/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-mobx-react-lite with-mobx-react-lite-app +npx create-next-app --example with-mobx-react-lite with-mobx-react-lite-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-mobx-react-lite with-mobx-react-lite-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-mobx-state-tree-typescript/ b/examples/with-mobx-state-tree-typescript/ index 1093f45f47..9288e10981 100644 --- a/examples/with-mobx-state-tree-typescript/ +++ b/examples/with-mobx-state-tree-typescript/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-mobx-state-tree-typescript with-mobx-state-tree-typescript-app +npx create-next-app --example with-mobx-state-tree-typescript with-mobx-state-tree-typescript-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-mobx-state-tree-typescript with-mobx-state-tree-typescript-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-mobx-state-tree/ b/examples/with-mobx-state-tree/ index 38692d791a..1476d45e09 100644 --- a/examples/with-mobx-state-tree/ +++ b/examples/with-mobx-state-tree/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-mobx-state-tree with-mobx-state-tree-app +npx create-next-app --example with-mobx-state-tree with-mobx-state-tree-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-mobx-state-tree with-mobx-state-tree-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-mobx/ b/examples/with-mobx/ index d2ad17e1a6..1bad676cd0 100644 --- a/examples/with-mobx/ +++ b/examples/with-mobx/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-mobx with-mobx-app +npx create-next-app --example with-mobx with-mobx-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-mobx with-mobx-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-mocha/ b/examples/with-mocha/ index e29e3d6a58..5988e5556f 100644 --- a/examples/with-mocha/ +++ b/examples/with-mocha/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This example features an app with Mocha tests. Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-mocha with-mocha-app +npx create-next-app --example with-mocha with-mocha-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-mocha with-mocha-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-mongodb-mongoose/ b/examples/with-mongodb-mongoose/ index 31a60e5a31..c68c4d39aa 100644 --- a/examples/with-mongodb-mongoose/ +++ b/examples/with-mongodb-mongoose/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-mongodb-mongoose with-mongodb-mongoose-app +npx create-next-app --example with-mongodb-mongoose with-mongodb-mongoose-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-mongodb-mongoose with-mongodb-mongoose-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-mux-video/ b/examples/with-mux-video/ index b71b9b8872..8fdf5b0618 100644 --- a/examples/with-mux-video/ +++ b/examples/with-mux-video/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-mux-video with-mux-video-app +npx create-next-app --example with-mux-video with-mux-video-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-mux-video with-mux-video-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-netlify-cms/ b/examples/with-netlify-cms/ index ec35d1daa9..8fe5970e81 100644 --- a/examples/with-netlify-cms/ +++ b/examples/with-netlify-cms/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-netlify-cms with-netlify-cms-app +npx create-next-app --example with-netlify-cms with-netlify-cms-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-netlify-cms with-netlify-cms-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-next-css/ b/examples/with-next-css/ index a6c6fc442d..3d952a8e0a 100644 --- a/examples/with-next-css/ +++ b/examples/with-next-css/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-next-css with-next-css-app +npx create-next-app --example with-next-css with-next-css-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-next-css with-next-css-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-next-less/ b/examples/with-next-less/ index 7ac004d0b5..6ead979f54 100644 --- a/examples/with-next-less/ +++ b/examples/with-next-less/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-next-less with-next-less-app +npx create-next-app --example with-next-less with-next-less-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-next-less with-next-less-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-next-offline/ b/examples/with-next-offline/ index 8800def045..3a5edefdda 100644 --- a/examples/with-next-offline/ +++ b/examples/with-next-offline/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This example demonstrates how to use the [next-offline plugin]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-next-offline with-next-offline-app +npx create-next-app --example with-next-offline with-next-offline-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-next-offline with-next-offline-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-next-page-transitions/ b/examples/with-next-page-transitions/ index fd6037048e..2bb304f006 100644 --- a/examples/with-next-page-transitions/ +++ b/examples/with-next-page-transitions/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-next-page-transitions with-next-page-transitions +npx create-next-app --example with-next-page-transitions with-next-page-transitions # or yarn create next-app --example with-next-page-transitions with-next-page-transitions ``` diff --git a/examples/with-next-sass/ b/examples/with-next-sass/ index 64b45ba44a..ad925c01cd 100644 --- a/examples/with-next-sass/ +++ b/examples/with-next-sass/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-next-sass with-next-sass-app +npx create-next-app --example with-next-sass with-next-sass-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-next-sass with-next-sass-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-next-seo/ b/examples/with-next-seo/ index e1ad948a46..a7e69336ef 