// Copyright (c) 2023 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. syntax = "proto2"; package paddle; option cc_generic_services = true; option cc_enable_arenas=true; message PSParameter { optional string worker_class = 1; optional string server_class = 2; optional string instance_class = 3; optional string init_gflags = 4 [ default = "" ]; optional WorkerParameter worker_param = 101; optional ServerParameter server_param = 102; repeated DownpourTrainerParameter trainer_param = 301; optional FsClientParameter fs_client_param = 501; } message WorkerParameter { optional DownpourWorkerParameter downpour_worker_param = 1; } message ServerParameter { optional DownpourServerParameter downpour_server_param = 1; } message DownpourWorkerParameter { repeated TableParameter downpour_table_param = 1; } message DownpourTrainerParameter { repeated DenseTableParameter dense_table = 1; repeated SparseTableParameter sparse_table = 2; optional int32 push_sparse_per_batch = 3; optional int32 push_dense_per_batch = 4; repeated string skip_op = 5; repeated ProgramConfig program_config = 6; } message ProgramConfig { required string program_id = 1; repeated int32 push_sparse_table_id = 2; repeated int32 push_dense_table_id = 3; repeated int32 pull_sparse_table_id = 4; repeated int32 pull_dense_table_id = 5; } message DenseTableParameter { optional int32 table_id = 1; repeated string dense_variable_name = 2; repeated string dense_gradient_variable_name = 3; optional int32 fea_dim = 4; } message SparseTableParameter { optional int32 table_id = 1; optional int32 feature_dim = 2; repeated string slot_key = 3; repeated string slot_value = 4; repeated string slot_gradient = 5; } message DownpourServerParameter { repeated TableParameter downpour_table_param = 1; optional ServerServiceParameter service_param = 2; } message ServerServiceParameter { optional string server_class = 1 [ default = "DownpourBrpcPsServer" ]; optional string client_class = 2 [ default = "DownpourBrpcPsClient" ]; optional string service_class = 3 [ default = "DownpourPsService"]; optional uint32 start_server_port = 4 [ default = 0 ]; //will find a avaliable port from it optional uint32 server_thread_num = 5 [ default = 12 ]; } enum TableType { PS_SPARSE_TABLE = 0; PS_DENSE_TABLE = 1; } message TableParameter { optional uint64 table_id = 1; optional string table_class = 2; optional uint64 shard_num = 3 [ default = 1000 ]; optional TableAccessorParameter accessor = 4; optional TableType type = 5; optional bool compress_in_save = 6 [default = false]; //for cache model optional bool enable_sparse_table_cache = 7 [default = true]; optional double sparse_table_cache_rate = 8 [default = 0.00055]; optional uint32 sparse_table_cache_file_num = 9 [default = 16]; optional double sparse_table_mem_cache_rate = 10 [default = 0.5]; } message TableAccessorParameter { optional string accessor_class = 1; optional SparseSGDRuleParameter sparse_sgd_param = 2; optional DenseSGDRuleParameter dense_sgd_param = 3; optional uint32 fea_dim = 4 [default = 11]; optional uint32 embedx_dim = 5 [default = 8]; optional uint32 embedx_threshold = 6 [default = 10]; optional DownpourTableAccessorParameter downpour_accessor_param = 7; repeated TableAccessorSaveParameter table_accessor_save_param = 8; optional SparseCommonSGDRuleParameter sparse_commonsgd_param = 9; optional SparseCommonSGDRuleParameter embed_sgd_param = 10; optional SparseCommonSGDRuleParameter embedx_sgd_param = 11; } message DownpourTableAccessorParameter { optional float nonclk_coeff = 1 [default = 0.1]; // to calculate show_click_score optional float click_coeff = 2 [default = 1]; // to calculate show_click_score optional float base_threshold = 3 [default = 1.5]; // show_click_score > base_threshold, this feature can be saved optional float delta_threshold = 4 [default = 0.25]; // delta_score > delta_threshold, this feature can be saved optional float delta_keep_days = 5 [default = 16]; // unseen_day < delta_keep_days, this feature can be saved optional float show_click_decay_rate = 6 [default = 0.98]; // show/click will update to show/click * show_click_decay_rate