

namespace paddle


typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Weight>> WeightList
class Weight

Public Functions

Weight(size_t height, size_t width, ParameterPtr parameter)
Weight(size_t height, size_t width, ParameterPtr parameter, size_t offset)
const MatrixPtr &getW()
const MatrixPtr &getWGrad()
const ParameterPtr &getParameterPtr()
void incUpdate(const UpdateCallback &callback)
void setParameterPtr(ParameterPtr param)

Private Members

MatrixPtr weight_
MatrixPtr weightGrad_
ParameterPtr parameter_


namespace paddle
class Regularizer

Subclassed by paddle::L1L2LrRegularizer, paddle::L1L2Regularizer, paddle::L1LrRegularizer, paddle::L1Regularizer, paddle::L2LrRegularizer, paddle::L2Regularizer

Public Functions

virtual void update(const VectorPtr vecs[], const ParameterConfig &paraConfig, real learningRate, int t0, int t) const = 0
virtual ~Regularizer()

Public Static Functions

Regularizer *get(const std::vector<ParameterType> &types, const ParameterConfig &paraConfig)
class L1Regularizer

Inherits from paddle::Regularizer

Private Functions

virtual void update(const VectorPtr vecs[], const ParameterConfig &paraConfig, real learningRate, int t0, int t) const
class L1LrRegularizer

Inherits from paddle::Regularizer

Private Functions

virtual void update(const VectorPtr vecs[], const ParameterConfig &paraConfig, real learningRate, int t0, int t) const
class L2Regularizer

Inherits from paddle::Regularizer

Private Functions

virtual void update(const VectorPtr vecs[], const ParameterConfig &paraConfig, real learningRate, int t0, int t) const
class L2LrRegularizer

Inherits from paddle::Regularizer

Private Functions

virtual void update(const VectorPtr vecs[], const ParameterConfig &paraConfig, real learningRate, int t0, int t) const
class L1L2Regularizer

Inherits from paddle::Regularizer

Private Functions

virtual void update(const VectorPtr vecs[], const ParameterConfig &paraConfig, real learningRate, int t0, int t) const
class L1L2LrRegularizer

Inherits from paddle::Regularizer

Private Functions

virtual void update(const VectorPtr vecs[], const ParameterConfig &paraConfig, real learningRate, int t0, int t) const


namespace paddle


typedef std::shared_ptr<std::vector<void *>> UserDefinedVectorPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> SVectorPtr
struct Argument

Public Functions

Argument(const Argument &argument)
void operator=(const Argument &argument)
void countIncrement()
int getAllCount() const
void waitValueReady() const
void notifyValueReady() const
void waitGradReady() const
void notifyGradReady() const
int64_t getBatchSize() const
size_t getFrameHeight() const
size_t getFrameWidth() const
void setFrameHeight(size_t h)
void setFrameWidth(size_t w)
int64_t getNumSequences() const
int64_t getNumSubSequences() const
bool hasSubseq() const
const int *getCpuStartPositions() const
void subArgFrom(const Argument &input, size_t offset, size_t height, size_t width, bool useGpu, bool trans = false, bool seqFlag = false, size_t seqStart = 0, size_t seqSize = 0)

(value, ids, grad, sequenceStartPositions) of output are subset of input. Note that, output share the same memory of input.

  • input[in] -


  • offset[in] -

    offset in terms of rows

  • height[in] -

    height of output.value

  • width[in] -

    width of output.value

  • useGpu[in] -

  • trans[in] -

    whether input.value is transform

  • seqFlag[in] -

    whether input has sequenceStartPositions

  • seqStart[in] -

    offset of input.sequenceStartPositions

  • seqSize[in] -

    lenght of output.sequenceStartPositions

int32_t resizeAndCopyFrom(const Argument &src, int32_t startSeq, int32_t copySize, bool useGpu, hl_stream_t stream)
int32_t resizeAndCopyFrom(const Argument &src, int32_t startSeq, int32_t copySize, bool useGpu = FLAGS_use_gpu)
void resizeAndCopyFrom(const Argument &src, bool useGpu, hl_stream_t stream)
void resizeAndCopyFrom(const Argument &src, bool useGpu = FLAGS_use_gpu)
void concat(const std::vector<Argument> &args, const std::vector<int> &selectRows, const std::vector<int> &seqStartPos, bool useGpu, hl_stream_t stream, PassType passType)
void concat(const std::vector<Argument> &src, bool useGpu = FLAGS_use_gpu, hl_stream_t stream = HPPL_STREAM_DEFAULT, PassType passType = PASS_TEST)
void getSeqInfo(std::vector<SeqInfo> *segInfo) const
void checkSubset() const
void degradeSequence(const Argument &input, bool useGpu)

Public Members

MatrixPtr in
MatrixPtr value
IVectorPtr ids
MatrixPtr grad
SVectorPtr strs
size_t frameHeight
size_t frameWidth
ICpuGpuVectorPtr sequenceStartPositions
ICpuGpuVectorPtr subSequenceStartPositions
IVectorPtr cpuSequenceDims
UserDefinedVectorPtr udp
int deviceId
int allCount
int valueCount
int gradCount
LockedCondition valueReadyCond
LockedCondition gradReadyCond
int dataId

