Paddle for Linux-musl Usage Guide =========================================== # introduction Paddle can be built for linux-musl such as alpine, and be used in libos-liked SGX TEE environment. Currently supported commericial product TEE Scone, and community maintanced TEE Occlum. We also working on to support open source TEE Graphene. # build automaticly 1. clone paddle source from github ```bash git clone ``` 2. setup build directory ```bash # enter paddle directory cd ./Paddle # create and enter building directory mkdir -p build && cd build ``` 3. build docker for compiling. use environment HTTP_PROXY/HTTPS_PROXY for proxy setup. ```bash # setup proxy address export HTTP_PROXY='' export HTTPS_PROXY='' # invoke build script ../paddle/scripts/musl_build/ ``` 4. compile paddle in previous built docker. proxy setup method is same as previous step. output wheel package will save to "dist" directory. ```bash # setup proxy addresss export HTTP_PROXY='' export HTTPS_PROXY='' # invoke build paddle script ../paddle/scripts/musl_build/ # find output wheel package ls dist/*.whl ``` # build paddle manually 1. start up the building docker, and enter the shell in the container ```bash # checkout paddle source code git clone # entery paddle directory cd ./Paddle # build docker image ../paddle/scripts/musl_build/ # enter the container interactive shell BUILD_AUTO=0 ../paddle/scripts/musl_build/ ``` 2. Type commands to compile source manually ```sh # compile paddle by commands # paddle is mount to /paddle directory # working directory is /root mkdir build && cd build # install python requirement pip install -r /paddle/python/requirements.txt # configure project with cmake cmake /paddle -DWITH_MUSL=ON DWITH_CRYPTO=OFF -DWITH_MKL=OFF -DWITH_GPU=OFF -DWITH_TESTING=OFF # run the make to build project make ``` # files - docker building script - paddle building script - will invoke this script inside the docker for compiling. - build config script for configure compiling option setting. - Dockerfile: build docker defination file.