// Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h" #include "paddle/fluid/memory/malloc.h" #include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/bert_encoder_functor.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/float16.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/blas/blas.h" namespace paddle { namespace operators { template __global__ void transpose(T *src, T *dst, const int batch_size, const int seq_len, const int head_num, const int size_per_head) { int batch_id = blockIdx.x / (head_num * seq_len); int seq_id = blockIdx.x % seq_len; int head_id = (blockIdx.x % (head_num * seq_len)) / seq_len; dst[batch_id * (head_num * seq_len * size_per_head) + seq_id * head_num * size_per_head + head_id * size_per_head + threadIdx.x] = src[blockIdx.x * size_per_head + threadIdx.x]; } template inline __device__ T add_func(T a, T b); template <> __device__ float add_func(float a, float b) { return a + b; } template <> __device__ float2 add_func(float2 a, float2 b) { float2 c; c.x = a.x + b.x; c.y = a.y + b.y; return c; } template <> __device__ float4 add_func(float4 a, float4 b) { float4 c; c.x = a.x + b.x; c.y = a.y + b.y; c.z = a.z + b.z; c.w = a.w + b.w; return c; } #if defined(PADDLE_WITH_CUDA) template <> __device__ half2 add_func(half2 a, half2 b) { #if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 530 return __hadd2(a, b); #else return half2(__float2half(__half2float(a.x) + __half2float(b.x)), __float2half(__half2float(b.x) + __half2float(b.y))); #endif } template <> __device__ half add_func(half a, half b) { #if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 530 return __hadd(a, b); #else return __float2half(__half2float(a) + __half2float(b)); #endif } #endif template __global__ void TransposeQkvKernel(const int H, const T *input, const T *bias, T *output) { // Input: BxSx3xNxH // Bias: 3xNxH // Output: 3xBxNxSxH int n = threadIdx.y; int s = blockIdx.x; int b = blockIdx.y; int m = blockIdx.z; const int N = blockDim.y; const int S = gridDim.x; const int B = gridDim.y; const int NH = N * H; const int NHS = NH * S; const int in_offset = n * H + m * NH + s * 3 * NH + b * NHS * 3; const int bias_offset = m * NH + n * H; const int out_offset = s * H + n * S * H + b * NHS + m * NHS * B; const int i = threadIdx.x; output[out_offset + i] = add_func(input[in_offset + i], bias[bias_offset + i]); } template void TransQKVWithBias(const int batch, const int seq_len, const int head_size, const int head_num, const T *input, const T *bias, T *output, gpuStream_t stream); template <> void TransQKVWithBias(const int batch, const int seq_len, const int head_size, const int head_num, const float *input, const float *bias, float *output, gpuStream_t stream) { // BxSx3xNxH + 3xNxH -> 3xBxNxSxH int scratch_size = batch * head_num * seq_len * seq_len; const dim3 grid(seq_len, batch, 3); // scratch % 4 == 0 to ensure the alignment if (head_size % 4 == 0 && scratch_size % 4 == 0) { const int h = head_size / 4; const float4 *input4 = reinterpret_cast(input); const float4 *bias4 = reinterpret_cast(bias); float4 *output4 = reinterpret_cast(output); const dim3 block(h, head_num, 1); // limit h * head_num to max block size(1024). PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE(h * head_num, 1024, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "head_num (%d) * head_size (%d) should <= %d", head_num, head_size, 1024 * 4)); TransposeQkvKernel <<>>(h, input4, bias4, output4); } else if (head_size % 2 == 0 && scratch_size % 2 == 0) { const int h = head_size / 2; const float2 *input2 = reinterpret_cast(input); const float2 *bias2 = reinterpret_cast(bias); float2 *output2 = reinterpret_cast(output); const dim3 block(h, head_num, 1); // limit h * head_num to max block size(1024). PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE(h * head_num, 1024, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "head_num (%d) * head_size (%d) should <= %d", head_num, head_size, 