// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. #include "ServerConfig.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "config/ConfigMgr.h" #include "utils/CommonUtil.h" #include "utils/ValidationUtil.h" namespace zilliz { namespace milvus { namespace server { constexpr uint64_t MB = 1024 * 1024; constexpr uint64_t GB = MB * 1024; ServerConfig & ServerConfig::GetInstance() { static ServerConfig config; return config; } Status ServerConfig::LoadConfigFile(const std::string &filename) { if (filename.empty()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: need specify config file" << std::endl; exit(1); } struct stat dirStat; int statOK = stat(filename.c_str(), &dirStat); if (statOK != 0) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Config file not exist: " << filename << std::endl; exit(1); } try { ConfigMgr *mgr = const_cast(ConfigMgr::GetInstance()); ErrorCode err = mgr->LoadConfigFile(filename); if (err != 0) { std::cerr << "Server failed to load config file: " << filename << std::endl; exit(1); } } catch (YAML::Exception &e) { std::cerr << "Server failed to load config file: " << filename << std::endl; exit(1); } return Status::OK(); } Status ServerConfig::ValidateConfig() { if (!CheckServerConfig().ok()) { return Status(SERVER_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Server config validation check fail"); } if (!CheckDBConfig().ok()) { return Status(SERVER_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "DB config validation check fail"); } if (!CheckMetricConfig().ok()) { return Status(SERVER_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Metric config validation check fail"); } if (!CheckCacheConfig().ok()) { return Status(SERVER_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Cache config validation check fail"); } if (!CheckEngineConfig().ok()) { return Status(SERVER_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Engine config validation check fail"); } if (!CheckResourceConfig().ok()) { return Status(SERVER_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Resource config validation check fail"); } return Status::OK(); } Status ServerConfig::CheckServerConfig() { /* server_config: address: # milvus server ip address (IPv4) port: 19530 # the port milvus listen to, default: 19530, range: 1025 ~ 65534 mode: single # milvus deployment type: single, cluster, read_only time_zone: UTC+8 # Use the UTC-x or UTC+x to specify a time zone. eg. UTC+8 for China Standard Time */ bool okay = true; ConfigNode server_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_SERVER); std::string ip_address = server_config.GetValue(CONFIG_SERVER_ADDRESS, CONFIG_SERVER_ADDRESS_DEFAULT); if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateIpAddress(ip_address).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: invalid server IP address: " << ip_address << std::endl; okay = false; } std::string port_str = server_config.GetValue(CONFIG_SERVER_PORT, CONFIG_SERVER_PORT_DEFAULT); if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsNumber(port_str).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: port " << port_str << " is not a number" << std::endl; okay = false; } else { int32_t port = std::stol(port_str); if (!(port > 1024 && port < 65535)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: port " << port_str << " out of range (1024, 65535)" << std::endl; okay = false; } } std::string mode = server_config.GetValue(CONFIG_SERVER_MODE, CONFIG_SERVER_MODE_DEFAULT); if (mode != "single" && mode != "cluster" && mode != "read_only") { std::cerr << "ERROR: mode " << mode << " is not one of ['single', 'cluster', 'read_only']" << std::endl; okay = false; } std::string time_zone = server_config.GetValue(CONFIG_SERVER_TIME_ZONE, CONFIG_SERVER_TIME_ZONE_DEFAULT); int flag = 0; if (time_zone.length() <= 3) { flag = 1; } else { if (time_zone.substr(0, 3) != "UTC") { flag = 1; } else { try { stoi(time_zone.substr(3)); } catch (...) { flag = 1; } } } if (flag == 1) { std::cerr << "ERROR: time_zone " << time_zone << " format wrong" << std::endl; okay = false; } return (okay ? Status::OK() : Status(SERVER_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Illegal