100644 --- a/examples/with-next-seo/ +++ b/examples/with-next-seo/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-next-seo next-seo-app +npx create-next-app --example with-next-seo next-seo-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-next-seo next-seo-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-next-translate/ b/examples/with-next-translate/ index de23721655..47aedb4441 100644 --- a/examples/with-next-translate/ +++ b/examples/with-next-translate/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-next-translate with-next-translate-app +npx create-next-app --example with-next-translate with-next-translate-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-next-translate with-next-translate-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-now-env/ b/examples/with-now-env/ index cf44ded8fd..44bec57632 100644 --- a/examples/with-now-env/ +++ b/examples/with-now-env/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This example shows the usage of [Now Secrets]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example:: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-now-env with-now-env-app +npx create-next-app --example with-now-env with-now-env-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-now-env with-now-env-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-orbit-components/ b/examples/with-orbit-components/ index 4cea8b2196..c382bdc848 100644 --- a/examples/with-orbit-components/ +++ b/examples/with-orbit-components/ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-orbit-components with-orbit-components-app +npx create-next-app --example with-orbit-components with-orbit-components-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-orbit-components with-orbit-components-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-overmind/ b/examples/with-overmind/ index ae7a97c1ed..e5d96d98d6 100644 --- a/examples/with-overmind/ +++ b/examples/with-overmind/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-overmind with-overmind-app +npx create-next-app --example with-overmind with-overmind-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-overmind with-overmind-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-passport/ b/examples/with-passport/ index e9e62d89e8..269d0574bf 100644 --- a/examples/with-passport/ +++ b/examples/with-passport/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-passport with-passport-app +npx create-next-app --example with-passport with-passport-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-passport with-passport-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-patternfly/ b/examples/with-patternfly/ index 97df51f7f2..177e033767 100644 --- a/examples/with-patternfly/ +++ b/examples/with-patternfly/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-patternfly with-patternfly-app +npx create-next-app --example with-patternfly with-patternfly-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-patternfly with-patternfly-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-polyfills/ b/examples/with-polyfills/ index 4b038143e5..030c04626a 100644 --- a/examples/with-polyfills/ +++ b/examples/with-polyfills/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-polyfills with-polyfills-app +npx create-next-app --example with-polyfills with-polyfills-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-polyfills with-polyfills-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-portals-ssr/ b/examples/with-portals-ssr/ index b83f80a3d7..9f895f41ef 100644 --- a/examples/with-portals-ssr/ +++ b/examples/with-portals-ssr/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-portals-ssr with-portals-ssr +npx create-next-app --example with-portals-ssr with-portals-ssr # or yarn create next-app --example with-portals-ssr with-portals-ssr ``` diff --git a/examples/with-portals/ b/examples/with-portals/ index e039ab933f..cf9f9d1884 100644 --- a/examples/with-portals/ +++ b/examples/with-portals/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-portals with-portals-app +npx create-next-app --example with-portals with-portals-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-portals with-portals-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-prefetching/ b/examples/with-prefetching/ index 80e58572d4..fed66c2ea8 100644 --- a/examples/with-prefetching/ +++ b/examples/with-prefetching/ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-prefetching with-prefetching-app +npx create-next-app --example with-prefetching with-prefetching-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-prefetching with-prefetching-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-quill-js/ b/examples/with-quill-js/ index d524e4aebf..a0116c8712 100644 --- a/examples/with-quill-js/ +++ b/examples/with-quill-js/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-quill-js with-quill-js-app +npx create-next-app --example with-quill-js with-quill-js-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-quill-js with-quill-js-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-rbx-bulma-pro/ b/examples/with-rbx-bulma-pro/ index a4e9d630c7..54f4b8e8b5 100644 --- a/examples/with-rbx-bulma-pro/ +++ b/examples/with-rbx-bulma-pro/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-rbx-bulma-pro with-rbx-bulma-pro-app +npx create-next-app --example with-rbx-bulma-pro with-rbx-bulma-pro-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-rbx-bulma-pro with-rbx-bulma-pro-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-react-bootstrap/ b/examples/with-react-bootstrap/ index 5352b54b9d..a68dd8834a 100644 --- a/examples/with-react-bootstrap/ +++ b/examples/with-react-bootstrap/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-react-bootstrap with-react-bootstrap-app +npx create-next-app --example with-react-bootstrap