# Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from .attribute import rank # noqa: F401 from .attribute import shape # noqa: F401 from .attribute import real # noqa: F401 from .attribute import imag # noqa: F401 from .creation import to_tensor # noqa: F401 from .creation import diag # noqa: F401 from .creation import diagflat # noqa: F401 from .creation import eye # noqa: F401 from .creation import linspace # noqa: F401 from .creation import ones # noqa: F401 from .creation import ones_like # noqa: F401 from .creation import zeros # noqa: F401 from .creation import zeros_like # noqa: F401 from .creation import arange # noqa: F401 from .creation import full # noqa: F401 from .creation import full_like # noqa: F401 from .creation import triu # noqa: F401 from .creation import tril # noqa: F401 from .creation import meshgrid # noqa: F401 from .creation import empty # noqa: F401 from .creation import empty_like # noqa: F401 from .linalg import matmul # noqa: F401 from .linalg import dot # noqa: F401 from .linalg import norm # noqa: F401 from .linalg import cond # noqa: F401 from .linalg import transpose # noqa: F401 from .linalg import dist # noqa: F401 from .linalg import t # noqa: F401 from .linalg import cross # noqa: F401 from .linalg import cholesky # noqa: F401 from .linalg import bmm # noqa: F401 from .linalg import histogram # noqa: F401 from .linalg import bincount # noqa: F401 from .linalg import mv # noqa: F401 from .linalg import eig # noqa: F401 from .linalg import matrix_power # noqa: F401 from .linalg import qr # noqa: F401 from .linalg import eigvals # noqa: F401 from .linalg import multi_dot # noqa: F401 from .linalg import svd # noqa: F401 from .linalg import eigvalsh # noqa: F401 from .linalg import eigh # noqa: F401 from .linalg import pinv # noqa: F401 from .linalg import solve # noqa: F401 from .logic import equal # noqa: F401 from .logic import greater_equal # noqa: F401 from .logic import greater_than # noqa: F401 from .logic import is_empty # noqa: F401 from .logic import less_equal # noqa: F401 from .logic import less_than # noqa: F401 from .logic import logical_and # noqa: F401 from .logic import logical_not # noqa: F401 from .logic import logical_or # noqa: F401 from .logic import logical_xor # noqa: F401 from .logic import bitwise_and # noqa: F401 from .logic import bitwise_or # noqa: F401 from .logic import bitwise_xor # noqa: F401 from .logic import bitwise_not # noqa: F401 from .logic import not_equal # noqa: F401 from .logic import allclose # noqa: F401 from .logic import isclose # noqa: F401 from .logic import equal_all # noqa: F401 from .logic import is_tensor # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import cast # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import concat # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import expand # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import broadcast_to # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import broadcast_tensors # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import expand_as # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import tile # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import flatten # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import flatten_ # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import gather # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import gather_nd # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import reshape # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import reshape_ # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import flip as reverse # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import scatter # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import scatter_ # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import scatter_nd_add # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import scatter_nd # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import shard_index # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import slice # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import split # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import squeeze # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import squeeze_ # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import stack # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import strided_slice # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import unique # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import unique_consecutive # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import unsqueeze # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import unsqueeze_ # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import unstack # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import flip # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import unbind # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import roll # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import chunk # noqa: F401 from .manipulation import tensordot # noqa: F401 from .math import abs # noqa: F401 from .math import acos # noqa: F401 from .math import asin # noqa: F401 from .math import atan # noqa: F401 from .math import ceil # noqa: F401 from .math import ceil_ # noqa: F401 from .math import cos # noqa: F401 from .math import tan # noqa: F401 from .math import cosh # noqa: F401 from .math import cumsum # noqa: F401 from .math import cumprod # noqa: F401 from .math import exp # noqa: F401 from .math import exp_ # noqa: F401 from .math import expm1 # noqa: F401 from .math import floor # noqa: F401 from .math import floor_ # noqa: F401 from .math import increment # noqa: F401 from .math import log # noqa: F401 from .math import multiplex # noqa: F401 from .math import pow # noqa: F401 from .math import reciprocal # noqa: F401 from .math import reciprocal_ # noqa: F401 from .math import round # noqa: F401 from .math import round_ # noqa: F401 from .math import rsqrt # noqa: F401 from .math import rsqrt_ # noqa: F401 from .math import scale # noqa: F401 from .math import scale_ # noqa: F401 from .math import sign # noqa: F401 from .math import sin # noqa: F401 from .math import sinh # noqa: F401 from .math import sqrt # noqa: F401 from .math import sqrt_ # noqa: F401 from .math import square # noqa: F401 from .math import stanh # noqa: F401 from .math import sum # noqa: F401 from .math import tanh # noqa: F401 from .math import tanh_ # noqa: F401 from .math import add_n # noqa: F401 from .math import max # noqa: F401 from .math import maximum # noqa: F401 from .math import min # noqa: F401 from .math import minimum # noqa: F401 from .math import mm # noqa: F401 from .math import divide # noqa: F401 from .math import floor_divide # noqa: F401 from .math import remainder # noqa: F401 from .math import mod # noqa: F401 from .math import floor_mod # noqa: F401 from .math import multiply # noqa: F401 from .math import add # noqa: F401 from .math import add_ # noqa: F401 from .math import subtract # noqa: F401 from .math import subtract_ # noqa: F401 from .math import atan2 # noqa: F401 from .math import logsumexp # noqa: F401 from .math import inverse # noqa: F401 from .math import log2 # noqa: F401 from .math import log10 # noqa: F401 from .math import log1p # noqa: F401 from .math import erf # noqa: F401 from .math import addmm # noqa: F401 from .math import clip # noqa: F401 from .math import clip_ # noqa: F401 from .math import trace # noqa: F401 from .math import kron # noqa: F401 from .math import isfinite # noqa: F401 from .math import isinf # noqa: F401 from .math import isnan # noqa: F401 from .math import prod # noqa: F401 from .math import all # noqa: F401 from .math import any # noqa: F401 from .math import broadcast_shape # noqa: F401 from .math import conj # noqa: F401 from .math import trunc # noqa: F401 from .math import digamma # noqa: F401 from .math import neg # noqa: F401 from .math import lgamma # noqa: F401 from .math import diagonal # noqa: F401 from .math import diff # noqa: F401 from .random import multinomial # noqa: F401 from .random import standard_normal # noqa: F401 from .random import normal # noqa: F401 from .random import uniform # noqa: F401 from .random import uniform_ # noqa: F401 from .random import randn # noqa: F401 from .random import rand # noqa: F401 from .random import randint # noqa: F401 from .random import randint_like # noqa: F401 from .random import randperm # noqa: F401 from .search import argmax # noqa: F401 from .search import argmin # noqa: F401 from .search import argsort # noqa: F401 from .search import searchsorted # noqa: F401 from .search import topk # noqa: F401 from .search import where # noqa: F401 from .search import index_select # noqa: F401 from .search import nonzero # noqa: F401 from .search import sort # noqa: F401 from .search import index_sample # noqa: F401 from .search import masked_select # noqa: F401 from .stat import mean # noqa: F401 from .stat import std # noqa: F401 from .stat import var # noqa: F401 from .stat import numel # noqa: F401 from .stat import median # noqa: F401 from .to_string import set_printoptions # noqa: F401 from .array import array_length # noqa: F401 from .array import array_read # noqa: F401 from .array import array_write # noqa: F401 from .array import create_array # noqa: F401 from .einsum import einsum # noqa: F401 #this list used in math_op_patch.py for _binary_creator_ tensor_method_func = [ #noqa 'matmul', 'dot', 'norm', 'cond', 'transpose', 'dist', 't', 'cross', 'cholesky', 'bmm', 'histogram', 'bincount', 'mv', 'matrix_power', 'qr', 'eigvals', 'eigvalsh', 'abs', 'acos', 'all', 'any', 'asin', 'atan', 'ceil', 'ceil_', 'cos', 'cosh', 'cumsum', 'cumprod', 'exp', 'exp_', 'floor', 'floor_', 'increment', 'log', 'log2', 'log10', 'logsumexp', 'multiplex', 'pow', 'prod', 'reciprocal', 'reciprocal_', 'round', 'round_', 'rsqrt', 'rsqrt_', 'scale', 'scale_', 'sign', 'sin', 'sinh', 'sqrt', 'sqrt_', 'square', 'stanh', 'sum', 'tanh', 'tanh_', 'add_n', 'max', 'maximum', 'min', 'minimum', 'mm', 'divide', 'floor_divide', 'remainder', 'mod', 'floor_mod', 'multiply', 'add', 'add_', 'subtract', 'subtract_', 'atan', 'logsumexp', 'inverse', 'log1p', 'erf', 'addmm', 'clip', 'clip_', 'trace', 'kron', 'isfinite', 'isinf', 'isnan', 'broadcast_shape', 'conj', 'neg', 'lgamma', 'equal', 'equal_all', 'greater_equal', 'greater_than', 'is_empty', 'less_equal', 'less_than', 'logical_and', 'logical_not', 'logical_or', 'logical_xor', 'not_equal', 'allclose', 'isclose', 'is_tensor', 'cast', 'concat', 'expand', 'broadcast_to', 'expand_as', 'flatten', 'flatten_', 'gather', 'gather_nd', 'reshape', 'reshape_', 'reverse', 'scatter', 'scatter_', 'scatter_nd_add', 'scatter_nd', 'shard_index', 'slice', 'split', 'chunk', 'tensordot', 'squeeze', 'squeeze_', 'stack', 'strided_slice', 'transpose', 'unique', 'unique_consecutive', 'unsqueeze', 'unsqueeze_', 'unstack', 'flip', 'unbind', 'roll', 'tile', 'argmax', 'argmin', 'argsort', 'masked_select', 'topk', 'where', 'index_select', 'nonzero', 'sort', 'index_sample', 'mean', 'std', 'var', 'numel', 'median', 'rank', 'shape', 'real', 'imag', 'digamma', 'diagonal', 'trunc', 'bitwise_and', 'bitwise_or', 'bitwise_xor', 'bitwise_not', 'broadcast_tensors', 'eig', 'uniform_', 'multi_dot', 'solve', 'triangular_solve', 'diff' ] #this list used in math_op_patch.py for magic_method bind magic_method_func = [ ('__and__', 'bitwise_and'), ('__or__', 'bitwise_or'), ('__xor__', 'bitwise_xor'), ('__invert__', 'bitwise_not'), ]