# Changelog Please mark all change in change log and use the ticket from JIRA. # MegaSearch 0.3.0 (TBD) ## Bug ## Improvement ## New Feature - MS-57 - Implement index load/search pipeline - MS-56 - Add version information when server is started - MS-64 - Different table can have different index type - MS-52 - Return search score - MS-66 - Support time range query - MS-70 - cmake: remove redundant libs in src ## Task # MegaSearch 0.2.0 (2019-05-31) ## Bug - MS-32 - Fix thrift error - MS-34 - Fix prometheus-cpp thirdparty - MS-67 - Fix license check bug ## Improvement - MS-20 - Clean Code Part 1 ## New Feature - MS-5 - Implement Auto Archive Feature - MS-6 - Implement SDK interface part 1 - MS-16 - Implement metrics without prometheus - MS-21 - Implement SDK interface part 2 - MS-26 - cmake. Add thirdparty packages - MS-31 - cmake: add prometheus - MS-33 - cmake: add -j4 to make third party packages build faster - MS-27 - support gpu config and disable license build config in cmake - MS-47 - Add query vps metrics - MS-37 - Add query, cache usage, disk write speed and file data size metrics - MS-30 - Use faiss v1.5.2 - MS-54 - cmake: Change Thrift third party URL to github.com ## Task - MS-1 - Add CHANGELOG.md - MS-4 - Refactor the vecwise_engine code structure - MS-62 - Search range to all if no date specified