提交 510f8603 编写于 作者: 查尔斯-BUG万象集's avatar 查尔斯-BUG万象集


上级 1319cb32
......@@ -249,6 +249,7 @@ continew-admin
│ │ ├─ monitor # 系统监控模块
│ │ └─ system # 系统管理模块
│ ├─ assets # 静态资源
│ │ ├─ icons # 图标资源
│ │ ├─ images # 图片资源
│ │ └─ style # 样式资源
│ ├─ components # 通用业务组件
* Copyright (c) 2022-present Charles7c Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.enums;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.base.BaseEnum;
* 菜单类型枚举
* @author Charles7c
* @since 2023/2/15 20:12
public enum MenuTypeEnum implements BaseEnum<Integer, String> {
/** 目录 */
DIR(1, "目录"),
/** 菜单 */
MENU(2, "菜单"),
/** 按钮 */
BUTTON(3, "按钮"),;
private final Integer value;
private final String description;
* Copyright (c) 2022-present Charles7c Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.mapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.entity.MenuDO;
* 菜单 Mapper
* @author Charles7c
* @since 2023/2/15 20:30
public interface MenuMapper extends BaseMapper<MenuDO> {}
* Copyright (c) 2022-present Charles7c Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.mapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.entity.RoleMenuDO;
* 角色和菜单 Mapper
* @author Charles7c
* @since 2023/2/15 20:30
public interface RoleMenuMapper extends BaseMapper<RoleMenuDO> {}
* Copyright (c) 2022-present Charles7c Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.entity;
import lombok.Data;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.base.BaseDO;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.enums.DisEnableStatusEnum;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.enums.MenuTypeEnum;
* 菜单实体
* @author Charles7c
* @since 2023/2/15 20:14
public class MenuDO extends BaseDO {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* 菜单 ID
private Long menuId;
* 菜单名称
private String menuName;
* 上级菜单 ID
private Long parentId;
* 菜单类型(1目录 2菜单 3按钮)
private MenuTypeEnum menuType;
* 路由地址
private String path;
* 组件名称
private String name;
* 组件路径
private String component;
* 菜单图标
private String icon;
* 是否外链
private Boolean isExternal;
* 是否缓存
private Boolean isCache;
* 是否隐藏
private Boolean isHidden;
* 权限标识
private String permission;
* 菜单排序
private Integer menuSort;
* 状态(1启用 2禁用)
private DisEnableStatusEnum status;
* Copyright (c) 2022-present Charles7c Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.entity;
import java.io.Serializable;
import lombok.Data;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
* 角色和菜单实体
* @author Charles7c
* @since 2023/2/15 20:20
public class RoleMenuDO implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* 角色 ID
private Long roleId;
* 菜单 ID
private Long menuId;
* Copyright (c) 2022-present Charles7c Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.query;
import java.io.Serializable;
import lombok.Data;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.media.Schema;
import org.springdoc.api.annotations.ParameterObject;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.annotation.Query;
* 菜单查询条件
* @author Charles7c
* @since 2023/2/15 20:21
@Schema(description = "菜单查询条件")
public class MenuQuery implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* 菜单名称
@Schema(description = "菜单名称")
@Query(type = Query.Type.INNER_LIKE)
private String menuName;
* 状态(1启用 2禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1启用 2禁用)")
private Integer status;
* Copyright (c) 2022-present Charles7c Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.request;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotBlank;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.constraints.Null;
import lombok.Data;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.media.Schema;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.base.BaseRequest;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.enums.DisEnableStatusEnum;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.enums.MenuTypeEnum;
* 创建或修改菜单信息
* @author Charles7c
* @since 2023/2/15 20:21
@Schema(description = "创建或修改菜单信息")
public class MenuRequest extends BaseRequest {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* 菜单 ID
@Schema(description = "菜单 ID")
@Null(message = "新增时,ID 必须为空", groups = Create.class)
@NotNull(message = "修改时,ID 不能为空", groups = Update.class)
private Long menuId;
* 上级菜单 ID
@Schema(description = "上级菜单 ID")
private Long parentId;
* 菜单名称
@Schema(description = "菜单名称")
@NotBlank(message = "菜单名称不能为空")
private String menuName;
* 菜单类型(1目录 2菜单 3按钮)
@Schema(description = "菜单类型(1目录 2菜单 3按钮)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"1", "2", "3"})
@NotNull(message = "菜单类型非法")
private MenuTypeEnum menuType;
* 路由地址
@Schema(description = "路由地址")
private String path;
* 组件名称
@Schema(description = "组件名称")
private String name;
* 组件路径
@Schema(description = "组件路径")
private String component;
* 菜单图标
@Schema(description = "菜单图标")
private String icon;
* 是否外链
@Schema(description = "是否外链")
private Boolean isExternal;
* 是否缓存
@Schema(description = "是否缓存")
private Boolean isCache;
* 是否隐藏
@Schema(description = "是否隐藏")
private Boolean isHidden;
* 权限标识
@Schema(description = "权限标识")
private String permission;
* 菜单排序
@Schema(description = "菜单排序")
@NotNull(message = "菜单排序不能为空")
private Integer menuSort;
* 状态(1启用 2禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1启用 2禁用)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"1", "2"})
private DisEnableStatusEnum status;
