# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import numpy import copy import paddle import paddle.fluid.core as core from paddle.fluid.framework import Variable from paddle.fluid.framework import in_dygraph_mode __all__ = [] # a map from ProcessMesh ids to the ProcessMesh instances _g_process_mesh_map = dict() # user defined map from logical process ids to physical ones _user_defined_physical_map = None def _append_attr_suffix(name): """ Append auto parallel suffix for distributed attribute name. """ return name + core.kAutoParallelSuffix() def _remove_attr_suffix(name): """ Remove auto parallel suffix from distributed attribute name. """ return name.strip(core.kAutoParallelSuffix()) def _static_mode_check(): if in_dygraph_mode(): raise RuntimeError("Auto-parallel only supports static mode, " "please use paddle.enable_static().") def _get_nested_list_shape(nested_list): """ Get the shape of a nested_list. """ result = [] while isinstance(nested_list, list): result.append(len(nested_list)) nested_list = nested_list[0] return result def _flatten_nested_list(nested_list): """ Get a list of all items in a nested_list. Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/952914/how-to-make-a-flat-list-out-of-a-list-of-lists """ result = numpy.array(nested_list).flatten().tolist() return result class ProcessMesh(object): r""" The class `Processmesh` describes the topology of logical processes. A mesh is an N-dimensional array. The shape of the N-dimensional array represents the topology of logical processes and every element of the N-dimensional array represent a logical process. For example, the 2-dimensional array [[2, 4, 5], [0, 1, 3]] illustrates six logical processes organized as the topology [2, 3], i.e., the shape of the 2-dimensional array. With the above topology, there are two parallel groups, where the first parallel group has a parallel degree of 2 and the second one has a parallel degree of 3. And the first logical process is the one with id=2. Args: mesh (list): an N-dimensional array (nested list) describes the toplogy of logical processes. The shape of the N-dimensional array represents the topology of logical processes and every element of the N-dimensional array represents a logical process. parent (ProcessMesh, optional): the parent ProcessMesh. None means the ProcessMesh is the root one without parent ProcessMesh. Default: None. Returns: None Raises: ValueError: If `mesh` is not an instance of list. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle import paddle.distributed as dist paddle.enable_static() mesh = dist.ProcessMesh([[2, 4, 5], [0, 1, 3]]) assert mesh.parent is None assert mesh.topology == [2, 3] assert mesh.process_group == [2, 4, 5, 0, 1, 3] mesh.set_placement([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) """ def __init__(self, mesh, parent=None): _static_mode_check() if mesh is None or not isinstance(mesh, list): raise ValueError('mesh must be an instance of list.') self._topology = _get_nested_list_shape(mesh) self._processes = _flatten_nested_list(mesh) # Every element of mesh must be >= 0. assert min(self._processes) >= 0, ('All elements of mesh must be >= 0.') unique_ids = set(self._processes) assert len(unique_ids) == len(self._processes), ( 'All elements of mesh must be unique.') if parent is None: # For root ProcessMesh, the ids of logical processes must be range # from 0 to N-1, where N is the number of logical processes. assert max(self._processes) == len(self._processes) - 1, ( 'For root ProcessMesh, ids of logical processes must be range ' 'from 0 to N-1, where N is the number of logical processes.') parent_id = core.kNoneProcessMeshIndex() assert len(_g_process_mesh_map.keys()) == 0, ( 'The first ProcessMesh must be the root, which has no parent.') else: assert len(_g_process_mesh_map.keys()) > 0, ( 'All ProcessMesh must have a parent except the root one.') assert isinstance(parent, ProcessMesh), ( 'parent must be an instance of ProcessMesh.') parent_id = parent._desc.id # All elements in mesh must belong to its parent parent_ids = set(parent.process_group) assert unique_ids <= parent_ids, ( 'All elements in mesh must belong to