with-react-bootstrap-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-react-bootstrap with-react-bootstrap-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-react-ga/ b/examples/with-react-ga/ index 32bd590623..5d48d22afc 100644 --- a/examples/with-react-ga/ +++ b/examples/with-react-ga/ @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-react-ga with-react-ga-app +npx create-next-app --example with-react-ga with-react-ga-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-react-ga with-react-ga-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-react-helmet/ b/examples/with-react-helmet/ index 81d4636841..494569d2a2 100644 --- a/examples/with-react-helmet/ +++ b/examples/with-react-helmet/ @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-react-helmet with-react-helmet-app +npx create-next-app --example with-react-helmet with-react-helmet-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-react-helmet with-react-helmet-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-react-intl/ b/examples/with-react-intl/ index 3d768b4de4..7cc945bae9 100644 --- a/examples/with-react-intl/ +++ b/examples/with-react-intl/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This example app shows how to integrate [React Intl][] with Next. Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-react-intl with-react-intl-app +npx create-next-app --example with-react-intl with-react-intl-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-react-intl with-react-intl-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-react-jss/ b/examples/with-react-jss/ index bcbcdf33b4..d2613c6d64 100644 --- a/examples/with-react-jss/ +++ b/examples/with-react-jss/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-react-jss with-react-jss-app +npx create-next-app --example with-react-jss with-react-jss-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-react-jss with-react-jss-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-react-md/ b/examples/with-react-md/ index dd38ec63ce..7be6462936 100644 --- a/examples/with-react-md/ +++ b/examples/with-react-md/ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-react-md with-react-md-app +npx create-next-app --example with-react-md with-react-md-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-react-md with-react-md-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-react-multi-carousel/ b/examples/with-react-multi-carousel/ index 04dc88ff52..e5480fd354 100644 --- a/examples/with-react-multi-carousel/ +++ b/examples/with-react-multi-carousel/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ _Live Example: Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-react-multi-carousel with-react-multi-carousel-app +npx create-next-app --example with-react-multi-carousel with-react-multi-carousel-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-react-multi-carousel with-react-multi-carousel-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-react-native-web/ b/examples/with-react-native-web/ index 0583ca9d47..48b50ee802 100644 --- a/examples/with-react-native-web/ +++ b/examples/with-react-native-web/ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-react-native-web +npx create-next-app --example with-react-native-web # or yarn create next-app --example with-react-native-web with-react-native-web-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-react-relay-network-modern/ b/examples/with-react-relay-network-modern/ index 8228200feb..6d628747d4 100644 --- a/examples/with-react-relay-network-modern/ +++ b/examples/with-react-relay-network-modern/ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-react-relay-network-modern with-react-relay-network-modern-app +npx create-next-app --example with-react-relay-network-modern with-react-relay-network-modern-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-react-relay-network-modern with-react-relay-network-modern-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-react-toolbox/ b/examples/with-react-toolbox/ index b63dfbff54..198acab992 100644 --- a/examples/with-react-toolbox/ +++ b/examples/with-react-toolbox/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-react-toolbox with-react-toolbox-app +npx create-next-app --example with-react-toolbox with-react-toolbox-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-react-toolbox with-react-toolbox-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-react-with-styles/ b/examples/with-react-with-styles/ index 13a01c6101..5d118f7b18 100644 --- a/examples/with-react-with-styles/ +++ b/examples/with-react-with-styles/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-react-with-styles with-react-with-styles-app +npx create-next-app --example with-react-with-styles with-react-with-styles-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-react-with-styles with-react-with-styles-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-reason-relay/ b/examples/with-reason-relay/ index 6d6bd4f683..3bfd4d4e6b 100644 --- a/examples/with-reason-relay/ +++ b/examples/with-reason-relay/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-reason-relay with-reason-relay +npx create-next-app --example with-reason-relay with-reason-relay # or yarn create next-app --example with-reason-relay with-reason-relay ``` diff --git a/examples/with-reasonml-todo/ b/examples/with-reasonml-todo/ index 4cb616b036..e94cca2f63 100644 --- a/examples/with-reasonml-todo/ +++ b/examples/with-reasonml-todo/ @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-reasonml-todo with-reasonml-app +npx create-next-app --example with-reasonml-todo with-reasonml-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-reasonml-todo with-reasonml-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-reasonml/ b/examples/with-reasonml/ index a4ff241d02..db8d3b9b34 100644 --- a/examples/with-reasonml/ +++ b/examples/with-reasonml/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-reasonml