* Copyright (c) 2022-present Charles7c Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.vo;
import java.util.List;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.media.Schema;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.base.BaseVO;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.enums.DisEnableStatusEnum;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.enums.MenuTypeEnum;
* 菜单信息
* @author Charles7c
* @since 2023/2/15 20:23
@Accessors(chain = true)
@Schema(description = "菜单信息")
public class MenuVO extends BaseVO {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* 菜单 ID
@Schema(description = "菜单 ID")
private Long menuId;
* 菜单名称
@Schema(description = "菜单名称")
private String menuName;
* 上级菜单 ID
@Schema(description = "上级菜单 ID")
private Long parentId;
* 菜单类型(1目录 2菜单 3按钮)
@Schema(description = "菜单类型(1目录 2菜单 3按钮)")
private MenuTypeEnum menuType;
* 路由地址
@Schema(description = "路由地址")
private String path;
* 组件名称
@Schema(description = "组件名称")
private String name;
* 组件路径
@Schema(description = "组件路径")
private String component;
* 菜单图标
@Schema(description = "菜单图标")
private String icon;
* 是否外链
@Schema(description = "是否外链")
private Boolean isExternal;
* 是否缓存
@Schema(description = "是否缓存")
private Boolean isCache;
* 是否隐藏
@Schema(description = "是否隐藏")
private Boolean isHidden;
* 权限标识
@Schema(description = "权限标识")
private String permission;
* 菜单排序
@Schema(description = "菜单排序")
private Integer menuSort;
* 状态(1启用 2禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1启用 2禁用)")
private DisEnableStatusEnum status;
* 子菜单列表
@Schema(description = "子菜单列表")
private List<MenuVO> children;
* Copyright (c) 2022-present Charles7c Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.service;
import java.util.List;
import cn.hutool.core.lang.tree.Tree;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.base.BaseService;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.query.MenuQuery;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.request.MenuRequest;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.vo.MenuVO;
* 菜单业务接口
* @author Charles7c
* @since 2023/2/15 20:30
public interface MenuService extends BaseService<MenuVO, MenuVO, MenuQuery, MenuRequest> {
* 构建树
* @param list
* 原始列表数据
* @return 树列表
List<MenuVO> buildListTree(List<MenuVO> list);
* 构建树
* @param list
* 原始列表数据
* @return 树列表
List<Tree<Long>> buildTree(List<MenuVO> list);
* Copyright (c) 2022-present Charles7c Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.service.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import cn.hutool.core.collection.CollUtil;
import cn.hutool.core.lang.tree.Tree;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.base.BaseServiceImpl;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.enums.DisEnableStatusEnum;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.util.TreeUtils;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.util.validate.CheckUtils;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.mapper.MenuMapper;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.entity.MenuDO;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.query.MenuQuery;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.request.MenuRequest;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.vo.MenuVO;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.service.MenuService;
* 菜单业务实现类
* @author Charles7c
* @since 2023/2/15 20:30
public class MenuServiceImpl extends BaseServiceImpl<MenuMapper, MenuDO, MenuVO, MenuVO, MenuQuery, MenuRequest>
implements MenuService {
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public Long create(MenuRequest request) {
String menuName = request.getMenuName();
boolean isExists = this.checkNameExists(menuName, request.getParentId(), request.getMenuId());
CheckUtils.throwIf(() -> isExists, String.format("新增失败,'%s'已存在", menuName));
// 保存信息
return super.create(request);
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public void update(MenuRequest request) {
String menuName = request.getMenuName();
boolean isExists = this.checkNameExists(menuName, request.getParentId(), request.getMenuId());
CheckUtils.throwIf(() -> isExists, String.format("修改失败,'%s'已存在", menuName));
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public void delete(List<Long> ids) {
super.lambdaUpdate().in(MenuDO::getParentId, ids).remove();
public List<MenuVO> buildListTree(List<MenuVO> list) {
if (CollUtil.isEmpty(list)) {
return new ArrayList<>();
// 去除重复子菜单列表
List<MenuVO> deDuplicationList = deDuplication(list);
return deDuplicationList.stream().map(m -> m.setChildren(this.getChildren(m, list)))
* 数据去重(去除重复子菜单列表)
* @param list
* 菜单列表
* @return 去重后菜单列表
private List<MenuVO> deDuplication(List<MenuVO> list) {
List<MenuVO> deDuplicationList = new ArrayList<>();
for (MenuVO outer : list) {
boolean flag = true;
for (MenuVO inner : list) {
// 忽略重复子列表
if (inner.getMenuId().equals(outer.getParentId())) {
flag = false;
if (flag) {
return deDuplicationList;
* 获取指定菜单的子菜单列表
* @param menuVO
* 指定菜单
* @param list
* 菜单列表
* @return 子菜单列表
private List<MenuVO> getChildren(MenuVO menuVO, List<MenuVO> list) {
return list.stream().filter(m -> Objects.equals(m.getParentId(), menuVO.getMenuId()))
.map(m -> m.setChildren(this.getChildren(m, list))).collect(Collectors.toList());
public List<Tree<Long>> buildTree(List<MenuVO> list) {
return TreeUtils.build(list, (m, tree) -> {
* 检查名称是否存在
* @param name
* 名称
* @param parentId
