
    Build Status

    Example Docusaurus website using GitLab Pages.

    Learn more about GitLab Pages at https://about.gitlab.com/features/pages and the official documentation https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/.

    GitLab CI/CD

    This project's static Pages are built by GitLab CI/CD, following the steps defined in .gitlab-ci.yml:

    image: node:15.12-alpine3.13
      - test
      - deploy
      stage: test
      - cd website
      - yarn install
      - yarn build
        - master
      stage: deploy
      - cd website
      - yarn install
      - yarn build
      - mv ./build ../public
        - public
        - master

    Building locally

    To work locally with this project, you'll have to follow the steps below:

    1. Fork, clone or download this project.

    2. Install Docusaurus:

      cd website
      yarn install
    3. Preview your project:

      yarn start

      Your site can be accessed under http://localhost:3000.

    4. Add content.

    5. Generate the website (optional):

      yarn build

      The website will be built under website/build/.

    Read more at the Docusaurus documentation.

    GitLab User or Group Pages

    If you have forked this project, in order to use it as your user/group website served on the root path, you will need to:

    1. Change the path of your project to namespace.gitlab.io, where namespace is your username or groupname. This can be done by navigating to your project's Settings > General page under the Advanced section.
    2. Open website/siteConfig.js and change:
      1. The url to be https://namespace.gitlab.io or your custom domain of choice.
      2. The baseUrl to be '/'.

    If you have forked this project, and want to use it under a subpath, you will need to:

    1. Open website/docusaurus.config.js and change:
      1. The url to be https://namespace.gitlab.io or your custom domain of choice.
      2. The baseUrl to be the same as the name of your project.

    Read more about the types of GitLab Pages.

    Did you fork this project?

    If you forked this project for your own use, please go to your project's Settings > General > Advanced and remove the forking relationship, which won't be necessary unless you want to contribute back to the GitLab upstream project.


    1. CSS is missing! That means two things:

      Either that you have wrongly set up the CSS URL in your templates, or your static generator has a configuration option that needs to be explicitly set in order to serve static assets under a relative URL. image.png





    贡献者 1

    BaiXuePrincess @BaiXuePrincess


    • JavaScript 78.9 %
    • CSS 19.1 %
    • Dockerfile 2.0 %