提交 06ae349f 编写于 作者: G groot


上级 d1f7ef4e
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Please mark all change in change log and use the ticket from JIRA.
- \#207 - Add more unittest for config set/get
- \#208 - optimize unittest to support run single test more easily
- \#284 - Change C++ SDK to shared library
- \#260 - C++ SDK README
## Task
### Build C++ sdk
The C++ sdk source code is under milvus/core/src/sdk. Build entire milvus project will also build the sdk project.
If you don't want to build entire milvus project, you can do the following steps:
# generate make files
$ cd [Milvus root path]/core
$ ./build.sh -l
# build C++ SDK project
$ cd [Milvus root path]/core/cmake_build
$ make -C src/sdk
### Try C++ example
Firstly you need to launch a milvus server.
If you build whole milvus project, just run:
# start milvus server
$ cd [Milvus root path]/core
$ ./start_server.sh
You also can pull milvus release docker image to launch milvus server.
# pull milvus docker image and start milvus server
$ docker pull milvusdb/milvus:latest
$ docker run --runtime=nvidia -p 19530:19530 -d milvusdb/milvus:latest
To run C++ example, use below command:
# run milvus C++ example
$ cd [Milvus root path]/core/cmake_build/src/sdk/examples/simple
$ ./sdk_simple
### Make your own C++ client project
Firstly create a project folder. And copy C++ sdk header and library into the folder.
# create project folder
$ mkdir MyMilvusClient
$ cd MyMilvusClient
# copy necessary files
$ cp [Milvus root path]/core/cmake_build/src/sdk/libmilvus_sdk.so .
$ cp [Milvus root path]/core/src/sdk/include/MilvusApi.h .
$ cp [Milvus root path]/core/src/sdk/include/Status.h .
Create a main.cpp under the project folder, and include C++ sdk headers:
#include "./MilvusApi.h"
#include "./Status.h"
int main() {
// connect to milvus server
std::shared_ptr<milvus::Connection> conn = milvus::Connection::Create();
milvus::ConnectParam param = {"", "19530"};
// put your client code here
return 0;
Create a CMakeList.txt under the project folder, and paste the follow code into the file:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
add_executable(milvus_client main.cpp)
Build the client project:
$ mkdir cmake_build
$ cd cmake_build
$ cmake ..
$ make
Run your client program:
$ ./milvus_client
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