# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import time import socket import os import copy import signal import random import threading import traceback import subprocess from paddle.distributed.fleet import cloud_utils from paddle.distributed.fleet import launch_utils from paddle.distributed.utils.log_utils import get_logger logger = get_logger("INFO", "ELASTIC") ELASTIC_EXIT_CODE = 101 ELASTIC_AUTO_PARALLEL_EXIT_CODE = 102 # wait for timeout, unit: seconds ELASTIC_TIMEOUT = 2 * 60 # keepalived ttl, unit: seconds ELASTIC_TTL = 60 # 1: Fault tolerance, 2: Elastic class ElasticLevel: FAULT_TOLERANCE = 1 ELASTIC = 2 class ElasticStatus: COMPLETED = "completed" ERROR = "error" HOLD = "hold" RESTART = "restart" EXIT = "exit" class LauncherInterface(object): def __init__(self, args): self.args = args self.procs = [] def _terminate_procs(self): # try to terminate process by group, this happend in multiprocess senario in user process if os.name != 'nt': for p in self.procs: if p.proc.poll() is None: os.killpg(os.getpgid(p.proc.pid), signal.SIGTERM) if p.log_fn: p.log_fn.close() logger.info( "terminate process group gid:{}".format(p.proc.pid) ) time.sleep(1) for p in self.procs: if p.proc.poll() is None: p.proc.terminate() if p.log_fn: p.log_fn.close() logger.info("terminate process id:{}".format(p.proc.pid)) for step in range(0, 50): alive = False for p in self.procs: if p.proc.poll() is None: # not termniate os.kill(p.proc.pid, signal.SIGKILL) alive = True if not alive: logger.info("terminated all the procs") return True time.sleep(1) return False def _check_procs(self): alive = False result = None for p in self.procs: ret = p.proc.poll() if ret is None: alive = True elif ret != 0: if ret == ELASTIC_AUTO_PARALLEL_EXIT_CODE: logger.info("return form elastic auto parallel re-launch") return ret logger.error("ABORT!!! ABORT!!! ABORT!!!") logger.error( "ERROR rank {} error with exit code {}, check log for detail.".format( p.rank, ret ) ) result = ret if not alive and result is None: return 0 else: return result def launch(self): raise NotImplementedError def stop(self): raise NotImplementedError def watch(self): raise NotImplementedError class ElasticManager(object): def __init__(self, args, etcd_client): self.args = args server = args.elastic_server or os.getenv('PADDLE_ELASTIC_SERVER') name = args.job_id or os.getenv('PADDLE_ELASTIC_JOB_ID') self.min_np, self.max_np = self._parse_np(args.np) host = args.host or os.getenv('POD_IP') scale = args.scale or int(os.getenv('PADDLE_ELASTIC_SCALE', 0)) force = args.force or os.getenv('PADDLE_ELASTIC_FORCE') self.host = host if host else self._get_host() ( self.device_mode, self.devices_per_proc, ) = launch_utils.get_device_proc_info(args) self.elastic_timeout = int( os.getenv('PADDLE_ELASTIC_TIMEOUT', ELASTIC_TIMEOUT) ) elastic_ttl = int(os.getenv('PADDLE_ELASTIC_TTL', ELASTIC_TTL)) self.start_port = None if cloud_utils.use_paddlecloud(): self.trainers = os.getenv('PADDLE_TRAINERS', '') self.np = len(self.trainers.split(",")) self.start_port = int(os.getenv("PADDLE_PORT", "6170")) self.dist_endpoints = os.getenv('DISTRIBUTED_TRAINER_ENDPOINTS', '') trainer_endpoints = os.getenv('PADDLE_TRAINER_ENDPOINTS', '') self.trainer_endpoints_list = trainer_endpoints.split(",") else: self.trainers = args.ips or os.getenv('PADDLE_TRAINERS', '') node_ips = self.trainers.split(",") self.np = len(node_ips) self.start_port = int(os.getenv("FLAGS_START_PORT", "6170")) self.dist_endpoints = self._host_to_endpoints( node_ips, self.devices_per_proc, self.start_port ) self.trainer_endpoints_list = [ "%s:%d" % (ip, self.start_port) for ip in node_ips ] self.curr_host = "%s:%d" % (self.host, self.start_port) logger.info(f'start job with np={self.np}') logger.info( f"trainers={self.trainers}, trainer_endpoints_list={self.trainer_endpoints_list}" ) # auto correct the value of elastic_level # 1: Fault tolerant, 2: Elastic self.elastic_level = int( os.getenv( 