# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import unittest import numpy as np import paddle.fluid as fluid import paddle.fluid.core as core from paddle.fluid.op import Operator from paddle.fluid.tests.unittests.op_test import (convert_float_to_uint16, convert_uint16_to_float, OpTest, OpTestTool) import paddle import paddle.static.amp as amp import struct @unittest.skipIf(not core.supports_bfloat16(), 'place does not support BF16 evaluation') class TestSGDOpBF16(OpTest): def setUp(self): self.op_type = 'sgd' self.dtype = np.uint16 self.use_mkldnn = True self.conf() w = np.random.random((self.h, self.w)).astype('float32') w_bf16 = convert_float_to_uint16(w) g = np.random.random((self.h, self.w)).astype('float32') g_bf16 = convert_float_to_uint16(g) lr = np.array([0.1]).astype('float32') lr_bf16 = convert_float_to_uint16(lr) self.inputs = {'Param': w_bf16, 'Grad': g_bf16, 'LearningRate': lr_bf16} self.outputs = {'ParamOut': w - lr * g} self.attrs = {'use_mkldnn': self.use_mkldnn} def conf(self): self.h = 102 self.w = 105 def test_check_output(self): self.check_output_with_place(core.CPUPlace(), check_dygraph=False) @unittest.skipIf(not core.supports_bfloat16(), 'place does not support BF16 evaluation') class TestSGDOpBF16Case2(TestSGDOpBF16): def conf(self): self.h = 10 self.w = 64 class TestSparseSGDOpBF16(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): np.random.seed(12345) def ref_optimize(self, params, grad_rows, grad_array, lr_value): reference = np.copy(params) for index, id in enumerate(grad_rows): reference[id] = params[id] - lr_value * grad_array[index] return reference def check_output(self, actual_bf16, reference, atol=0, rtol=0.15e-2): actual_fp32 = convert_uint16_to_float(actual_bf16) np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_fp32, reference, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) def create_sparse_grad_var(self, scope, place, height, rows, row_numel): grad_selected_rows = scope.var('Grad').get_selected_rows() grad_selected_rows.set_height(height) grad_selected_rows.set_rows(rows) grad_array = np.random.random((len(rows), row_numel)).astype('float32') np_array_bf16 = convert_float_to_uint16(grad_array) grad_tensor = grad_selected_rows.get_tensor() grad_tensor.set(np_array_bf16, place) return grad_tensor, grad_array def create_dense_param_var(self, scope, place, height, width): param_tensor = scope.var('Param').get_tensor() param_array = np.random.random((height, width)).astype('float32') param_array_bf16 = convert_float_to_uint16(param_array) param_tensor.set(param_array_bf16, place) return param_tensor, param_array def create_sparse_param_var(self, scope, place, height, rows, row_numel): param_selected_rows = scope.var('Param').get_selected_rows() param_selected_rows.set_height(height) param_selected_rows.set_rows(rows) param_selected_rows.sync_index() param_array = np.random.random((len(rows), row_numel)).astype('float32') np_array_bf16 = convert_float_to_uint16(param_array) param_tensor = param_selected_rows.get_tensor() param_tensor.set(np_array_bf16, place) return param_tensor, param_array def create_dense_lr_var(self, scope, place): lr_tensor = scope.var('LearningRate').get_tensor() lr_value = np.random.uniform() lr_array = np.full((1), lr_value, np.float32) lr_array_bf16 = convert_float_to_uint16(lr_array) lr_tensor.set(lr_array_bf16, place) return lr_tensor, lr_value @unittest.skipIf(not core.supports_bfloat16(), 'place does not support BF16 evaluation') class TestSparseGradSGDOpBF16(TestSparseSGDOpBF16): def setUp(self): self.setup_params() def setup_params(self): self.grad_height = 10 self.grad_rows = [0, 4, 7] self.grad_row_numel = 12 def test_sparse_grad_sgd(self): scope = core.Scope() place = core.CPUPlace() _, grad_array = self.create_sparse_grad_var(scope, place, self.grad_height, self.grad_rows, self.grad_row_numel) param_tensor, param_array = self.create_dense_param_var( scope, place, self.grad_height, self.grad_row_numel) _, lr_value = self.create_dense_lr_var(scope, place) sgd_op = Operator('sgd', Param='Param', Grad='Grad', ParamOut='Param', LearningRate='LearningRate', use_mkldnn=True) sgd_op.run(scope, place) reference = self.ref_optimize(param_array, self.grad_rows, grad_array, lr_value) output = np.array(param_tensor) self.check_output(output, reference, atol=5e-3, rtol=1e-1) @unittest.skipIf(not core.supports_bfloat16(), 'place does not support BF16 evaluation') class TestSparseGradSGDOpBF16Case2(TestSparseGradSGDOpBF16): def setup_params(self): self.grad_height = 14 self.grad_rows = [1, 4, 12, 7, 8] self.grad_row_numel = 16 class TestSparseGradSGDOpBF16Case3(TestSparseGradSGDOpBF16): def setup_params(self): self.grad_height = 10 self.grad_rows = [0, 4, 7] self.grad_row_numel = 120 @unittest.skipIf(not core.supports_bfloat16(), 'place does not support BF16 evaluation') class TestSparseGradParamSGDOpBF16(TestSparseSGDOpBF16): def setUp(self): self.setup_params() def setup_params(self): self.grad_height = 10 self.grad_rows = [0, 4, 7] self.grad_row_numel = 12 self.param_rows = [a for a in range(self.grad_height)] def test_sparse_param_grad_sgd(self): scope = core.Scope() place = core.CPUPlace() _, grad_array = self.create_sparse_grad_var(scope, place, self.grad_height, self.grad_rows, self.grad_row_numel) param_tensor, param_array = self.create_sparse_param_var( scope, place, self.grad_height, self.param_rows, self.grad_row_numel) _, lr_value = self.create_dense_lr_var(scope, place) sgd_op = Operator('sgd', Param='Param', Grad='Grad', ParamOut='Param', LearningRate='LearningRate', use_mkldnn=True) sgd_op.run(scope, place) reference = self.ref_optimize(param_array, self.grad_rows, grad_array, lr_value) output = np.array(param_tensor) self.check_output(output, reference, atol=5e-3, rtol=1e-1) class TestSparseGradParamSGDOpBF16Case2(TestSparseGradParamSGDOpBF16): def setup_params(self): self.grad_height = 14 self.grad_rows = [1, 4, 12, 7, 8] self.grad_row_numel = 16 self.param_rows = [a for a in range(self.grad_height)] @OpTestTool.skip_if_not_cpu_bf16() class TestSGDOpBF16API(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): np.random.seed(12345) fluid.set_flags({'FLAGS_use_mkldnn': True}) def setUp(self): self.sample_count = 20 self.value = np.random.random() self.ids_shape = (32, 1) self.w_shape = (64, 16) self.y_shape = (32, 16) self.learning_rate = 0.1 self._set_initializer() def _fp322bf16(self, val: np.float32): return np.uint16(struct.unpack('> 16) def _bf162fp32(self, val: np.uint16): return np.float32(struct.unpack('