#!/bin/bash set -ex TESTS_FILE="./lite_tests.txt" LIBS_FILE="./lite_libs.txt" readonly ADB_WORK_DIR="/data/local/tmp" readonly common_flags="-DWITH_LITE=ON -DLITE_WITH_LIGHT_WEIGHT_FRAMEWORK=OFF -DWITH_PYTHON=OFF -DWITH_TESTING=ON -DLITE_WITH_ARM=OFF" NUM_CORES_FOR_COMPILE=8 # for code gen, a source file is generated after a test, but is dependended by some targets in cmake. # here we fake an empty file to make cmake works. function prepare_workspace { # in build directory # 1. Prepare gen_code file GEN_CODE_PATH_PREFIX=paddle/fluid/lite/gen_code mkdir -p ./${GEN_CODE_PATH_PREFIX} touch ./${GEN_CODE_PATH_PREFIX}/__generated_code__.cc # 2.Prepare debug tool DEBUG_TOOL_PATH_PREFIX=paddle/fluid/lite/tools/debug mkdir -p ./${DEBUG_TOOL_PATH_PREFIX} cp ../${DEBUG_TOOL_PATH_PREFIX}/analysis_tool.py ./${DEBUG_TOOL_PATH_PREFIX}/ } function check_need_ci { git log -1 --oneline | grep "test=develop" || exit -1 } function cmake_x86 { prepare_workspace cmake .. -DWITH_GPU=OFF -DWITH_MKLDNN=OFF -DLITE_WITH_X86=ON ${common_flags} } function cmake_opencl { prepare_workspace # $1: ARM_TARGET_OS in "android" , "armlinux" # $2: ARM_TARGET_ARCH_ABI in "armv8", "armv7" ,"armv7hf" # $3: ARM_TARGET_LANG in "gcc" "clang" cmake .. \ -DLITE_WITH_OPENCL=ON \ -DWITH_GPU=OFF \ -DWITH_MKL=OFF \ -DWITH_LITE=ON \ -DLITE_WITH_CUDA=OFF \ -DLITE_WITH_X86=OFF \ -DLITE_WITH_ARM=ON \ -DLITE_WITH_LIGHT_WEIGHT_FRAMEWORK=ON \ -DWITH_TESTING=ON \ -DARM_TARGET_OS=$1 -DARM_TARGET_ARCH_ABI=$2 -DARM_TARGET_LANG=$3 } # $1: ARM_TARGET_OS in "android" , "armlinux" # $2: ARM_TARGET_ARCH_ABI in "armv8", "armv7" ,"armv7hf" # $3: ARM_TARGET_LANG in "gcc" "clang" function build_opencl { os=$1 abi=$2 lang=$3 cur_dir=$(pwd) if [[ ${os} == "armlinux" ]]; then # TODO(hongming): enable compile armv7 and armv7hf on armlinux, and clang compile if [[ ${lang} == "clang" ]]; then echo "clang is not enabled on armlinux yet" return 0 fi if [[ ${abi} == "armv7hf" ]]; then echo "armv7hf is not supported on armlinux yet" return 0 fi if [[ ${abi} == "armv7" ]]; then echo "armv7 is not supported on armlinux yet" return 0 fi fi if [[ ${os} == "android" && ${abi} == "armv7hf" ]]; then echo "android do not need armv7hf" return 0 fi build_dir=$cur_dir/build.lite.${os}.${abi}.${lang}.opencl mkdir -p $build_dir cd $build_dir cmake_opencl ${os} ${abi} ${lang} build $TESTS_FILE # test publish inference lib make publish_inference_lite } # This method is only called in CI. function cmake_x86_for_CI { prepare_workspace # fake an empty __generated_code__.cc to pass cmake. cmake .. -DWITH_GPU=OFF -DWITH_MKLDNN=OFF -DLITE_WITH_X86=ON ${common_flags} -DLITE_WITH_PROFILE=ON # Compile and execute the gen_code related test, so it will generate some code, and make the compilation reasonable. make test_gen_code_lite -j$NUM_CORES_FOR_COMPILE make test_cxx_api_lite -j$NUM_CORES_FOR_COMPILE ctest -R test_cxx_api_lite ctest -R test_gen_code_lite make test_generated_code -j$NUM_CORES_FOR_COMPILE } function cmake_gpu { prepare_workspace cmake .. " -DWITH_GPU=ON {common_flags} -DLITE_WITH_GPU=ON" } function check_style { export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH #pre-commit install clang-format --version if ! pre-commit run -a ; then git diff exit 1 fi } function build_single { #make $1 -j$(expr $(nproc) - 2) make $1 -j$NUM_CORES_FOR_COMPILE } function build { make lite_compile_deps -j$NUM_CORES_FOR_COMPILE # test publish inference lib make publish_inference_lite } # It will eagerly test all lite related unittests. function test_lite { local file=$1 echo "file: ${file}" for _test in $(cat $file); do ctest -R $_test -V done } # Build the code and run lite server tests. This is executed in the CI system. function build_test_server { mkdir -p ./build cd ./build export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/paddle/build/third_party/install/mklml/lib" cmake_x86_for_CI build test_lite $TESTS_FILE } # test_arm_android