if (NOT (WITH_NCCL OR WITH_RCCL)) return() endif() if(WITH_GPU AND NOT WIN32) nv_library(nccl_common SRCS nccl_gpu_common.cc DEPS device_context operator ) endif() if(WITH_ROCM AND NOT WIN32) hip_library(nccl_common SRCS nccl_gpu_common.cc DEPS device_context operator ) endif() if(WITH_GPU OR WITH_ROCM) op_library(nccl_op DEPS nccl_common) file(APPEND ${pybind_file} "USE_CUDA_ONLY_OP(ncclAllReduce);\n") set(OPERATOR_DEPS ${OPERATOR_DEPS} nccl_common PARENT_SCOPE) endif() if(WITH_GPU AND NOT WIN32) nv_test(nccl_op_test SRCS nccl_op_test.cu.cc DEPS nccl_op gpu_info device_context) endif() if(WITH_ROCM AND NOT WIN32) hip_test(nccl_op_test SRCS nccl_op_test.cu.cc DEPS nccl_op gpu_info device_context) endif()