* 上级 ID
* @param id
* ID
* @return 是否存在
private boolean checkNameExists(String name, Long parentId, Long id) {
return super.lambdaQuery().eq(MenuDO::getMenuName, name).eq(MenuDO::getParentId, parentId)
.ne(id != null, MenuDO::getMenuId, id).exists();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
<mapper namespace="top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.mapper.MenuMapper">
\ No newline at end of file
import { createSvgIconsPlugin } from 'vite-plugin-svg-icons';
import path from 'path';
export default function createSvgIcon(isBuild: boolean) {
return createSvgIconsPlugin({
iconDirs: [path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'src/assets/icons/svg')],
symbolId: 'icon-[dir]-[name]',
svgoOptions: isBuild,
import { mergeConfig } from 'vite';
import eslint from 'vite-plugin-eslint';
import baseConfig from './vite.config.base';
import createSvgIcon from './plugin/svg-icon';
export default mergeConfig(
......@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ export default mergeConfig(
include: ['src/**/*.ts', 'src/**/*.tsx', 'src/**/*.vue'],
exclude: ['node_modules'],
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import configVisualizerPlugin from './plugin/visualizer';
import configArcoResolverPlugin from './plugin/arcoResolver';
import configStyleImportPlugin from './plugin/styleImport';
import configImageminPlugin from './plugin/imagemin';
import createSvgIcon from './plugin/svg-icon';
export default mergeConfig(
......@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ export default mergeConfig(
build: {
rollupOptions: {
......@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
"vite-plugin-eslint": "^1.8.1",
"vite-plugin-imagemin": "^0.6.1",
"vite-plugin-style-import": "1.4.1",
"vite-plugin-svg-icons": "^2.0.1",
"vite-svg-loader": "^3.6.0",
"vue-tsc": "^1.0.14"
import axios from 'axios';
import qs from 'query-string';
import { DeptParam } from '@/api/system/dept';
import { MenuParam } from '@/api/system/menu';
import { TreeNodeData } from '@arco-design/web-vue';
export default function listDeptTree(params: DeptParam) {
export function listDeptTree(params: DeptParam) {
return axios.get<TreeNodeData[]>('/common/tree/dept', {
paramsSerializer: (obj) => {
......@@ -11,3 +12,12 @@ export default function listDeptTree(params: DeptParam) {
export function listMenuTree(params: MenuParam) {
return axios.get<TreeNodeData[]>('/common/tree/menu', {
paramsSerializer: (obj) => {
return qs.stringify(obj);
import axios from 'axios';
import qs from 'query-string';
const BASE_URL = '/system/menu';
export interface MenuRecord {
menuId?: number;
menuName: string;
parentId?: number;
menuType: number;
path?: string;
name?: string;
component?: string;
icon?: string;
isExternal: boolean;
isCache: boolean;
isHidden: boolean;
permission?: string;
menuSort: number;
status?: number;
createUserString?: string;
createTime?: string;
updateUserString?: string;
updateTime?: string;
children?: Array<MenuRecord>;
parentName?: string;
export interface MenuParam {
menuName?: string;
status?: number;
export function listMenu(params: MenuParam) {
return axios.get<MenuRecord[]>(`${BASE_URL}/list`, {
paramsSerializer: (obj) => {
return qs.stringify(obj);
export function getMenu(id: number) {
return axios.get<MenuRecord>(`${BASE_URL}/${id}`);
export function createMenu(req: MenuRecord) {
return axios.post(BASE_URL, req);
export function updateMenu(req: MenuRecord) {
return axios.put(BASE_URL, req);
export function deleteMenu(ids: number | Array<number>) {
return axios.delete(`${BASE_URL}/${ids}`);
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ body {
width: 164px;
height: 32px;
line-height: 32px;
box-shadow: 6px 0px 20px rgba(34, 87, 188, 0.1);
box-shadow: 6px 0 20px rgba(34, 87, 188, 0.1);
border-radius: 4px;
margin-bottom: 4px;
......@@ -35,37 +35,37 @@
label: '今天',
value: (): Date[] => [
label: '昨天',
value: (): Date[] => [
dayjs().subtract(1, 'day').startOf('day').toDate(),
dayjs().subtract(1, 'day').endOf('day').toDate()
dayjs().subtract(1, 'day').endOf('day').toDate(),
label: '本周',
value: (): Date[] => [
dayjs().startOf('week').add(1, 'day').toDate(),
label: '本月',
value: (): Date[] => [
label: '本年',
value: (): Date[] => [
......@@ -76,4 +76,4 @@
<style scoped lang="less"></style>
\ No newline at end of file
<style scoped lang="less"></style>
<div class="icon-body">
style="position: relative"
<div class="icon-list">
v-for="(icon, index) in iconList"
<svg-icon :icon-class="icon" style="height: 32px; width: 16px" />
<span>{{ icon }}</span>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import icons from './requireIcons';
const iconName = ref('');
const iconList = ref(icons);
const emits = defineEmits(['selected']);
* 过滤图标
const filterIcons = () => {
iconList.value = icons;
if (iconName.value) {
iconList.value = icons.filter(
(icon) => icon.indexOf(iconName.value) !== -1
* 选中图标
* @param name 图标名称
const handleSelectedIcon = (name: string) => {
emits('selected', name);
* 重置
const reset = () => {
iconName.value = '';
iconList.value = icons;
<script lang="ts">
export default {
name: 'IconSelect',
<style scoped lang="less">
.icon-body {
width: 100%;
padding: 10px;
.icon-list {
height: 200px;
width: 420px;
overflow-y: scroll;
div {
height: 30px;
line-height: 35px;
margin-bottom: -5px;
cursor: pointer;
width: 33%;
float: left;
span {
display: inline-block;