function test_arm_android { local test_name=$1 local port=$2 if [[ "${test_name}x" == "x" ]]; then echo "test_name can not be empty" exit 1 fi if [[ "${port}x" == "x" ]]; then echo "Port can not be empty" exit 1 fi echo "test name: ${test_name}" adb_work_dir="/data/local/tmp" skip_list=("test_model_parser_lite" "test_mobilenetv1_lite" "test_mobilenetv2_lite" "test_resnet50_lite" "test_inceptionv4_lite" "test_light_api_lite" "test_apis_lite" "test_paddle_api_lite") for skip_name in ${skip_list[@]} ; do [[ $skip_name =~ (^|[[:space:]])$test_name($|[[:space:]]) ]] && echo "skip $test_name" && return done local testpath=$(find ./paddle/fluid -name ${test_name}) adb -s emulator-${port} push ${testpath} ${adb_work_dir} adb -s emulator-${port} shell "${adb_work_dir}/${test_name}" } # test the inference high level api function test_arm_api { local port=$1 local test_name="test_paddle_api_lite" make $test_name -j$NUM_CORES_FOR_COMPILE local model_path=$(find . -name "lite_naive_model") local remote_model=${adb_work_dir}/paddle_api local testpath=$(find ./paddle/fluid -name ${test_name}) arm_push_necessary_file $port $model_path $remote_model adb -s emulator-${port} shell mkdir -p $remote_model adb -s emulator-${port} push ${testpath} ${adb_work_dir} adb -s emulator-${port} shell chmod +x "${adb_work_dir}/${test_name}" adb -s emulator-${port} shell "${adb_work_dir}/${test_name} --model_dir $remote_model" } function test_arm_model { local test_name=$1 local port=$2 local model_dir=$3 if [[ "${test_name}x" == "x" ]]; then echo "test_name can not be empty" exit 1 fi if [[ "${port}x" == "x" ]]; then echo "Port can not be empty" exit 1 fi if [[ "${model_dir}x" == "x" ]]; then echo "Model dir can not be empty" exit 1 fi echo "test name: ${test_name}" adb_work_dir="/data/local/tmp" testpath=$(find ./paddle/fluid -name ${test_name}) adb -s emulator-${port} push ${model_dir} ${adb_work_dir} adb -s emulator-${port} push ${testpath} ${adb_work_dir} adb -s emulator-${port} shell chmod +x "${adb_work_dir}/${test_name}" local adb_model_path="${adb_work_dir}/`basename ${model_dir}`" adb -s emulator-${port} shell "${adb_work_dir}/${test_name} --model_dir=$adb_model_path" } function _test_model_optimize_tool { local port=$1 local remote_model_path=$ADB_WORK_DIR/lite_naive_model local remote_test=$ADB_WORK_DIR/model_optimize_tool local adb="adb -s emulator-${port}" make model_optimize_tool -j$NUM_CORES_FOR_COMPILE local test_path=$(find . -name model_optimize_tool) local model_path=$(find . -name lite_naive_model) $adb push ${test_path} ${ADB_WORK_DIR} $adb shell mkdir -p $remote_model_path $adb push $model_path/* $remote_model_path $adb shell $remote_test --model_dir $remote_model_path --optimize_out ${remote_model_path}.opt \ --valid_targets "arm" } function _test_paddle_code_generator { local port=$1 local test_name=paddle_code_generator local remote_test=$ADB_WORK_DIR/$test_name local remote_model=$ADB_WORK_DIR/lite_naive_model.opt local adb="adb -s emulator-${port}" make paddle_code_generator -j$NUM_CORES_FOR_COMPILE local test_path=$(find . -name $test_name) $adb push $test_path $remote_test $adb shell $remote_test --optimized_model $remote_model --generated_code_file $ADB_WORK_DIR/gen_code.cc } function cmake_arm { prepare_workspace # $1: ARM_TARGET_OS in "android" , "armlinux" # $2: ARM_TARGET_ARCH_ABI in "armv8", "armv7" ,"armv7hf" # $3: ARM_TARGET_LANG in "gcc" "clang" cmake .. \ -DWITH_GPU=OFF \ -DWITH_MKL=OFF \ -DWITH_LITE=ON \ -DLITE_WITH_CUDA=OFF \ -DLITE_WITH_X86=OFF \ -DLITE_WITH_ARM=ON \ -DLITE_WITH_LIGHT_WEIGHT_FRAMEWORK=ON \ -DWITH_TESTING=ON \ -DARM_TARGET_OS=$1 -DARM_TARGET_ARCH_ABI=$2 -DARM_TARGET_LANG=$3 } # $1: ARM_TARGET_OS in "android" , "armlinux" # $2: ARM_TARGET_ARCH_ABI in "armv8", "armv7" ,"armv7hf" # $3: ARM_TARGET_LANG in "gcc" "clang" function build_arm { os=$1 abi=$2 lang=$3 cur_dir=$(pwd) if [[ ${os} == "armlinux" ]]; then # TODO(hongming): enable compile armv7 and armv7hf on armlinux, and clang compile if [[ ${lang} == "clang" ]]; then echo "clang is not enabled on armlinux yet" return 0 fi if [[ ${abi} == "armv7hf" ]]; then echo "armv7hf is not supported on armlinux yet" return 0 fi if [[ ${abi} == "armv7" ]]; then echo "armv7 is not supported on armlinux yet" return 0 fi fi if [[ ${os} == "android" && ${abi} == "armv7hf" ]]; then echo "android do not need armv7hf" return 0 fi build_dir=$cur_dir/build.lite.