its parent.') self._desc = core.ProcessMeshDesc(self._topology, self._processes, parent_id) self._id = self._desc.id self._parent_id = parent_id assert self._id not in _g_process_mesh_map, ( "The ProcessMesh with id %d already exists." % self._id) _g_process_mesh_map[self._id] = self @property def topology(self): r""" Get the topology of logical processes belonging to this ProcessMesh. This is the shape of `mesh` used to initialized this ProcessMesh. """ return self._topology @property def process_group(self): r""" Get a list of all processes belonging to this ProcessMesh. """ return self._processes @property def parent(self): r""" Get the parent ProcessMesh. """ if self._parent_id == core.kNoneProcessMeshIndex(): return None assert self._parent_id in _g_process_mesh_map, ( "parent with id %d does not exist." % self._parent_id) return _g_process_mesh_map[self._parent_id] def set_placement(self, order): """ Set the map from logical processes to physical ones using the user defined order. Args: order (list): order of the physical process ids. Returns: None Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle import paddle.distributed as dist paddle.enable_static() mesh = dist.ProcessMesh([[2, 4, 5], [0, 1, 3]]) mesh.set_placement([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) """ assert self.parent is None, ( "This function can only be called by the root ProcessMesh.") unique_ids = set(order) assert isinstance(order, list) assert len(unique_ids) == len(order), ( "All elements in order must be unique.") assert min(order) == 0 assert max(order) == len(order) - 1, ( "All elements in order must be from 0 to N - 1, where N " "is the number of physical processes.") logical_order = self.process_group global _user_defined_physical_map assert _user_defined_physical_map is None, ( "This function can only be called once.") _user_defined_physical_map = dict() assert len(logical_order) == len(order) for idx, l_id in enumerate(logical_order): _user_defined_physical_map[l_id] = order[idx] def __eq__(self, other): assert other and isinstance(other, ProcessMesh) if self.topology != other.topology or self.process_group != other.process_group: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): str = "shape {} and process group {}".format(self.topology, self.process_group) return str def __deepcopy__(self, memo): cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): # No need to copy the owner tensor and context if k == "_desc": setattr(result, k, v) else: setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo)) return result def _dim_mapping_checker(tensor, mesh, dim_mapping): assert len(tensor.shape) == len(dim_mapping) mesh_dim = len(mesh.topology) dim_set = set() for i in range(len(dim_mapping)): assert dim_mapping[i] == -1 or (dim_mapping[i] < mesh_dim and dim_mapping[i] >= 0) if dim_mapping[i] >= 0: assert dim_mapping[i] not in dim_set dim_set.add(dim_mapping[i]) def shard_tensor(x, mesh, dim_mapping): """ Add distributed attributes for a tensors. Args: x (Tensor): the tensor to process. mesh (ProcessMesh): an instance of ProcessMesh to describe the topology of logical processes. dim_mapping (list): a list to describe the mapping between `x` and `mesh`, the dimension `i` of `x` is split across the dimension `dims_mapping[i]`, where -1 means without parition along the corresponding dimension. Returns: Tensor: the tensor `x` itself. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle import paddle.distributed as dist paddle.enable_static() mesh = dist.ProcessMesh([[2, 4, 5], [0, 1, 3]]) x = paddle.ones([4, 6]) dist.shard_tensor(x, mesh, [0, -1]) """ _static_mode_check() _dim_mapping_checker(x, mesh, dim_mapping) attr_name = _append_attr_suffix('mesh_id') x._set_attr(attr_name, mesh._id) attr_name = _append_attr_suffix('dim_mapping') x._set_attr(attr_name, dim_mapping) return x def set_shard_mask(x, mask): """ Set the mask for a tensor which mask out the tensor from some processes in its mesh. Args: x (Tensor): the tensor to process. mask (list): a nested list. The shape of `mask` must be the same as the ProcessMesh belonging to the tensor `x`. Every value of `mask` must be one or zero, where one means the tenor `x` will be put on the corresponding logical process and zero means the tensor `x` will not be put on the corresponding logical process. For example, for a ProcessMesh represented by the 2-dimensional array [[2, 4, 5], [0, 1, 3]], and a `mask` given by the 2-dimensional [[1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]], then the tensor `x` will only be put on logical processes 2, 5 and 1. Returns: Tensor: the tensor `x` itself. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle import paddle.distributed as dist paddle.enable_static() mesh = dist.ProcessMesh([[2, 4, 5], [0, 1, 3]]) mask = [[1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]] x = paddle.ones([4, 6]) dist.set_shard_mask(x, mask) """ _static_mode_check() assert isinstance(mask, list) np_mask = numpy.array(mask) min_ele = numpy.min(np_mask) max_ele = numpy.max(np_mask) assert min_ele >= 0 and max_ele <= 1, "Elements in mask must be 0 or 1." x_mesh = x.process_mesh assert x_mesh, "Please set process mesh for the variable firstly." assert x_mesh.topology == list(np_mask.shape), ( "The shape of mask " "must be the same as the shape of its Process Mesh.") attr_name = _append_attr_suffix('mask') x._set_attr(attr_name, _flatten_nested_list(mask)) return x def shard_op(op_fn, mesh, dim_mapping_dict, **kwargs): """ Call a functioin and add distributed attributes for ops added by the function. Args: op_fn (callable): a callable object of an API. mesh (ProcessMesh): an instance of ProcessMesh specifies the topology of logical processes. dim_mapping_dict (dict): a mapping from tensor's name to its dims_mapping. The dim_mapping is a list to describe the mapping between a tensor and `mesh`, the dimension `i` of the tensor is split across the dimension `dim_mapping[i]`, where -1 means without parition along the corresponding dimension. kwargs (dict): a dict of parameter passed to the function `op_fn`. Returns: list: the outputs of the function `op_fn`. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle import paddle.distributed as dist paddle.enable_static() mesh = dist.ProcessMesh([[2, 4, 5], [0, 1, 3]]) x = paddle.ones([4, 6]) y = paddle.zeros([4, 6]) kwargs = {'x': x, 'y': y} dist.shard_op(paddle.add, mesh, None, **kwargs) """ _static_mode_check() main_prog = paddle.fluid.default_main_program() main_block = main_prog.global_block() op_size = len(main_block.ops) output = op_fn(**kwargs) new_op_size = len(main_block.ops) if dim_mapping_dict is None: dim_mapping_dict = dict() for idx in range(op_size, new_op_size): op = main_block.ops[idx] attr_name = _append_attr_suffix('mesh_id') op._set_attr(attr_name, mesh._id) for var_name in dim_mapping_dict.keys(): assert var_name in op.output_arg_names + op.input_arg_names attr_name = _append_attr_suffix(var_name) if var_name in op.input_arg_names: # we use the prefix "IN_" to indicates an input argument name attr_name = "IN_" + attr_name else: # we use the prefix "OUT_" to indicates an input argument name attr_name = "OUT_" + attr_name op._set_attr(attr_name, dim_mapping_dict[var_name]) if isinstance(output, Variable): output = [output] return list(output) def set_offload_device(x, device): """ Set the device that the tensor `x` will be put on. Args: x (tensor): the tensor to process. device (str): the device that the tensor `x` will be put on, e.g., 'cpu'. Returns: Tensor: the tensor `x` itself. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle import paddle.distributed as dist paddle.enable_static() x = paddle.ones([4, 6]) dist.set_offload_device(x, 'cpu') """ _static_mode_check() assert device == "cpu", "Only 'cpu' is supported for destination device." attr_name = _append_attr_suffix("offload_device") x._set_attr(attr_name, device) return x def set_pipeline_stage(stage): """ Set the pipeline stage of the following ops. Args: stage (int): the pipeline stage the following ops belonging to. Returns: None. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle import paddle.distributed as dist paddle.enable_static() dist.set_pipeline_stage(0) """ from paddle.fluid.framework import _set_pipeline_stage _static_mode_check() _set_pipeline_stage(stage)