server config")); } Status ServerConfig::CheckDBConfig() { /* db_config: db_path: @MILVUS_DB_PATH@ # milvus data storage path db_slave_path: # secondry data storage path, split by semicolon # URI format: dialect://username:password@host:port/database # All parts except dialect are optional, but you MUST include the delimiters # Currently dialect supports mysql or sqlite db_backend_url: sqlite://:@:/ archive_disk_threshold: 0 # triger archive action if storage size exceed this value, 0 means no limit, unit: GB archive_days_threshold: 0 # files older than x days will be archived, 0 means no limit, unit: day insert_buffer_size: 4 # maximum insert buffer size allowed, default: 4, unit: GB, should be at least 1 GB. # the sum of insert_buffer_size and cpu_cache_capacity should be less than total memory, unit: GB build_index_gpu: 0 # which gpu is used to build index, default: 0, range: 0 ~ gpu number - 1 */ bool okay = true; ConfigNode db_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_DB); std::string db_path = db_config.GetValue(CONFIG_DB_PATH); if (db_path.empty()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: db_path is empty" << std::endl; okay = false; } std::string db_backend_url = db_config.GetValue(CONFIG_DB_BACKEND_URL); if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateDbURI(db_backend_url).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: invalid db_backend_url: " << db_backend_url << std::endl; okay = false; } std::string archive_disk_threshold_str = db_config.GetValue(CONFIG_DB_ARCHIVE_DISK_THRESHOLD, CONFIG_DB_ARCHIVE_DISK_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT); if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsNumber(archive_disk_threshold_str).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: archive_disk_threshold " << archive_disk_threshold_str << " is not a number" << std::endl; okay = false; } std::string archive_days_threshold_str = db_config.GetValue(CONFIG_DB_ARCHIVE_DAYS_THRESHOLD, CONFIG_DB_ARCHIVE_DAYS_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT); if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsNumber(archive_days_threshold_str).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: archive_days_threshold " << archive_days_threshold_str << " is not a number" << std::endl; okay = false; } std::string buffer_size_str = db_config.GetValue(CONFIG_DB_BUFFER_SIZE, CONFIG_DB_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT); if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsNumber(buffer_size_str).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: buffer_size " << buffer_size_str << " is not a number" << std::endl; okay = false; } else { uint64_t buffer_size = (uint64_t) std::stol(buffer_size_str); buffer_size *= GB; unsigned long total_mem = 0, free_mem = 0; CommonUtil::GetSystemMemInfo(total_mem, free_mem); if (buffer_size >= total_mem) { std::cerr << "ERROR: buffer_size exceed system memory" << std::endl; okay = false; } } std::string gpu_index_str = db_config.GetValue(CONFIG_DB_BUILD_INDEX_GPU, CONFIG_DB_BUILD_INDEX_GPU_DEFAULT); if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsNumber(gpu_index_str).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: gpu_index " << gpu_index_str << " is not a number" << std::endl; okay = false; } else { int32_t gpu_index = std::stol(gpu_index_str); if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateGpuIndex(gpu_index).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: invalid gpu_index " << gpu_index_str << std::endl; okay = false; } } return (okay ? Status::OK() : Status(SERVER_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "DB config is illegal")); } Status ServerConfig::CheckMetricConfig() { /* metric_config: is_startup: off # if monitoring start: on, off collector: prometheus # metrics collector: prometheus prometheus_config: # following are prometheus configure port: 8080 # the port prometheus use to fetch metrics (not used) push_gateway_ip_address: # push method configure: push gateway ip address (not used) push_gateway_port: 9091 # push method configure: push gateway port */ bool okay = true; ConfigNode metric_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_METRIC); std::string is_startup_str = metric_config.GetValue(CONFIG_METRIC_AUTO_BOOTUP, CONFIG_METRIC_AUTO_BOOTUP_DEFAULT); if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsBool(is_startup_str).