Public Static Functions

static real sumCosts(const std::vector<Argument> &arguments)
void splitByDataId(const std::vector<Argument> &argus, std::vector<std::vector<Argument>> *arguGroups)
struct SeqInfo

Public Members

int topLevelLength
int seqStart
int seqId
int subLevelLength
int subSeqStart
namespace paddle


typedef std::function<void(Parameter *param)> UpdateCallback
typedef std::function<void(int paramId, Parameter *param)> ParamInitCallback
typedef std::shared_ptr<Parameter> ParameterPtr
typedef std::map<std::string, ParameterPtr> ParameterMap
struct Segment

Public Members

int64_t beginDim
int64_t endDim
int64_t beginPos
class Parameter

Public Types

enum MatType



both value and grad are shared


Now used in BatchNorm in CPU mode.


sparse matrix, which has full size parameter


sparse matrix, parameter size scale by sparse rates.


sparse matrix for prefetching parameter from pserver


same as above, but parameter has full size for saving parameter in local

typedef std::function<void(const VectorPtr vecs[])> ExecFunc

exec a func in single/multi thread. vecs is bufs_ of Parameter, as input of ExecFunc.

Public Functions

Parameter(const ParameterConfig &config, bool useGpu, bool doInit = true)
const std::string &getName() const
size_t getSize() const
bool isFullSize() const
bool useGpu() const
int getDeviceId() const
void setDevice(int deviceId)
size_t getID() const

The id ranges from 0 to the_total_number_of_parameters - 1.

void setID(size_t id)

ID is a implict value created until neural network is built.

bool isStatic() const
void enableSparseParameter()
void enableType(ParameterType type, MatType matType = MAT_NORMAL)

allocate buffer for the give type

void enableBufType(ParameterType type)
void enableIntType(ParameterType type, size_t intStoreSize = 0)
void enableSharedType(ParameterType type, VectorPtr vec, MatrixPtr mat = nullptr)
void enableSharedType(ParameterType type, VectorPtr vec, MatType matType)
bool isGradShared(size_t *blockNum = NULL)

for batchGradientMachine: blockNum is number of partitions of the matrix.

bool isValueShared()
bool isGradSparseUpdate() const
bool isSparseRemoteUpdate() const
const ParameterConfig &getConfig() const
ParameterConfig &getConfig()
bool hasType(ParameterType pType) const
const VectorPtr &getBuf(ParameterType pType) const
const VectorPtr *getBufs() const
const MatrixPtr &getMat(ParameterType pType) const
const IVectorPtr &getIntBuf(ParameterType pType)
void setIntBuf(ParameterType pType, const IVectorPtr &iVec)
SparsePrefetchRowCpuMatrix *getPrefetchMatrix()
float getLearnRate() const
float getInitMean() const
float getInitStandardDeviation() const
void setValueUpdated()
void clearValueUpdated()
bool isValueUpdated() const
void updateWithGradient(real learningRate)


void updateWithGradient(real learningRate, MatrixPtr gradMat, IVectorPtr t0, int currentTime, bool fini = false)

Update bufs_[PARAMETER_VALUE] using sparse row grad matrix.

SparseRowCpuMatrix::sgdUpdate for more information.

void updateWithGradient(real learningRate, VectorPtr grad, bool normalUpdate = true)

This function is used to calculate multiple gpus, but only as a candidate

bool save(const std::string &filename) const

Save parameter value to a file

bool save(std::ostream &s) const

Save parameter to ostream

bool load(const std::string &filename)

Load parameter value from a file

bool load(std::istream &is)

Load parameter from istream

std::vector<Segment> &getGradientSegments()
void incShared()
void incUpdate(const UpdateCallback &callbacks = NULL)

After one of the parameter’s gradient is merged You should call this function to do some additional processing,

void clearGradient()
void initialize()
void randomize()

Initialize the value according to config_: initial_mean, initial_std and initial_strategy.

void zeroMem()

Initialize the value to 0.

void updateHook()

Parameter Update Hook.

The parameter’s update hook before ParameterUpdater::updateImpl It could modify gradient/momentum/etc here. Such as drop some gradient, etc.

void initHook()

Initialize all updater hook.

This method should be invoked in ParameterUpdater::init() only.

void setSharedCount(int cnt)
int getSharedCount()
void singleUpdate(void *data)
bool isSparse()
SparseFormat getFormat()
void exec(ExecFunc func)

Public Static Functions

void randomize(const VectorPtr &value, const ParameterConfig &config)
VectorPtr *getTlsTempBufs()

Public Static Attributes

const int kFormatVersion
const std::string kMissParameterFail
const std::string kMissParameterRand
const std::string kMissParameterZero

Protected Functions

void setMat(ParameterType pType, int matType)

create matrix to matType.

used by gradient machine which needs specify matrix type, instead of creating in weights.cpp.

pType should be enabled already.

bool isUpdatable()
void clearUpdate()

Protected Attributes

ParameterConfig config_
bool useGpu_
int deviceId_

bufs_ stores parameter value and gradient.

