# wifiiot\_gpio.h ## **Overview** **Related Modules:** [Wifiiot](Wifiiot.md) **Description:** Declares the GPIO interface functions. These functions are used for GPIO initialization, input/output settings, and level settings. **Since:** 1.0 **Version:** 1.0 ## **Summary** ## Typedefs
GpioIsrCallbackFunc) (char *arg) |
GpioInit (void) |
GpioDeinit (void) |
GpioSetDir (WifiIotGpioIdx id, WifiIotGpioDir dir) |
GpioGetDir (WifiIotGpioIdx id, WifiIotGpioDir *dir) |
GpioSetOutputVal (WifiIotGpioIdx id, WifiIotGpioValue val) |
GpioGetOutputVal (WifiIotGpioIdx id, WifiIotGpioValue *val) |
GpioGetInputVal (WifiIotGpioIdx id, WifiIotGpioValue *val) |
GpioRegisterIsrFunc (WifiIotGpioIdx id, WifiIotGpioIntType intType, WifiIotGpioIntPolarity intPolarity, GpioIsrCallbackFunc func, char *arg) |
GpioSetIsrMask (WifiIotGpioIdx id, unsigned char mask) |
GpioSetIsrMode (WifiIotGpioIdx id, WifiIotGpioIntType intType, WifiIotGpioIntPolarity intPolarity) |