# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re import os import math import argparse from threading import Thread # some particular ops black_list = [ # special op 'test_custom_relu_op_setup', 'test_custom_relu_op_jit', 'test_python_operator_overriding', 'test_c_comm_init_all_op', 'test_c_embedding_op', # train op 'test_imperative_optimizer', 'test_imperative_optimizer_v2', 'test_momentum_op', 'test_sgd_op', 'test_sgd_op_bf16', 'test_warpctc_op', # sync op 'test_sync_batch_norm_op', # case too large 'test_reduce_op', 'test_transpose_op' ] op_diff_list = [ # diff<1E-7,it's right 'test_elementwise_mul_op' ] def parse_arguments(): """ :return: """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--shell_name', type=str, default='get_op_list.sh', help='please input right name') parser.add_argument('--op_list_file', type=str, default='list_op.txt', help='please input right name') return parser.parse_args() def search_file(file_name, path, file_path): """ :param file_name:target :param path: to search this path :param file_path: result :return: """ for item in os.listdir(path): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, item)): search_file(file_name, os.path.join(path, item), file_path) else: if file_name in item: file_path.append(os.path.join(path, file_name)) def get_prefix(line, end_char='d'): """ :param line: string_demo :param end_char: copy the prefix of string_demo until end_char :return: prefix """ i = 0 prefix = '' while (line[i] != end_char): prefix += line[i] i += 1 return prefix def add_import_skip_return(file, pattern_import, pattern_skip, pattern_return): """ :param file: the file need to be changed :param pattern_import: import skip :param pattern_skip: @skip :param pattern_return: add return :return: """ pattern_1 = re.compile(pattern_import) pattern_2 = re.compile(pattern_skip) pattern_3 = re.compile(pattern_return) file_data = "" # change file with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: # add import skip_check_grad_ci match_obj = pattern_1.search(line) if match_obj is not None: line = line[:-1] + ", skip_check_grad_ci\n" print("### add import skip_check_grad_ci ####") # add @skip_check_grad_ci match_obj = pattern_2.search(line) if match_obj is not None: file_data += "@skip_check_grad_ci(reason='jetson do n0t neeed this !')\n" print("### add @skip_check_grad_ci ####") # delete test_grad_output match_obj = pattern_3.search(line) if match_obj is not None: file_data += line file_data += get_prefix(line) file_data += " return\n" print("### add return for function ####") continue file_data += line # save file with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(file_data) def get_op_list(op_list_file='list_op.txt'): """ :param op_list_file: op list file :return: list of op """ op_list = [] with open(op_list_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: if line in black_list: continue # delete /n op_list.append(line[:-1]) return op_list def set_diff_value(file, atol="1e-5", inplace_atol="1e-7"): """ :param file: refer to op_test.py :param atol: refer to op_test.py :param inplace_atol: :return: """ os.system("sed -i 's/self.check_output(/self\.check_output\(atol=" + atol + ",inplace_atol=" + inplace_atol + ",/g\' " + file) def change_op_file(start=0, end=0, op_list_file='list_op.txt', path='.'): """ :param start: :param end: :param op_list_file: op_list :param path: just the file in this path :return: """ test_op_list = get_op_list(op_list_file) file_path = [] for id in range(start, end): item = test_op_list[id] print(id, ":", item) search_file(item + '.py', os.path.abspath(path), file_path) if len(file_path) == 0: print("'", item, "' is not a python file!") continue file_with_path = file_path[0] # pattern pattern_import = ".*import OpTest.*" pattern_skip = "^class .*\(OpTest\):$" pattern_return = "def test.*grad.*\):$" # change file add_import_skip_return(file_with_path, pattern_import, pattern_skip, pattern_return) # op_diff if item in op_diff_list: set_diff_value(file_with_path) file_path.clear() def run_multi_thread(list_file, thread_num=4): """ :param list_file: :param thread_num: :return: """ length = len(get_op_list(list_file)) thread_list = [] start = 0 end = 0 for item in range(thread_num): # set argument start = math.floor(item / thread_num * length) end = math.floor((item + 1) / thread_num * length) print("thread num-", item, ":", start, end) thread = Thread(target=change_op_file, args=(start, end)) thread_list.append(thread) # start a thread thread.start() # wait all thread for item in thread_list: item.join() # add a flag with open("flag_change_file.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("change successfully!") print("------change successfully!-------") def transform_list_to_str(list_op): """ :param list_op: :return: """ res = "" for item in list_op: tmp = "^" + item + "$|" res += tmp return res[:-1] def run_file_change(op_list_file): """ if file has changed, the file should not be changed again. :param op_list_file: :return: """ if (os.path.exists("flag_change_file.txt")): print( "-----maybe op_file has changed, so don't need to change again------" ) else: run_multi_thread(op_list_file) def run_test_first(op_list_file): """ run all op test. :param op_list_file: :return: """ old_list = get_op_list(op_list_file) new_list = filter(lambda x: x not in black_list, old_list) op_test = transform_list_to_str(new_list) os.system("ctest -R \"(" + op_test + ")\" >& test_op_log.txt") def run_test_second(): """ run failed op again. :return: """ os.system( "sed -n '/(Failed)$/p' test_op_log.txt | awk '{print $3}' >& rerun_op.txt" ) rerun_list = get_op_list('rerun_op.txt') if (len(rerun_list)): print("-------there are " + str(len(rerun_list)) + " op(s) need to rerun!!!-------") for failed_op in rerun_list: os.system("ctest -R \"(" + failed_op + ")\" ") else: print("-------all op passed successfully!!!-------") if __name__ == '__main__': arg = parse_arguments() print("------start get op list!------") os.system("bash " + arg.shell_name + " " + arg.op_list_file) print("------start change op file!------") run_file_change(arg.op_list_file) print("------start run op test first!------") run_test_first(arg.op_list_file) print("------start run failed_op test!------") run_test_second() print("------do well!------")