'PADDLE_ELASTIC_FAULT_TOLERANC_LEVEL', ElasticLevel.FAULT_TOLERANCE, ) ) if self.min_np == self.max_np or (self.min_np > 0 and self.max_np == 0): self.elastic_level = ElasticLevel.FAULT_TOLERANCE logger.info('start job with ElasticLevel.FAULT_TOLERANCE') if self.min_np > 0 and self.max_np > self.min_np: self.elastic_level = ElasticLevel.ELASTIC logger.info('start job with ElasticLevel.ELASTIC') # compatible with kuberntes service discovery if ( not server and os.getenv('PADDLE_ELASTIC_ETCD_SERVICE_HOST') and os.getenv('PADDLE_ELASTIC_ETCD_SERVICE_PORT') ): server = '{}:{}'.format( os.getenv('PADDLE_ELASTIC_ETCD_SERVICE_HOST'), os.getenv('PADDLE_ELASTIC_ETCD_SERVICE_PORT'), ) logger.debug('init with server {} host {}'.format(server, host)) self.hosts = [] self.stopped = False self.sigint = 0 self.need_sync = False self.elastic_startup_time = None if not server or ':' not in server or not name or not self.np: logger.info( 'Elastic is not enabled with server {} name {} and np {}'.format( server, name, self.np ) ) self.enable = False return else: self.enable = True self.etcd = etcd_client # etcd data self.prefix = "/paddle/" + name self.node_prefix = self.prefix + '/nodes' self.np_path = self.prefix + '/np' self.endpoints_path = self.prefix + '/endpoints' node_tag = ''.join( random.choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') for _ in range(6) ) self.host_path = '{}/{}{}'.format( self.node_prefix, node_tag, time.time() ) ''' 0 group mode, be aware of healthy status of other workers 1 decouple mode, check own status only ''' self.etcd.put(self.prefix, b'0') # register callback def host_call_back(event): self.hosts = [ i[0].decode() for i in self.etcd.get_prefix(self.node_prefix) ] self.hosts = list(set(self.hosts)) if self.hosts else self.hosts logger.info( f"host_call_back curr_host={self.curr_host}, hosts:{self.hosts}" ) self.need_sync = True self.elastic_startup_time = None host_watch = self.etcd.add_watch_prefix_callback( self.node_prefix, host_call_back ) host_lease = self.etcd.lease(elastic_ttl) # register etcd lease heartbeat def lease_heartbeat(): while True: try: host_lease.refresh() hosts = [ i[0].decode() for i in self.etcd.get_prefix(self.node_prefix) ] hosts = list(set(hosts)) if hosts else hosts logger.info( f"[lease_heartbeat] curr_host={self.curr_host}, hosts={hosts}" ) if self.curr_host not in hosts: logger.info( f"[lease_heartbeat] register host={self.curr_host}" ) self.etcd.put( self.host_path, self.curr_host.encode('latin-1'), lease=host_lease, ) except Exception as e: logger.error( "[lease_heartbeat] internal error:{} {}".format( e, traceback.format_exc() ) ) break time.sleep(elastic_ttl / 3) keepalived_thread = threading.Thread( name='lease_heartbeat', target=lease_heartbeat, daemon=True ) keepalived_thread.start() self.etcd.put( self.host_path, self.curr_host.encode('latin-1'), lease=host_lease ) # endpoints handle DISTRIBUTED_TRAINER_ENDPOINTS and PADDLE_TRAINERS self.etcd.put( self.endpoints_path, '{}|{}'.format(self.dist_endpoints, self.trainers).encode( 'latin-1' ), ) def endpoints_call_back(event): if not self.dist_endpoints: return value = self.etcd.get(self.endpoints_path)[0] edps = value.decode() if value is not None else '' self.dist_endpoints, self.trainers = edps.split('|') logger.info( "set DISTRIBUTED_TRAINER_ENDPOINTS {} ".format( self.dist_endpoints ) ) logger.info("set PADDLE_TRAINERS {} ".format(self.trainers)) endpoints_watch = self.etcd.add_watch_callback( self.endpoints_path, endpoints_call_back ) self.watches = [host_watch, endpoints_watch] self.launcher = None def _host_to_endpoints( self, ip_port_list: list, devices_per_proc: list, start_port: int = 6170 ) -> str: endpoint_list = [] for ip_port in ip_port_list: endpoints = ip_port.split(":") if len(endpoints) == 2: ip = endpoints[0] port = int(endpoints[1]) else: ip = endpoints port = start_port ports = [x for x in range(port, port + len(devices_per_proc))] endpoint_list.extend(["%s:%d" % (ip, port) for