# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re # function to process pythonpath env # append "${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/python" to PYTHONPATH def _process_PYTHONPATH(pythonpath_option): pythonpath_option += ":${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/python" return pythonpath_option def process_envs(envs): """ Desc: Input a str and output a str with the same function to specify some environment variables. Here we can give a specital process for some variable if needed. Example 1: Input: "http_proxy=;PYTHONPATH=.." Output: "http_proxy=;PYTHONPATH=..:${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/python" Example 2: Input: "http_proxy=;https_proxy=" Output: "http_proxy=;https_proxy=" """ envs = envs.strip() envs_parts = envs.split(";") processed_envs = [] for p in envs_parts: assert " " not in p and \ re.compile("^[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*=").search(p) is not None, \ f"""The environment option format is wrong. The env variable name can only contains'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9' and '_', and the var can not contain space in either env names or values. However the var's format is '{p}'.""" if re.compile("^PYTHONPATH=").search(p): p = _process_PYTHONPATH(p) processed_envs.append(p) return ";".join(processed_envs) def process_conditions(conditions): """ Desc: Input condition expression in cmake grammer and return a string warpped by 'AND ()'. If the conditions string is empty, return an empty string. Example 1: Input: "LINUX" Output: "AND (LINUX)" Example 2: Input: "" Output: "" """ if len(conditions.strip()) == 0: conditions = "" else: conditions = f" AND ({conditions})" return conditions def proccess_archs(arch): """ desc: Input archs options and warp it with 'WITH_', 'OR' and '()' in cmakelist grammer. The case is ignored. If the input is empty, return "LOCAL_ALL_ARCH". Example 1: Input: 'gpu' Output: '(WITH_GPU)' Example 2: Input: 'gpu;ROCM' Output: '(WITH_GPU OR WITH_ROCM)' """ archs = "" arch = arch.upper().strip() if len(arch) > 0: for a in arch.split(";"): assert a in ["GPU", "ROCM", "ASCEND", "ASCEND_CL"], \ f"""Supported arhc options are "GPU", "ROCM", "ASCEND" and "ASCEND_CL", but the options is {a}""" archs += "WITH_" + a.upper() + " OR " arch = "(" + archs[:-4] + ")" else: arch = "LOCAL_ALL_ARCH" return arch def process_os(os_): """ Desc: Input os options and output warpped options with 'OR' and '()' If the input is empty, return "LOCAL_ALL_PLAT" Example 1: Input: "WIN32" Output: "(WIN32)" Example 2: Input: "WIN32;linux" Output: "(WIN32 OR LINUX)" """ os_ = os_.strip() if len(os_) > 0: os_ = os_.upper() for p in os_.split(';'): assert p in [ "WIN32", "APPLE", "LINUX" ], f"""Supported os options are 'WIN32', 'APPLE' and 'LINUX', but the options is {p}""" os_ = os_.replace(";", " OR ") os_ = "(" + os_ + ")" else: os_ = "LOCAL_ALL_PLAT" return os_ # check whether run_serial is 0, 1 or empty def process_run_serial(run_serial): rs = run_serial.strip() assert rs in ["1", "0", ""], \ f"""the value of run_serial must be one of 0, 1 or empty. But this value is {rs}""" if rs == "": rs = "0" return rs def process_run_type(run_type): rt = run_type.strip() assert re.compile("^(NIGHTLY|EXCLUSIVE|CINN|DIST|GPUPS|INFER|EXCLUSIVE:NIGHTLY|DIST:NIGHTLY)$").search(rt), \ f""" run_type must be one of 'NIGHTLY', 'EXCLUSIVE', 'CINN', 'DIST', 'GPUPS', 'INFER', 'EXCLUSIVE:NIGHTLY' and 'DIST:NIGHTLY'""" \ f"""but the run_type is {rt}""" return rt def parse_line(line): """ Desc: Input a line in csv file and output a string in cmake grammer, adding the specified test and setting its properties. Example: Input: "test_allreduce,linux,gpu;rocm,120,DIST,test_runner.py,20071,1,PYTHONPATH=..;http_proxy=;https_proxy=," Output: "if((WITH_GPU OR WITH_ROCM) AND (LINUX) ) py_test_modules( test_allreduce MODULES test_allreduce ENVS "PADDLE_DIST_UT_PORT=20071;PYTHONPATH=..:${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/python;http_proxy=;https_proxy=") set_tests_properties(test_allreduce PROPERTIES TIMEOUT "120" RUN_SERIAL 1) endif()" """ # A line contains name, os_, archs, timeout, run_type, launcher, dist_ut_port, run_serial, envs, conditions, etc. # Following are descriptions of