margin-left: 10px;
vertical-align: -0.15em;
fill: currentColor;
overflow: hidden;
const modules = import.meta.glob('./../../assets/icons/svg/*.svg');
const icons = [] as Array<string>;
// eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in,no-restricted-syntax
for (const path in modules) {
const p = path.split('assets/icons/svg/')[1].split('.svg')[0];
export default icons;
......@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import Chart from './chart/index.vue';
import Breadcrumb from './breadcrumb/index.vue';
import DateRangePicker from './date-range-picker/index.vue';
import RightToolbar from './right-toolbar/index.vue';
import SvgIcon from './svg-icon/index.vue';
import IconSelect from './icon-select/index.vue';
import download from './crud';
// Manually introduce ECharts modules to reduce packing size
......@@ -40,5 +42,7 @@ export default {
Vue.component('Breadcrumb', Breadcrumb);
Vue.component('DateRangePicker', DateRangePicker);
Vue.component('RightToolbar', RightToolbar);
Vue.component('SvgIcon', SvgIcon);
Vue.component('IconSelect', IconSelect);
......@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@
* 切换搜索栏(显示或隐藏)
const toggleSearch = () => {
emits("update:showQuery", !props.showQuery);
emits('update:showQuery', !props.showQuery);
* 刷新
const handleRefresh = () => {
<svg :class="svgClass" aria-hidden="true">
<use :xlink:href="iconName" :fill="color" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed } from 'vue';
const props = defineProps({
iconClass: {
type: String,
required: true,
className: {
type: String,
default: '',
color: {
type: String,
default: '',
const iconName = computed(() => `#icon-${props.iconClass}`);
const svgClass = computed(() => {
if (props.className) {
return `svg-icon ${props.className}`;
return 'svg-icon';
<script lang="ts">
export default {
name: 'SvgIcon',
<style scoped lang="less">
.nav-icon {
display: inline-block;
font-size: 15px;
margin-right: 12px;
position: relative;
.svg-icon {
width: 1em;
height: 1em;
position: relative;
fill: currentColor;
vertical-align: -2px;
import localeMessageBox from '@/components/message-box/locale/en-US';
import localeLogin from '@/views/login/locale/en-US';
import localeWorkplace from '@/views/dashboard/workplace/locale/en-US';
import localeMonitor from '@/views/arco-design/visualization/monitor/locale/en-US';
import localeDataAnalysis from '@/views/arco-design/visualization/data-analysis/locale/en-US';
import localeMultiDAnalysis from '@/views/arco-design/visualization/multi-dimension-data-analysis/locale/en-US';
import localeRole from '@/views/system/role/locale/en-US';
import localeMenu from '@/views/system/menu/locale/en-US';
import localeDept from '@/views/system/dept/locale/en-US';
import localeOnlineUser from '@/views/monitor/online/locale/en-US';
......@@ -18,21 +11,21 @@ import localeSystemLog from '@/views/monitor/log/system/locale/en-US';
import localeSearchTable from '@/views/arco-design/list/search-table/locale/en-US';
import localeCardList from '@/views/arco-design/list/card/locale/en-US';
import localeStepForm from '@/views/arco-design/form/step/locale/en-US';
import localeGroupForm from '@/views/arco-design/form/group/locale/en-US';
import localeBasicProfile from '@/views/arco-design/profile/basic/locale/en-US';
import localeSuccess from '@/views/arco-design/result/success/locale/en-US';
import localeError from '@/views/arco-design/result/error/locale/en-US';
import locale403 from '@/views/arco-design/exception/403/locale/en-US';
import locale404 from '@/views/arco-design/exception/404/locale/en-US';
import locale500 from '@/views/arco-design/exception/500/locale/en-US';
import localeDataAnalysis from '@/views/arco-design/visualization/data-analysis/locale/en-US';
import localeMultiDAnalysis from '@/views/arco-design/visualization/multi-dimension-data-analysis/locale/en-US';
import localeMonitor from '@/views/arco-design/visualization/monitor/locale/en-US';
import localeMessageBox from '@/components/message-box/locale/en-US';
import localeLogin from '@/views/login/locale/en-US';
import localeUserCenter from '@/views/system/user/center/locale/en-US';
import localeSettings from './en-US/settings';
export default {
......@@ -40,34 +33,25 @@ export default {
'menu.dashboard': 'Dashboard',
'menu.server.dashboard': 'Dashboard-Server',
'menu.server.workplace': 'Workplace-Server',
'menu.server.monitor': 'Monitor-Server',
'menu.system': 'System management',
'menu.monitor': 'Monitor',
'menu.list': 'List',
'menu.form': 'Form',
'menu.profile': 'Profile',
'menu.result': 'Result',
'menu.exception': 'Exception',
'menu.visualization': 'Data Visualization',
'menu.user': 'User Center',
'menu.server.monitor': 'Monitor-Server',
'menu.arcoWebsite': 'Arco Design Vue',
'menu.github': 'GitHub',
'menu.user': 'User Center',
'navbar.docs': 'Docs',
'navbar.action.locale': 'Switch to English',
......@@ -85,5 +69,12 @@ export default {
import localeMessageBox from '@/components/message-box/locale/zh-CN';
import localeLogin from '@/views/login/locale/zh-CN';
import localeWorkplace from '@/views/dashboard/workplace/locale/zh-CN';
import localeMonitor from '@/views/arco-design/visualization/monitor/locale/zh-CN';
import localeDataAnalysis from '@/views/arco-design/visualization/data-analysis/locale/zh-CN';
import localeMultiDAnalysis from '@/views/arco-design/visualization/multi-dimension-data-analysis/locale/zh-CN';