with-reasonml-app +npx create-next-app --example with-reasonml with-reasonml-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-reasonml with-reasonml-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-rebass/ b/examples/with-rebass/ index 6cc73f6c45..9b50788edf 100644 --- a/examples/with-rebass/ +++ b/examples/with-rebass/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-rebass with-rebass-app +npx create-next-app --example with-rebass with-rebass-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-rebass with-rebass-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-redux-code-splitting/ b/examples/with-redux-code-splitting/ index c93c103181..a5b02cb3e2 100644 --- a/examples/with-redux-code-splitting/ +++ b/examples/with-redux-code-splitting/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-redux-code-splitting with-redux-code-splitting-app +npx create-next-app --example with-redux-code-splitting with-redux-code-splitting-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-redux-code-splitting with-redux-code-splitting-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-redux-observable/ b/examples/with-redux-observable/ index d8966b411b..aa537f81fa 100644 --- a/examples/with-redux-observable/ +++ b/examples/with-redux-observable/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-redux-observable with-redux-observable-app +npx create-next-app --example with-redux-observable with-redux-observable-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-redux-observable with-redux-observable-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-redux-persist/ b/examples/with-redux-persist/ index 8d33e8620d..d397188fd1 100644 --- a/examples/with-redux-persist/ +++ b/examples/with-redux-persist/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-redux-persist with-redux-persist-app +npx create-next-app --example with-redux-persist with-redux-persist-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-redux-persist with-redux-persist-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-redux-saga/ b/examples/with-redux-saga/ index 4fc244d9ff..d357013e1c 100644 --- a/examples/with-redux-saga/ +++ b/examples/with-redux-saga/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-redux-saga with-redux-saga-app +npx create-next-app --example with-redux-saga with-redux-saga-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-redux-saga with-redux-saga-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-redux-thunk/ b/examples/with-redux-thunk/ index 20c0789826..578ed2700f 100644 --- a/examples/with-redux-thunk/ +++ b/examples/with-redux-thunk/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-redux-thunk with-redux-thunk-app +npx create-next-app --example with-redux-thunk with-redux-thunk-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-redux-thunk with-redux-thunk-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-redux-wrapper/ b/examples/with-redux-wrapper/ index 41aeb28c46..12ac8c6400 100644 --- a/examples/with-redux-wrapper/ +++ b/examples/with-redux-wrapper/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-redux-wrapper with-redux-wrapper-app +npx create-next-app --example with-redux-wrapper with-redux-wrapper-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-redux-wrapper with-redux-wrapper-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-redux/ b/examples/with-redux/ index 7723818bff..7a670ca5b6 100644 --- a/examples/with-redux/ +++ b/examples/with-redux/ @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-redux with-redux-app +npx create-next-app --example with-redux with-redux-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-redux with-redux-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-reflux/ b/examples/with-reflux/ index c8c3580214..f42f5c41d6 100644 --- a/examples/with-reflux/ +++ b/examples/with-reflux/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-reflux with-reflux-app +npx create-next-app --example with-reflux with-reflux-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-reflux with-reflux-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-relay-modern/ b/examples/with-relay-modern/ index 3cf559f391..65fbf2d087 100644 --- a/examples/with-relay-modern/ +++ b/examples/with-relay-modern/ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-relay-modern with-relay-modern-app +npx create-next-app --example with-relay-modern with-relay-modern-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-relay-modern with-relay-modern-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-rematch/ b/examples/with-rematch/ index 0a1f27b170..b9fd59d649 100644 --- a/examples/with-rematch/ +++ b/examples/with-rematch/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example:: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-rematch with-rematch-app +npx create-next-app --example with-rematch with-rematch-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-rematch with-rematch-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-segment-analytics/ b/examples/with-segment-analytics/ index ad04fcf85d..71cc42e838 100644 --- a/examples/with-segment-analytics/ +++ b/examples/with-segment-analytics/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-segment-analytics with-segment-analytics-app +npx create-next-app --example with-segment-analytics with-segment-analytics-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-segment-analytics with-segment-analytics-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-semantic-ui/ b/examples/with-semantic-ui/ index fbc8b6dfec..3d10542710 100644 --- a/examples/with-semantic-ui/ +++ b/examples/with-semantic-ui/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-semantic-ui with-semantic-ui-app +npx create-next-app --example with-semantic-ui with-semantic-ui-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-semantic-ui