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: invalid is_startup config: " << is_startup_str << std::endl; okay = false; } std::string port_str = metric_config.GetChild(CONFIG_METRIC_PROMETHEUS).GetValue(CONFIG_METRIC_PROMETHEUS_PORT, "8080"); if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsNumber(port_str).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: port specified in prometheus_config " << port_str << " is not a number" << std::endl; okay = false; } return (okay ? Status::OK() : Status(SERVER_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Metric config is illegal")); } Status ServerConfig::CheckCacheConfig() { /* cache_config: cpu_cache_capacity: 16 # how many memory are used as cache, unit: GB, range: 0 ~ less than total memory cpu_cache_free_percent: 0.85 # old data will be erased from cache when cache is full, this value specify how much memory should be kept, range: greater than zero ~ 1.0 insert_cache_immediately: false # insert data will be load into cache immediately for hot query gpu_cache_capacity: 5 # how many memory are used as cache in gpu, unit: GB, RANGE: 0 ~ less than total memory gpu_cache_free_percent: 0.85 # old data will be erased from cache when cache is full, this value specify how much memory should be kept, range: greater than zero ~ 1.0 */ bool okay = true; ConfigNode cache_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_CACHE); std::string cpu_cache_capacity_str = cache_config.GetValue(CONFIG_CACHE_CPU_MEM_CAPACITY, CONFIG_CACHE_CPU_MEM_CAPACITY_DEFAULT); if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsNumber(cpu_cache_capacity_str).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: cpu_cache_capacity " << cpu_cache_capacity_str << " is not a number" << std::endl; okay = false; } else { uint64_t cpu_cache_capacity = (uint64_t) std::stol(cpu_cache_capacity_str); cpu_cache_capacity *= GB; unsigned long total_mem = 0, free_mem = 0; CommonUtil::GetSystemMemInfo(total_mem, free_mem); if (cpu_cache_capacity >= total_mem) { std::cerr << "ERROR: cpu_cache_capacity exceed system memory" << std::endl; okay = false; } else if (cpu_cache_capacity > (double) total_mem * 0.9) { std::cerr << "Warning: cpu_cache_capacity value is too aggressive" << std::endl; } uint64_t buffer_size = (uint64_t) GetConfig(CONFIG_DB).GetInt32Value(CONFIG_DB_BUFFER_SIZE, std::stoi(CONFIG_DB_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT)); buffer_size *= GB; if (buffer_size + cpu_cache_capacity >= total_mem) { std::cerr << "ERROR: sum of cpu_cache_capacity and insert_buffer_size exceed system memory" << std::endl; okay = false; } } std::string cpu_cache_free_percent_str = cache_config.GetValue(CONFIG_CACHE_CPU_MEM_THRESHOLD, CONFIG_CACHE_CPU_MEM_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT); double cpu_cache_free_percent; if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsDouble(cpu_cache_free_percent_str, cpu_cache_free_percent).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: cpu_cache_free_percent " << cpu_cache_free_percent_str << " is not a double" << std::endl; okay = false; } else if (cpu_cache_free_percent < std::numeric_limits::epsilon() || cpu_cache_free_percent > 1.0) { std::cerr << "ERROR: invalid cpu_cache_free_percent " << cpu_cache_free_percent_str << std::endl; okay = false; } std::string insert_cache_immediately_str = cache_config.GetValue(CONFIG_CACHE_CACHE_INSERT_DATA, CONFIG_CACHE_CACHE_INSERT_DATA_DEFAULT); if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsBool(insert_cache_immediately_str).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: invalid insert_cache_immediately config: " << insert_cache_immediately_str << std::endl; okay = false; } std::string gpu_cache_capacity_str = cache_config.GetValue(CONFIG_CACHE_GPU_MEM_CAPACITY, CONFIG_CACHE_GPU_MEM_CAPACITY_DEFAULT); if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsNumber(gpu_cache_capacity_str).