import localeRole from '@/views/system/role/locale/zh-CN';
import localeMenu from '@/views/system/menu/locale/zh-CN';
import localeDept from '@/views/system/dept/locale/zh-CN';
import localeOnlineUser from '@/views/monitor/online/locale/zh-CN';
......@@ -18,21 +11,21 @@ import localeSystemLog from '@/views/monitor/log/system/locale/zh-CN';
import localeSearchTable from '@/views/arco-design/list/search-table/locale/zh-CN';
import localeCardList from '@/views/arco-design/list/card/locale/zh-CN';
import localeStepForm from '@/views/arco-design/form/step/locale/zh-CN';
import localeGroupForm from '@/views/arco-design/form/group/locale/zh-CN';
import localeBasicProfile from '@/views/arco-design/profile/basic/locale/zh-CN';
import localeSuccess from '@/views/arco-design/result/success/locale/zh-CN';
import localeError from '@/views/arco-design/result/error/locale/zh-CN';
import locale403 from '@/views/arco-design/exception/403/locale/zh-CN';
import locale404 from '@/views/arco-design/exception/404/locale/zh-CN';
import locale500 from '@/views/arco-design/exception/500/locale/zh-CN';
import localeDataAnalysis from '@/views/arco-design/visualization/data-analysis/locale/zh-CN';
import localeMultiDAnalysis from '@/views/arco-design/visualization/multi-dimension-data-analysis/locale/zh-CN';
import localeMonitor from '@/views/arco-design/visualization/monitor/locale/zh-CN';
import localeMessageBox from '@/components/message-box/locale/zh-CN';
import localeLogin from '@/views/login/locale/zh-CN';
import localeUserCenter from '@/views/system/user/center/locale/zh-CN';
import localeSettings from './zh-CN/settings';
export default {
......@@ -40,34 +33,25 @@ export default {
'menu.dashboard': '仪表盘',
'menu.server.dashboard': '仪表盘-服务端',
'menu.server.workplace': '工作台-服务端',
'menu.server.monitor': '实时监控-服务端',
'menu.system': '系统管理',
'menu.monitor': '系统监控',
'menu.list': '列表页',
'menu.form': '表单页',
'menu.profile': '详情页',
'menu.result': '结果页',
'menu.exception': '异常页',
'menu.visualization': '数据可视化',
'menu.user': '个人中心',
'menu.server.monitor': '实时监控-服务端',
'menu.arcoWebsite': 'Arco Design Vue',
'menu.github': 'GitHub',
'menu.user': '个人中心',
'navbar.docs': '文档中心',
'navbar.action.locale': '切换为中文',
......@@ -85,5 +69,12 @@ export default {
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import ArcoVue from '@arco-design/web-vue';
import ArcoVueIcon from '@arco-design/web-vue/es/icon';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unresolved
import 'virtual:svg-icons-register';
import globalComponents from '@/components';
import router from './router';
import store from './store';
export default {
path: 'https://arco.design/vue/docs/start',
name: 'arcoWebsite',
name: 'ArcoWebsite',
meta: {
locale: 'menu.arcoWebsite',
icon: 'icon-link',
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ const Monitor: AppRouteRecordRaw = {
children: [
path: '/online',
path: '/monitor/online',
name: 'OnlineUser',
component: () => import('@/views/monitor/online/index.vue'),
meta: {
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ const Monitor: AppRouteRecordRaw = {
path: 'log/login',
path: '/monitor/log/login',
name: 'LoginLog',
component: () => import('@/views/monitor/log/login/index.vue'),
meta: {
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ const Monitor: AppRouteRecordRaw = {
path: 'log/operation',
path: '/monitor/log/operation',
name: 'OperationLog',
component: () => import('@/views/monitor/log/operation/index.vue'),
meta: {
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ const Monitor: AppRouteRecordRaw = {
path: 'log/system',
path: '/monitor/log/system',
name: 'SystemLog',
component: () => import('@/views/monitor/log/system/index.vue'),
meta: {
......@@ -22,6 +22,16 @@ const System: AppRouteRecordRaw = {
roles: ['*'],
path: '/system/menu',
name: 'Menu',
component: () => import('@/views/system/menu/index.vue'),
meta: {
locale: 'menu.system.menu.list',
requiresAuth: true,
roles: ['*'],
path: '/system/dept',
name: 'Dept',
......@@ -163,7 +163,6 @@
......@@ -297,7 +296,7 @@
} from '@/api/system/dept';
import listDeptTree from '@/api/common';
import { listDeptTree } from '@/api/common';
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance() as any;
<div class="app-container">
<Breadcrumb :items="['menu.system', 'menu.system.menu.list']" />
<a-card class="general-card" :title="$t('menu.system.menu.list')">
<!-- 头部区域 -->
<div class="header">
<!-- 搜索栏 -->
<div v-if="showQuery" class="header-query">
<a-form ref="queryRef" :model="queryParams" layout="inline">
<a-form-item field="menuName" hide-label>
style="width: 150px"
<a-form-item field="status" hide-label>
style="width: 150px"
<a-form-item hide-label>
<a-button type="primary" @click="handleQuery">
<template #icon><icon-search /></template>查询
<a-button @click="resetQuery">
<template #icon><icon-refresh /></template>重置
<!-- 操作栏 -->
<div class="header-operation">
<a-col :span="12">
<a-button type="primary" @click="toCreate">
<template #icon><icon-plus /></template>新增
:title="single ? '请选择一条要修改的数据' : ''"
<template #icon><icon-edit /></template>修改
:title="multiple ? '请选择要删除的数据' : ''"
<template #icon><icon-delete /></template>删除
<template #icon><icon-download /></template>导出
<a-button type="secondary" @click="handleExpandAll">
<template #icon><icon-swap :rotate="90" /></template>展开/折叠
<a-col :span="12">
