// Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #pragma once #include "brpc/channel.h" #include "brpc/controller.h" #include "brpc/server.h" #include "paddle/fluid/distributed/ps/service/brpc_utils.h" #include "paddle/fluid/distributed/ps/service/server.h" namespace brpc { class Controller; } // namespace brpc namespace google { namespace protobuf { class Closure; class RpcController; } // namespace protobuf } // namespace google namespace paddle { namespace distributed { class PsRequestMessage; class PsResponseMessage; class Table; class BrpcPsServer : public PSServer { public: BrpcPsServer() {} virtual ~BrpcPsServer() {} virtual uint64_t Start(const std::string &ip, uint32_t port); virtual int32_t Stop() { std::unique_lock lock(mutex_); stoped_ = true; cv_.notify_all(); _server.Stop(1000); _server.Join(); return 0; } int32_t Port(); int32_t StartS2S() override; ::std::future SendPServer2PServerMsg( int msg_type, int to_pserver_id, const std::string &msg) override; int32_t ReceiveFromPServer(int msg_type, int pserver_id, const std::string &msg) override; private: virtual int32_t Initialize(); mutable std::mutex mutex_; std::condition_variable cv_; bool stoped_ = false; brpc::Server _server; std::shared_ptr _service; std::vector> _pserver_channels; }; class BrpcPsService; typedef int32_t (BrpcPsService::*serviceHandlerFunc)( Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); class BrpcPsService : public PsBaseService { public: int32_t Initialize() override; void service(::google::protobuf::RpcController *controller, const PsRequestMessage *request, PsResponseMessage *response, ::google::protobuf::Closure *done) override; private: int32_t InitializeShardInfo(); int32_t PullDense(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t PushDense(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t PushDenseParam(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t PushSparseParam(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t PullSparse(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t PullGeoParam(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t Barrier(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t PushSparse(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t LoadOneTable(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t LoadAllTable(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t SaveOneTable(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t SaveAllTable(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t ShrinkTable(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t ClearOneTable(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t ClearAllTable(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t StopServer(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t StartProfiler(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t StopProfiler(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t PrintTableStat(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t PushGlobalStep(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t CacheShuffle(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t SaveCacheTable(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t GetCacheThreshold(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t Revert(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); int32_t CheckSavePrePatchDone(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request, PsResponseMessage &response, // NOLINT brpc::Controller *cntl); bool _is_initialize_shard_info; std::mutex _initialize_shard_mutex; std::unordered_map _service_handler_map; std::unordered_map _msg_handler_map; std::vector _ori_values; }; class DownpourPServerBrpcClosure : public PServerClosure { public: DownpourPServerBrpcClosure(size_t num, PServerCallBack callback) : PServerClosure(callback) { _waiting_num = num; _cntls.resize(num); _requests.resize(num); _responses.resize(num); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { _cntls[i].reset(new brpc::Controller()); } } virtual ~DownpourPServerBrpcClosure() {} void Run() override { if (_waiting_num.fetch_sub(1) == 1) { _callback(this); delete this; } } PsRequestMessage *request(size_t i) { return &_requests[i]; } PsResponseMessage *response(size_t i) { return &_responses[i]; } brpc::Controller *cntl(size_t i) { return _cntls[i].get(); } int check_response(size_t request_idx, int cmd_id) { return 1; } int check_save_response(size_t request_idx, int cmd_id) { return 1; } private: std::atomic _waiting_num; std::vector _requests; std::vector _responses; std::vector> _cntls; }; } // namespace distributed } // namespace paddle