# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Training use fluid with DistributeTranspiler """ import os import paddle.fluid as fluid from paddle.fluid.incubate.fleet.parameter_server.distribute_transpiler import fleet from paddlerec.core.trainer import Trainer from paddlerec.core.utils import envs from paddlerec.core.utils import dataloader_instance from paddlerec.core.reader import SlotReader class TranspileTrainer(Trainer): def __init__(self, config=None): Trainer.__init__(self, config) device = envs.get_global_env("train.device", "cpu") if device == 'gpu': self._place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) self._exe = fluid.Executor(self._place) self.processor_register() self.model = None self.inference_models = [] self.increment_models = [] def processor_register(self): print( "Need implement by trainer, `self.regist_context_processor('uninit', self.instance)` must be the first" ) def _get_dataloader(self, state="TRAIN"): if state == "TRAIN": dataloader = self.model._data_loader namespace = "train.reader" class_name = "TrainReader" else: dataloader = self.model._infer_data_loader namespace = "evaluate.reader" class_name = "EvaluateReader" sparse_slots = envs.get_global_env("sparse_slots", None, namespace) dense_slots = envs.get_global_env("dense_slots", None, namespace) batch_size = envs.get_global_env("batch_size", None, namespace) print("batch_size: {}".format(batch_size)) if sparse_slots is None and dense_slots is None: reader_class = envs.get_global_env("class", None, namespace) reader = dataloader_instance.dataloader(reader_class, state, self._config_yaml) reader_class = envs.lazy_instance_by_fliename(reader_class, class_name) reader_ins = reader_class(self._config_yaml) else: reader = dataloader_instance.slotdataloader("", state, self._config_yaml) reader_ins = SlotReader(self._config_yaml) if hasattr(reader_ins, 'generate_batch_from_trainfiles'): dataloader.set_sample_list_generator(reader) else: dataloader.set_sample_generator(reader, batch_size) debug_mode = envs.get_global_env("reader_debug_mode", False, namespace) if debug_mode: print("--- DataLoader Debug Mode Begin , show pre 10 data ---") for idx, line in enumerate(reader()): print(line) if idx >= 9: break print("--- DataLoader Debug Mode End , show pre 10 data ---") exit(0) return dataloader def _get_dataset_ins(self): count = 0 for f in self.files: for _, _ in enumerate(open(f, 'r')): count += 1 return count #def _get_dataset(self, state="TRAIN"): #if state == "TRAIN": # inputs = self.model.get_inputs() # namespace = "train.reader" # train_data_path = envs.get_global_env("train_data_path", None, # namespace) #else: # inputs = self.model.get_infer_inputs() # namespace = "evaluate.reader" # train_data_path = envs.get_global_env("test_data_path", None, # namespace) def _get_dataset(self, dataset_name): namespace = "dataset." + dataset_name + "." sparse_slots = envs.get_global_env(namespace + "sparse_slots") dense_slots = envs.get_global_env(namespace + "dense_slots") thread_num = envs.get_global_env(namespace + "thread_num") #threads = int(envs.get_runtime_environ("train.trainer.threads")) #batch_size = envs.get_global_env("batch_size", None, namespace) batch_size = envs.get_global_env(namespace + "batch_size") reader_type = envs.get_global_env(namespace + "type") if envs.get_platform() != "LINUX": print("platform ", envs.get_platform(), " change reader to DataLoader") reader_type = "DataLoader" reader_class = envs.get_global_env(namespace + "data_converter") abs_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) reader = os.path.join(abs_dir, '../utils', 'dataset_instance.py') if sparse_slots is None and dense_slots is None: pipe_cmd = "python {} {} {} {}".format(reader, reader_class, state, self._config_yaml) else: padding = envs.get_global_env("padding", 0, namespace) pipe_cmd = "python {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format( reader, "slot", "slot", self._config_yaml, namespace, \ sparse_slots.replace(" ", "#"), dense_slots.replace(" ", "#"), str(padding)) if train_data_path.startswith("paddlerec::"): package_base = envs.get_runtime_environ("PACKAGE_BASE") assert package_base is not None train_data_path = os.path.join(package_base, train_data_path.split("::")[1]) dataset = fluid.DatasetFactory().create_dataset() dataset.set_use_var(inputs) dataset.set_pipe_command(pipe_cmd) dataset.set_batch_size(batch_size) dataset.set_thread(threads) file_list = [ os.path.join(train_data_path, x) for x in os.listdir(train_data_path) ] self.files = file_list dataset.set_filelist(self.files) debug_mode = envs.get_global_env("reader_debug_mode", False, namespace) if debug_mode: print("--- Dataset Debug Mode Begin , show pre 10 data of {}---". format(file_list[0])) os.system("cat {} | {} | head -10".format(file_list[0], pipe_cmd)) print("--- Dataset Debug Mode End , show pre 10 data of {}---". format(file_list[0])) exit(0) return dataset def save(self, epoch_id, namespace, is_fleet=False): def need_save(epoch_id, epoch_interval, is_last=False): if is_last: return True if epoch_id == -1: return False return epoch_id % epoch_interval == 0 def save_inference_model(): save_interval = envs.get_global_env( "save.inference.epoch_interval", -1, namespace) if not need_save(epoch_id, save_interval, False): return feed_varnames = envs.get_global_env("save.inference.feed_varnames", None, namespace) fetch_varnames = envs.get_global_env( "save.inference.fetch_varnames", None, namespace) if feed_varnames is None or fetch_varnames is None: return fetch_vars = [ fluid.default_main_program().global_block().vars[varname] for varname in fetch_varnames ] dirname = envs.get_global_env("save.inference.dirname", None, namespace) assert dirname is not None dirname = os.path.join(dirname, str(epoch_id)) if is_fleet: fleet.save_inference_model(self._exe, dirname, feed_varnames, fetch_vars) else: fluid.io.save_inference_model(dirname, feed_varnames, fetch_vars, self._exe) self.inference_models.append((epoch_id, dirname)) def save_persistables(): save_interval = envs.get_global_env( "save.increment.epoch_interval", -1, namespace) if not need_save(epoch_id, save_interval, False): return dirname = envs.get_global_env("save.increment.dirname", None, namespace) assert dirname is not None dirname = os.path.join(dirname, str(epoch_id)) if is_fleet: fleet.save_persistables(self._exe, dirname) else: fluid.io.save_persistables(self._exe, dirname) self.increment_models.append((epoch_id, dirname)) save_persistables() save_inference_model() def instance(self, context): models = envs.get_global_env("train.model.models") model_class = envs.lazy_instance_by_fliename(models, "Model") self.model = model_class(None) context['status'] = 'init_pass' def init(self, context): print("Need to be implement") context['is_exit'] = True def dataloader_train(self, context): print("Need to be implement") context['is_exit'] = True def dataset_train(self, context): print("Need to be implement") context['is_exit'] = True def infer(self, context): infer_program = fluid.Program() startup_program = fluid.Program() with fluid.unique_name.guard(): with fluid.program_guard(infer_program, startup_program): self.model.infer_net() if self.model._infer_data_loader is None: context['status'] = 'terminal_pass' return reader = self._get_dataloader("Evaluate") metrics_varnames = [] metrics_format = [] metrics_format.append("{}: {{}}".format("epoch")) metrics_format.append("{}: {{}}".format("batch")) for name, var in self.model.get_infer_results().items(): metrics_varnames.append(var.name) metrics_format.append("{}: {{}}".format(name)) metrics_format = ", ".join(metrics_format) self._exe.run(startup_program) model_list = self.increment_models evaluate_only = envs.get_global_env( 'evaluate_only', False, namespace='evaluate') if evaluate_only: model_list = [(0, envs.get_global_env( 'evaluate_model_path', "", namespace='evaluate'))] is_return_numpy = envs.get_global_env( 'is_return_numpy', True, namespace='evaluate') for (epoch, model_dir) in model_list: print("Begin to infer No.{} model, model_dir: {}".format( epoch, model_dir)) program = infer_program.clone() fluid.io.load_persistables(self._exe, model_dir, program) reader.start() batch_id = 0 try: while True: metrics_rets = self._exe.run(program=program, fetch_list=metrics_varnames, return_numpy=is_return_numpy) metrics = [epoch, batch_id] metrics.extend(metrics_rets) if batch_id % 2 == 0 and batch_id != 0: print(metrics_format.format(*metrics)) batch_id += 1 except fluid.core.EOFException: reader.reset() context['status'] = 'terminal_pass' def terminal(self, context): print("clean up and exit") context['is_exit'] = True