<!-- 列表区域 -->
type: 'checkbox',
showCheckedAll: true,
onlyCurrent: false,
<template #columns>
<a-table-column title="菜单名称" data-index="menuName" />
<a-table-column title="图标" align="center">
<template #cell="{ record }">
<svg-icon :icon-class="record.icon ? record.icon : ''" />
<a-table-column title="排序" align="center" data-index="menuSort" />
<a-table-column title="权限标识" data-index="permission" />
<a-table-column title="组件路径" data-index="component" />
<a-table-column title="状态" align="center">
<template #cell="{ record }">
<a-table-column title="外链" align="center">
<template #cell="{ record }">
<a-tag v-if="record.isExternal" color="green"></a-tag>
<a-tag v-else color="red"></a-tag>
<a-table-column title="缓存" align="center">
<template #cell="{ record }">
<a-tag v-if="record.isCache" color="green"></a-tag>
<a-tag v-else color="red"></a-tag>
<a-table-column title="隐藏" align="center">
<template #cell="{ record }">
<a-tag v-if="record.isHidden" color="green"></a-tag>
<a-tag v-else color="red"></a-tag>
<a-table-column title="创建时间" data-index="createTime" />
<a-table-column title="操作" align="center">
<template #cell="{ record }">
<template #icon><icon-edit /></template>修改
<template #icon><icon-delete /></template>删除
<!-- 表单区域 -->
:label-col-style="{ width: '85px' }"
<a-form-item label="菜单类型" field="menuType" lab>
<a-radio-group v-model="form.menuType" type="button">
<a-radio :value="1" style="width: 57px">目录</a-radio>
<a-radio :value="2" style="width: 57px">菜单</a-radio>
<a-radio :value="3" style="width: 57px">按钮</a-radio>
<a-form-item v-if="form.menuType !== 3" label="菜单图标" field="icon">
style="width: 473px"
<template #prefix>
style="height: 32px; width: 16px"
<icon-search v-else />
<template #content>
<icon-select ref="iconSelectRef" @selected="selected" />
<a-form-item label="菜单名称" field="menuName">
style="width: 182px"
<a-form-item label="菜单排序" field="menuSort">
style="width: 182px"
v-if="form.menuType !== 1"
style="width: 182px"
<a-form-item v-if="form.menuType !== 3" label="路由地址" field="path">
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import { getCurrentInstance, ref, toRefs, reactive } from 'vue';
import {
} from '@arco-design/web-vue';
import {
} from '@/api/system/menu';
import { listMenuTree } from '@/api/common';
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance() as any;
const menuList = ref<MenuRecord[]>([]);
const ids = ref<Array<number>>([]);
const title = ref('');
const single = ref(true);
const multiple = ref(true);
const showQuery = ref(true);
const loading = ref(false);
const exportLoading = ref(false);
const expandAll = ref(false);
const visible = ref(false);
const showChooseIcon = ref(false);
const statusOptions = ref<SelectOptionData[]>([
{ label: '启用', value: 1 },
{ label: '禁用', value: 2 },
const treeData = ref<TreeNodeData[]>();
const data = reactive({
// 查询参数
queryParams: {
menuName: undefined,
status: undefined,
sort: ['parentId,asc', 'menuSort,asc', 'createTime,desc'],
// 表单数据
form: {} as MenuRecord,
// 表单验证规则
rules: {
menuName: [{ required: true, message: '请输入菜单名称' }],
path: [{ required: true, message: '请输入路由地址' }],
name: [{ required: true, message: '请输入组件名称' }],
component: [{ required: true, message: '请输入组件路径' }],
permission: [{ required: true, message: '请输入权限标识' }],
menuSort: [{ required: true, message: '请输入菜单排序' }],
const { queryParams, form, rules } = toRefs(data);
* 查询列表
* @param params 查询参数
const getList = (params: MenuParam = { ...queryParams.value }) => {
loading.value = true;
.then((res) => {
menuList.value = res.data;
.finally(() => {
loading.value = false;
* 打开新增对话框
const toCreate = () => {
listMenuTree({}).then((res) => {
treeData.value = res.data;
title.value = '新增菜单';
visible.value = true;
* 打开修改对话框
* @param id ID
const toUpdate = (id: number) => {
listMenuTree({}).then((res) => {
treeData.value = res.data;
getMenu(id).then((res) => {
form.value = res.data;
title.value = '修改菜单';
visible.value = true;
* 重置表单
const reset = () => {
form.value = {
menuId: undefined,
menuName: '',
parentId: undefined,
menuType: 1,
path: undefined,
name: undefined,
component: undefined,
icon: undefined,
isExternal: false,
isCache: false,
isHidden: false,
permission: undefined,
menuSort: 999,
status: 1,
* 取消
const handleCancel = () => {
visible.value = false;
* 确定
const handleOk = () => {
proxy.$refs.formRef.validate((valid: any) => {
if (!valid) {
if (form.value.menuId !== undefined) {
updateMenu(form.value).then((res) => {
} else {
createMenu(form.value).then((res) => {
* 批量删除
const handleBatchDelete = () => {
if (ids.value.length === 0) {
} else {
title: '警告',
titleAlign: 'start',
hideCancel: false,
onOk: () => {
* 删除
* @param ids ID 列表
const handleDelete = (ids: Array<number>) => {
deleteMenu(ids).then((res) => {
* 点击行选择器
const handleSelect = (rowKeys: any, rowKey: any, record: TableData) => {
if (rowKeys.find((key: any) => key === rowKey)) {
if (record.children) {
record.children.forEach((r) => {
if (r.children) {
handleSelect(rowKeys, rowKey, r);
} else if (record.children) {
record.children.forEach((r) => {
rowKeys.findIndex((key: number | undefined) => key === r.menuId),
proxy.$refs.tableRef.select(r.menuId, false);
if (r.children) {
handleSelect(rowKeys, rowKey, r);
* 已选择的数据行发生改变
* @param rowKeys ID 列表
const handleSelectionChange = (rowKeys: Array<any>) => {
ids.value = rowKeys;
single.value = rowKeys.length !== 1;
multiple.value = !rowKeys.length;
