#include "db/engine/ExecutionEngine.h" #include "ValidationUtil.h" #include "Log.h" #include namespace zilliz { namespace milvus { namespace server { constexpr size_t table_name_size_limit = 255; constexpr int64_t table_dimension_limit = 16384; constexpr int32_t index_file_size_limit = 4096; //index trigger size max = 4096 MB ErrorCode ValidationUtil::ValidateTableName(const std::string &table_name) { // Table name shouldn't be empty. if (table_name.empty()) { SERVER_LOG_ERROR << "Empty table name"; return SERVER_INVALID_TABLE_NAME; } // Table name size shouldn't exceed 16384. if (table_name.size() > table_name_size_limit) { SERVER_LOG_ERROR << "Table name size exceed the limitation"; return SERVER_INVALID_TABLE_NAME; } // Table name first character should be underscore or character. char first_char = table_name[0]; if (first_char != '_' && std::isalpha(first_char) == 0) { SERVER_LOG_ERROR << "Table name first character isn't underscore or character: " << first_char; return SERVER_INVALID_TABLE_NAME; } int64_t table_name_size = table_name.size(); for (int64_t i = 1; i < table_name_size; ++i) { char name_char = table_name[i]; if (name_char != '_' && std::isalnum(name_char) == 0) { SERVER_LOG_ERROR << "Table name character isn't underscore or alphanumber: " << name_char; return SERVER_INVALID_TABLE_NAME; } } return SERVER_SUCCESS; } ErrorCode ValidationUtil::ValidateTableDimension(int64_t dimension) { if (dimension <= 0 || dimension > table_dimension_limit) { SERVER_LOG_ERROR << "Table dimension excceed the limitation: " << table_dimension_limit; return SERVER_INVALID_VECTOR_DIMENSION; } else { return SERVER_SUCCESS; } } ErrorCode ValidationUtil::ValidateTableIndexType(int32_t index_type) { int engine_type = (int)engine::EngineType(index_type); if(engine_type <= 0 || engine_type > (int)engine::EngineType::MAX_VALUE) { return SERVER_INVALID_INDEX_TYPE; } return SERVER_SUCCESS; } ErrorCode ValidationUtil::ValidateTableIndexNlist(int32_t nlist) { if(nlist <= 0) { return SERVER_INVALID_INDEX_NLIST; } return SERVER_SUCCESS; } ErrorCode ValidationUtil::ValidateTableIndexFileSize(int64_t index_file_size) { if(index_file_size <= 0 || index_file_size > index_file_size_limit) { return SERVER_INVALID_INDEX_FILE_SIZE; } return SERVER_SUCCESS; } ErrorCode ValidationUtil::ValidateTableIndexMetricType(int32_t metric_type) { if(metric_type != (int32_t)engine::MetricType::L2 && metric_type != (int32_t)engine::MetricType::IP) { return SERVER_INVALID_INDEX_METRIC_TYPE; } return SERVER_SUCCESS; } ErrorCode ValidationUtil::ValidateSearchTopk(int64_t top_k, const engine::meta::TableSchema& table_schema) { if (top_k <= 0 || top_k > 2048) { return SERVER_INVALID_TOPK; } return SERVER_SUCCESS; } ErrorCode ValidationUtil::ValidateSearchNprobe(int64_t nprobe, const engine::meta::TableSchema& table_schema) { if (nprobe <= 0 || nprobe > table_schema.nlist_) { return SERVER_INVALID_NPROBE; } return SERVER_SUCCESS; } ErrorCode ValidationUtil::ValidateGpuIndex(uint32_t gpu_index) { int num_devices = 0; auto cuda_err = cudaGetDeviceCount(&num_devices); if (cuda_err) { SERVER_LOG_ERROR << "Failed to count video card: " << std::to_string(cuda_err); return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; } if(gpu_index >= num_devices) { return SERVER_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } return SERVER_SUCCESS; } ErrorCode ValidationUtil::GetGpuMemory(uint32_t gpu_index, size_t& memory) { cudaDeviceProp deviceProp; auto cuda_err = cudaGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, gpu_index); if (cuda_err) { SERVER_LOG_ERROR << "Failed to get video card properties: " << std::to_string(cuda_err); return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; } memory = deviceProp.totalGlobalMem; return SERVER_SUCCESS; } } } }