// Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "paddle/fluid/distributed/table/common_graph_table.h" #include #include #include #include #include "paddle/fluid/distributed/common/utils.h" #include "paddle/fluid/distributed/table/graph/graph_node.h" #include "paddle/fluid/string/printf.h" #include "paddle/fluid/string/string_helper.h" namespace paddle { namespace distributed { std::vector GraphShard::get_batch(int start, int end, int step) { if (start < 0) start = 0; std::vector res; for (int pos = start; pos < std::min(end, (int)bucket.size()); pos += step) { res.push_back(bucket[pos]); } return res; } size_t GraphShard::get_size() { return bucket.size(); } GraphNode *GraphShard::add_graph_node(uint64_t id) { if (node_location.find(id) == node_location.end()) { node_location[id] = bucket.size(); bucket.push_back(new GraphNode(id)); } return (GraphNode *)bucket[node_location[id]]; } FeatureNode *GraphShard::add_feature_node(uint64_t id) { if (node_location.find(id) == node_location.end()) { node_location[id] = bucket.size(); bucket.push_back(new FeatureNode(id)); } return (FeatureNode *)bucket[node_location[id]]; } void GraphShard::add_neighboor(uint64_t id, uint64_t dst_id, float weight) { find_node(id)->add_edge(dst_id, weight); } Node *GraphShard::find_node(uint64_t id) { auto iter = node_location.find(id); return iter == node_location.end() ? nullptr : bucket[iter->second]; } int32_t GraphTable::load(const std::string &path, const std::string ¶m) { bool load_edge = (param[0] == 'e'); bool load_node = (param[0] == 'n'); if (load_edge) { bool reverse_edge = (param[1] == '<'); return this->load_edges(path, reverse_edge); } if (load_node) { std::string node_type = param.substr(1); return this->load_nodes(path, node_type); } return 0; } int32_t GraphTable::get_nodes_ids_by_ranges( std::vector> ranges, std::vector &res) { int start = 0, end, index = 0, total_size = 0; res.clear(); std::vector>> tasks; // std::string temp = ""; // for(int i = 0;i < shards.size();i++) // temp+= std::to_string((int)shards[i].get_size()) + " "; // VLOG(0)<<"range distribution "<= end) { break; } else { int first = std::max(ranges[index].first, start); int second = std::min(ranges[index].second, end); start = second; first -= total_size; second -= total_size; // VLOG(0)<<" FIND RANGE "<enqueue( [this, first, second, i]() -> std::vector { return shards[i].get_ids_by_range(first, second); })); } } total_size += shards[i].get_size(); } for (int i = 0; i < tasks.size(); i++) { auto vec = tasks[i].get(); for (auto &id : vec) { res.push_back(id); std::swap(res[rand() % res.size()], res[(int)res.size() - 1]); } } return 0; } int32_t GraphTable::load_nodes(const std::string &path, std::string node_type) { auto paths = paddle::string::split_string(path, ";"); int64_t count = 0; int64_t valid_count = 0; for (auto path : paths) { std::ifstream file(path); std::string line; while (std::getline(file, line)) { count++; auto values = paddle::string::split_string(line, "\t"); if (values.size() < 2) continue; auto id = std::stoull(values[1]); size_t shard_id = id % shard_num; if (shard_id >= shard_end || shard_id < shard_start) { VLOG(4) << "will not load " << id << " from " << path << ", please check id distribution"; continue; } if (count % 1000000 == 0) { VLOG(0) << count << " nodes are loaded from filepath"; } std::string nt = values[0]; if (nt != node_type) { continue; } size_t index = shard_id - shard_start; auto node = shards[index].add_feature_node(id); node->set_feature_size(feat_name.size()); for (size_t slice = 2; slice < values.size(); slice++) { auto feat = this->parse_feature(values[slice]); if (feat.first >= 0) { node->set_feature(feat.first, feat.second); } else { VLOG(4) << "Node feature: " << values[slice] << " not in feature_map."; } } valid_count++; } } VLOG(0) << valid_count << "/" << count << " nodes in type " << node_type << " are loaded successfully in " << path; return 0; } int32_t GraphTable::load_edges(const std::string &path, bool reverse_edge) { auto paths = paddle::string::split_string(path, ";"); int64_t count = 0; std::string sample_type = "random"; bool is_weighted = false; int valid_count = 0; for (auto path : paths) { std::ifstream file(path); std::string line; while (std::getline(file, line)) { auto values = paddle::string::split_string(line, "\t"); count++; if (values.size() < 2) continue; auto src_id = std::stoull(values[0]); auto dst_id = std::stoull(values[1]); if (reverse_edge) { std::swap(src_id, dst_id); } float weight = 1; if (values.size() == 3) { weight = std::stof(values[2]); sample_type = "weighted"; is_weighted = true; } size_t src_shard_id = src_id % shard_num; if (src_shard_id >= shard_end || src_shard_id < shard_start) { VLOG(4) << "will not load " << src_id << " from " << path << ", please check id distribution"; continue; } if (count % 1000000 == 0) { VLOG(0) << count << " edges are loaded from filepath"; } size_t index = src_shard_id - shard_start; shards[index].add_graph_node(src_id)->build_edges(is_weighted); shards[index].add_neighboor(src_id, dst_id, weight); valid_count++; } } VLOG(0) << valid_count << "/" << count << " edges are loaded successfully in " << path; // Build Sampler j for (auto &shard : shards) { auto bucket = shard.get_bucket(); for (int i = 0; i < bucket.size(); i++) { bucket[i]->build_sampler(sample_type); } } return 0; } Node *GraphTable::find_node(uint64_t id) { size_t shard_id = id % shard_num; if (shard_id >= shard_end || shard_id < shard_start) { return nullptr; } size_t index = shard_id - shard_start; Node *node = shards[index].find_node(id); return node; } uint32_t GraphTable::get_thread_pool_index(uint64_t node_id) { return node_id % shard_num % shard_num_per_table % task_pool_size_; } int32_t GraphTable::random_sample_nodes(int sample_size, std::unique_ptr &buffer, int &actual_size) { bool need_feature = false; int total_size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < shards.size(); i++) { total_size += shards[i].get_size(); } if (sample_size > total_size) sample_size = total_size; int range_num = random_sample_nodes_ranges; if (range_num > sample_size) range_num = sample_size; if (sample_size == 0 || range_num == 0) return 0; std::vector ranges_len, ranges_pos; int remain = sample_size, last_pos = -1, num; std::set separator_set; for (int i = 0; i < range_num - 1; i++) { while (separator_set.find(num = rand() % (sample_size - 1)) != separator_set.end()) ; separator_set.insert(num); } for (auto p : separator_set) { ranges_len.push_back(p - last_pos); last_pos = p; } ranges_len.push_back(sample_size - 1 - last_pos); remain = total_size - sample_size + range_num; separator_set.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < range_num; i++) { while (separator_set.find(num = rand() % remain) != separator_set.end()) ; separator_set.insert(num); } int used = 0, index = 0; last_pos = -1; for (auto p : separator_set) { used += p - last_pos - 1; last_pos = p; ranges_pos.push_back(used); used += ranges_len[index++]; } std::vector> first_half, second_half; int start_index = rand() % total_size; for (int i = 0; i < ranges_len.size() && i < ranges_pos.size(); i++) { if (ranges_pos[i] + ranges_len[i] - 1 + start_index < total_size) first_half.push_back({ranges_pos[i] + start_index, ranges_pos[i] + ranges_len[i] + start_index}); else if (ranges_pos[i] + start_index >= total_size) { second_half.push_back( {ranges_pos[i] + start_index - total_size, ranges_pos[i] + ranges_len[i] + start_index - total_size}); } else { first_half.push_back({ranges_pos[i] + start_index, total_size}); second_half.push_back( {0, ranges_pos[i] + ranges_len[i] + start_index - total_size}); } } for (auto &pair : first_half) second_half.push_back(pair); std::vector res; get_nodes_ids_by_ranges(second_half, res); actual_size = res.size() * sizeof(uint64_t); buffer.reset(new char[actual_size]); char *pointer = buffer.get(); memcpy(pointer, res.data(), actual_size); return 0; } int32_t GraphTable::random_sample_neighboors( uint64_t *node_ids, int sample_size, std::vector> &buffers, std::vector &actual_sizes) { size_t node_num = buffers.size(); std::vector> tasks; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < node_num; ++idx) { uint64_t &node_id = node_ids[idx]; std::unique_ptr &buffer = buffers[idx]; int &actual_size = actual_sizes[idx]; tasks.push_back(_shards_task_pool[get_thread_pool_index(node_id)]->enqueue( [&]() -> int { Node *node = find_node(node_id); if (node == nullptr) { actual_size = 0; return 0; } std::vector res = node->sample_k(sample_size); actual_size = res.size() * (Node::id_size + Node::weight_size); int offset = 0; uint64_t id; float weight; char *buffer_addr = new char[actual_size]; buffer.reset(buffer_addr); for (int &x : res) { id = node->get_neighbor_id(x); weight = node->get_neighbor_weight(x); memcpy(buffer_addr + offset, &id, Node::id_size); offset += Node::id_size; memcpy(buffer_addr + offset, &weight, Node::weight_size); offset += Node::weight_size; } return 0; })); } for (size_t idx = 0; idx < node_num; ++idx) { tasks[idx].get(); } return 0; } int32_t GraphTable::get_node_feat(const std::vector &node_ids, const std::vector &feature_names, std::vector> &res) { size_t node_num = node_ids.size(); std::vector> tasks; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < node_num; ++idx) { uint64_t node_id = node_ids[idx]; tasks.push_back(_shards_task_pool[get_thread_pool_index(node_id)]->enqueue( [&, idx, node_id]() -> int { Node *node = find_node(node_id); if (node == nullptr) { return 0; } for (int feat_idx = 0; feat_idx < feature_names.size(); ++feat_idx) { const std::string &feature_name = feature_names[feat_idx]; if (feat_id_map.find(feature_name) != feat_id_map.end()) { // res[feat_idx][idx] = // node->get_feature(feat_id_map[feature_name]); auto feat = node->get_feature(feat_id_map[feature_name]); res[feat_idx][idx] = feat; } } return 0; })); } for (size_t idx = 0; idx < node_num; ++idx) { tasks[idx].get(); } return 0; } std::pair GraphTable::parse_feature( std::string feat_str) { // Return (feat_id, btyes) if name are in this->feat_name, else return (-1, // "") auto fields = paddle::string::split_string(feat_str, " "); if (this->feat_id_map.count(fields[0])) { int32_t id = this->feat_id_map[fields[0]]; std::string dtype = this->feat_dtype[id]; int32_t shape = this->feat_shape[id]; std::vector values(fields.begin() + 1, fields.end()); if (dtype == "feasign") { return std::make_pair( int32_t(id), paddle::string::join_strings(values, ' ')); } else if (dtype == "string") { return std::make_pair( int32_t(id), paddle::string::join_strings(values, ' ')); } else if (dtype == "float32") { return std::make_pair( int32_t(id), FeatureNode::parse_value_to_bytes(values)); } else if (dtype == "float64") { return std::make_pair( int32_t(id), FeatureNode::parse_value_to_bytes(values)); } else if (dtype == "int32") { return std::make_pair( int32_t(id), FeatureNode::parse_value_to_bytes(values)); } else if (dtype == "int64") { return std::make_pair( int32_t(id), FeatureNode::parse_value_to_bytes(values)); } } return std::make_pair(-1, ""); } int32_t GraphTable::pull_graph_list(int start, int total_size, std::unique_ptr &buffer, int &actual_size, bool need_feature, int step) { if (start < 0) start = 0; int size = 0, cur_size; std::vector>> tasks; for (size_t i = 0; i < shards.size() && total_size > 0; i++) { cur_size = shards[i].get_size(); if (size + cur_size <= start) { size += cur_size; continue; } int count = std::min(1 + (size + cur_size - start - 1) / step, total_size); int end = start + (count - 1) * step + 1; tasks.push_back(_shards_task_pool[i % task_pool_size_]->enqueue( [this, i, start, end, step, size]() -> std::vector { return this->shards[i].get_batch(start - size, end - size, step); })); start += count * step; total_size -= count; size += cur_size; } for (size_t i = 0; i < tasks.size(); ++i) { tasks[i].wait(); } size = 0; std::vector> res; for (size_t i = 0; i < tasks.size(); i++) { res.push_back(tasks[i].get()); for (size_t j = 0; j < res.back().size(); j++) { size += res.back()[j]->get_size(need_feature); } } char *buffer_addr = new char[size]; buffer.reset(buffer_addr); int index = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < res[i].size(); j++) { res[i][j]->to_buffer(buffer_addr + index, need_feature); index += res[i][j]->get_size(need_feature); } } actual_size = size; return 0; } int32_t GraphTable::initialize() { _shards_task_pool.resize(task_pool_size_); for (size_t i = 0; i < _shards_task_pool.size(); ++i) { _shards_task_pool[i].reset(new ::ThreadPool(1)); } server_num = _shard_num; // VLOG(0) << "in init graph table server num = " << server_num; /* _shard_num is actually server number here when a server initialize its tables, it sets tables' _shard_num to server_num, and _shard_idx to server rank */ auto common = _config.common(); this->table_name = common.table_name(); this->table_type = common.name(); VLOG(0) << " init graph table type " << this->table_type << " table name " << this->table_name; int feat_conf_size = static_cast(common.attributes().size()); for (int i = 0; i < feat_conf_size; i++) { auto &f_name = common.attributes()[i]; auto &f_shape = common.dims()[i]; auto &f_dtype = common.params()[i]; this->feat_name.push_back(f_name); this->feat_shape.push_back(f_shape); this->feat_dtype.push_back(f_dtype); this->feat_id_map[f_name] = i; VLOG(0) << "init graph table feat conf name:" << f_name << " shape:" << f_shape << " dtype:" << f_dtype; } shard_num = _config.shard_num(); VLOG(0) << "in init graph table shard num = " << shard_num << " shard_idx" << _shard_idx; shard_num_per_table = sparse_local_shard_num(shard_num, server_num); shard_start = _shard_idx * shard_num_per_table; shard_end = shard_start + shard_num_per_table; VLOG(0) << "in init graph table shard idx = " << _shard_idx << " shard_start " << shard_start << " shard_end " << shard_end; // shards.resize(shard_num_per_table); shards = std::vector(shard_num_per_table, GraphShard(shard_num)); return 0; } } };