after a day optional float delete_threshold = 7 [default = 0.8]; // threshold to shrink a feasign optional float delete_after_unseen_days = 8 [default = 30]; // unseen_day > delete_after_unseen_days, this feature will be delete in shrink_model optional int32 ssd_unseenday_threshold = 9 [default = 1]; // threshold to save ssd } message TableAccessorSaveParameter { optional uint32 param = 1; optional string converter = 2; optional string deconverter = 3; } enum PsCmdID { PS_PULL_DENSE_TABLE = 0; PS_PUSH_DENSE_TABLE = 1; PS_PULL_SPARSE_TABLE = 2; PS_PUSH_SPARSE_TABLE = 3; PS_SHRINK_TABLE = 4; PS_SAVE_ONE_TABLE = 5; PS_SAVE_ALL_TABLE = 6; PS_LOAD_ONE_TABLE = 7; PS_LOAD_ALL_TABLE = 8; PS_CLEAR_ONE_TABLE = 9; PS_CLEAR_ALL_TABLE = 10; PS_PUSH_DENSE_PARAM = 11; PS_STOP_SERVER = 12; PS_SAVE_ONE_CACHE_TABLE = 13; PS_GET_CACHE_THRESHOLD = 14; PS_CACHE_SHUFFLE = 15; PS_COPY_TABLE = 16; PS_COPY_TABLE_BY_FEASIGN = 17; PS_PULL_SPARSE_TABLE_WITH_DEPENDENCY = 18; PS_PUSH_SPARSE_TABLE_WITH_DEPENDENCY = 19; PS_PRINT_TABLE_STAT = 20; PS_SAVE_ONE_TABLE_PREFIX = 21; PS_SAVE_MEM_CACHE_TABLE = 22; //pserver2pserver cmd start from 100 PS_S2S_MSG = 101; //local_client2local_client cmd start from 200 PS_C2C_PULL_SPARSE_TABLE = 201; } message PsRequestMessage { required uint32 cmd_id = 1; optional uint32 table_id = 2; repeated bytes params = 3; optional int32 client_id = 4; optional bytes data = 5; }; message SparseSGDRuleParameter { optional double learning_rate = 1 [default = 0.05]; optional double initial_g2sum = 2 [default = 3.0]; optional double initial_range = 3 [default = 0.0001]; repeated float weight_bounds = 4; } message SparseCommonSGDRuleParameter { optional string name = 1; optional SparseNaiveSGDRuleParameter naive = 2; optional SparseAdagradSGDRuleParameter adagrad = 3; optional SparseAdamSGDParameter adam = 4; } message SparseNaiveSGDRuleParameter { optional double learning_rate = 1 [default = 0.05]; optional double initial_range = 2 [default = 0.0001]; repeated float weight_bounds = 3; } message SparseAdagradSGDRuleParameter { optional double learning_rate = 1 [default = 0.05]; optional double initial_g2sum = 2 [default = 3.0]; optional double initial_range = 3 [default = 0.0001]; repeated float weight_bounds = 4; } message SparseAdamSGDParameter { optional double learning_rate = 1 [default = 0.001]; optional double initial_range = 2 [default = 0.0001]; optional double beta1_decay_rate = 3 [default = 0.9]; optional double beta2_decay_rate = 4 [default = 0.999]; optional double ada_epsilon = 5 [default = 1e-08]; repeated float weight_bounds = 6; } message DenseSGDRuleParameter { optional string name = 1; optional AdamSGDParameter adam = 2; optional NaiveSGDParameter naive = 3; optional SummarySGDParameter summary = 4; optional MovingAverageRuleParameter moving_average = 5; } message AdamSGDParameter { optional double learning_rate = 1 [default = 5e-06]; // \u5B66\u4E60\u7387 optional double avg_decay_rate = 2 [default = 0.999993]; // avg_weight\u7684\u8870\u51CF\u7CFB\u6570 optional double ada_decay_rate = 3 [default = 0.9999]; optional double ada_epsilon = 4 [default = 1e-08]; optional double mom_decay_rate = 5 [default = 0.99]; } message NaiveSGDParameter { optional double learning_rate = 1 [default = 0.0002]; optional double avg_decay_rate = 2; } message SummarySGDParameter { optional double summary_decay_rate = 1 [default = 0.999999]; // \u6743\u91CD\u7684\u8870\u51CF\u7CFB\u6570 } message MovingAverageRuleParameter { optional double momentum = 1; } message PsResponseMessage { required int32 err_code = 1 [default = 0]; required string err_msg = 2 [default = ""]; optional bytes data = 3; }; service PsService { rpc service(PsRequestMessage) returns (PsResponseMessage); }; message FsClientParameter { enum FsApiType { HDFS = 0; AFS = 1; } optional FsApiType fs_type = 1 [default = HDFS]; optional string uri = 2; //such as afs://tianqi.afs.baidu.com:9902 optional string user = 3; //user_name to access fs optional string passwd = 4; //password optional int32 buffer_size = 5; //buffer for read/write optional string hadoop_bin = 51; optional string afs_conf = 101; }