// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Zilliz. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License // is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express // or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #include "server/delivery/request/InsertRequest.h" #include "db/Utils.h" #include "server/DBWrapper.h" #include "utils/CommonUtil.h" #include "utils/Log.h" #include "utils/TimeRecorder.h" #include "utils/ValidationUtil.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef MILVUS_ENABLE_PROFILING #include #endif namespace milvus { namespace server { InsertRequest::InsertRequest(const std::shared_ptr& context, const std::string& table_name, engine::VectorsData& vectors, const std::string& partition_tag) : BaseRequest(context, DDL_DML_REQUEST_GROUP), table_name_(table_name), vectors_data_(vectors), partition_tag_(partition_tag) { } BaseRequestPtr InsertRequest::Create(const std::shared_ptr& context, const std::string& table_name, engine::VectorsData& vectors, const std::string& partition_tag) { return std::shared_ptr(new InsertRequest(context, table_name, vectors, partition_tag)); } Status InsertRequest::OnExecute() { try { int64_t vector_count = vectors_data_.vector_count_; fiu_do_on("InsertRequest.OnExecute.throw_std_exception", throw std::exception()); std::string hdr = "InsertRequest(table=" + table_name_ + ", n=" + std::to_string(vector_count) + ", partition_tag=" + partition_tag_ + ")"; TimeRecorder rc(hdr); // step 1: check arguments auto status = ValidationUtil::ValidateTableName(table_name_); if (!status.ok()) { return status; } if (vectors_data_.float_data_.empty() && vectors_data_.binary_data_.empty()) { return Status(SERVER_INVALID_ROWRECORD_ARRAY, "The vector array is empty. Make sure you have entered vector records."); } fiu_do_on("InsertRequest.OnExecute.id_array_error", vectors_data_.id_array_.resize(vector_count + 1)); if (!vectors_data_.id_array_.empty()) { if (vectors_data_.id_array_.size() != vector_count) { return Status(SERVER_ILLEGAL_VECTOR_ID, "The size of vector ID array must be equal to the size of the vector."); } } // step 2: check table existence // only process root table, ignore partition table engine::meta::TableSchema table_schema; table_schema.table_id_ = table_name_; status = DBWrapper::DB()->DescribeTable(table_schema); fiu_do_on("InsertRequest.OnExecute.db_not_found", status = Status(milvus::DB_NOT_FOUND, "")); fiu_do_on("InsertRequest.OnExecute.describe_table_fail", status = Status(milvus::SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR, "")); if (!status.ok()) { if (status.code() == DB_NOT_FOUND) { return Status(SERVER_TABLE_NOT_EXIST, TableNotExistMsg(table_name_)); } else { return status; } } else { if (!table_schema.owner_table_.empty()) { return Status(SERVER_INVALID_TABLE_NAME, TableNotExistMsg(table_name_)); } } // step 3: check table flag // all user provide id, or all internal id bool user_provide_ids = !vectors_data_.id_array_.empty(); fiu_do_on("InsertRequest.OnExecute.illegal_vector_id", user_provide_ids = false; table_schema.flag_ = engine::meta::FLAG_MASK_HAS_USERID); // user already provided id before, all insert action require user id if ((table_schema.flag_ & engine::meta::FLAG_MASK_HAS_USERID) != 0 && !user_provide_ids) { return Status(SERVER_ILLEGAL_VECTOR_ID, "Table vector IDs are user-defined. Please provide IDs for all vectors of this table."); } fiu_do_on("InsertRequest.OnExecute.illegal_vector_id2", user_provide_ids = true; table_schema.flag_ = engine::meta::FLAG_MASK_NO_USERID); // user didn't provided id before, no need to provide user id if ((table_schema.flag_ & engine::meta::FLAG_MASK_NO_USERID) != 0 && user_provide_ids) { return Status( SERVER_ILLEGAL_VECTOR_ID, "Table vector IDs are auto-generated. All vectors of this table must use auto-generated IDs."); } rc.RecordSection("check validation"); #ifdef MILVUS_ENABLE_PROFILING std::string fname = "/tmp/insert_" + CommonUtil::GetCurrentTimeStr() + ".profiling"; ProfilerStart(fname.c_str()); #endif // step 4: some metric type doesn't support float vectors if (!vectors_data_.float_data_.empty()) { // insert float vectors if (engine::utils::IsBinaryMetricType(table_schema.metric_type_)) { return Status(SERVER_INVALID_ROWRECORD_ARRAY, "Table metric type doesn't support float vectors."); } // check prepared float data if (vectors_data_.float_data_.size() % vector_count != 0) { return Status(SERVER_INVALID_ROWRECORD_ARRAY, "The vector dimension must be equal to the table dimension."); } fiu_do_on("InsertRequest.OnExecute.invalid_dim", table_schema.dimension_ = -1); if (vectors_data_.float_data_.size() / vector_count != table_schema.dimension_) { return Status(SERVER_INVALID_VECTOR_DIMENSION, "The vector dimension must be equal to the table dimension."); } } else if (!vectors_data_.binary_data_.empty()) { // insert binary vectors if (!engine::utils::IsBinaryMetricType(table_schema.metric_type_)) { return Status(SERVER_INVALID_ROWRECORD_ARRAY, "Table metric type doesn't support binary vectors."); } // check prepared binary data if (vectors_data_.binary_data_.size() % vector_count != 0) { return Status(SERVER_INVALID_ROWRECORD_ARRAY, "The vector dimension must be equal to the table dimension."); } if (vectors_data_.binary_data_.size() * 8 / vector_count != table_schema.dimension_) { return Status(SERVER_INVALID_VECTOR_DIMENSION, "The vector dimension must be equal to the table dimension."); } } // step 5: insert vectors auto vec_count = static_cast(vector_count); rc.RecordSection("prepare vectors data"); status = DBWrapper::DB()->InsertVectors(table_name_, partition_tag_, vectors_data_); fiu_do_on("InsertRequest.OnExecute.insert_fail", status = Status(milvus::SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR, "")); if (!status.ok()) { return status; } auto ids_size = vectors_data_.id_array_.size(); fiu_do_on("InsertRequest.OnExecute.invalid_ids_size", ids_size = vec_count - 1); if (ids_size != vec_count) { std::string msg = "Add " + std::to_string(vec_count) + " vectors but only return " + std::to_string(ids_size) + " id"; return Status(SERVER_ILLEGAL_VECTOR_ID, msg); } // step 6: update table flag user_provide_ids ? table_schema.flag_ |= engine::meta::FLAG_MASK_HAS_USERID : table_schema.flag_ |= engine::meta::FLAG_MASK_NO_USERID; status = DBWrapper::DB()->UpdateTableFlag(table_name_, table_schema.flag_); #ifdef MILVUS_ENABLE_PROFILING ProfilerStop(); #endif rc.RecordSection("add vectors to engine"); rc.ElapseFromBegin("total cost"); } catch (std::exception& ex) { return Status(SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR, ex.what()); } return Status::OK(); } } // namespace server } // namespace milvus