// Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #pragma once #include "paddle/phi/backends/device_ext.h" constexpr size_t global_total_memory = 1024 * 1024UL; static size_t global_free_memory = global_total_memory; C_Status Init() { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status InitDevice(const C_Device device) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status SetDevice(const C_Device device) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status GetDevice(const C_Device device) { device->id = 0; return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status DestroyDevice(const C_Device device) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status Finalize() { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status GetDevicesCount(size_t *count) { *count = 1; return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status GetDevicesList(size_t *device) { *device = 0; return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status MemCpy(const C_Device device, void *dst, const void *src, size_t size) { memcpy(dst, src, size); return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status AsyncMemCpy(const C_Device device, C_Stream stream, void *dst, const void *src, size_t size) { memcpy(dst, src, size); return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status Allocate(const C_Device device, void **ptr, size_t size) { if (global_free_memory >= size) { *ptr = malloc(size); global_free_memory -= size; return C_SUCCESS; } else { *ptr = nullptr; return C_FAILED; } } C_Status Deallocate(const C_Device device, void *ptr, size_t size) { free(ptr); global_free_memory += size; return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status CreateStream(const C_Device device, C_Stream *stream) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status DestroyStream(const C_Device device, C_Stream stream) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status CreateEvent(const C_Device device, C_Event *event) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status RecordEvent(const C_Device device, C_Stream stream, C_Event event) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status DestroyEvent(const C_Device device, C_Event event) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status SyncDevice(const C_Device device) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status SyncStream(const C_Device device, C_Stream stream) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status SyncEvent(const C_Device device, C_Event event) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status StreamWaitEvent(const C_Device device, C_Stream stream, C_Event event) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status VisibleDevices(size_t *devices) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status DeviceMemStats(const C_Device device, size_t *total_memory, size_t *free_memory) { *total_memory = global_total_memory; *free_memory = global_free_memory; return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status DeviceMinChunkSize(const C_Device device, size_t *size) { *size = 4 * 1024; return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status DeviceMaxChunkSize(const C_Device device, size_t *size) { *size = 64 * 1024; return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status DeviceMaxAllocSize(const C_Device device, size_t *size) { *size = global_total_memory * 0.95; return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status XcclGetUniqueIdSize(size_t *size) { *size = sizeof(size_t); return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status XcclGetUniqueId(C_CCLRootId *unique_id) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status XcclCommInitRank(size_t ranks, C_CCLRootId *unique_id, size_t rank, C_CCLComm *comm) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status XcclDestroyComm(C_CCLComm comm) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status XcclAllReduce(void *send_buf, void *recv_buf, size_t count, C_DataType data_type, C_CCLReduceOp op, C_CCLComm comm, C_Stream stream) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status XcclBroadcast(void *buf, size_t count, C_DataType data_type, size_t root, C_CCLComm comm, C_Stream stream) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status XcclReduce(void *send_buf, void *recv_buf, size_t count, C_DataType data_type, C_CCLReduceOp op, C_CCLComm comm, C_Stream stream) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status XcclAllGather(void *send_buf, void *recv_buf, size_t count, C_DataType data_type, C_CCLComm comm, C_Stream stream) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status XcclReduceScatter(void *send_buf, void *recv_buf, size_t count, C_DataType data_type, C_CCLReduceOp op, C_CCLComm comm, C_Stream stream) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status XcclGroupStart() { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status XcclGroupEnd() { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status XcclSend(void *send_buf, size_t count, C_DataType data_type, size_t dest_rank, C_CCLComm comm, C_Stream stream) { return C_SUCCESS; } C_Status XcclRecv(void *recv_buf, size_t count, C_DataType data_type, size_t src_rank, C_CCLComm comm, C_Stream stream) { return C_SUCCESS; } #define DEVICE_TYPE "FakeCPU" #define SUB_DEVICE_TYPE "V100" void InitFakeCPUDevice(CustomRuntimeParams *params) { params->device_type = const_cast(DEVICE_TYPE); params->sub_device_type = const_cast(SUB_DEVICE_TYPE); params->version.major = PADDLE_CUSTOM_RUNTIME_MAJOR_VERSION; params->version.minor = PADDLE_CUSTOM_RUNTIME_MINOR_VERSION; params->version.patch = PADDLE_CUSTOM_RUNTIME_PATCH_VERSION; memset(reinterpret_cast(params->interface), 0, sizeof(C_DeviceInterface)); params->interface->initialize = Init; params->interface->finalize = Finalize; params->interface->init_device = InitDevice; params->interface->set_device = SetDevice; params->interface->get_device = GetDevice; params->interface->deinit_device = DestroyDevice; params->interface->create_stream = CreateStream; params->interface->destroy_stream = DestroyStream; params->interface->create_event = CreateEvent; params->interface->destroy_event = DestroyEvent; params->interface->record_event = RecordEvent; params->interface->synchronize_device = SyncDevice; params->interface->synchronize_stream = SyncStream; params->interface->synchronize_event = SyncEvent; params->interface->stream_wait_event = StreamWaitEvent; params->interface->memory_copy_h2d = MemCpy; params->interface->memory_copy_d2d = MemCpy; params->interface->memory_copy_d2h = MemCpy; params->interface->async_memory_copy_h2d = AsyncMemCpy; params->interface->async_memory_copy_d2d = AsyncMemCpy; params->interface->async_memory_copy_d2h = AsyncMemCpy; params->interface->device_memory_allocate = Allocate; params->interface->host_memory_allocate = Allocate; params->interface->unified_memory_allocate = Allocate; params->interface->device_memory_deallocate = Deallocate; params->interface->host_memory_deallocate = Deallocate; params->interface->unified_memory_deallocate = Deallocate; params->interface->get_device_count = GetDevicesCount; params->interface->get_device_list = GetDevicesList; params->interface->device_memory_stats = DeviceMemStats; params->interface->device_max_chunk_size = DeviceMaxChunkSize; params->interface->device_min_chunk_size = DeviceMinChunkSize; params->interface->device_max_alloc_size = DeviceMaxAllocSize; params->interface->xccl_get_unique_id_size = XcclGetUniqueIdSize; params->interface->xccl_get_unique_id = XcclGetUniqueId; params->interface->xccl_all_reduce = XcclAllReduce; params->interface->xccl_all_gather = XcclAllGather; params->interface->xccl_broadcast = XcclBroadcast; params->interface->xccl_comm_init_rank = XcclCommInitRank; params->interface->xccl_destroy_comm = XcclDestroyComm; params->interface->xccl_group_end = XcclGroupEnd; params->interface->xccl_group_start = XcclGroupStart; params->interface->xccl_reduce = XcclReduce; params->interface->xccl_reduce_scatter = XcclReduceScatter; params->interface->xccl_send = XcclSend; params->interface->xccl_recv = XcclRecv; }