with-semantic-ui-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-sentry-simple/ b/examples/with-sentry-simple/ index a256ebf61f..eb77542348 100644 --- a/examples/with-sentry-simple/ +++ b/examples/with-sentry-simple/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ This is a simple example showing how to use [Sentry]( to catch Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-sentry-simple with-sentry-simple +npx create-next-app --example with-sentry-simple with-sentry-simple # or yarn create next-app --example with-sentry-simple with-sentry-simple ``` diff --git a/examples/with-sentry/ b/examples/with-sentry/ index c5e5a15600..dacecbd1da 100644 --- a/examples/with-sentry/ +++ b/examples/with-sentry/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ An example showing use of [Sentry]( to catch & report errors o Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-sentry with-sentry-app +npx create-next-app --example with-sentry with-sentry-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-sentry with-sentry-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-shallow-routing/ b/examples/with-shallow-routing/ index 3c1365db61..bfec95ddd4 100644 --- a/examples/with-shallow-routing/ +++ b/examples/with-shallow-routing/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-shallow-routing with-shallow-routing-app +npx create-next-app --example with-shallow-routing with-shallow-routing-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-shallow-routing with-shallow-routing-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-slate/ b/examples/with-slate/ index b48af53b7f..8e1572ea2f 100644 --- a/examples/with-slate/ +++ b/examples/with-slate/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example:: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-slate with-slate-app +npx create-next-app --example with-slate with-slate-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-slate with-slate-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-static-export/ b/examples/with-static-export/ index 4377280bf3..797d9c42df 100644 --- a/examples/with-static-export/ +++ b/examples/with-static-export/ @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ When trying to run `npm start` it will build and export your pages into the `out Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-static-export with-static-export-app +npx create-next-app --example with-static-export with-static-export-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-static-export with-static-export-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-stitches-styled/ b/examples/with-stitches-styled/ index 370e4693f4..038bf0e3c2 100644 --- a/examples/with-stitches-styled/ +++ b/examples/with-stitches-styled/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [Create Next App]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-stitches-styled +npx create-next-app --example with-stitches-styled # or yarn create next-app --example with-stitches-styled ``` diff --git a/examples/with-stitches/ b/examples/with-stitches/ index fdc1d6b02b..11cccb5205 100644 --- a/examples/with-stitches/ +++ b/examples/with-stitches/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [Create Next App]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-stitches +npx create-next-app --example with-stitches # or yarn create next-app --example with-stitches ``` diff --git a/examples/with-stomp/ b/examples/with-stomp/ index 87f6ddd642..05caa3e2f8 100644 --- a/examples/with-stomp/ +++ b/examples/with-stomp/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Read more about [STOMP]( protocol. Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-stomp with-stomp-app +npx create-next-app --example with-stomp with-stomp-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-stomp with-stomp-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-storybook/ b/examples/with-storybook/ index 9f42c29311..6a3239cb0a 100644 --- a/examples/with-storybook/ +++ b/examples/with-storybook/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This example shows a default set up of Storybook. Also included in the example i Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-storybook with-storybook-app +npx create-next-app --example with-storybook with-storybook-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-storybook with-storybook-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-strict-csp/ b/examples/with-strict-csp/ index 4e6003fe1c..0733b0fc28 100644 --- a/examples/with-strict-csp/ +++ b/examples/with-strict-csp/ @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-strict-csp-hash with-strict-csp-hash-app +npx create-next-app --example with-strict-csp-hash with-strict-csp-hash-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-strict-csp-hash with-strict-csp-hash-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-stripe-typescript/ b/examples/with-stripe-typescript/ index 805f6debad..3fe92c68be 100644 --- a/examples/with-stripe-typescript/ +++ b/examples/with-stripe-typescript/ @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Read more about testing on Stripe at Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-stripe-typescript with-stripe-typescript-app +npx create-next-app --example with-stripe-typescript with-stripe-typescript-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-stripe-typescript with-stripe-typescript-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-style-sheet/ b/examples/with-style-sheet/ index 64d02a33ef..98b74f8a44 100644 --- a/examples/with-style-sheet/ +++ b/examples/with-style-sheet/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-style-sheet with-style-sheet-app +npx create-next-app --example with-style-sheet with-style-sheet-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-style-sheet