Layer should use bufs_[PARAMETER_VALUE] to form weight matrix for calculation and stores gradient to bufs_[PARAMETER_GRADIENT].


Weight matrix for bufs_.

It’s helpfull when parameter shared by multi-layers. Caller should check, if mats exist, do not create it again.


Int vectors, used in some User defined parameter types.

int sharedCount_
int updateCounter_
std::vector<Segment> gradSegments_
bool updated_
SparseFormat format_
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IParameterUpdaterHook>> updaterHooks_

Protected Static Attributes

ThreadLocal<std::vector<VectorPtr>> tlsTempBufs_
struct Header
#include <Parameter.h>

file header structure

Public Members

int32_t version
uint32_t valueSize
uint64_t size
namespace paddle


typedef std::shared_ptr<ParallelParameter> ParallelParameterPtr
typedef void (ParallelParameter::*UpdateFunction)(real learnRate)
typedef std::map<std::string, ParallelParameterPtr> ParallelParameterMap


enum TrainerRole

TrainRole denotes the role of current training, different roles have different jobs.

control, major, minor are three kinds of role to support mutiple GPUs parallel SGD training. SM on GPU card has two groups, each group consist of a major and a minor.

  • single -

    single GPU card single thread training.

  • control -

    current parameter updates via control role, not participate in real training. control role is responsible for merging all major’s gradient and update parameter value.

  • major -

    major role paticipates in real training, when local gradient is ready, merge its corresponding minor’s gradient and notify controller: this group’s gradient is already ready.

  • minor -

    minor role participates in real training, when local gradient is ready, only notify its corresponding major. In order to maximum apportion jobs, after controller updates the paramemter value, each group’s minior reponses to dispatch the latest model into local and major.




class ParallelParameter

Subclassed by paddle::AsyncParameter, paddle::SyncParameter

Public Functions

ParallelParameter(TrainerRole role, ParameterPtr localParam)
virtual ~ParallelParameter()
ParameterPtr getLocalParameter()
bool timeWaitGradReady(int sec)
void waitGradReady()
void postValueReady()
void syncUpdate(TrainerRole role, real learnRate)
virtual void synchronizeParamter() = 0
virtual void singleUpdate(real learnRate)

for synchronous

virtual void controlUpdate(const UpdateCallback &callback)
virtual void majorUpdate(real learnRate)
virtual void minorUpdate(real learnRate)
virtual void slaveUpdate(real learnRate)

for asynchronous

Public Static Functions

ParallelParameterPtr create(TrainerRole role, ParameterPtr localParam, int asyncCount = 1)

Protected Attributes

TrainerRole role_
ParameterPtr localParam_
std::unique_ptr<Semaphore> gradSem_
std::unique_ptr<Semaphore> valueSem_

wether the local parameter-gradient is ready

class SyncParameter
#include <ParallelParameter.h>

this class is designed for multi-threading training.

“Synchronous” means multiple GPUs calculate 1/4 mini-Batch, but will get only one gradient

Inherits from paddle::ParallelParameter

Public Functions

SyncParameter(TrainerRole role, ParameterPtr localParam)
void attachControlParam(ParallelParameterPtr controler)
void attachMajorParam(ParallelParameterPtr partner)
void attachMinorParam(ParallelParameterPtr partner, int deviceId)
void waitAllMajorGradReady()
virtual void synchronizeParamter()
virtual void singleUpdate(real learnRate)

for synchronous

virtual void controlUpdate(const UpdateCallback &callback)
virtual void majorUpdate(real learnRate)
virtual void minorUpdate(real learnRate)
std::vector<ParallelParameterPtr> &getMajorPartners()
std::vector<ParallelParameterPtr> &getMinorPartners()

Private Members

ParameterPtr partnerParam_
std::vector<ParallelParameterPtr> majorPartners_
std::vector<ParallelParameterPtr> minorPartners_
std::vector<int> minorDeviceIds_
ParallelParameterPtr controlParam_
class AsyncParameter

Inherits from paddle::ParallelParameter

Public Functions

AsyncParameter(TrainerRole role, int asyncCount, ParameterPtr localParam)
void clearCounter()
VectorPtr getAccum()
virtual void synchronizeParamter()
virtual void slaveUpdate(real learnRate)

When asynchronous training, update strategy including slave and master.

slave: If in range asyncCount, adopting self-update method. If beyond asyncCount, waiting for master to update.

bool masterUpdate(ParallelParameterPtr slaveParam, const UpdateCallback &callback)

When asynchronous training, update strategy including slave and master.

master: it only polls slaves, do not training data. If slave’s gradient is ready, fetch it. Update master’s parameter, then copy it into corresponding slave.

Private Members

VectorPtr gradientAccum_

When asynchronous training, every aysnc trainer needs to accumulate a number of batch gradient.

gradientAccum_ is used to save the sum of gradients.

int asyncCount_

Asynchronous count.

int accumCounter_

Accumulate counter of current gradients.