* 导出
const handleExport = () => {
if (exportLoading.value) return;
exportLoading.value = true;
.download('/system/menu/export', { ...queryParams.value }, '菜单数据')
.finally(() => {
exportLoading.value = false;
* 展开/折叠
const handleExpandAll = () => {
expandAll.value = !expandAll.value;
* 修改状态
* @param record 记录信息
const handleChangeStatus = (record: MenuRecord) => {
const tip = record.status === 1 ? '启用' : '禁用';
.then(() => {
.catch(() => {
record.status = record.status === 1 ? 2 : 1;
* 过滤菜单树
* @param searchValue 搜索值
* @param nodeData 节点值
const filterMenuTree = (searchValue: string, nodeData: TreeNodeData) => {
if (nodeData.title) {
return (
nodeData.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchValue.toLowerCase()) > -1
return false;
* 展示下拉图标
const showSelectIcon = () => {
showChooseIcon.value = true;
* 选择图标
* @param name 图标名称
const selected = (name: string) => {
form.value.icon = name;
showChooseIcon.value = false;
const hideSelectIcon = () => {
showChooseIcon.value = false;
* 查询
const handleQuery = () => {
* 重置
const resetQuery = () => {
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// eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-reserved-component-names
name: 'Menu',
<style scoped lang="less"></style>
export default {
'menu.system.menu.list': 'Menu management',
export default {
'menu.system.menu.list': '菜单管理',
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......@@ -34,8 +34,11 @@ import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.model.query.SortQuery;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.model.vo.R;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.monitor.annotation.Log;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.query.DeptQuery;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.query.MenuQuery;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.vo.DeptVO;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.vo.MenuVO;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.service.DeptService;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.service.MenuService;
* 公共 API
......@@ -50,13 +53,23 @@ import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.service.DeptService;
public class CommonController {
private final DeptService deptService;
private final MenuService menuService;
@Log(ignore = true)
@Operation(summary = "查询部门树", description = "查询树结构的部门列表")
public R<List<Tree<Long>>> listDeptTree(@Validated DeptQuery query, @Validated SortQuery sortQuery) {
List<DeptVO> list = deptService.list(query, sortQuery);
List<Tree<Long>> deptTreeList = deptService.buildTree(list);
return R.ok(deptTreeList);
List<Tree<Long>> treeList = deptService.buildTree(list);
return R.ok(treeList);
@Log(ignore = true)
@Operation(summary = "查询菜单树", description = "查询树结构的菜单列表")
public R<List<Tree<Long>>> listMenuTree(@Validated MenuQuery query, @Validated SortQuery sortQuery) {
List<MenuVO> list = menuService.list(query, sortQuery);
List<Tree<Long>> treeList = menuService.buildTree(list);
return R.ok(treeList);
* Copyright (c) 2022-present Charles7c Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package top.charles7c.cnadmin.webapi.controller.system;
import static top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.annotation.CrudRequestMapping.Api;
import java.util.List;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.tags.Tag;
import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.annotation.CrudRequestMapping;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.base.BaseController;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.model.query.SortQuery;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.common.model.vo.R;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.query.MenuQuery;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.request.MenuRequest;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.model.vo.MenuVO;
import top.charles7c.cnadmin.system.service.MenuService;
* 菜单管理 API
* @author Charles7c
* @since 2023/2/15 20:35
@Tag(name = "菜单管理 API")
@CrudRequestMapping(value = "/system/menu", api = {Api.LIST, Api.GET, Api.CREATE, Api.UPDATE, Api.DELETE, Api.EXPORT})
public class MenuController extends BaseController<MenuService, MenuVO, MenuVO, MenuQuery, MenuRequest> {
@Operation(summary = "查询列表树")
public R<List<MenuVO>> list(@Validated MenuQuery query, @Validated SortQuery sortQuery) {
List<MenuVO> list = baseService.list(query, sortQuery);
return R.ok(baseService.buildListTree(list));
......@@ -22,3 +22,29 @@ INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_role` VALUES (2, '测试人员', 'test', 4, NULL, '系
-- 初始化默认用户和角色关联数据
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_user_role` VALUES (1, 1);
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_user_role` VALUES (2, 2);
-- 初始化默认菜单
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (1000, '系统管理', 0, 1, 'system', NULL, NULL, 'settings', b'0', b'0', b'0', NULL, 1, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