${os}.${abi}.${lang} mkdir -p $build_dir cd $build_dir cmake_arm ${os} ${abi} ${lang} build $TESTS_FILE # test publish inference lib make publish_inference_lite } # $1: ARM_TARGET_OS in "android" , "armlinux" # $2: ARM_TARGET_ARCH_ABI in "armv8", "armv7" ,"armv7hf" # $3: ARM_TARGET_LANG in "gcc" "clang" # $4: android test port # Note: test must be in build dir function test_arm { os=$1 abi=$2 lang=$3 port=$4 if [[ ${os} == "armlinux" ]]; then # TODO(hongming): enable test armlinux on armv8, armv7 and armv7hf echo "Skip test arm linux yet. armlinux must in another docker" return 0 fi if [[ ${os} == "android" && ${abi} == "armv7hf" ]]; then echo "android do not need armv7hf" return 0 fi echo "test file: ${TESTS_FILE}" for _test in $(cat $TESTS_FILE); do test_arm_android $_test $port done # test finally test_arm_api $port _test_model_optimize_tool $port _test_paddle_code_generator $port } function prepare_emulator { local port_armv8=$1 local port_armv7=$2 adb kill-server adb devices | grep emulator | cut -f1 | while read line; do adb -s $line emu kill; done # start android armv8 and armv7 emulators first echo n | avdmanager create avd -f -n paddle-armv8 -k "system-images;android-24;google_apis;arm64-v8a" echo -ne '\n' | ${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/emulator -avd paddle-armv8 -noaudio -no-window -gpu off -port ${port_armv8} & sleep 1m echo n | avdmanager create avd -f -n paddle-armv7 -k "system-images;android-24;google_apis;armeabi-v7a" echo -ne '\n' | ${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/emulator -avd paddle-armv7 -noaudio -no-window -gpu off -port ${port_armv7} & sleep 1m } function arm_push_necessary_file { local port=$1 local testpath=$2 local adb_work_dir=$3 adb -s emulator-${port} push ${testpath} ${adb_work_dir} } function build_test_arm_opencl { ######################################################################## cur=$PWD # job 1 build_opencl "android" "armv8" "gcc" cd $cur # job 2 build_opencl "android" "armv7" "gcc" cd $cur echo "Done" } # We split the arm unittest into several sub-tasks to parallel and reduce the overall CI timetime. # sub-task1 function build_test_arm_subtask_android { ######################################################################## # job 1-4 must be in one runner port_armv8=5554 port_armv7=5556 prepare_emulator $port_armv8 $port_armv7 # job 1 build_arm "android" "armv8" "gcc" test_arm "android" "armv8" "gcc" ${port_armv8} cd - # job 2 #build_arm "android" "armv8" "clang" #test_arm "android" "armv8" "clang" ${port_armv8} #cd - # job 3 build_arm "android" "armv7" "gcc" test_arm "android" "armv7" "gcc" ${port_armv7} cd - # job 4 #build_arm "android" "armv7" "clang" #test_arm "android" "armv7" "clang" ${port_armv7} #cd - adb devices | grep emulator | cut -f1 | while read line; do adb -s $line emu kill; done echo "Done" } # sub-task2 function build_test_arm_subtask_armlinux { ######################################################################## # job 1-4 must be in one runner port_armv8=5554 port_armv7=5556 prepare_emulator $port_armv8 $port_armv7 cur=$PWD # job 5 build_arm "armlinux" "armv8" "gcc" test_arm "armlinux" "armv8" "gcc" $port_armv8 cd $cur # job 6 build_arm "armlinux" "armv7" "gcc" test_arm "armlinux" "armv7" "gcc" $port_armv8 cd $cur # job 7 build_arm "armlinux" "armv7hf" "gcc" test_arm "armlinux" "armv7hf" "gcc" $port_armv8 cd $cur adb devices | grep emulator | cut -f1 | while read line; do adb -s $line emu kill; done echo "Done" } # sub-task-model function build_test_arm_subtask_model { local port_armv8=5554 local port_armv7=5556 # We just test following single one environment to limit the CI time. local os=android local abi=armv8 local lang=gcc local test_name=$1 local model_name=$2 cur_dir=$(pwd) build_dir=$cur_dir/build.lite.