# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import copy import os import numpy as np import paddle import paddle.nn.quant.quant_layers as quant_layers from paddle.fluid.log_helper import get_logger from paddle.fluid.dygraph.io import INFER_MODEL_SUFFIX, INFER_PARAMS_SUFFIX from . import fuse_utils from . import utils from . import ptq_hooks from . import ptq_config from . import ptq_quantizer from .ptq_registry import PTQRegistry __all__ = ['ImperativePTQ'] _logger = get_logger( __name__, logging.INFO, fmt='%(asctime)s-%(levelname)s: %(message)s' ) class ImperativePTQ(object): """ Static post training quantization. """ def __init__(self, quant_config=ptq_config.default_ptq_config): """ Constructor. Args: quant_config(PTQConfig): the config of post training quantization. The config has weight_quantizer and activation_quantizer. In default, the weight_quantizer is PerChannelAbsmaxQuantizer and the activation_quantizer is KLQuantizer. """ super(ImperativePTQ, self).__init__() assert isinstance(quant_config, ptq_config.PTQConfig) self._quant_config = quant_config def quantize(self, model, inplace=False, fuse=False, fuse_list=None): """ Add quant config and hook to the target layer. Args: model(paddle.nn.Layer): The model to be quantized. inplace(bool): Whether apply quantization to the input model. Default: False. fuse(bool): Whether to fuse layers. Default: False. fuse_list(list): The layers' names to be fused. For example, "fuse_list = [["conv1", "bn1"], ["conv2", "bn2"]]". A TypeError would be raised if "fuse" was set as True but "fuse_list" was None. Default: None. Return quantized_model(paddle.nn.Layer): The quantized model. """ assert isinstance( model, paddle.nn.Layer ), "The model must be the instance of paddle.nn.Layer." if not inplace: model = copy.deepcopy(model) if fuse: model.eval() model = fuse_utils.fuse_layers(model, fuse_list) for name, layer in model.named_sublayers(): if ( PTQRegistry.is_supported_layer(layer) and utils.is_leaf_layer(layer) and not self._is_skip_layer(layer) ): # Add quant config quant_config = copy.deepcopy(self._quant_config) if PTQRegistry.is_simulated_quant_layer(layer): quant_config.enable_in_act_quantizer = True layer._quant_config = quant_config # register hook hook = ptq_hooks.quant_forward_post_hook quant_hook_handle = layer.register_forward_post_hook(hook) quant_config.quant_hook_handle = quant_hook_handle layer._forward_post_hooks.move_to_end( quant_hook_handle._hook_id, last=False ) return model def save_quantized_model(self, model, path, input_spec=None, **config): """ 1. Convert the quantized model 2. Call jit.save to save the inference model 3. Post process the inference model. Args: model (Layer): The model to be saved. path (str): The path prefix to save model. The format is ``dirname/file_prefix`` or ``file_prefix``. input_spec (list[InputSpec|Tensor], optional): Describes the input of the saved model's forward method, which can be described by InputSpec or example Tensor. If None, all input variables of the original Layer's forward method would be the inputs of the saved model. Default None. **config (dict, optional): Other save configuration options for compatibility. We do not recommend using these configurations, they may be removed in the future. If not necessary, DO NOT use them. Default None. The following options are currently supported: (1) output_spec (list[Tensor]): Selects the output targets of the saved model. By default, all return variables of original Layer's forward method are kept as the output of the saved model. If the provided ``output_spec`` list is not all output variables, the saved model will be pruned according to the given ``output_spec`` list. Returns: None """ assert isinstance( model, paddle.nn.Layer ), "The model must be the instance of paddle.nn.Layer." # Convert and save dygraph quantized model self._convert(model) paddle.jit.save(layer=model, path=path, input_spec=input_spec, **config) # Load inference program is_dynamic_mode = False if paddle.in_dynamic_mode(): is_dynamic_mode = True paddle.enable_static() place = paddle.CPUPlace() scope = paddle.static.global_scope() exe = paddle.static.Executor(place) dirname = os.path.dirname(path) basename = os.path.basename(path) model_filename = basename + INFER_MODEL_SUFFIX params_filename = basename + INFER_PARAMS_SUFFIX [ infer_program, feed_target_names, fetch_targets, ] = paddle.fluid.io.load_inference_model( dirname=dirname, executor=exe, model_filename=model_filename, params_filename=params_filename, ) # Process inference program self._clean_up(infer_program) self._gather_input_thresholds(infer_program, scope) self._remove_scale_op(infer_program) # Save final program paddle.fluid.io.save_inference_model( dirname=dirname, feeded_var_names=feed_target_names, target_vars=fetch_targets, executor=exe, main_program=infer_program.clone(), model_filename=model_filename, params_filename=params_filename, ) if is_dynamic_mode: paddle.disable_static() def _convert(self, model): """ Convert the quantized model. Args: model(paddle.nn.Layer): The quantized model. inplace(bool): Whether apply conversion to the input model. Default: False. Returns: None """ for name, sub_layer in model.named_sublayers(): if self._is_quant_layer(sub_layer): sub_layer._quant_config.quant_hook_handle.remove() self._cal_thresholds(model) for name, sub_layer in model.named_sublayers(): if self._is_quant_layer(sub_layer): self._save_output_thresholds(sub_layer, sub_layer._quant_config) self._wrap_simulated_layers(model) def _cal_thresholds(self, model): """ Calculate the thresholds of inputs and outputs. Args: model(paddle.nn.Layer): The quantized model. Returns: None """ assert isinstance( model, paddle.nn.Layer ), "The input model must be the instance of paddle.nn.Layer." total_num = 0 cur_num = 0 for name, sub_layer in model.named_sublayers(): if self._is_quant_layer(sub_layer): total_num += 1 for name, sub_layer in model.named_sublayers(): if self._is_quant_layer(sub_layer): cur_num += 1 if cur_num % 5 == 0: _logger.info( "Process the %s / %s layer" % (cur_num, total_num) ) quant_config = sub_layer._quant_config if quant_config.enable_in_act_quantizer: quant_config.in_act_quantizer.cal_thresholds() quant_config.out_act_quantizer.cal_thresholds() if PTQRegistry.is_simulated_quant_layer(sub_layer): weights = (sub_layer.weight,) quant_config.wt_quantizer.sample_data(sub_layer, weights) quant_config.wt_quantizer.cal_thresholds() def _save_output_thresholds(self, sub_layer, quant_config): """ Save the output thresholds to the layer. Args: sub_layer(paddle.nn.Layer): The quantized layer. quant_config(PTQConfig): the quant config for the layer. Returns: None """ assert isinstance( sub_layer, paddle.nn.Layer ), "The input model must be the instance of paddle.nn.Layer." layer_info = PTQRegistry.layer_info(sub_layer) output_names = layer_info.output_names output_thresholds = quant_config.out_act_quantizer.thresholds assert len(output_names) == 1 if len(output_thresholds) == 1: save_name = output_names[0] + str(0) + "_threshold" sub_layer._set_op_attrs({save_name: output_thresholds[0]}) sub_layer._set_op_attrs({"out_threshold": output_thresholds[0]}) else: _logger.warning( "output_thresholds shape of {} need to be 1, but received {}".format( output_names[0], len(output_thresholds) ) ) def _wrap_simulated_layers(self, model): """ Replace conv2d and linear with the quantized layers, and save thresholds into the fake layers. Args: model(paddle.nn.Layer): The model to be quantized. Returns: None """ assert isinstance( model, paddle.nn.Layer ), "The input model must be the instance of paddle.nn.Layer." for name, sub_layer in model.named_sublayers(): if self._is_quant_layer( sub_layer ) and PTQRegistry.is_simulated_quant_layer(sub_layer): quant_config = sub_layer._quant_config assert quant_config.enable_in_act_quantizer == True wt_quantizer = quant_config.wt_quantizer in_act_quantizer = quant_config.in_act_quantizer # create layer quant_layer_name = None for key, value in utils.layer_name_map.items(): if isinstance(sub_layer, value): quant_layer_name = 'Quantized' + key break assert quant_layer_name is not None if isinstance(wt_quantizer, ptq_quantizer.AbsmaxQuantizer): weight_quantize_type = "abs_max" else: weight_quantize_type = "channel_wise_abs_max" kwargs = { "weight_quantize_type": weight_quantize_type, "activation_quantize_type": "moving_average_abs_max", "weight_bits": wt_quantizer.quant_bits, "activation_bits": in_act_quantizer.quant_bits, } quant_layer = quant_layers.