# hdf\_log.h ## **Overview** **Related Modules:** [DriverUtils](DriverUtils.md) **Description:** Declares log printing functions of the driver module. This module provides functions for printing logs at the verbose, debug, information, warning, and error levels. To use these functions, you must define **HDF\_LOG\_TAG**, for example, \#define HDF\_LOG\_TAG evt. **Since:** 1.0 **Version:** 1.0 ## **Summary** ## Macros
HDF_LOGV(fmt, arg...) printf("[HDF:V/" LOG_TAG "]" fmt "\r\n", ##arg) |
HDF_LOGD(fmt, arg...) printf("[HDF:D/" LOG_TAG "]" fmt "\r\n", ##arg) |
HDF_LOGI(fmt, arg...) printf("[HDF:I/" LOG_TAG "]" fmt "\r\n", ##arg) |
HDF_LOGW(fmt, arg...) printf("[HDF:W/" LOG_TAG "]" fmt "\r\n", ##arg) |
HDF_LOGE(fmt, arg...) printf("[HDF:E/" LOG_TAG "]" fmt "\r\n", ##arg) |