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: gpu_cache_capacity " << gpu_cache_capacity_str << " is not a number" << std::endl; okay = false; } else { uint64_t gpu_cache_capacity = (uint64_t) std::stol(gpu_cache_capacity_str); gpu_cache_capacity *= GB; int gpu_index = GetConfig(CONFIG_DB).GetInt32Value(CONFIG_DB_BUILD_INDEX_GPU, std::stoi(CONFIG_DB_BUILD_INDEX_GPU_DEFAULT)); size_t gpu_memory; if (!ValidationUtil::GetGpuMemory(gpu_index, gpu_memory).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: could not get gpu memory for device " << gpu_index << std::endl; okay = false; } else if (gpu_cache_capacity >= gpu_memory) { std::cerr << "ERROR: gpu_cache_capacity " << gpu_cache_capacity << " exceed total gpu memory " << gpu_memory << std::endl; okay = false; } else if (gpu_cache_capacity > (double) gpu_memory * 0.9) { std::cerr << "Warning: gpu_cache_capacity value is too aggressive" << std::endl; } } std::string gpu_cache_free_percent_str = cache_config.GetValue(CONFIG_CACHE_GPU_MEM_THRESHOLD, CONFIG_CACHE_GPU_MEM_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT); double gpu_cache_free_percent; if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsDouble(gpu_cache_free_percent_str, gpu_cache_free_percent).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: gpu_cache_free_percent " << gpu_cache_free_percent_str << " is not a double" << std::endl; okay = false; } else if (gpu_cache_free_percent < std::numeric_limits::epsilon() || gpu_cache_free_percent > 1.0) { std::cerr << "ERROR: invalid gpu_cache_free_percent " << gpu_cache_free_percent << std::endl; okay = false; } return (okay ? Status::OK() : Status(SERVER_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Cache config is illegal")); } Status ServerConfig::CheckEngineConfig() { /* engine_config: use_blas_threshold: 20 omp_thread_num: 0 # how many compute threads be used by engine, 0 means use all cpu core to compute */ bool okay = true; ConfigNode engine_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_ENGINE); std::string use_blas_threshold_str = engine_config.GetValue(CONFIG_ENGINE_BLAS_THRESHOLD, CONFIG_ENGINE_BLAS_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT); if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsNumber(use_blas_threshold_str).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: use_blas_threshold " << use_blas_threshold_str << " is not a number" << std::endl; okay = false; } std::string omp_thread_num_str = engine_config.GetValue(CONFIG_ENGINE_OMP_THREAD_NUM, CONFIG_ENGINE_OMP_THREAD_NUM_DEFAULT); if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsNumber(omp_thread_num_str).ok()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: omp_thread_num " << omp_thread_num_str << " is not a number" << std::endl; okay = false; } else { int32_t omp_thread = std::stol(omp_thread_num_str); uint32_t sys_thread_cnt = 8; if (omp_thread > CommonUtil::GetSystemAvailableThreads(sys_thread_cnt)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: omp_thread_num " << omp_thread_num_str << " > system available thread " << sys_thread_cnt << std::endl; okay = false; } } return (okay ? Status::OK() : Status(SERVER_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Engine config is illegal")); } Status ServerConfig::CheckResourceConfig() { /* resource_config: mode: simple pool: - cpu - gpu0 - gpu100 */ bool okay = true; server::ConfigNode &config = server::ServerConfig::GetInstance().GetConfig(server::CONFIG_RESOURCE); auto mode = config.GetValue(CONFIG_RESOURCE_MODE, CONFIG_RESOURCE_MODE_DEFAULT); if (mode != "simple") { std::cerr << "ERROR: invalid resource config: mode is " << mode << std::endl; okay = false; } auto pool = config.GetSequence(CONFIG_RESOURCE_POOL); if (pool.empty()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: invalid resource config: resources empty" << std::endl; okay = false; } return (okay ? Status::OK() : Status(SERVER_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Resource config is illegal")); } //Status //ServerConfig::CheckResourceConfig() { /* resource_config: # resource list, length: 0~N # please set a DISK resource and a CPU resource least, or system will not return query result. # # example: # resource_name: # resource name, just using in connections below # type: DISK # resource type, optional: DISK/CPU/GPU # device_id: 0 # enable_executor: false # if is enable executor, optional: true, false resources: ssda: type: DISK device_id: 0 enable_executor: false cpu: type: CPU device_id: 0 enable_executor: true gpu0: type: GPU device_id: 0 enable_executor: false gpu_resource_num: 2 pinned_memory: 300 temp_memory: 300 # connection list, length: 0~N # example: # connection_name: # speed: 100 # unit: MS/s # endpoint: ${resource_name}===${resource_name} connections: io: speed: 500 endpoint: ssda===cpu pcie0: speed: 11000 endpoint: cpu===gpu0 */ // bool okay = true; // server::ConfigNode resource_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_RESOURCE); // if (resource_config.GetChildren().empty()) { // std::cerr << "ERROR: no context under resource" << std::endl; // okay = false; // } // // auto resources = resource_config.GetChild(CONFIG_RESOURCES).GetChildren(); // // if (resources.empty()) { // std::cerr << "no resources specified" << std::endl; // okay = false; // } // // bool resource_valid_flag = false; // bool hasDisk = false; // bool hasCPU = false; // bool hasExecutor = false; // std::set resource_list; // for (auto &resource : resources) { // resource_list.emplace(resource.first); // auto &resource_conf = resource.second; // auto type = resource_conf.GetValue(CONFIG_RESOURCE_TYPE); // // std::string device_id_str = resource_conf.GetValue(CONFIG_RESOURCE_DEVICE_ID, "0"); // int32_t device_id = -1; // if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsNumber(device_id_str).ok()) { // std::cerr << "ERROR: device_id " << device_id_str << " is not a number" << std::endl; // okay = false; // } else { // device_id = std::stol(device_id_str); // } // // std::string enable_executor_str = resource_conf.GetValue(CONFIG_RESOURCE_ENABLE_EXECUTOR, "off"); // if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsBool(enable_executor_str).ok()) { // std::cerr << "ERROR: invalid enable_executor config: " << enable_executor_str << std::endl; // okay = false; // } // // if (type == "DISK") { // hasDisk = true; // } else if (type == "CPU") { // hasCPU = true; // if (resource_conf.GetBoolValue(CONFIG_RESOURCE_ENABLE_EXECUTOR, false)) { // hasExecutor = true; // } // } // else if (type == "GPU") { // int build_index_gpu_index = GetConfig(CONFIG_DB).GetInt32Value(CONFIG_DB_BUILD_INDEX_GPU, 0); // if (device_id == build_index_gpu_index) { // resource_valid_flag = true; // } // if (resource_conf.GetBoolValue(CONFIG_RESOURCE_ENABLE_EXECUTOR, false)) { // hasExecutor = true; // } // std::string gpu_resource_num_str = resource_conf.GetValue(CONFIG_RESOURCE_NUM, "2"); // if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsNumber(gpu_resource_num_str).ok()) { // std::cerr << "ERROR: gpu_resource_num " << gpu_resource_num_str << " is not a number" << std::endl; // okay = false; // } // bool mem_valid = true; // std::string pinned_memory_str = resource_conf.GetValue(CONFIG_RESOURCE_PIN_MEMORY, "300"); // if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsNumber(pinned_memory_str).ok()) { // std::cerr << "ERROR: pinned_memory " << pinned_memory_str << " is not a number" << std::endl; // okay = false; // mem_valid = false; // } // std::string temp_memory_str = resource_conf.GetValue(CONFIG_RESOURCE_TEMP_MEMORY, "300"); // if (!ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsNumber(temp_memory_str).ok()) { // std::cerr << "ERROR: temp_memory " << temp_memory_str << " is not a number" << std::endl; // okay = false; // mem_valid = false; // } // if (mem_valid) { // size_t gpu_memory; // if (!ValidationUtil::GetGpuMemory(device_id, gpu_memory).ok()) { // std::cerr << "ERROR: could not get gpu memory for device " << device_id << std::endl; // okay = false; // } // else { // size_t prealoc_mem = std::stol(pinned_memory_str) + std::stol(temp_memory_str); // if (prealoc_mem >= gpu_memory) { // std::cerr << "ERROR: sum of pinned_memory and temp_memory " << prealoc_mem // << " exceeds total gpu memory " << gpu_memory << " for device " << device_id << std::endl; // okay = false; // } // } // } // } // } // // if (!resource_valid_flag) { // std::cerr << "Building index GPU can't be found in resource config." << std::endl; // okay = false; // } // if (!hasDisk || !hasCPU) { // std::cerr << "No DISK or CPU resource" << std::endl; // okay = false; // } // if (!hasExecutor) { // std::cerr << "No CPU or GPU resource has executor enabled" << std::endl; // okay = false; // } // // auto connections = resource_config.GetChild(CONFIG_RESOURCE_CONNECTIONS).GetChildren(); // for (auto &connection : connections) { // auto &connection_conf = connection.second; // // std::string speed_str = connection_conf.GetValue(CONFIG_SPEED_CONNECTIONS); // if (ValidationUtil::ValidateStringIsNumber(speed_str) != SERVER_SUCCESS) { // std::cerr << "ERROR: speed " << speed_str << " is not a number" << std::endl; // okay = false; // } // // std::string endpoint_str = connection_conf.GetValue(CONFIG_ENDPOINT_CONNECTIONS); // std::string delimiter = "==="; // auto delimiter_pos = endpoint_str.find(delimiter); // if (delimiter_pos == std::string::npos) { // std::cerr << "ERROR: invalid endpoint format: " << endpoint_str << std::endl; // okay = false; // } else { // std::string left_resource = endpoint_str.substr(0, delimiter_pos); // if (resource_list.find(left_resource) == resource_list.end()) { // std::cerr << "ERROR: left resource " << left_resource << " does not exist" << std::endl; // okay = false; // } // std::string right_resource = endpoint_str.substr(delimiter_pos + delimiter.length(), endpoint_str.length()); // if (resource_list.find(right_resource) == resource_list.end()) { // std::cerr << "ERROR: right resource " << right_resource << " does not exist" << std::endl; // okay = false; // } // } // } // // return (okay ? Status::OK() : Status(SERVER_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Resource config is illegal")); //} void ServerConfig::PrintAll() const { if (const ConfigMgr *mgr = ConfigMgr::GetInstance()) { std::string str = mgr->DumpString(); // SERVER_LOG_INFO << "\n" << str; std::cout << "\n" << str << std::endl; } } ConfigNode ServerConfig::GetConfig(const std::string &name) const { const ConfigMgr *mgr = ConfigMgr::GetInstance(); const ConfigNode &root_node = mgr->GetRootNode(); return root_node.GetChild(name); } ConfigNode & ServerConfig::GetConfig(const std::string &name) { ConfigMgr *mgr = ConfigMgr::GetInstance(); ConfigNode &root_node = mgr->GetRootNode(); return root_node.GetChild(name); } /* server config */ std::string ServerConfig::GetServerConfigAddress() { ConfigNode server_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_SERVER); return server_config.GetValue(CONFIG_SERVER_ADDRESS, CONFIG_SERVER_ADDRESS_DEFAULT); } std::string ServerConfig::GetServerConfigPort() { ConfigNode server_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_SERVER); return server_config.GetValue(CONFIG_SERVER_PORT, CONFIG_SERVER_PORT_DEFAULT); } std::string ServerConfig::GetServerConfigMode() { ConfigNode server_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_SERVER); return server_config.GetValue(CONFIG_SERVER_MODE, CONFIG_SERVER_MODE_DEFAULT); } std::string ServerConfig::GetServerConfigTimeZone() { ConfigNode server_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_SERVER); return server_config.GetValue(CONFIG_SERVER_TIME_ZONE, CONFIG_SERVER_TIME_ZONE_DEFAULT); } /* db config */ std::string ServerConfig::GetDBConfigPath() { ConfigNode db_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_DB); return db_config.GetValue(CONFIG_DB_PATH, CONFIG_DB_PATH_DEFAULT); } std::string ServerConfig::GetDBConfigSlavePath() { ConfigNode db_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_DB); return db_config.GetValue(CONFIG_DB_SLAVE_PATH, CONFIG_DB_SLAVE_PATH_DEFAULT); } std::string ServerConfig::GetDBConfigBackendUrl() { ConfigNode db_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_DB); return db_config.GetValue(CONFIG_DB_BACKEND_URL, CONFIG_DB_BACKEND_URL_DEFAULT); } int32_t