# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import time import unittest import os import sys import six import signal import subprocess import six class TestDistRunnerBase(object): def get_model(self, batch_size=2): raise NotImplementedError( "get_model should be implemented by child classes.") def get_transpiler(self, trainer_id, main_program, pserver_endpoints, trainers, sync_mode): # NOTE: import fluid until runtime, or else forking processes will cause error. import paddle import paddle.fluid as fluid t = fluid.DistributeTranspiler() t.transpile( trainer_id=trainer_id, program=main_program, pservers=pserver_endpoints, trainers=trainers, sync_mode=sync_mode) return t def run_pserver(self, pserver_endpoints, trainers, current_endpoint, trainer_id, sync_mode=True): import paddle import paddle.fluid as fluid self.get_model(batch_size=2) t = self.get_transpiler(trainer_id, fluid.default_main_program(), pserver_endpoints, trainers, sync_mode) pserver_prog = t.get_pserver_program(current_endpoint) startup_prog = t.get_startup_program(current_endpoint, pserver_prog) place = fluid.CPUPlace() exe = fluid.Executor(place) exe.run(startup_prog) exe.run(pserver_prog) def run_trainer(self, place, endpoints, trainer_id, trainers, is_dist=True, sync_mode=True): import paddle import paddle.fluid as fluid test_program, avg_cost, train_reader, test_reader, batch_acc, predict = \ self.get_model(batch_size=2) if is_dist: t = self.get_transpiler(trainer_id, fluid.default_main_program(), endpoints, trainers, sync_mode) trainer_prog = t.get_trainer_program() else: trainer_prog = fluid.default_main_program() startup_exe = fluid.Executor(place) startup_exe.run(fluid.default_startup_program()) strategy = fluid.ExecutionStrategy() strategy.num_threads = 1 strategy.allow_op_delay = False exe = fluid.ParallelExecutor( True, loss_name=avg_cost.name, exec_strategy=strategy) feed_var_list = [ var for var in trainer_prog.global_block().vars.values() if var.is_data ] feeder = fluid.DataFeeder(feed_var_list, place) reader_generator = test_reader() data = next(reader_generator) first_loss, = exe.run(fetch_list=[avg_cost.name], feed=feeder.feed(data)) print(first_loss) for i in six.moves.xrange(5): data = next(reader_generator) loss, = exe.run(fetch_list=[avg_cost.name], feed=feeder.feed(data)) data = next(reader_generator) last_loss, = exe.run(fetch_list=[avg_cost.name], feed=feeder.feed(data)) print(last_loss) def runtime_main(test_class): import paddle import paddle.fluid as fluid import paddle.fluid.core as core if len(sys.argv) != 8: print( "Usage: python dist_se_resnext.py [pserver/trainer] [endpoints] [trainer_id] [current_endpoint] [trainers] [is_dist] [sync_mode]" ) role = sys.argv[1] endpoints = sys.argv[2] trainer_id = int(sys.argv[3]) current_endpoint = sys.argv[4] trainers = int(sys.argv[5]) is_dist = True if sys.argv[6] == "TRUE" else False sync_mode = True if sys.argv[7] == "TRUE" else False model = test_class() if role == "pserver": model.run_pserver(endpoints, trainers, current_endpoint, trainer_id, sync_mode) else: p = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if core.is_compiled_with_cuda( ) else fluid.CPUPlace() model.run_trainer(p, endpoints, trainer_id, trainers, is_dist, sync_mode) import paddle.compat as cpt class TestDistBase(unittest.TestCase): def _setup_config(self): raise NotImplementedError("tests should have _setup_config implemented") def setUp(self): self._trainers = 2 self._pservers = 2 self._ps_endpoints = "," self._python_interp = "python" self._sync_mode = True self._setup_config() def start_pserver(self, model_file, check_error_log, required_envs): sync_mode_str = "TRUE" if self._sync_mode else "FALSE" ps0_ep, ps1_ep = self._ps_endpoints.split(",") ps0_cmd = "%s %s pserver %s 0 %s %d TRUE %s" % \ (self._python_interp, model_file, self._ps_endpoints, ps0_ep, self._trainers, sync_mode_str) ps1_cmd = "%s %s pserver %s 0 %s %d TRUE %s" % \ (self._python_interp, model_file, self._ps_endpoints, ps1_ep, self._trainers, sync_mode_str) ps0_pipe = subprocess.PIPE ps1_pipe = subprocess.PIPE if check_error_log: required_envs["GLOG_v"] = "7" required_envs["GLOG_logtostderr"] = "1" print("ps0_cmd:", ps0_cmd) print("ps1_cmd:", ps1_cmd) ps0_pipe = open("/tmp/ps0_err.log", "wb") ps1_pipe = open("/tmp/ps1_err.log", "wb") ps0_proc = subprocess.Popen( ps0_cmd.split(" "), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=ps0_pipe, env=required_envs) ps1_proc = subprocess.Popen( ps1_cmd.split(" "), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=ps1_pipe, env=required_envs) if not check_error_log: return ps0_proc, ps1_proc, None, None else: return ps0_proc, ps1_proc, ps0_pipe, ps1_pipe def _wait_ps_ready(self, pid): retry_times = 50 while True: assert retry_times >= 0, "wait ps ready failed" time.sleep(3) try: # the listen_and_serv_op would touch a file which contains the listen port # on the /tmp directory until it was ready to process all the RPC call. os.stat("/tmp/paddle.%d.port" % pid) return except os.error as e: sys.stderr.write('waiting for pserver: %s, left retry %d\n' % (e, retry_times)) retry_times -= 1 def check_with_place(self, model_file, delta=1e-3, check_error_log=False): # *ATTENTION* THIS TEST NEEDS AT LEAST 2GPUS TO RUN required_envs = { "PATH": os.getenv("PATH"), "PYTHONPATH": os.getenv("PYTHONPATH"), "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"), "FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use": "0.15", "FLAGS_cudnn_deterministic": "1" } if check_error_log: required_envs["GLOG_v"] = "7" required_envs["GLOG_logtostderr"] = "1" # Run local to get a base line env_local = {"CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES": "0"} env_local.update(required_envs) sync_mode_str = "TRUE" if self._sync_mode else "FALSE" local_cmd = "%s %s trainer %s 0 %s %d FLASE %s" % \ (self._python_interp, model_file, "", "", 1, sync_mode_str) if not check_error_log: local_proc = subprocess.Popen( local_cmd.split(" "), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env_local) else: print("trainer cmd:", local_cmd) err_log = open("/tmp/trainer.err.log", "wb") local_proc = subprocess.Popen( local_cmd.split(" "), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=err_log, env=env_local) local_proc.wait() out, err = local_proc.communicate() local_ret = cpt.to_text(out) sys.stderr.write('local_loss: %s\n' % local_ret) sys.stderr.write('local_stderr: %s\n' % err) # Run dist train to compare with local results ps0, ps1, ps0_pipe, ps1_pipe = self.start_pserver(model_file, check_error_log) self._wait_ps_ready(ps0.pid) self._wait_ps_ready(ps1.pid) ps0_ep, ps1_ep = self._ps_endpoints.split(",") tr0_cmd = "%s %s trainer %s 0 %s %d TRUE %s" % \ (self._python_interp, model_file, self._ps_endpoints, ps0_ep, self._trainers, sync_mode_str) tr1_cmd = "%s %s trainer %s 1 %s %d TRUE %s" % \ (self._python_interp, model_file, self._ps_endpoints, ps1_ep, self._trainers, sync_mode_str) env0 = {"CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES": "0"} env1 = {"CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES": "1"} env0.update(required_envs) env1.update(required_envs) FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w') tr0_pipe = subprocess.PIPE tr1_pipe = subprocess.PIPE if check_error_log: print("tr0_cmd:", tr0_cmd) print("tr1_cmd:", tr1_cmd) tr0_pipe = open("/tmp/tr0_err.log", "wb") tr1_pipe = open("/tmp/tr1_err.log", "wb") tr0_proc = subprocess.Popen( tr0_cmd.split(" "), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=tr0_pipe, env=env0) tr1_proc = subprocess.Popen( tr1_cmd.split(" "), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=tr1_pipe, env=env1) tr0_proc.wait() tr1_proc.wait() out, err = tr0_proc.communicate() sys.stderr.write('dist_stderr: %s\n' % err) loss_data0 = cpt.to_text(out) sys.stderr.write('dist_loss: %s\n' % loss_data0) lines = loss_data0.split("\n") dist_first_loss = eval(lines[0].replace(" ", ","))[0] dist_last_loss = eval(lines[1].replace(" ", ","))[0] local_lines = local_ret.split("\n") local_first_loss = eval(local_lines[0])[0] local_last_loss = eval(local_lines[1])[0] # close trainer file if check_error_log: tr0_pipe.close() tr1_pipe.close() ps0_pipe.close() ps1_pipe.close() # FIXME: use terminate() instead of sigkill. os.kill(ps0.pid, signal.SIGKILL) os.kill(ps1.pid, signal.SIGKILL) FNULL.close() self.assertAlmostEqual(local_first_loss, dist_first_loss, delta=delta) self.assertAlmostEqual(local_last_loss, dist_last_loss, delta=delta)