// Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "paddle/phi/kernels/roi_align_kernel.h" #include "paddle/phi/backends/cpu/cpu_context.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/kernel_registry.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/empty_kernel.h" namespace phi { constexpr size_t GetOffset(size_t x, size_t y, size_t width) { return y * width + x; } template struct OffsetsAndRatios { OffsetsAndRatios() = default; OffsetsAndRatios(std::size_t xy, std::size_t xY, std::size_t Xy, std::size_t XY, T xy_ratio, T xY_ratio, T Xy_ratio, T XY_ratio) : xy(xy), xY(xY), Xy(Xy), XY(XY), xy_ratio(xy_ratio), xY_ratio(xY_ratio), Xy_ratio(Xy_ratio), XY_ratio(XY_ratio) {} std::size_t xy = 0; std::size_t xY = 0; std::size_t Xy = 0; std::size_t XY = 0; T xy_ratio = 0.0f; T xY_ratio = 0.0f; T Xy_ratio = 0.0f; T XY_ratio = 0.0f; }; template std::vector> GetIndexesAndRatios( std::size_t width, std::size_t height, const T roi_width, const T roi_height, const T roi_xmin, const T roi_ymin, std::size_t pooled_width, std::size_t roi_bin_grid_w, std::size_t pooled_height, std::size_t roi_bin_grid_h) { const auto ind_num = pooled_width * roi_bin_grid_w * pooled_height * roi_bin_grid_h; std::vector> interpolation_cords; interpolation_cords.reserve(ind_num); const auto bin_w = roi_width / pooled_width; const auto bin_h = roi_height / pooled_height; for (std::size_t py = 0; py < pooled_height; py++) { for (std::size_t px = 0; px < pooled_width; px++) { for (std::size_t iy = 0; iy < roi_bin_grid_h; iy++) { // calculate x of sample points auto y = roi_ymin + bin_h * (py + static_cast(iy + .5f) / static_cast(roi_bin_grid_h)); for (std::size_t ix = 0; ix < roi_bin_grid_w; ix++) { // calculate x of sample points auto x = roi_xmin + bin_w * (px + static_cast(ix + .5f) / static_cast(roi_bin_grid_w)); // deal with elements out of map if (y < -1.0 || y > height || x < -1.0 || x > width) { interpolation_cords.emplace_back(); continue; } y = y <= 0 ? 0 : y; x = x <= 0 ? 0 : x; std::size_t x_low_index = static_cast(x); std::size_t x_high_index; if (x_low_index >= width - 1) { x_high_index = x_low_index = width - 1; x = static_cast(x_low_index); } else { x_high_index = x_low_index + 1; } T x_ratio = x_high_index - x; std::size_t y_low_index = static_cast(y); std::size_t y_high_index; if (y_low_index >= height - 1) { y_high_index = y_low_index = height - 1; y = static_cast(y_low_index); } else { y_high_index = y_low_index + 1; } T y_ratio = y_high_index - y; auto xy = GetOffset(x_low_index, y_low_index, width); auto xY = GetOffset(x_low_index, y_high_index, width); auto Xy = GetOffset(x_high_index, y_low_index, width); auto XY = GetOffset(x_high_index, y_high_index, width); auto xy_ratio = x_ratio * y_ratio; auto xY_ratio = x_ratio * (1 - y_ratio); auto Xy_ratio = (1 - x_ratio) * y_ratio; auto XY_ratio = (1 - x_ratio) * (1 - y_ratio); interpolation_cords.emplace_back( xy, xY, Xy, XY, xy_ratio, xY_ratio, Xy_ratio, XY_ratio); } } } } return interpolation_cords; } template void Interpolate(std::vector& interpolated_values, // NOLINT const std::vector>& interpolation_cords, const T* data) { for (auto& ic : interpolation_cords) { auto xlyl_offset = ic.xy; auto xhyl_offset = ic.Xy; auto xlyh_offset = ic.xY; auto xhyh_offset = ic.XY; auto xlyl_ratio = ic.xy_ratio; auto xhyl_ratio = ic.Xy_ratio; auto xlyh_ratio = ic.xY_ratio; auto xhyh_ratio = ic.XY_ratio; interpolated_values.emplace_back( xlyl_ratio * data[xlyl_offset] + xhyl_ratio * data[xhyl_offset] + xlyh_ratio * data[xlyh_offset] + xhyh_ratio * data[xhyh_offset]); } } template void AvgPool(const std::vector& interpolated_values, T* output_data, int roi_bin_grid_w, int roi_bin_grid_h, int pooled_width, int pooled_height) { const auto data_amount = pooled_width * pooled_height; const auto grid_points = roi_bin_grid_w * roi_bin_grid_h; const T count = 1.0 / grid_points; auto val_begin = interpolated_values.cbegin(); for (auto i = 0; i < data_amount; ++i) { T sum = 0.0; auto val_end = val_begin + grid_points; sum = std::accumulate(val_begin, val_end, sum); val_begin = val_end; output_data[i] = sum * count; } } template void ROIAlignKernel(const Context& dev_ctx, const DenseTensor& x, const DenseTensor& boxes, paddle::optional boxes_num, int pooled_height, int pooled_width, float spatial_scale, int sampling_ratio, bool aligned, DenseTensor* out) { auto in_dims = x.dims(); int batch_size = in_dims[0]; int channels = in_dims[1]; int height = in_dims[2]; int width = in_dims[3]; int rois_num = boxes.dims()[0]; auto in_stride = phi::stride(in_dims); auto roi_stride = phi::stride(boxes.dims()); auto out_stride = phi::stride(out->dims()); const T* input_data = x.data(); DenseTensor roi_batch_id_list = Empty(dev_ctx, {rois_num}); int* roi_batch_id_data = roi_batch_id_list.data(); int boxes_batch_size; if (boxes_num) { boxes_batch_size = boxes_num->numel(); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( boxes_batch_size, batch_size, errors::InvalidArgument( "The batch size of rois and the batch size of images " " must be the same. But received the batch size of rois is %d, " "and the batch size of images is %d", boxes_batch_size, batch_size)); auto* boxes_num_data = boxes_num->data(); int start = 0; for (int n = 0; n < boxes_batch_size; ++n) { for (int i = start; i < start + boxes_num_data[n]; ++i) { roi_batch_id_data[i] = n; } start += boxes_num_data[n]; } } else { auto lod = boxes.lod(); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( lod.empty(), false, errors::InvalidArgument("Input(ROIs) Tensor of ROIAlignOp " "does not contain LoD information.")); auto boxes_lod = lod.back(); int boxes_batch_size = boxes_lod.size() - 1; PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( boxes_batch_size, batch_size, errors::InvalidArgument( "The boxes_batch_size and imgs " "batch_size must be the same. But received boxes_batch_size = %d, " "batch_size = %d", boxes_batch_size, batch_size)); int boxes_num_with_lod = boxes_lod[boxes_batch_size]; PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( rois_num, boxes_num_with_lod, errors::InvalidArgument( "The actual number of rois and the number of rois " "provided from Input(RoIsLoD) in RoIAlign must be the same." " But received actual number of rois is %d, and the number " "of rois from RoIsLoD is %d", rois_num, boxes_num_with_lod)); for (int n = 0; n < boxes_batch_size; ++n) { for (std::size_t i = boxes_lod[n]; i < boxes_lod[n + 1]; ++i) { roi_batch_id_data[i] = n; } } } T* output_data = dev_ctx.template Alloc(out); const T* boxes_data = boxes.data(); T roi_offset = aligned ? T(0.5) : 0; for (int n = 0; n < rois_num; ++n) { int roi_batch_id = roi_batch_id_data[n]; T roi_xmin = boxes_data[0] * spatial_scale - roi_offset; T roi_ymin = boxes_data[1] * spatial_scale - roi_offset; T roi_xmax = boxes_data[2] * spatial_scale - roi_offset; T roi_ymax = boxes_data[3] * spatial_scale - roi_offset; T roi_width = roi_xmax - roi_xmin; T roi_height = roi_ymax - roi_ymin; if (!aligned) { roi_width = std::max(roi_width, static_cast(1.)); roi_height = std::max(roi_height, static_cast(1.)); } const T* batch_data = input_data + roi_batch_id * in_stride[0]; int roi_bin_grid_h = (sampling_ratio > 0) ? sampling_ratio : ceil(roi_height / pooled_height); int roi_bin_grid_w = (sampling_ratio > 0) ? sampling_ratio : ceil(roi_width / pooled_width); auto interpolation_cords = GetIndexesAndRatios(width, height, roi_width, roi_height, roi_xmin, roi_ymin, pooled_width, roi_bin_grid_w, pooled_height, roi_bin_grid_h); std::vector interpolated_values; interpolated_values.reserve(interpolation_cords.size()); for (auto channel = 0; channel < channels; ++channel) { Interpolate(interpolated_values, interpolation_cords, batch_data); AvgPool(interpolated_values, output_data, roi_bin_grid_w, roi_bin_grid_h, pooled_width, pooled_height); batch_data += in_stride[1]; output_data += out_stride[1]; interpolated_values.clear(); } boxes_data += roi_stride[0]; } } } // namespace phi PD_REGISTER_KERNEL( roi_align, CPU, ALL_LAYOUT, phi::ROIAlignKernel, float, double, int) {}