ServerConfig::GetDBConfigArchiveDiskThreshold() { ConfigNode db_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_DB); return db_config.GetInt32Value(CONFIG_DB_ARCHIVE_DISK_THRESHOLD, std::stoi(CONFIG_DB_ARCHIVE_DISK_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT)); } int32_t ServerConfig::GetDBConfigArchiveDaysThreshold() { ConfigNode db_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_DB); return db_config.GetInt32Value(CONFIG_DB_ARCHIVE_DAYS_THRESHOLD, std::stoi(CONFIG_DB_ARCHIVE_DAYS_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT)); } int32_t ServerConfig::GetDBConfigBufferSize() { ConfigNode db_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_DB); return db_config.GetInt32Value(CONFIG_DB_BUFFER_SIZE, std::stoi(CONFIG_DB_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT)); } int32_t ServerConfig::GetDBConfigBuildIndexGPU() { ConfigNode db_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_DB); return db_config.GetInt32Value(CONFIG_DB_BUILD_INDEX_GPU, std::stoi(CONFIG_DB_BUILD_INDEX_GPU_DEFAULT)); } /* metric config */ bool ServerConfig::GetMetricConfigAutoBootup() { ConfigNode metric_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_METRIC); return metric_config.GetBoolValue(CONFIG_METRIC_AUTO_BOOTUP, std::stoi(CONFIG_METRIC_AUTO_BOOTUP_DEFAULT)); } std::string ServerConfig::GetMetricConfigCollector() { ConfigNode metric_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_METRIC); return metric_config.GetValue(CONFIG_METRIC_COLLECTOR, CONFIG_METRIC_COLLECTOR_DEFAULT); } std::string ServerConfig::GetMetricConfigPrometheusPort() { ConfigNode metric_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_METRIC); return metric_config.GetValue(CONFIG_METRIC_PROMETHEUS_PORT, CONFIG_METRIC_PROMETHEUS_PORT_DEFAULT); } /* cache config */ int32_t ServerConfig::GetCacheConfigCpuMemCapacity() { ConfigNode cache_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_CACHE); return cache_config.GetInt32Value(CONFIG_CACHE_CPU_MEM_CAPACITY, std::stoi(CONFIG_CACHE_CPU_MEM_CAPACITY_DEFAULT)); } float ServerConfig::GetCacheConfigCpuMemThreshold() { ConfigNode cache_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_CACHE); return cache_config.GetFloatValue(CONFIG_CACHE_CPU_MEM_THRESHOLD, std::stof(CONFIG_CACHE_CPU_MEM_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT)); } int32_t ServerConfig::GetCacheConfigGpuMemCapacity() { ConfigNode cache_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_CACHE); return cache_config.GetInt32Value(CONFIG_CACHE_GPU_MEM_CAPACITY, std::stoi(CONFIG_CACHE_GPU_MEM_CAPACITY_DEFAULT)); } float ServerConfig::GetCacheConfigGpuMemThreshold() { ConfigNode cache_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_CACHE); return cache_config.GetFloatValue(CONFIG_CACHE_GPU_MEM_THRESHOLD, std::stof(CONFIG_CACHE_GPU_MEM_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT)); } bool ServerConfig::GetCacheConfigCacheInsertData() { ConfigNode cache_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_CACHE); return cache_config.GetBoolValue(CONFIG_CACHE_CACHE_INSERT_DATA, std::stoi(CONFIG_CACHE_CACHE_INSERT_DATA_DEFAULT)); } /* engine config */ int32_t ServerConfig::GetEngineConfigBlasThreshold() { ConfigNode engine_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_ENGINE); return engine_config.GetInt32Value(CONFIG_ENGINE_BLAS_THRESHOLD, std::stoi(CONFIG_ENGINE_BLAS_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT)); } int32_t ServerConfig::GetEngineConfigOmpThreadNum() { ConfigNode engine_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_ENGINE); return engine_config.GetInt32Value(CONFIG_ENGINE_OMP_THREAD_NUM, std::stoi(CONFIG_ENGINE_OMP_THREAD_NUM_DEFAULT)); } /* resource config */ std::string ServerConfig::GetResourceConfigMode() { ConfigNode resource_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_RESOURCE); return resource_config.GetValue(CONFIG_RESOURCE_MODE, CONFIG_RESOURCE_MODE_DEFAULT); } std::vector ServerConfig::GetResourceConfigPool() { ConfigNode resource_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_RESOURCE); return resource_config.GetSequence(CONFIG_RESOURCE_POOL); } } } }