''' Copyright 上海赜睿信息科技有限公司(Zilliz) - All Rights Reserved Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited. Proprietary and confidential. ''' ''' Test Description: This document is only a template to show how to write a auto-test script 本文档仅仅是个展示如何编写自动化测试脚本的模板 ''' import pytest from milvus import Milvus class TestConnection: def test_connect_localhost(self): """ TestCase1.1 Test target: This case is to check if the server can be connected. Test method: Call API: milvus.connect to connect local milvus server, ip address: and port: 19530, check the return status Expectation: Return status is OK. 测试目的:本用例测试客户端是否可以与服务器建立连接 测试方法:调用SDK API: milvus.connect方法连接本地服务器,IP地址:,端口:19530,检查调用返回状态 期望结果:返回状态是:OK """ milvus = Milvus() milvus.connect(host='', port='19530') assert milvus.connected