1024 * 2)); TransposeQkvKernel <<>>(h, input2, bias2, output2); } else { const dim3 block(head_size, head_num, 1); // limit head_size * head_num to max block size(1024). PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE(head_size * head_num, 1024, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "head_num (%d) * head_size (%d) should <= %d", head_num, head_size, 1024)); TransposeQkvKernel <<>>(head_size, input, bias, output); } } #if defined(PADDLE_WITH_CUDA) template <> void TransQKVWithBias(const int batch, const int seq_len, const int head_size, const int head_num, const platform::float16 *input, const platform::float16 *bias, platform::float16 *output, gpuStream_t stream) { // BxSx3xNxH + 3xNxH -> 3xBxNxSxH int scratch_size = batch * head_num * seq_len * seq_len; const dim3 grid(seq_len, batch, 3); if (head_size % 2 == 0 && scratch_size % 2 == 0) { const int h = head_size / 2; const half2 *input2 = reinterpret_cast(input); const half2 *bias2 = reinterpret_cast(bias); half2 *output2 = reinterpret_cast(output); const dim3 block(h, head_num, 1); // limit h * head_num to max block size(1024). PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE(h * head_num, 1024, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "head_num (%d) * head_size (%d) should <= %d", head_num, head_size, 1024 * 2)); TransposeQkvKernel <<>>(h, input2, bias2, output2); } else { const dim3 block(head_size, head_num, 1); const half *input_half = reinterpret_cast(input); const half *bias_half = reinterpret_cast(bias); half *output_half = reinterpret_cast(output); // limit head_size * head_num to max block size(1024). PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE(head_size * head_num, 1024, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "head_num (%d) * head_size (%d) should <= %d", head_num, head_size, 1024)); TransposeQkvKernel<<>>( head_size, input_half, bias_half, output_half); } } #endif inline int round_up(int seq_len, int multiple = 32) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GT( multiple, 0, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "multiple should be a positive number,but it's (%d)", multiple)); return ((seq_len + multiple - 1) / multiple) * multiple; } template __global__ void broadcast(const T *src, T *dst, const int seq_len, const int head_num) { int batch_id = blockIdx.x / (head_num * seq_len); int dst_offset = blockIdx.x * seq_len; if (threadIdx.x < seq_len) { dst[threadIdx.x + dst_offset] = src[threadIdx.x + batch_id * seq_len]; } } template __global__ void broadcast_batch_head_number(const T *src, T *dst, const int batch_size, const int seq_len, const int head_num) { int src_seq_id = blockIdx.x % seq_len; int dst_offset = blockIdx.x * seq_len; if (threadIdx.x < seq_len) { dst[threadIdx.x + dst_offset] = src[threadIdx.x + src_seq_id * seq_len]; } } template class MultiHeadMatMulV2Kernel : public framework::OpKernel { public: void Compute(const framework::ExecutionContext &context) const override { auto *input = context.Input("Input"); auto *w = context.Input("W"); auto *bias = context.Input("Bias"); auto *bias_qk = context.Input("BiasQK"); auto *input_d = input->data(); auto *w_d = w->data(); auto *bias_d = bias->data(); auto *bias_qk_d = bias_qk ? bias_qk->data() : nullptr; T scale = static_cast(context.Attr("alpha")); int head_number = context.Attr("head_number"); // compute q*k with eltadd auto &device_ctx = context.template device_context(); auto stream = device_ctx.stream(); // should be (B * S * hidden) auto input_dims = input->dims(); // shouble be (hidden * 3 * all_head_size) auto w_dims = w->dims(); int batch = input_dims[0]; int seq_len = input_dims[1]; int hidden = input_dims[2]; phi::DenseTensor temp_bias_tensor; // if bias_qk is[batch, 1, 1, seq_len], the bias_qk_d need to be broadcasted if (bias_qk && bias_qk->numel() == (batch * seq_len)) { VLOG(4) << "Do broadcasted bias_qk from [batch, 1, 1, seq_len]"; temp_bias_tensor.Resize({batch * head_number * seq_len * seq_len}); auto *temp_qk_bias = device_ctx.template Alloc( &temp_bias_tensor, temp_bias_tensor.numel() * sizeof(T)); int grid = batch * head_number * seq_len; int block = round_up(seq_len); broadcast<<>>( bias_qk_d, temp_qk_bias, seq_len, head_number); bias_qk_d = static_cast(temp_qk_bias); } // if bias_qk is[1, 1, seq_len, seq_len], the bias_qk_d need to be // broadcasted if (bias_qk && bias_qk->numel() == (1 * seq_len * seq_len)) { VLOG(4) << "do broadcasted bias_qk from [1, 1, seq_len, seq_len]"; temp_bias_tensor.Resize({batch * head_number * seq_len * seq_len}); auto *temp_qk_bias = device_ctx.template Alloc( &temp_bias_tensor, temp_bias_tensor.numel() * sizeof(T)); int grid = batch * head_number * seq_len; int block = round_up(seq_len); broadcast_batch_head_number<<>>( bias_qk_d, temp_qk_bias, batch, seq_len, head_number); bias_qk_d = static_cast(temp_qk_bias); } if (!bias_qk) { int size = batch * head_number * seq_len * seq_len; temp_bias_tensor.Resize({size}); auto *temp_qk_bias = device_ctx.template Alloc( &temp_bias_tensor, temp_bias_tensor.numel() * sizeof(T)); #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_HIP hipMemset(temp_qk_bias, 0, sizeof(float) * size); #else cudaMemset(temp_qk_bias, 0, sizeof(float) * size); #endif bias_qk_d = static_cast(temp_qk_bias); } int all_head_size = w_dims[2]; int head_size = all_head_size / head_number; auto *out = context.Output("Out"); out->Resize({batch, seq_len, all_head_size}); auto *output_d = device_ctx.template Alloc(out, out->numel() * sizeof(T)); // (B*S, hidden) const phi::DenseTensor input_matrix = framework::ReshapeToMatrix(*input, 2 /*x_num_col_dims */); // (hidden, 3 * all_head_size) const phi::DenseTensor w_matrix = framework::ReshapeToMatrix(*w, 1 /*y_num_col_dims*/); phi::DenseTensor temp_out_tensor; auto temp_out_dims = phi::make_ddim({batch, seq_len, 3, head_number, head_size}); temp_out_tensor.Resize( {batch * seq_len, phi::product(temp_out_dims) / (batch * seq_len)}); auto *temp_out_data = device_ctx.template Alloc( &temp_out_tensor, temp_out_tensor.numel() * sizeof(T)); // (B * S, hidden) * (hidden, 3 * N * H) -> (B * S * 3 * N * H) auto blas = phi::funcs::GetBlas(device_ctx); blas.MatMul(input_matrix, w_matrix, &temp_out_tensor); VLOG(2) << "(B * S, hidden) * (hidden, 3 * N * H) -> (B * S * 3 * N * H)"; VLOG(2) << temp_out_tensor; // temp_out_tensor.Resize(temp_out_dims); phi::DenseTensor multihead_temp_tensor; // B * head_number * S * S * 1 + B * S * 3 * N * H int scratch_size = batch * head_number * seq_len * seq_len * 1; multihead_temp_tensor.Resize({scratch_size + temp_out_tensor.numel()}); auto *multihead_temp_data = device_ctx.template Alloc( &multihead_temp_tensor, multihead_temp_tensor.numel() * sizeof(T)); auto *qkptr = multihead_temp_data; auto *tptr = multihead_temp_data + scratch_size; // Do the transpose with bias. // BxSx3xNxH => tptr: 3xBxNxSxH. TransQKVWithBias(batch, seq_len, head_size, head_number, temp_out_data, bias_d, tptr, stream); if (std::is_same::value) { math::MultiHeadGPUComputeFunctor multihead_compute_func; multihead_compute_func(device_ctx, batch, seq_len, head_number, head_size, reinterpret_cast(qkptr), reinterpret_cast(bias_qk_d), false, reinterpret_cast(tptr), __float2half(static_cast(scale)), __float2half(0.0)); } else { math::MultiHeadGPUComputeFunctor multihead_compute_func; multihead_compute_func(device_ctx, batch, seq_len, head_number, head_size, qkptr, bias_qk_d, false, tptr, scale, T(0.0)); } int grid = batch * head_number * seq_len; int block = head_size; transpose<<>>( tptr, output_d, batch, seq_len, head_number, head_size); } }; } // namespace operators } // namespace paddle namespace ops = paddle::operators; #if defined(PADDLE_WITH_CUDA) && CUDA_VERSION >= 10000 REGISTER_OP_CUDA_KERNEL( multihead_matmul, ops::MultiHeadMatMulV2Kernel, ops::MultiHeadMatMulV2Kernel); #else REGISTER_OP_CUDA_KERNEL(multihead_matmul, ops::MultiHeadMatMulV2Kernel); #endif