// Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "paddle/fluid/distributed/ps/table/common_dense_table.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/enforce.h" namespace paddle { namespace distributed { int FLAGS_pslib_table_save_max_retry_dense = 3; void CommonDenseTable::create_initializer(const std::string& attr, const std::string& name) { auto slices = string::split_string(attr, "&"); if (slices[0] == "gaussian_random") { initializers_[name] = new GaussianInitializer(slices); } else if (slices[0] == "fill_constant") { initializers_[name] = new FillConstantInitializer(slices); } else if (slices[0] == "uniform_random") { initializers_[name] = new UniformInitializer(slices); } else if (slices[0] == "truncated_gaussian_random") { initializers_[name] = new TruncatedGaussianInitializer(slices); } else { PADDLE_THROW( platform::errors::InvalidArgument("%s can not be supported", name)); } } int32_t CommonDenseTable::initialize() { _shards_task_pool.resize(task_pool_size_); for (int i = 0; i < _shards_task_pool.size(); ++i) { _shards_task_pool[i].reset(new ::ThreadPool(1)); } sync = _config.common().sync(); VLOG(1) << "table " << _config.common().table_name() << " is sync: " << sync; _global_lr = new float(1.0); initialize_value(); initialize_optimizer(); return 0; } int32_t CommonDenseTable::initialize_value() { auto common = _config.common(); int size = static_cast(common.params().size()); values_.resize(size); total_dim_ = 0; for (int x = 0; x < size; ++x) { auto& varname = common.params()[x]; auto& dim = common.dims()[x]; if (varname == "Param") { param_dim_ = dim; param_idx_ = x; } auto& initializer = common.initializers()[x]; total_dim_ += dim; create_initializer(initializer, varname); values_[x].resize(dim); names_index_[varname] = x; for (int y = 0; y < dim; ++y) { values_[x][y] = initializers_[varname]->GetValue(); } } fixed_len_params_dim_ = 0; for (int x = 0; x < size; ++x) { auto& dim = common.dims()[x]; if (dim != param_dim_) { fixed_len_params_dim_ += dim; } else { param_col_ids_.push_back(x); } } if (_config.common().name() == "adam_d2sum") { param_col_ids_.insert(param_col_ids_.begin() + 1, -1); } VLOG(1) << "CommonDenseTable::initialize_value total dim: " << total_dim_ << " fixed_len_params_dim: " << fixed_len_params_dim_; pull_reservoir_ = ReservoirValue(param_dim_); return 0; } int32_t CommonDenseTable::initialize_optimizer() { auto common = _config.common(); auto name = common.name(); auto attrs = common.attributes(); if (name == "sgd") { optimizer_ = std::make_shared(common, &values_); optimizer_->set_global_lr(_global_lr); } else if (name == "adam") { optimizer_ = std::make_shared(common, &values_); optimizer_->set_global_lr(_global_lr); } else if (name == "adam_d2sum") { optimizer_ = std::make_shared(common, &values_); // optimizer_->set_global_lr(_global_lr); //no use } else if (name == "sum") { optimizer_ = std::make_shared(common, &values_); } else { VLOG(0) << "init optimizer failed"; } VLOG(3) << "init optimizer " << name << " done"; return 0; } int32_t CommonDenseTable::set_global_lr(float* lr) { _global_lr = lr; optimizer_->set_global_lr(_global_lr); return 0; } int32_t CommonDenseTable::Pull(TableContext& context) { CHECK(context.value_type == Dense); float* pull_values = context.pull_context.values; return pull_dense(pull_values, context.num); } int32_t CommonDenseTable::Push(TableContext& context) { CHECK(context.value_type == Dense); if (context.pull_context.values != nullptr) { const float* values = context.push_context.values; return push_dense(values, context.num); } return 0; } int32_t CommonDenseTable::pull_dense(float* pull_values, size_t num) { std::copy(values_[param_idx_].begin(), values_[param_idx_].end(), pull_values); return 0; } int32_t