${os}.${abi}.${lang} mkdir -p $build_dir cd $build_dir cmake_arm $os $abi $lang make $test_name -j$NUM_CORES_FOR_COMPILE prepare_emulator $port_armv8 $port_armv7 # just test the model on armv8 test_arm_model $test_name $port_armv8 "./third_party/install/$model_name" adb devices | grep emulator | cut -f1 | while read line; do adb -s $line emu kill; done echo "Done" } # this test load a model, optimize it and check the prediction result of both cxx and light APIS. function test_arm_predict_apis { local port=$1 local workspace=$2 local naive_model_path=$3 local api_test_path=$(find . -name "test_apis_lite") # the model is pushed to ./lite_naive_model adb -s emulator-${port} push ${naive_model_path} ${workspace} adb -s emulator-${port} push $api_test_path ${workspace} # test cxx_api first to store the optimized model. adb -s emulator-${port} shell ./test_apis_lite --model_dir ./lite_naive_model --optimized_model ./lite_naive_model_opt } # Build the code and run lite arm tests. This is executed in the CI system. function build_test_arm { ######################################################################## # job 1-4 must be in one runner port_armv8=5554 port_armv7=5556 build_test_arm_subtask_android build_test_arm_subtask_armlinux } ############################# MAIN ################################# function print_usage { echo -e "\nUSAGE:" echo echo "----------------------------------------" echo -e "cmake_x86: run cmake with X86 mode" echo -e "cmake_cuda: run cmake with CUDA mode" echo -e "--arm_os= --arm_abi= cmake_arm: run cmake with ARM mode" echo echo -e "build: compile the tests" echo -e "--test_name= build_single: compile single test" echo echo -e "test_server: run server tests" echo -e "--test_name= --adb_port_number= test_arm_android: run arm test" echo "----------------------------------------" echo } function main { # Parse command line. for i in "$@"; do case $i in --tests=*) TESTS_FILE="${i#*=}" shift ;; --test_name=*) TEST_NAME="${i#*=}" shift ;; --arm_os=*) ARM_OS="${i#*=}" shift ;; --arm_abi=*) ARM_ABI="${i#*=}" shift ;; --arm_lang=*) ARM_LANG="${i#*=}" shift ;; --arm_port=*) ARM_PORT="${i#*=}" shift ;; build) build $TESTS_FILE build $LIBS_FILE shift ;; build_single) build_single $TEST_NAME shift ;; cmake_x86) cmake_x86 shift ;; cmake_opencl) cmake_opencl $ARM_OS $ARM_ABI $ARM_LANG shift ;; cmake_cuda) cmake_cuda shift ;; cmake_arm) cmake_arm $ARM_OS $ARM_ABI $ARM_LANG shift ;; build_opencl) build_opencl $ARM_OS $ARM_ABI $ARM_LANG shift ;; build_arm) build_arm $ARM_OS $ARM_ABI $ARM_LANG shift ;; test_server) test_lite $TESTS_FILE shift ;; test_arm) test_arm $ARM_OS $ARM_ABI $ARM_LANG $ARM_PORT shift ;; test_arm_android) test_arm_android $TEST_NAME $ARM_PORT shift ;; build_test_server) build_test_server shift ;; build_test_arm) build_test_arm shift ;; build_test_arm_opencl) build_test_arm_opencl shift ;; build_test_arm_subtask_android) build_test_arm_subtask_android shift ;; build_test_arm_subtask_armlinux) build_test_arm_subtask_armlinux shift ;; build_test_arm_model_mobilenetv1) build_test_arm_subtask_model test_mobilenetv1_lite mobilenet_v1 shift ;; build_test_arm_model_mobilenetv2) build_test_arm_subtask_model test_mobilenetv2_lite mobilenet_v2_relu shift ;; build_test_arm_model_resnet50) build_test_arm_subtask_model test_resnet50_lite resnet50 shift ;; build_test_arm_model_inceptionv4) build_test_arm_subtask_model test_inceptionv4_lite inception_v4_simple shift ;; check_style) check_style shift ;; check_need_ci) check_need_ci shift ;; *) # unknown option print_usage exit 1 ;; esac done } main $@