from ..search_index import * import unittest import numpy as np class TestSearchSingleThread(unittest.TestCase): def test_search_by_vectors(self): d = 64 nb = 10000 nq = 100 _, xb, xq = get_dataset(d, nb, 500, nq) index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(d) index.add(xb) # expect result Dref, Iref =, 5) searcher = FaissSearch(index) result = searcher.search_by_vectors(xq, 5) assert np.all(result.distance == Dref) \ and np.all(result.vectors == Iref) pass def test_top_k(selfs): pass def get_dataset(d, nb, nt, nq): """A dataset that is not completely random but still challenging to index """ d1 = 10 # intrinsic dimension (more or less) n = nb + nt + nq rs = np.random.RandomState(1338) x = rs.normal(size=(n, d1)) x =, rs.rand(d1, d)) # now we have a d1-dim ellipsoid in d-dimensional space # higher factor (>4) -> higher frequency -> less linear x = x * (rs.rand(d) * 4 + 0.1) x = np.sin(x) x = x.astype('float32') return x[:nt], x[nt:-nq], x[-nq:] if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()