CommonDenseTable::push_dense_param(const float* values, size_t num) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE( num, param_dim_, paddle::platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "update desne param numel expected %d, but got %d", param_dim_, num)); std::copy_n(values, param_dim_, values_[param_idx_].begin()); return 0; } int32_t CommonDenseTable::pour() { pull_reservoir_.avg(); _push_dense(pull_reservoir_.values.data(), pull_reservoir_.values.size()); pull_reservoir_.reset(); return 0; } int32_t CommonDenseTable::push_dense(const float* values, size_t num) { if (sync) { std::future task = _shards_task_pool[0]->enqueue([this, &values]() -> int { pull_reservoir_.add(values, param_dim_); return 0; }); task.wait(); } else { _push_dense(values, num); } return 0; } int32_t CommonDenseTable::_push_dense(const float* values, size_t num) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE( num, param_dim_, paddle::platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "update desne numel expected %d, but got %d", param_dim_, num)); std::vector buckets = bucket(param_dim_, task_pool_size_); std::vector> tasks(task_pool_size_); for (int shard_id = 0; shard_id < task_pool_size_; ++shard_id) { tasks[shard_id] = _shards_task_pool[shard_id]->enqueue( [this, shard_id, &buckets, &values]() -> int { auto begin = buckets[shard_id]; auto end = buckets[shard_id + 1]; optimizer_->update(values, param_dim_, begin, end); return 0; }); } for (size_t shard_id = 0; shard_id < tasks.size(); ++shard_id) { tasks[shard_id].wait(); } VLOG(2) << "debug CommonDenseTable::_push_dense done"; return 0; } int32_t CommonDenseTable::load(const std::string& path, const std::string& param) { if (param_dim_ <= 0) { return 0; } std::string table_path = table_dir(path); auto file_list = _afs_client.list(table_path); std::sort(file_list.begin(), file_list.end()); for (auto ff : file_list) { VLOG(1) << "load dense table file list: " << ff; } size_t dim_num_per_file = _config.accessor().fea_dim() / file_list.size() + 1; // param_dim_ in last node != _config.accesor().fea_dim() / _shard_num + 1 size_t dim_num_per_shard = _value_accesor->fea_dim() / _shard_num + 1; size_t start_dim_idx = dim_num_per_shard * _shard_idx; size_t start_file_idx = start_dim_idx / dim_num_per_file; size_t end_file_idx = (start_dim_idx + param_dim_) / dim_num_per_file; end_file_idx = end_file_idx < file_list.size() ? end_file_idx : file_list.size() - 1; VLOG(2) << "load dense table start_file_idx: " << start_file_idx << " end_file_idx: " << end_file_idx; int load_param = atoi(param.c_str()); FsChannelConfig channel_config; channel_config.converter = _value_accesor->converter(load_param).converter; channel_config.deconverter = _value_accesor->converter(load_param).deconverter; bool is_read_failed = false; int err_no = 0; int retry_num = 0; do { is_read_failed = false; try { size_t dim_idx = 0; float data_buffer[5]; float* data_buff_ptr = data_buffer; std::string line_data; int size = static_cast(values_.size()); auto common = _config.common(); for (int i = start_file_idx; i < end_file_idx + 1; ++i) { channel_config.path = file_list[i]; err_no = 0; auto read_channel = _afs_client.open_r(channel_config, 0, &err_no); size_t file_start_idx = start_dim_idx - i * dim_num_per_file; // not all file contains param and the length of last file containing // param may not equal to others size_t file_dim_idx = 0; for (; file_dim_idx < dim_num_per_file; ++file_dim_idx) { if (read_channel->read_line(line_data) != 0) { break; } if (dim_idx >= param_dim_) { break; } if (file_dim_idx < file_start_idx) { continue; } auto str_len = paddle::string::str_to_float(line_data.data(), data_buff_ptr); CHECK(str_len == param_col_ids_.size()) << "expect " << param_col_ids_.size() << " float, but got " << str_len; for (size_t col_idx = 0; col_idx < str_len; ++col_idx) { if (param_col_ids_[col_idx] < 0) { continue; } values_[param_col_ids_[col_idx]][dim_idx] = data_buffer[col_idx]; VLOG(2) << "CommonDenseTable::load param x: " << param_col_ids_[col_idx] << " y: " << dim_idx << " value: " << values_[param_col_ids_[col_idx]][dim_idx] << " line " << file_dim_idx; } ++dim_idx; } read_channel->close(); VLOG(1) << "DownpourDenseTable load done " << channel_config.path << " file_start_idx: " << file_start_idx << " dim_idx: " << dim_idx; if (err_no == -1) { if (retry_num > FLAGS_pslib_table_save_max_retry_dense) { LOG(ERROR) << "DownpourDenseTable load failed reach max limit!"; exit(-1); } ++retry_num; --i; LOG(ERROR) << "DownpourDenseTable load failed after read , retry it! path:" << channel_config.path << ", retry_num=" << retry_num; continue; } retry_num = 0; start_dim_idx += file_dim_idx - file_start_idx; LOG(INFO) << "DownpourDenseTable load success, path:" << channel_config.path; } } catch (...) { is_read_failed = true; LOG(ERROR) << "DownpourDenseTable load failed, retry it! path:" << channel_config.path; } } while (is_read_failed); return 0; } int32_t CommonDenseTable::save(const std::string& path, const std::string& param) { int save_param = atoi(param.c_str()); uint32_t feasign_size; VLOG(0) << "CommonDenseTable::save path " << path; FsChannelConfig channel_config; if (_config.compress_in_save()) { channel_config.path = paddle::string::format_string( "%s/part-%03d.gz", table_dir(path).c_str(), _shard_idx); } else { channel_config.path = paddle::string::format_string( "%s/part-%03d", table_dir(path).c_str(), _shard_idx); } _afs_client.remove(channel_config.path); channel_config.converter = _value_accesor->converter(save_param).converter; channel_config.deconverter = _value_accesor->converter(save_param).deconverter; bool is_write_failed = false; std::vector> result_buffer_param( param_dim_, std::vector()); std::vector result_buffer_fixed_len; result_buffer_fixed_len.reserve(fixed_len_params_dim_); auto common = _config.common(); int size = static_cast(common.params().size()); std::ostringstream os; for (int x = 0; x < size; ++x) { auto& varname = common.params()[x]; auto& dim = common.dims()[x]; VLOG(0) << "CommonDenseTable::save dim " << x << " size: " << dim; for (int y = 0; y < dim; ++y) { os.clear(); os.str(""); os << values_[x][y]; if (dim == param_dim_) { result_buffer_param[y].emplace_back(std::move(os.str())); } else { result_buffer_fixed_len.emplace_back(std::move(os.str())); } } } int retry_num = 0; int err_no = 0; do { err_no = 0; is_write_failed = false; feasign_size = 0; // 40M auto write_channel = _afs_client.open_w(channel_config, 1024 * 1024 * 40, &err_no); for (auto& t : result_buffer_param) { if (_config.common().name() == "adam_d2sum") { t.insert(t.begin() + 1, "0"); // avg_w } if (0 != write_channel->write_line(paddle::string::join_strings(t, ' '))) { ++retry_num; is_write_failed = true; LOG(ERROR) << "DownpourDenseTable save failed, retry it! " "path:" << channel_config.path << ", retry_num=" << retry_num; break; } } ++feasign_size; write_channel->close(); if (err_no == -1) { ++retry_num; is_write_failed = true; LOG(ERROR) << "DownpourDenseTable save failed after write, retry it! " << "path:" << channel_config.path << ", retry_num=" << retry_num; } if (is_write_failed) { _afs_client.remove(channel_config.path); } if (retry_num > paddle::distributed::FLAGS_pslib_table_save_max_retry_dense) { LOG(ERROR) << "DownpourDenseTable save failed reach max limit!"; exit(-1); } } while (is_write_failed); LOG(INFO) << "DownpourDenseTable save success, path:" << channel_config.path; return feasign_size; } } // namespace distributed } // namespace paddle