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INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (1011, '角色新增', 1010, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', b'0', b'0', 'system:role:create', 1, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (1012, '角色修改', 1010, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', b'0', b'0', 'system:role:update', 2, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (1013, '角色删除', 1010, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', b'0', b'0', 'system:role:delete', 3, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (1014, '角色导出', 1010, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', b'0', b'0', 'system:role:export', 4, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (1030, '菜单管理', 1000, 2, '/system/menu', 'Menu', 'system/menu/index', NULL, b'0', b'0', b'0', 'system:menu:list', 3, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (1031, '菜单新增', 1030, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', b'0', b'0', 'system:menu:create', 1, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (1032, '菜单修改', 1030, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', b'0', b'0', 'system:menu:update', 2, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (1033, '菜单删除', 1030, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', b'0', b'0', 'system:menu:delete', 3, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
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INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (1051, '部门新增', 1050, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', b'0', b'0', 'system:dept:create', 1, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (1052, '部门修改', 1050, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', b'0', b'0', 'system:dept:update', 2, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (1053, '部门删除', 1050, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', b'0', b'0', 'system:dept:delete', 3, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (1054, '部门导出', 1050, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', b'0', b'0', 'system:dept:export', 4, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (2000, '系统监控', 0, 1, 'monitor', NULL, NULL, 'computer', b'0', b'0', b'0', NULL, 2, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (2010, '在线用户', 2000, 2, '/monitor/online', 'OnlineUser', 'monitor/online/index', NULL, b'0', b'0', b'0', 'monitor:online:user:list', 1, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (2011, '强退用户', 2010, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', b'0', b'0', 'monitor:online:user:delete', 1, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (2030, '登录日志', 2000, 2, '/monitor/log/login', 'LoginLog', 'monitor/log/login/index', NULL, b'0', b'0', b'0', 'monitor:log:login:list', 2, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (2050, '操作日志', 2000, 2, '/monitor/log/operation', 'OperationLog', 'monitor/log/operation/index', NULL, b'0', b'0', b'0', 'monitor:log:operation:list', 3, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (2070, '系统日志', 2000, 2, '/monitor/log/system', 'SystemLog', 'monitor/log/system/index', NULL, b'0', b'0', b'0', 'monitor:log:system:list', 4, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (10000, 'Arco Design Vue', 0, 1, 'https://arco.design/vue/docs/start', NULL, NULL, 'link', b'1', b'0', b'0', NULL, 100, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_menu` VALUES (10001, 'GitHub', 0, 1, 'https://github.com/Charles7c/continew-admin', NULL, NULL, 'github', b'1', b'0', b'0', NULL, 101, 1, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW());
......@@ -67,6 +67,37 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sys_user_role` (
PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`,`role_id`) USING BTREE
`menu_id` bigint(20) unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '菜单ID',
`menu_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '菜单名称',
`parent_id` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '上级菜单ID',
`menu_type` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '菜单类型(1目录 2菜单 3按钮)',
`path` varchar(512) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '路由地址',
`name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '组件名称',
`component` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '组件路径',
`icon` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '菜单图标',
`is_external` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否外链',
`is_cache` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否缓存',
`is_hidden` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否隐藏',
`permission` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '权限标识',
`menu_sort` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT 999 COMMENT '菜单排序',
`status` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '状态(1启用 2禁用)',
`create_user` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '创建人',
`create_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
`update_user` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '修改人',
`update_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '修改时间',
INDEX `idx_parent_id`(`parent_id`) USING BTREE,
INDEX `idx_create_user`(`create_user`) USING BTREE,
INDEX `idx_update_user`(`update_user`) USING BTREE
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sys_role_menu` (
`role_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '角色ID',
`menu_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '菜单ID',
PRIMARY KEY (`role_id`,`menu_id`) USING BTREE
`log_id` bigint(20) unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '日志ID',
`description` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '日志描述',
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