//***************************************************************************** // // am_hal_adc.c //! @file //! //! @brief Functions for interfacing with the Analog to Digital Converter. //! //! @addtogroup adc2 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) //! @ingroup apollo2hal //! @{ // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // // Copyright (c) 2017, Ambiq Micro // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this // software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // This is part of revision 1.2.11 of the AmbiqSuite Development Package. // //***************************************************************************** #include "am_mcu_apollo.h" //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Private SRAM view of temperature trims. //! //! This static SRAM union is private to the ADC HAL functions. // //***************************************************************************** static union { //! These trim values are loaded as uint32_t values. struct { //! Temperature of the package test head (in degrees Kelvin) uint32_t ui32CalibrationTemperature; //! Voltage corresponding to temperature measured on test head. uint32_t ui32CalibrationVoltage; //! ADC offset voltage measured on the package test head. uint32_t ui32CalibrationOffset; //! Flag if default (guess) or measured. bool bMeasured; } ui32; //! These trim values are accessed as floats when used in temp calculations. struct { //! Temperature of the package test head in degrees Kelvin float fCalibrationTemperature; //! Voltage corresponding to temperature measured on test head. float fCalibrationVoltage; //! ADC offset voltage measured on the package test head. float fCalibrationOffset; //! Flag if default (guess) or measured. float fMeasuredFlag; } flt; } priv_temp_trims; //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Configure the ADC. //! //! @param psConfig - pointer to the configuration structure for the ADC. //! //! This function may be used to perform the initial setup of the ADC based on //! setting found in a configuration structure. //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_adc_config(am_hal_adc_config_t *psConfig) { // // Set general ADC configuration parameters. // AM_REG(ADC, CFG) = (psConfig->ui32Clock | psConfig->ui32TriggerConfig | psConfig->ui32Reference | psConfig->ui32ClockMode | psConfig->ui32PowerMode | psConfig->ui32Repeat | AM_REG_ADC_CFG_ADCEN(1)); // // Grab the temperature trims. // priv_temp_trims.ui32.ui32CalibrationTemperature = am_hal_flash_load_ui32(AM_HAL_ADC_CALIB_TEMP_ADDR); priv_temp_trims.ui32.ui32CalibrationVoltage = am_hal_flash_load_ui32(AM_HAL_ADC_CALIB_AMBIENT_ADDR); priv_temp_trims.ui32.ui32CalibrationOffset = am_hal_flash_load_ui32(AM_HAL_ADC_CALIB_ADC_OFFSET_ADDR); if ( (priv_temp_trims.ui32.ui32CalibrationTemperature == 0xffffffff) || (priv_temp_trims.ui32.ui32CalibrationVoltage == 0xffffffff) || (priv_temp_trims.ui32.ui32CalibrationOffset == 0xffffffff) ) { // // Since the device has not been calibrated on the tester, we'll load // default calibration values. These default values should result // in worst-case temperature measurements of +-6 degress C. // priv_temp_trims.flt.fCalibrationTemperature = AM_HAL_ADC_CALIB_TEMP_DEFAULT; priv_temp_trims.flt.fCalibrationVoltage = AM_HAL_ADC_CALIB_AMBIENT_DEFAULT; priv_temp_trims.flt.fCalibrationOffset = AM_HAL_ADC_CALIB_ADC_OFFSET_DEFAULT; priv_temp_trims.ui32.bMeasured = false; } else { priv_temp_trims.ui32.bMeasured = true; } } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Get the temperature trim parameters after configuring the ADC. //! //! @param pfTemp - pointer to a location to store the calibration temperature. //! @param pfVoltage - pointer to a location to store the calibration voltage. //! @param pfOffsetV - pointer to a location to store the calibration offset. //! //! This function may be used to access the actual temperature sensor trim //! values from the private structure. //! //! WARNING: only call this after the ADC has been configured with //! am_hal_adc_config. //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_adc_temp_trims_get(float * pfTemp, float * pfVoltage, float * pfOffsetV) { // // Return trim temperature as a float, if you can. // if ( pfTemp != NULL ) { *pfTemp = priv_temp_trims.flt.fCalibrationTemperature; } // // Return trim voltage as a float, if you can. // if ( pfVoltage != NULL ) { *pfVoltage = priv_temp_trims.flt.fCalibrationVoltage; } // // Return trim ADC offset voltage as a float, if you can. // if ( pfOffsetV != NULL ) { *pfOffsetV = priv_temp_trims.flt.fCalibrationOffset; } } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Set the ADC window parameters. //! //! @param ui32Upper - the upper limit for the ADC window. //! @param ui32Upper - the lower limit for the ADC window. //! //! This function may be used to change the ADC window parameters. Please note //! that the upper and lower limits are only 16-bits wide in the ADC hardware. //! This function will ignore the upper 16 bits of these arguments. //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_adc_window_set(uint32_t ui32Upper, uint32_t ui32Lower) { // // Set the window limits for the ADC. // AM_BFW(ADC, WULIM, ULIM, ui32Upper); AM_BFW(ADC, WLLIM, LLIM, ui32Lower); } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Configure a single ADC slot. //! //! @param ui32SlotNumber - the number of the ADC slot to be configured. //! @param ui32SlotConfig - contains slot-specific options. //! //! This function may be used to configure the settings for an individual ADC //! slot. The parameter \b ui32SlotConfig should be the logical 'OR' of a slot //! average macro, a slot hold-time macro, a slot channel macro, and //! optionally, the slot window enable macro. //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_adc_slot_config(uint32_t ui32SlotNumber, uint32_t ui32SlotConfig) { uint32_t ui32RegOffset; // // Make sure we're accessing a real slot. // am_hal_debug_assert_msg((ui32SlotNumber & 0xFFFFFFFF0) == 0, "Trying to configure an ADC slot that doesn't exist."); // // Locate the correct register for this ADC slot. // ui32RegOffset = (AM_REG_ADCn(0) + AM_REG_ADC_SL0CFG_O + (4 * ui32SlotNumber)); // // Write the register with the caller's configuration value. // AM_REGVAL(ui32RegOffset) = ui32SlotConfig; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Peek