/* Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "paddle/fluid/framework/tensor.h" namespace paddle { namespace memory { namespace allocation { class Allocation; } // namespace allocation } // namespace memory } // namespace paddle namespace paddle { namespace framework { extern size_t SizeOfType(proto::VarType::Type type); void Tensor::check_memory_size() const { PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL(holder_, platform::errors::PreconditionNotMet( "Tensor holds no memory. " "Call Tensor::mutable_data firstly.")); PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE( numel() * SizeOfType(type()), memory_size(), platform::errors::PreconditionNotMet( "Tensor's dimension is out of bound." "Tensor's dimension must be equal or less than the size of its " "memory." "But received Tensor's dimension is d%, memory's size is %d.", numel() * SizeOfType(type()), memory_size())); } Tensor::Tensor(const proto::VarType::Type& dtype) : type_(dtype), offset_(0) {} size_t Tensor::memory_size() const { return holder_ == nullptr ? 0UL : holder_->size() - offset_; } void* Tensor::mutable_data(const platform::Place& place, proto::VarType::Type type, size_t requested_size) { type_ = type; PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE( numel(), 0, platform::errors::PreconditionNotMet( "The Tensor's element number must be equal or greater than zero. " "The Tensor's shape is [", dims(), "] now")); size_t size = numel() * SizeOfType(type); if (requested_size) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE( requested_size, size, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "The requested memory size is less than the memory size of Tensor. " "But received requested memory size is d%, " "memory size of Tensor is %d.", requested_size, size)); size = requested_size; } /* some versions of boost::variant don't have operator!= */ if (holder_ == nullptr || !(holder_->place() == place) || holder_->size() < size + offset_) { // Reset holder first before re-allocate to save memory holder_.reset(); holder_ = memory::AllocShared(place, size); offset_ = 0; } return reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(holder_->ptr()) + offset_); } void* Tensor::mutable_data(const platform::Place& place, size_t requested_size) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL(this->holder_, platform::errors::PreconditionNotMet( "The tensor is not initialized.")); return mutable_data(place, type_, requested_size); } Tensor& Tensor::ShareDataWith(const Tensor& src) { src.check_memory_size(); *this = src; return *this; } Tensor Tensor::Slice(int64_t begin_idx, int64_t end_idx) const { check_memory_size(); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE( begin_idx, 0, platform::errors::OutOfRange("The start row index must be greater than 0." "But received the start index is d%.", begin_idx)); PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE( end_idx, dims_[0], platform::errors::OutOfRange("The end row index is out of bound.")); PADDLE_ENFORCE_LT( begin_idx, end_idx, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "The start row index must be less than the end row index." "But received the start index = %d, the end index = %d.", begin_idx, end_idx)); if (dims_[0] == 1) { return *this; } else { size_t base = numel() / dims_[0]; Tensor dst; dst.holder_ = holder_; dst.set_layout(layout_); dst.type_ = type_; DDim dst_dims = dims_; dst_dims[0] = end_idx - begin_idx; dst.Resize(dst_dims); dst.offset_ = offset_ + begin_idx * base * SizeOfType(type()); return dst; } } Tensor& Tensor::Resize(const DDim& dims) { dims_ = dims; return *this; } const DDim& Tensor::dims() const { return dims_; } int64_t Tensor::numel() const { return product(dims_); } void Tensor::ResetHolder(std::shared_ptr holder) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( offset_, 0, platform::errors::Fatal( "Only the offset is supported to zero when the holder is reset.")); if (holder_) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE( numel() * SizeOfType(type()) + offset_, holder->size(), paddle::platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "The size of Holder is not enough to store the Tensor.")); } holder_ = holder; } void Tensor::ResetHolderWithType(std::shared_ptr holder, const proto::VarType::Type type) { ResetHolder(holder); type_ = type; } } // namespace framework } // namespace paddle