# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import re import string import tarfile from test_dist_base import TestDistRunnerBase, runtime_main import paddle import paddle.fluid as fluid DTYPE = "float32" VOCAB_URL = 'http://paddle-dist-ce-data.bj.bcebos.com/imdb.vocab' VOCAB_MD5 = '23c86a0533c0151b6f12fa52b106dcc2' DATA_URL = 'http://paddle-dist-ce-data.bj.bcebos.com/text_classification.tar.gz' DATA_MD5 = '29ebfc94f11aea9362bbb7f5e9d86b8a' # Load dictionary. def load_vocab(filename): vocab = {} with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: for idx, line in enumerate(f): vocab[line.strip()] = idx return vocab def get_worddict(dict_path): word_dict = load_vocab(dict_path) word_dict[""] = len(word_dict) dict_dim = len(word_dict) return word_dict, dict_dim def conv_net( input, dict_dim, emb_dim=128, window_size=3, num_filters=128, fc0_dim=96, class_dim=2, ): emb = fluid.layers.embedding( input=input, size=[dict_dim, emb_dim], is_sparse=False, param_attr=fluid.ParamAttr( initializer=fluid.initializer.Constant(value=0.01) ), ) conv_3 = fluid.nets.sequence_conv_pool( input=emb, num_filters=num_filters, filter_size=window_size, act="tanh", pool_type="max", param_attr=fluid.ParamAttr( initializer=fluid.initializer.Constant(value=0.01) ), ) fc_0 = paddle.static.nn.fc( x=[conv_3], size=fc0_dim, weight_attr=fluid.ParamAttr( initializer=fluid.initializer.Constant(value=0.01) ), ) prediction = paddle.static.nn.fc( x=[fc_0], size=class_dim, activation="softmax", weight_attr=fluid.ParamAttr( initializer=fluid.initializer.Constant(value=0.01) ), ) return prediction def inference_network(dict_dim): data = paddle.static.data( name="words", shape=[-1, 1], dtype="int64", lod_level=1 ) out = conv_net(data, dict_dim) return out def get_reader(word_dict, batch_size): # The training data set. train_reader = paddle.batch(train(word_dict), batch_size=batch_size) # The testing data set. test_reader = paddle.batch(test(word_dict), batch_size=batch_size) return train_reader, test_reader def get_optimizer(learning_rate): optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=learning_rate) return optimizer class TestDistTextClassification2x2(TestDistRunnerBase): def get_model(self, batch_size=2): vocab = os.path.join( paddle.dataset.common.DATA_HOME, "text_classification", "imdb.vocab" ) word_dict, dict_dim = get_worddict(vocab) # Input data data = paddle.static.data( name="words", shape=[-1, 1], dtype="int64", lod_level=1 ) label = paddle.static.data(name='label', shape=[-1, 1], dtype='int64') # Train program predict = conv_net(data, dict_dim) cost = paddle.nn.functional.cross_entropy( input=predict, label=label, reduction='none', use_softmax=False ) avg_cost = paddle.mean(x=cost) acc = paddle.static.accuracy(input=predict, label=label) inference_program = fluid.default_main_program().clone() # Optimization opt = get_optimizer(learning_rate=0.001) opt.minimize(avg_cost) # Reader train_reader, test_reader = get_reader(word_dict, batch_size) return ( inference_program, avg_cost, train_reader, test_reader, acc, predict, ) def tokenize(pattern): """ Read files that match the given pattern. Tokenize and yield each file. """ with tarfile.open( paddle.dataset.common.download( DATA_URL, 'text_classification', DATA_MD5 ) ) as tarf: # Note that we should use tarfile.next(), which does # sequential access of member files, other than # tarfile.extractfile, which does random access and might # destroy hard disks. tf = tarf.next() while tf is not None: if bool(pattern.match(tf.name)): # newline and punctuations removal and ad-hoc tokenization. yield tarf.extractfile(tf).read().rstrip(b'\n\r').translate( None, string.punctuation.encode('latin-1') ).lower().split() tf = tarf.next() def reader_creator(pos_pattern, neg_pattern, word_idx): UNK = word_idx[''] INS = [] def load(pattern, out, label): for doc in tokenize(pattern): out.append(([word_idx.get(w, UNK) for w in doc], label)) load(pos_pattern, INS, 0) load(neg_pattern, INS, 1) def reader(): for doc, label in INS: yield doc, label return reader def train(word_idx): """ IMDB training set creator. It returns a reader creator, each sample in the reader is an zero-based ID sequence and label in [0, 1]. :param word_idx: word dictionary :type word_idx: dict :return: Training reader creator :rtype: callable """ return reader_creator( re.compile(r"train/pos/.*\.txt$"), re.compile(r"train/neg/.*\.txt$"), word_idx, ) def test(word_idx): """ IMDB test set creator. It returns a reader creator, each sample in the reader is an zero-based ID sequence and label in [0, 1]. :param word_idx: word dictionary :type word_idx: dict :return: Test reader creator :rtype: callable """ return reader_creator( re.compile(r"test/pos/.*\.txt$"), re.compile(r"test/neg/.*\.txt$"), word_idx, ) if __name__ == "__main__": paddle.dataset.common.download(VOCAB_URL, 'text_classification', VOCAB_MD5) paddle.dataset.common.download(DATA_URL, 'text_classification', DATA_MD5) runtime_main(TestDistTextClassification2x2)