at the next fifo entry. //! //! This function reads the oldest value in the ADC sample fifo but doesn't //! actually advance the fifo to the next entry. This function is useful when //! you need information from the fifo but you don't want to also empty the //! fifo. This could be helpful if you want to check the FIFO depth without //! pulling any data out. //! //! The value returned by this function is the raw 32-bit value provided by the //! ADC hardware. In order to interpret this value, you will need to use one of //! the following macros. //! //! @return 32-bit FIFO entry. //! // //***************************************************************************** uint32_t am_hal_adc_fifo_peek(void) { uint32_t ui32FIFOValue; // // Grab a value from the ADC FIFO. // ui32FIFOValue = AM_REG(ADC, FIFO); // // Return FIFO entry. // return ui32FIFOValue; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief //! //! This function reads the oldest value in the ADC fifo and then pops the //! fifo. Use this function when you actually want to pull data out of the //! fifo. //! //! @return 32-bit FIFO entry. //! // //***************************************************************************** uint32_t am_hal_adc_fifo_pop(void) { uint32_t ui32FIFOValue; // // Grab a value from the ADC FIFO. // ui32FIFOValue = AM_REG(ADC, FIFO); // // Pop the FIFO. // AM_REG(ADC, FIFO) = 0; // // Return FIFO valid bits. // return ui32FIFOValue; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Issue Software Trigger to the ADC. //! //! This function issues the software trigger to the ADC. //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_adc_trigger(void) { // // Write to the Software trigger register in the ADC. // AM_REG(ADC, SWT) = 0x37; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Enable the ADC. //! //! Use this function to enable the ADC. //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_adc_enable(void) { // // Enable the ADC. // AM_BFW(ADC, CFG, ADCEN, 0x1); } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Disable the ADC. //! //! Use this function to disable the ADC. //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_adc_disable(void) { // // Disable the ADC. // AM_BFW(ADC, CFG, ADCEN, 0x0); } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Enable selected ADC Interrupts. //! //! @param ui32Interrupt - Use the macro bit fields provided in am_hal_adc.h. //! //! Use this function to enable the ADC interrupts. //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_adc_int_enable(uint32_t ui32Interrupt) { // // Enable the interrupts. // AM_REG(ADC, INTEN) |= ui32Interrupt; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Return enabled ADC Interrupts. //! //! Use this function to get all enabled ADC interrupts. //! //! @return enabled ADC Interrupts. // //***************************************************************************** uint32_t am_hal_adc_int_enable_get(void) { // // Return enabled interrupts. // return AM_REG(ADC, INTEN); } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Disable selected ADC Interrupts. //! //! @param ui32Interrupt - Use the macro bit fields provided in am_hal_adc.h. //! //! Use this function to disable the ADC interrupts. //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_adc_int_disable(uint32_t ui32Interrupt) { // // Disable the interrupts. // AM_REG(ADC, INTEN) &= ~ui32Interrupt; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Clear selected ADC Interrupts. //! //! @param ui32Interrupt - Use the macro bit fields provided in am_hal_adc.h. //! //! Use this function to clear the ADC interrupts. //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_adc_int_clear(uint32_t ui32Interrupt) { // // Clear the interrupts. // AM_REG(ADC, INTCLR) = ui32Interrupt; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Set selected ADC Interrupts. //! //! @param ui32Interrupt - Use the macro bit fields provided in am_hal_adc.h. //! //! Use this function to set the ADC interrupts. //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_adc_int_set(uint32_t ui32Interrupt) { // // Set the interrupts. // AM_REG(ADC, INTSET) = ui32Interrupt; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Return either enabled or raw selected ADC interrupt status. //! //! @param bEnabledOnly - return the status of only the enabled interrupts. //! //! Use this function to get the ADC interrupt status. //! //! @return enabled or raw ADC interrupt status. // //***************************************************************************** uint32_t am_hal_adc_int_status_get(bool bEnabledOnly) { // // Return the status. // if (bEnabledOnly) { uint32_t u32RetVal = AM_REG(ADC, INTEN); u32RetVal &= AM_REG(ADC, INTSTAT); return u32RetVal; } else { return AM_REG(ADC, INTSTAT); } } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Return temperature in degrees C of supplied voltage. //! //! @param fVoltage - return the temperature corresponding to this voltage. //! //! Use this function to convert volts from the temperature sensor into degrees //! C. Caller converts ADC binary code to volts based on reference used. //! This routine looks up the trim parameters and returns corrected temperature. //! //! The computation is based on a line running through 0 degrees K. //! We find the slope from the trimmed temperature calibration point. //! //! //! @return the temperature in degrees C. // //***************************************************************************** float am_hal_adc_volts_to_celsius(float fVoltage) { float fTemp; // // Get calibration temperature from trimmed values & convert to degrees K. // float fCalibration_temp = priv_temp_trims.flt.fCalibrationTemperature; // // Get remaining trimmed values. // float fCalibration_voltage = priv_temp_trims.flt.fCalibrationVoltage; float fCalibration_offset = priv_temp_trims.flt.fCalibrationOffset; // // Compute the temperature. // fTemp = fCalibration_temp; fTemp /= (fCalibration_voltage - fCalibration_offset); fTemp *= (fVoltage - fCalibration_offset); // // Give it back to the caller in Celsius. // return fTemp - 273.15f; } //***************************************************************************** // // End Doxygen group. //! @} // //*****************************************************************************