import unittest import numpy import paddle.v2.framework.core as core from paddle.v2.framework.op import Operator __all__ = ['get_numeric_gradient'] def create_op(op_type): kwargs = dict() for in_name in Operator.get_op_input_names(op_type): kwargs[in_name] = in_name for out_name in Operator.get_op_output_names(op_type): kwargs[out_name] = out_name return Operator(op_type, **kwargs) def grad_var_name(var_name): return var_name + "@GRAD" def get_numeric_gradient(op, input_values, output_name, input_to_check, delta=0.005, local_scope=None): """ Get Numeric Gradient for an operator's input. :param op: C++ operator instance, could be an network :param input_values: The input variables. Should be an dictionary, key is variable name. Value is numpy array. :param output_name: The final output variable name. :param input_to_check: The input variable need to get gradient. :param delta: The perturbation value for numeric gradient method. The smaller delta is, the more accurate result will get. But if that delta is too small, it could occur numerical stability problem. :param local_scope: The local scope used for get_numeric_gradient. :return: The gradient array in numpy format. """ if local_scope is None: local_scope = core.Scope() # Create all input variable in local_scope for var_name in input_values: var = local_scope.new_var(var_name) tensor = var.get_tensor() tensor.set_dims(input_values[var_name].shape) tensor.alloc_float(core.CPUPlace()) tensor.set(input_values[var_name], core.CPUPlace()) # Create all output variable in local_scope for output in op.outputs(): if local_scope.find_var(output) is None: local_scope.new_var(output).get_tensor() op.infer_shape(local_scope) # allocate output memory for output in op.outputs(): local_scope.find_var(output).get_tensor().alloc_float(core.CPUPlace()) # TODO(yuyang18): Only CPU is support now. cpu_ctx = core.DeviceContext.create(core.CPUPlace()) def get_output():, cpu_ctx) return numpy.array(local_scope.find_var(output_name).get_tensor()).sum() def product(dim): return reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, dim, 1) tensor_to_check = local_scope.find_var(input_to_check).get_tensor() tensor_size = product(tensor_to_check.get_dims()) gradient_flat = numpy.zeros(shape=(tensor_size, ), dtype='float32') for i in xrange(tensor_size): origin = tensor_to_check.get_float_element(i) x_pos = origin + delta tensor_to_check.set_float_element(i, x_pos) y_pos = get_output() x_neg = origin - delta tensor_to_check.set_float_element(i, x_neg) y_neg = get_output() tensor_to_check.set_float_element(i, origin) # restore old value gradient_flat[i] = (y_pos - y_neg) / delta / 2 return gradient_flat.reshape(tensor_to_check.get_dims()) class GradientChecker(unittest.TestCase): def __is_close(self, numeric_grads, scope, max_relative_error): for name in numeric_grads: op_grad = numpy.array( scope.find_var(grad_var_name(name)).get_tensor()) is_close = numpy.allclose( numeric_grads[name], op_grad, rtol=max_relative_error, atol=100) if not is_close: return False return True def check_grad(self, forward_op, input_vars, inputs_to_check, output_name, no_grad_set=None, only_cpu=False, max_relative_error=0.005): """ :param forward_op: used to create backward_op :param input_vars: numpy value of input variable. The following computation will use these variables. :param inputs_to_check: inputs var names that should check gradient. :param output_name: output name that used to :param max_relative_error: The relative tolerance parameter. :param no_grad_set: used when create backward ops :param only_cpu: only compute and check gradient on cpu kernel. :return: """ if no_grad_set is None: no_grad_set = set() tmp_outs = forward_op.temp_outputs() no_tmp_out = filter(lambda name: name not in tmp_outs, forward_op.outputs()) if len(no_tmp_out) != 1: raise ValueError("non temp out_names should be 1") in_names = forward_op.inputs() for no_grad in no_grad_set: if no_grad not in in_names: raise ValueError("no_grad should be in in_names") backward_op = core.Operator.backward(forward_op, no_grad_set) places = [core.CPUPlace()] if not only_cpu and core.is_compile_gpu() and backward_op.support_gpu(): places.append(core.GPUPlace(0)) numeric_grad = dict() # get numeric gradient for check_name in inputs_to_check: numeric_grad[check_name] = \ get_numeric_gradient(forward_op, input_vars, output_name, check_name) # get operator gradient according to different device for place in places: scope = core.Scope() ctx = core.DeviceContext.create(place) # create input var and set value for name, value in input_vars.iteritems(): if name not in in_names: raise ValueError(name + " not in op.inputs_") var = scope.new_var(name).get_tensor() var.set_dims(value.shape) var.set(value, place) # create output var for out_name in forward_op.outputs(): scope.new_var(out_name).get_tensor() # infer the shape of output var and compute/set value of output var forward_op.infer_shape(scope), ctx) # create output grad var # set shape as the output var # set value of this grad to ones for name in forward_op.outputs(): out_tensor = scope.find_var(name).get_tensor() grad_tensor = scope.new_var(grad_var_name(name)).get_tensor() grad_tensor.set_dims(out_tensor.shape()) data = 1.0 * numpy.ones(out_tensor.shape()) grad_tensor.set(data, place) # create input grad var for name in backward_op.outputs(): scope.new_var(name).get_tensor() # infer the shape of input gradient var and compute/set it's value # with backward op backward_op.infer_shape(scope), ctx) if isinstance(place, core.CPUPlace): msg = "CPU kernel gradient is not close to numeric gradient" else: if isinstance(place, core.GPUPlace): msg = "GPU kernel gradient is not close to numeric gradient" else: raise ValueError("unknown place " + type(place)) self.assertTrue( self.__is_close(numeric_grad, scope, max_relative_error), msg) if __name__ == '__main__': class GetNumericGradientTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_add_op(self): add_op = Operator('add_two', X="X", Y="Y", Out="Z") x = numpy.random.random((10, 1)).astype("float32") y = numpy.random.random((10, 1)).astype("float32") arr = get_numeric_gradient(add_op, {'X': x, "Y": y}, 'Z', 'X') self.assertAlmostEqual(arr.mean(), 1.0, delta=1e-2) def test_softmax_op(self): def stable_softmax(x): """Compute the softmax of vector x in a numerically stable way.""" shiftx = x - numpy.max(x) exps = numpy.exp(shiftx) return exps / numpy.sum(exps) def label_softmax_grad(Y, dY): dX = Y * 0.0 for i in range(Y.shape[0]): d =[i, :], dY[i, :]) dX[i, :] = Y[i, :] * (dY[i, :] - d) return dX softmax_op = Operator("softmax", X="X", Y="Y") X = numpy.random.random((2, 2)).astype("float32") Y = numpy.apply_along_axis(stable_softmax, 1, X) dY = numpy.ones(Y.shape) dX = label_softmax_grad(Y, dY) arr = get_numeric_gradient(softmax_op, {"X": X}, 'Y', 'X') numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(arr, dX, decimal=1e-2) unittest.main()