port in ports]) dist_endpoints = ','.join(endpoint_list) return dist_endpoints def exit(self, completed=False): logger.info('manager exist completed {}'.format(completed)) if self.launcher: self.launcher.stop() if not self.enable: return if completed: self.etcd.put(self.prefix, b'1') for watch in self.watches: self.etcd.cancel_watch(watch) self.etcd.delete(self.host_path) hosts = [i for i in self.etcd.get_prefix(self.node_prefix)] if len(hosts) == 0: self.etcd.delete_prefix(self.prefix) def pre_hook(self): if not self.args.elastic_pre_hook: logger.info("skip pre_hook") return logger.info("execute pre_hook...") current_env = copy.copy(os.environ.copy()) out, err = subprocess.Popen( self.args.elastic_pre_hook, env=current_env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, ).communicate() if err: logger.warning("pre_hook exec failed") else: logger.info(f"pre_hook exec result: {out.decode('utf-8').strip()}") def _parse_np(self, np: str): """ np format is "MIN" or "MIN:MAX" """ np_str = np or os.getenv('PADDLE_ELASTIC_NP', "0") np_dict = np_str.split(":") min_np = max_np = 0 if len(np_dict) == 1: # Fault tolerant min_np = int(np_dict[0]) min_np = 1 if min_np <= 0 else min_np max_np = 1 elif len(np_dict) == 2: # Elastic min_np = int(np_dict[0]) max_np = int(np_dict[1]) min_np = 1 if min_np <= 0 else min_np max_np = min_np if min_np > max_np else max_np else: raise ValueError( f'the np={np} needs to be in "MIN" or "MIN:MAX" format' ) return min_np, max_np def _get_host(self): try: return socket.gethostbyname(socket.getfqdn(socket.gethostname())) except: return '' def _completed(self): if not self.enable: return True return int(self.etcd.get(self.prefix)[0]) == 1 def _match(self, host_list: list = None): if host_list: self.hosts = host_list else: self.hosts = [ i[0].decode() for i in self.etcd.get_prefix(self.node_prefix) ] self.hosts = list(set(self.hosts)) if self.hosts else self.hosts if self.elastic_level == ElasticLevel.FAULT_TOLERANCE: if len(self.hosts) == self.np: return True else: return False if self.elastic_level == ElasticLevel.ELASTIC: hosts_num = len(self.hosts) if hosts_num == self.np: return True if not self.elastic_startup_time: self.elastic_startup_time = time.time() if hosts_num == self.max_np: self.elastic_startup_time = None return True elif hosts_num >= self.min_np and hosts_num < self.max_np: interval_time = time.time() - self.elastic_startup_time if interval_time <= self.elastic_timeout: logger.info( f"wait for timeout, you can set value by PADDLE_ELASTIC_TIMEOUT, \ hosts_num={hosts_num}, min_np={self.min_np}, \ interval_time={interval_time}, elastic_timeout={self.elastic_timeout}" ) return False return True else: self.elastic_startup_time = None return False return False def _update_endpoint(self, endpoints, hosts): self.etcd.put( self.endpoints_path, '{}|{}'.format(endpoints, hosts).encode('latin-1'), ) def _update_fault_tolrance(self): rank = int(os.getenv('PADDLE_TRAINER_ID', -1)) logger.debug( f"self.curr_host={self.curr_host}, self.dist_endpoints={self.dist_endpoints}" ) if self.curr_host in self.dist_endpoints: os.environ['DISTRIBUTED_TRAINER_ENDPOINTS'] = self.dist_endpoints os.environ['PADDLE_TRAINERS'] = self.trainers logger.info( "update env DISTRIBUTED_TRAINER_ENDPOINTS {} ".format( self.dist_endpoints ) ) logger.info("update env PADDLE_TRAINERS {} ".format(self.trainers)) return # fault tolerance idx = self.hosts.index(self.curr_host) # swap if self.host not in the right position if rank >= 0: self.hosts[idx] = self.hosts[rank] self.hosts[rank] = self.curr_host else: os.environ['PADDLE_TRAINER_ID'] = '{}'.format(idx) hosts = ','.join([host_port.split(":")[0] for host_port in self.hosts]) self.args.ips = hosts os.environ['PADDLE_TRAINERS'] = hosts def _update_elastic_scale_out(self): host_endpoints = copy.deepcopy(self.trainer_endpoints_list) logger.info( f"elastic scale out, from {len(self.hosts)} to {self.np}, hosts={self.hosts}, host_endpoints={host_endpoints}" ) for