__dict__[quant_layer_name]( sub_layer, **kwargs ) # save the input thresholds assert hasattr(quant_layer, "_fake_quant_input") assert hasattr(quant_layer._fake_quant_input, "_scale") if len(in_act_quantizer.thresholds) == 1: input_threshold = np.array( [in_act_quantizer.thresholds[0]], dtype=np.float32 ) quant_layer._fake_quant_input._scale.set_value( input_threshold ) assert hasattr(quant_layer, "_fake_quant_weight") assert hasattr(quant_layer._fake_quant_weight, "_scale") assert len(wt_quantizer.thresholds) == 1 weight_threshold = wt_quantizer.thresholds[0] if isinstance(weight_threshold, list): weight_threshold = np.array( weight_threshold, dtype=np.float32 ) else: weight_threshold = np.array( [weight_threshold], dtype=np.float32 ) quant_layer._fake_quant_weight._scale.set_value( weight_threshold ) # save the output thresholds self._save_output_thresholds(quant_layer, quant_config) # replace the layer parent_layer, sub_name = utils.find_parent_layer_and_sub_name( model, name ) setattr(parent_layer, sub_name, quant_layer) def _gather_input_thresholds(self, program, scope): """ Get and save input thresholds from the front ops. Args: program(Program): the input infer program. scope(Scope): the corresponding scope for the program. Returns: None """ for op in utils.program_all_ops(program): for in_var_name in utils._get_op_input_var_names(op): previous_op = utils.find_previous_op(op.block, in_var_name) if previous_op is None: continue if ( "quantize_dequantize" in previous_op.type or previous_op.type == "moving_average_abs_max_scale" ): attr_name = previous_op.output('OutScale')[0] in_threshold = utils.load_variable_data(scope, attr_name) in_threshold = utils.fp_numpy_to_naive(in_threshold) argname, index = utils._get_input_name_index( op, in_var_name ) op._set_attr( argname + str(index) + "_threshold", in_threshold ) op._set_attr("with_quant_attr", True) else: for out_var_name in utils._get_op_output_var_names( previous_op ): if out_var_name != in_var_name: continue argname, index = utils._get_output_name_index( previous_op, out_var_name ) attr_name = argname + str(index) + "_threshold" if not previous_op.has_attr(attr_name): continue threshold = previous_op.attr(attr_name) argname, index = utils._get_input_name_index( op, in_var_name ) attr_name = argname + str(index) + "_threshold" op._set_attr(attr_name, threshold) op._set_attr("with_quant_attr", True) def _clean_up(self, program): """ Remove useless thresholds which are added in jit.save. Args: program(Program): the input infer program. Returns: None """ def _helper(op, next_op, old_attr_name, new_attr_name): if ( op.has_attr(old_attr_name) and next_op.has_attr(old_attr_name) and op.attr(old_attr_name) == next_op.attr(old_attr_name) ): threshold = op.attr(old_attr_name) op._remove_attr(old_attr_name) next_op._remove_attr(old_attr_name) next_op._set_attr(new_attr_name, threshold) next_op._set_attr("with_quant_attr", True) for op in utils.program_all_ops(program): if "quantize_dequantize" in op.type: # remove the thresholds in fake ops for attr_name in op.attr_names: if "_threshold" in attr_name: op._remove_attr(attr_name) elif op.type in ["conv2d", "matmul"]: # change the thresholds in conv2d/matmul + eleadd arg_name = "Output" if op.type == "conv2d" else "Out" out_var_name = op.output(arg_name)[0] next_ops = utils.find_next_ops(op.block, out_var_name) if len(next_ops) > 1 or next_ops[0].type != "elementwise_add": continue next_op = next_ops[0] argname, index = utils._get_output_name_index(op, out_var_name) old_attr_name = argname + str(index) + "_threshold" argname, index = utils._get_output_name_index( next_op, next_op.output("Out")[0] ) new_attr_name = argname + str(index) + "_threshold" _helper(op, next_op, old_attr_name, new_attr_name) _helper(op, next_op, "out_threshold", "out_threshold") def _remove_scale_op(self, program): """ Remove the moving_average_abs_max_scale op. """ for op in utils.program_all_ops(program): if op.type == "moving_average_abs_max_scale": in_var_name = op.input("X")[0] out_var_name = op.output("Out")[0] next_ops = utils.find_next_ops(op.block, out_var_name) for next_op in next_ops: next_op._rename_input(out_var_name, in_var_name) @staticmethod def _is_skip_layer(layer): return hasattr(layer, "skip_quant") and layer.skip_quant == True @staticmethod def _is_quant_layer(layer): return hasattr(layer, "_quant_config")