//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright 上海赜睿信息科技有限公司(Zilliz) - All Rights Reserved // Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited. // Proprietary and confidential. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Factories.h" #include "DBImpl.h" #include "MemManager.h" #include "NewMemManager.h" #include "Exception.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace zilliz { namespace milvus { namespace engine { DBMetaOptions DBMetaOptionsFactory::Build(const std::string& path) { auto p = path; if(p == "") { srand(time(nullptr)); std::stringstream ss; ss << "/tmp/" << rand(); p = ss.str(); } DBMetaOptions meta; meta.path = p; return meta; } Options OptionsFactory::Build() { auto meta = DBMetaOptionsFactory::Build(); Options options; options.meta = meta; return options; } std::shared_ptr DBMetaImplFactory::Build() { DBMetaOptions options = DBMetaOptionsFactory::Build(); return std::shared_ptr(new meta::DBMetaImpl(options)); } std::shared_ptr DBMetaImplFactory::Build(const DBMetaOptions& metaOptions, const int& mode) { std::string uri = metaOptions.backend_uri; std::string dialectRegex = "(.*)"; std::string usernameRegex = "(.*)"; std::string passwordRegex = "(.*)"; std::string hostRegex = "(.*)"; std::string portRegex = "(.*)"; std::string dbNameRegex = "(.*)"; std::string uriRegexStr = dialectRegex + "\\:\\/\\/" + usernameRegex + "\\:" + passwordRegex + "\\@" + hostRegex + "\\:" + portRegex + "\\/" + dbNameRegex; std::regex uriRegex(uriRegexStr); std::smatch pieces_match; if (std::regex_match(uri, pieces_match, uriRegex)) { std::string dialect = pieces_match[1].str(); std::transform(dialect.begin(), dialect.end(), dialect.begin(), ::tolower); if (dialect.find("mysql") != std::string::npos) { ENGINE_LOG_INFO << "Using MySQL"; return std::make_shared(meta::MySQLMetaImpl(metaOptions, mode)); } else if (dialect.find("sqlite") != std::string::npos) { ENGINE_LOG_INFO << "Using SQLite"; return std::make_shared(meta::DBMetaImpl(metaOptions)); } else { ENGINE_LOG_ERROR << "Invalid dialect in URI: dialect = " << dialect; throw InvalidArgumentException("URI dialect is not mysql / sqlite"); } } else { ENGINE_LOG_ERROR << "Wrong URI format: URI = " << uri; throw InvalidArgumentException("Wrong URI format "); } } std::shared_ptr DBFactory::Build() { auto options = OptionsFactory::Build(); auto db = DBFactory::Build(options); return std::shared_ptr(db); } DB* DBFactory::Build(const Options& options) { return new DBImpl(options); } MemManagerAbstractPtr MemManagerFactory::Build(const std::shared_ptr& meta, const Options& options) { if (const char* env = getenv("MILVUS_USE_OLD_MEM_MANAGER")) { std::string env_str = env; std::transform(env_str.begin(), env_str.end(), env_str.begin(), ::toupper); if (env_str == "ON") { return std::make_shared(meta, options); } else { return std::make_shared(meta, options); } } return std::make_shared(meta, options); } } // namespace engine } // namespace milvus } // namespace zilliz