curr_host_port in self.hosts: if curr_host_port not in host_endpoints: host_endpoints.append(curr_host_port) os.environ['PADDLE_TRAINER_ID'] = '{}'.format( host_endpoints.index(self.curr_host) ) hosts = ','.join( [host_port.split(":")[0] for host_port in host_endpoints] ) self.args.ips = hosts os.environ['PADDLE_TRAINERS'] = hosts self.np = len(host_endpoints) os.environ['PADDLE_TRAINER_ENDPOINTS'] = ','.join(host_endpoints) os.environ['DISTRIBUTED_TRAINER_ENDPOINTS'] = self.dist_endpoints self.trainer_endpoints_list = host_endpoints def _update_elastic_scale_in(self): host_endpoints = copy.deepcopy(self.trainer_endpoints_list) logger.info( f"elastic scale in, from {self.np} to {len(self.hosts)}, hosts={self.hosts}, host_endpoints={host_endpoints}" ) # If scale in node from the first of the rank list, you need to minimize the movement of the rank # eg: # the source trainers is:,,, # is removed # the new trainers is:,, # In this case, the rank of and remains unchanged, while the rank of is set to rank0 endpoints_dict = dict() unsorted_endpoints = [] for id, host_port in enumerate(self.hosts): idx = host_endpoints.index(host_port) if idx <= len(self.hosts) - 1 and not endpoints_dict.get(idx): endpoints_dict[idx] = host_port else: unsorted_endpoints.append(host_port) idle_index = 0 sorted_endpoints = [] for idx in range(len(self.hosts)): if not endpoints_dict.get(idx) and len(unsorted_endpoints) > 0: endpoints_dict[idx] = unsorted_endpoints[idle_index] idle_index += 1 sorted_endpoints.append(endpoints_dict.get(idx)) logger.info(f"elastic scale in, sorted_endpoints={sorted_endpoints}") self.trainer_endpoints_list = sorted_endpoints ip_list = [ip_port.split(":")[0] for ip_port in sorted_endpoints] hosts = ','.join(ip_list) new_endpoints = self._host_to_endpoints( sorted_endpoints, self.devices_per_proc ) self.args.ips = hosts os.environ['PADDLE_TRAINER_ID'] = '{}'.format( sorted_endpoints.index(self.curr_host) ) os.environ['PADDLE_TRAINERS'] = hosts self.np = len(sorted_endpoints) os.environ['PADDLE_TRAINER_ENDPOINTS'] = ','.join(sorted_endpoints) os.environ['DISTRIBUTED_TRAINER_ENDPOINTS'] = new_endpoints self._update_endpoint(new_endpoints, hosts) def _update_hosts(self): assert len(self.hosts) != 0, 'hosts empty' if self.elastic_level == ElasticLevel.FAULT_TOLERANCE: self._update_fault_tolrance() else: # elastic if len(self.hosts) == self.np: logger.info(f"elastic startup, hosts={self.hosts}") self._update_fault_tolrance() elif len(self.hosts) > self.np: # scale out self._update_elastic_scale_out() else: # scale in self._update_elastic_scale_in() def wait(self): if not self.enable: return idx = 1 while not self.stopped: if self._match(): logger.info('ready with hosts {}'.format(self.hosts)) self._update_hosts() return logger.info( 'not ready for np {} with hosts {}'.format(self.np, self.hosts) ) idx += 1 time.sleep(2) return def run(self, launcher): if self.stopped: return self.launcher = launcher(self.args) self.launcher.launch() def watch(self): if self.need_sync: self.need_sync = False while not self.stopped: ret = self.launcher.watch() logger.debug(f"launcher.watch():{ret}") if ret is not None: # self terminated logger.info('job exit with code {}'.format(ret)) if ret == ELASTIC_AUTO_PARALLEL_EXIT_CODE: logger.info('job re-launch for auto parallel') self.launcher.stop() return ElasticStatus.HOLD # process is completed if ret >= 0 or error else completed = True if ret == 0 else False self.exit(completed=completed) if completed: return ElasticStatus.COMPLETED if self.elastic_level == ElasticLevel.FAULT_TOLERANCE: return ElasticStatus.RESTART else: return ElasticStatus.ERROR if not self._completed() and (not self._match() or self.need_sync): self.launcher.stop() return ElasticStatus.HOLD time.sleep(2) if self.launcher: self.launcher.stop() return ElasticStatus.EXIT def signal_handler(self, sigint, frame): if self.enable: self.exit() self.sigint = sigint self.stopped = True