each variable: # # * `name`: the test's name # * `os`: The supported operator system, ignoring case. If the test run in multiple operator systems, use ";" to split systems, forexample, `apple;linux` means the test runs on both Apple and Linux. The supported values are `linux`,`win32` and `apple`. If the value is empty, this means the test runs on all opertaor systems. # * `arch`: the device's architecture. similar to `os`, multiple valuse ars splited by ";" and ignoring case. The supported arhchetectures are `gpu`, `xpu`, `npu` and `rocm`. # * `timeout`: timeout of a unittest, whose unit is second. # * `run_type`: run_type of a unittest. Supported values are `NIGHTLY`, `EXCLUSIVE`, `CINN`, `DIST`, `GPUPS`, `INFER`, `EXCLUSIVE:NIGHTLY`, `DIST:NIGHTLY`,which are case-insensitive. # * `launcher`: the test launcher.Supported values are test_runner.py, dist_test.sh and custom scripts' name. # * `dist_ut_port`: the starting port used in a distributed unit test # * `run_serial`: whether in serial mode. the value can be 1 or 0. Default(empty) is 0 # * `ENVS`: required environments. multiple envirenmonts are splited by ";". # * `conditions`: extra required conditions for some tests. the value is a boolean expression in cmake programmer. name, os_, archs, timeout, run_type, launcher, dist_ut_port, run_serial, envs, conditions = line.strip( ).split(",") if name == "name": return "" envs = process_envs(envs) conditions = process_conditions(conditions) archs = proccess_archs(archs) os_ = process_os(os_) run_serial = process_run_serial(run_serial) run_type = process_run_type(run_type) cmd = "" if launcher[-3:] == ".sh": cmd += f'''if({archs} AND {os_} {conditions}) bash_test_modules( {name} START_BASH {launcher} LABELS "RUN_TYPE={run_type}" ENVS "PADDLE_DIST_UT_PORT={dist_ut_port};{envs}") set_tests_properties({name} PROPERTIES TIMEOUT "{timeout}" RUN_SERIAL {run_serial}) endif() ''' else: cmd += f'''if({archs} AND {os_} {conditions}) py_test_modules( {name} MODULES {name} ENVS "PADDLE_DIST_UT_PORT={dist_ut_port};{envs}") set_tests_properties({name} PROPERTIES TIMEOUT "{timeout}" RUN_SERIAL {run_serial}) endif() ''' return cmd def gen_cmakelists(current_work_dir): print("procfessing dir:", current_work_dir) if current_work_dir == "": current_work_dir = "." cmds = """# This file is generated by ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/gen_ut_cmakelists.py. # Please don't modify this file manually. # If you need to change unittests in this file, please modify testslist.csv in the current directory # and then run the command `python3 ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/gen_ut_cmakelists.py -f ${CURRENT_DIRECTORY}/testslist.csv` set(LOCAL_ALL_ARCH ON) set(LOCAL_ALL_PLAT ON)\n""" with open(f"{current_work_dir}/testslist.csv") as csv_file: for i, line in enumerate(csv_file.readlines()): try: cmds += parse_line(line) except Exception as e: print("===============PARSE LINE ERRORS OCCUR==========") print(e) print(f"[ERROR FILE]: {current_work_dir}/testslist.csv") print(f"[ERROR LINE {i+1}]: {line.strip()}") exit(1) print(cmds, end="") with open(f"{current_work_dir}/CMakeLists.txt", "w") as cmake_file: print(cmds, end="", file=cmake_file) if __name__ == "__main__": import os import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--files", "-f", type=str, required=False, default=[], nargs="+", help= "Input a list of files named testslist.csv and output files named CmakeLists.txt in the same directories as the csv files respectly" ) parser.add_argument( "--dirpaths", "-d", type=str, required=False, default=[], nargs="+", help= "Input a list of dir paths including files named testslist.csv and output CmakeLists.txt in these directories respectly" ) args = parser.parse_args() assert not (len(args.files) == 0 and len(args.dirpaths) == 0), "You must provide at leate one file or dirpath" current_work_dirs = [] if len(args.files) >= 1: for p in args.files: assert os.path.basename( p) == "testslist.csv", "you must input file named testslist.csv" current_work_dirs = current_work_dirs + [ os.path.dirname(file) for file in args.files ] if len(args.dirpaths) >= 1: current_work_dirs = current_work_dirs + [d for d in args.dirpaths] for c in current_work_dirs: gen_cmakelists(c)