with-style-sheet-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-styled-components-rtl/ b/examples/with-styled-components-rtl/ index 856bfee703..88a3cbf072 100644 --- a/examples/with-styled-components-rtl/ +++ b/examples/with-styled-components-rtl/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-styled-components-rtl with-styled-components-rtl-app +npx create-next-app --example with-styled-components-rtl with-styled-components-rtl-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-styled-components-rtl with-styled-components-rtl-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-styled-components/ b/examples/with-styled-components/ index 1ce700c892..63bfd0414e 100644 --- a/examples/with-styled-components/ +++ b/examples/with-styled-components/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-styled-components with-styled-components-app +npx create-next-app --example with-styled-components with-styled-components-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-styled-components with-styled-components-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-styled-jsx-plugins/ b/examples/with-styled-jsx-plugins/ index bec85dde16..b221670cca 100644 --- a/examples/with-styled-jsx-plugins/ +++ b/examples/with-styled-jsx-plugins/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-styled-jsx-plugins with-styled-jsx-plugins-app +npx create-next-app --example with-styled-jsx-plugins with-styled-jsx-plugins-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-styled-jsx-plugins with-styled-jsx-plugins-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-styled-jsx-scss/ b/examples/with-styled-jsx-scss/ index bd94f55297..8f9fb50166 100644 --- a/examples/with-styled-jsx-scss/ +++ b/examples/with-styled-jsx-scss/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-styled-jsx-scss with-styled-jsx-scss-app +npx create-next-app --example with-styled-jsx-scss with-styled-jsx-scss-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-styled-jsx-scss with-styled-jsx-scss-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-styletron/ b/examples/with-styletron/ index c5bb942257..c66bd310f4 100644 --- a/examples/with-styletron/ +++ b/examples/with-styletron/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-styletron with-styletron-app +npx create-next-app --example with-styletron with-styletron-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-styletron with-styletron-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-tailwindcss-emotion/ b/examples/with-tailwindcss-emotion/ index 1bb3c08f65..1da6acc0ff 100644 --- a/examples/with-tailwindcss-emotion/ +++ b/examples/with-tailwindcss-emotion/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-tailwindcss-emotion with-tailwindcss-emotion-app +npx create-next-app --example with-tailwindcss-emotion with-tailwindcss-emotion-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-tailwindcss-emotion with-tailwindcss-emotion-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-tailwindcss/ b/examples/with-tailwindcss/ index c749bd99cc..aac37e09af 100644 --- a/examples/with-tailwindcss/ +++ b/examples/with-tailwindcss/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-tailwindcss with-tailwindcss-app +npx create-next-app --example with-tailwindcss with-tailwindcss-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-tailwindcss with-tailwindcss-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-typescript-graphql/ b/examples/with-typescript-graphql/ index 7ba94527dd..6f686cfa75 100644 --- a/examples/with-typescript-graphql/ +++ b/examples/with-typescript-graphql/ @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-typescript-graphql with-typescript-graphql-app +npx create-next-app --example with-typescript-graphql with-typescript-graphql-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-typescript-graphql with-typescript-graphql-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-typescript-styled-components/ b/examples/with-typescript-styled-components/ index 57e350f187..85ff0b875f 100644 --- a/examples/with-typescript-styled-components/ +++ b/examples/with-typescript-styled-components/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-typescript-styled-components with-typescript-app +npx create-next-app --example with-typescript-styled-components with-typescript-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-typescript-styled-components with-typescript-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-typescript/ b/examples/with-typescript/ index 05062d3722..edf1b43e5c 100644 --- a/examples/with-typescript/ +++ b/examples/with-typescript/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-typescript with-typescript-app +npx create-next-app --example with-typescript with-typescript-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-typescript with-typescript-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-typestyle/ b/examples/with-typestyle/ index 2e70f19674..cbc57e30dd 100644 --- a/examples/with-typestyle/ +++ b/examples/with-typestyle/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-typestyle with-typestyle-app +npx create-next-app --example with-typestyle with-typestyle-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-typestyle with-typestyle-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-universal-configuration-build-time/ b/examples/with-universal-configuration-build-time/ index 9d94327cba..f95b28c261 100644 --- a/examples/with-universal-configuration-build-time/ +++ b/examples/with-universal-configuration-build-time/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-universal-configuration-build-time with-universal-configuration-build-time-app +npx create-next-app --example with-universal-configuration-build-time with-universal-configuration-build-time-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-universal-configuration-build-time