// Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #pragma once #include #include "gflags/gflags.h" #include #include "paddle/fluid/distributed/common/chunk_allocator.h" namespace paddle { namespace distributed { static const int CTR_SPARSE_SHARD_BUCKET_NUM_BITS = 6; static const size_t CTR_SPARSE_SHARD_BUCKET_NUM = static_cast(1) << CTR_SPARSE_SHARD_BUCKET_NUM_BITS; class FixedFeatureValue { public: FixedFeatureValue() {} ~FixedFeatureValue() {} float* data() { return _data.data(); } size_t size() { return _data.size(); } void resize(size_t size) { _data.resize(size); } void shrink_to_fit() { _data.shrink_to_fit(); } private: std::vector _data; }; template struct alignas(64) SparseTableShard { public: typedef typename mct::closed_hash_map> map_type; struct iterator { typename map_type::iterator it; size_t bucket; map_type* buckets; friend bool operator==(const iterator& a, const iterator& b) { return a.it == b.it; } friend bool operator!=(const iterator& a, const iterator& b) { return a.it != b.it; } const KEY& key() const { return it->first; } VALUE& value() const { return *(VALUE*)(void*)it->second; } // NOLINT VALUE* value_ptr() const { return (VALUE*)(void*)it->second; } // NOLINT iterator& operator++() { ++it; while (it == buckets[bucket].end() && bucket + 1 < CTR_SPARSE_SHARD_BUCKET_NUM) { it = buckets[++bucket].begin(); } return *this; } iterator operator++(int) { iterator ret = *this; ++*this; return ret; } }; struct local_iterator { typename map_type::iterator it; friend bool operator==(const local_iterator& a, const local_iterator& b) { return a.it == b.it; } friend bool operator!=(const local_iterator& a, const local_iterator& b) { return a.it != b.it; } const KEY& key() const { return it->first; } VALUE& value() const { return *(VALUE*)(void*)it->second; } // NOLINT local_iterator& operator++() { ++it; return *this; } local_iterator operator++(int) { return {it++}; } }; ~SparseTableShard() { clear(); } bool empty() { return _alloc.size() == 0; } size_t size() { return _alloc.size(); } void set_max_load_factor(float x) { for (size_t bucket = 0; bucket < CTR_SPARSE_SHARD_BUCKET_NUM; bucket++) { _buckets[bucket].max_load_factor(x); } } size_t bucket_count() { return CTR_SPARSE_SHARD_BUCKET_NUM; } size_t bucket_size(size_t bucket) { return _buckets[bucket].size(); } void clear() { for (size_t bucket = 0; bucket < CTR_SPARSE_SHARD_BUCKET_NUM; bucket++) { map_type& data = _buckets[bucket]; for (auto it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) { _alloc.release((VALUE*)(void*)it->second); // NOLINT } data.clear(); } } iterator begin() { auto it = _buckets[0].begin(); size_t bucket = 0; while (it == _buckets[bucket].end() && bucket + 1 < CTR_SPARSE_SHARD_BUCKET_NUM) { it = _buckets[++bucket].begin(); } return {it, bucket, _buckets}; } iterator end() { return {_buckets[CTR_SPARSE_SHARD_BUCKET_NUM - 1].end(), CTR_SPARSE_SHARD_BUCKET_NUM - 1, _buckets}; } local_iterator begin(size_t bucket) { return {_buckets[bucket].begin()}; } local_iterator end(size_t bucket) { return {_buckets[bucket].end()}; } iterator find(const KEY& key) { size_t hash = _hasher(key); size_t bucket = compute_bucket(hash); auto it = _buckets[bucket].find_with_hash(key, hash); if (it == _buckets[bucket].end()) { return end(); } return {it, bucket, _buckets}; } VALUE& operator[](const KEY& key) { return emplace(key).first.value(); } std::pair insert(const KEY& key, const VALUE& val) { return emplace(key, val); } std::pair insert(const KEY& key, VALUE&& val) { return emplace(key, std::move(val)); } template std::pair emplace(const KEY& key, ARGS&&... args) { size_t hash = _hasher(key); size_t bucket = compute_bucket(hash); auto res = _buckets[bucket].insert_with_hash({key, NULL}, hash); if (res.second) { res.first->second = _alloc.acquire(std::forward(args)...); } return {{res.first, bucket, _buckets}, res.second}; } iterator erase(iterator it) { _alloc.release((VALUE*)(void*)it.it->second); // NOLINT size_t bucket = it.bucket; auto it2 = _buckets[bucket].erase(it.it); while (it2 == _buckets[bucket].end() && bucket + 1 < CTR_SPARSE_SHARD_BUCKET_NUM) { it2 = _buckets[++bucket].begin(); } return {it2, bucket, _buckets}; } void quick_erase(iterator it) { _alloc.release((VALUE*)(void*)it.it->second); // NOLINT _buckets[it.bucket].quick_erase(it.it); } local_iterator erase(size_t bucket, local_iterator it) { _alloc.release((VALUE*)(void*)it.it->second); // NOLINT return {_buckets[bucket].erase(it.it)}; } void quick_erase(size_t bucket, local_iterator it) { _alloc.release((VALUE*)(void*)it.it->second); // NOLINT _buckets[bucket].quick_erase(it.it); } size_t erase(const KEY& key) { auto it = find(key); if (it == end()) { return 0; } quick_erase(it); return 1; } size_t compute_bucket(size_t hash) { if (CTR_SPARSE_SHARD_BUCKET_NUM == 1) { return 0; } else { return hash >> (sizeof(size_t) * 8 - CTR_SPARSE_SHARD_BUCKET_NUM_BITS); } } private: map_type _buckets[CTR_SPARSE_SHARD_BUCKET_NUM]; ChunkAllocator _alloc; std::hash _hasher; }; } // namespace distributed } // namespace paddle