with-universal-configuration-build-time-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-universal-configuration-runtime/ b/examples/with-universal-configuration-runtime/ index 06029415c7..6be3b4b524 100644 --- a/examples/with-universal-configuration-runtime/ +++ b/examples/with-universal-configuration-runtime/ @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ For documentation see: Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-universal-configuration-runtime with-universal-configuration-runtime-app +npx create-next-app --example with-universal-configuration-runtime with-universal-configuration-runtime-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-universal-configuration-runtime with-universal-configuration-runtime-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-unstated/ b/examples/with-unstated/ index 79ab584584..027ad2ffce 100644 --- a/examples/with-unstated/ +++ b/examples/with-unstated/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-unstated with-unstated-app +npx create-next-app --example with-unstated with-unstated-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-unstated with-unstated-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-urql/ b/examples/with-urql/ index 420e7e7f71..3d200c2080 100644 --- a/examples/with-urql/ +++ b/examples/with-urql/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-urql with-urql-app +npx create-next-app --example with-urql with-urql-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-urql with-urql-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-userbase/ b/examples/with-userbase/ index 9ffb3438f4..f9684dbb2c 100644 --- a/examples/with-userbase/ +++ b/examples/with-userbase/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-userbase next-userbase-app +npx create-next-app --example with-userbase next-userbase-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-userbase next-userbase-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-videojs/ b/examples/with-videojs/ index 7fbdc357b1..814b496571 100644 --- a/examples/with-videojs/ +++ b/examples/with-videojs/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example:: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-videojs with-videojs-app +npx create-next-app --example with-videojs with-videojs-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-videojs with-videojs-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-web-worker/ b/examples/with-web-worker/ index 28e8d6d831..0cf956ec24 100644 --- a/examples/with-web-worker/ +++ b/examples/with-web-worker/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-web-worker with-web-worker-app +npx create-next-app --example with-web-worker with-web-worker-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-web-worker with-web-worker-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-webassembly/ b/examples/with-webassembly/ index f8e2a30e15..a2b0da3c10 100644 --- a/examples/with-webassembly/ +++ b/examples/with-webassembly/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This example shows how to import WebAssembly files (`.wasm`) and use them inside Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-webassembly with-webassembly-app +npx create-next-app --example with-webassembly with-webassembly-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-webassembly with-webassembly-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-webpack-bundle-size-analyzer/ b/examples/with-webpack-bundle-size-analyzer/ index e6612cab15..16a384fa53 100644 --- a/examples/with-webpack-bundle-size-analyzer/ +++ b/examples/with-webpack-bundle-size-analyzer/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This example shows how to analyze the output bundles using [webpack-bundle-size- Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-webpack-bundle-size-analyzer with-webpack-bundle-size-analyzer-app +npx create-next-app --example with-webpack-bundle-size-analyzer with-webpack-bundle-size-analyzer-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-webpack-bundle-size-analyzer with-webpack-bundle-size-analyzer-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-xstate/ b/examples/with-xstate/ index e533f1f669..41083ae65d 100644 --- a/examples/with-xstate/ +++ b/examples/with-xstate/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-xstate with-xstate-app +npx create-next-app --example with-xstate with-xstate-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-xstate with-xstate-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-yarn-workspaces/ b/examples/with-yarn-workspaces/ index 98c83ee4fc..0f4d2ca6f5 100644 --- a/examples/with-yarn-workspaces/ +++ b/examples/with-yarn-workspaces/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-yarn-workspaces with-yarn-workspaces-app +npx create-next-app --example with-yarn-workspaces with-yarn-workspaces-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-yarn-workspaces with-yarn-workspaces-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-zeit-fetch/ b/examples/with-zeit-fetch/ index ece7a21a12..e7c89d04de 100644 --- a/examples/with-zeit-fetch/ +++ b/examples/with-zeit-fetch/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-zeit-fetch with-zeit-fetch-app +npx create-next-app --example with-zeit-fetch with-zeit-fetch-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-zeit-fetch with-zeit-fetch-app ``` diff --git a/examples/with-zones/ b/examples/with-zones/ index bf0410de10..4eec124120 100644 --- a/examples/with-zones/ +++ b/examples/with-zones/ @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Deploy the example using [Vercel]( Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash -npm init next-app --example with-zones with-zones-app +npx create-next-app --example with-zones with-zones-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-zones with-zones-app ``` -- GitLab