// Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #pragma once #include // for sqrt in CPU and CUDA #include #include #include #include #include #include "gflags/gflags.h" #include "paddle/fluid/distributed/common/utils.h" namespace paddle { namespace distributed { // dense optimzier // TODO(tangwei12) integrate with sparse optimzer later. class DenseOptimizer { public: DenseOptimizer() {} explicit DenseOptimizer(const CommonAccessorParameter& accessor, std::vector>* values) {} virtual void Update(const float* update_values, size_t num, int begin, int end) = 0; virtual void SetGlobalLR(float* lr) { global_learning_rate_ = lr; } protected: float* global_learning_rate_; }; // sum calc for dense tensor class DSUM : public DenseOptimizer { public: explicit DSUM(const CommonAccessorParameter& accessor, std::vector>* values) { auto& names = accessor.params(); for (int x = 0; x < static_cast(names.size()); ++x) { if (names[x] == "Param") { param = (*values)[x].data(); } } } void Update(const float* update_values, size_t num, int begin, int end) override { auto update_numel = end - begin; GetBlas().VADD(update_numel, update_values + begin, param + begin, param + begin); } float* param; }; // sgd optimizer for dense tensor class DSGD : public DenseOptimizer { public: explicit DSGD(const CommonAccessorParameter& accessor, std::vector>* values) { auto& names = accessor.params(); for (int x = 0; x < static_cast(names.size()); ++x) { if (names[x] == "LearningRate") { learning_rate = (*values)[x].data(); } if (names[x] == "Param") { param = (*values)[x].data(); } } } void Update(const float* update_values, size_t num, int begin, int end) override { auto update_numel = end - begin; std::vector grads; grads.resize(update_numel); auto blas = GetBlas(); float lr = *(global_learning_rate_) * (*learning_rate); blas.VCOPY(update_numel, update_values + begin, grads.data()); blas.SCAL(update_numel, lr, grads.data()); blas.VSUB(update_numel, param + begin, grads.data(), param + begin); } float* learning_rate; float* param; }; // adam optimizer for dense tensor // TODO(zhaocaibei123): add CHECK(common_dense_table.task_pool_size_) == 1 class DAdam : public DenseOptimizer { public: explicit DAdam(const CommonAccessorParameter& accessor, std::vector>* values) { auto& names = accessor.params(); for (int x = 0; x < static_cast(names.size()); ++x) { if (names[x] == "LearningRate") { learning_rate = (*values)[x].data(); } if (names[x] == "Param") { param = (*values)[x].data(); } if (names[x] == "Moment1") { moment1 = (*values)[x].data(); } if (names[x] == "Moment2") { moment2 = (*values)[x].data(); } if (names[x] == "Beta1Pow") { beta1_pow = (*values)[x].data(); } if (names[x] == "Beta2Pow") { beta2_pow = (*values)[x].data(); } } // add attr later beta1 = 0.9; beta2 = 0.999; epsilon = 1.0e-8; } // make sure common_dense_table.task_pool_size_ == 1; // otherwise, task_pool_size_ times beta1_pow/beta2_pow multiplication void Update(const float* update_values, size_t num, int begin, int end) override { auto update_numel = end - begin; std::vector grad, grad2, tmp; grad.resize(update_numel); grad2.resize(update_numel); tmp.resize(update_numel); auto blas = GetBlas(); blas.VCOPY(update_numel, update_values + begin, grad.data()); blas.VCOPY(update_numel, update_values + begin, grad2.data()); blas.SCAL(update_numel, 1 - beta1, grad.data()); blas.VSQUARE(update_numel, grad2.data(), grad2.data()); blas.SCAL(update_numel, 1 - beta2, grad2.data()); blas.SCAL(update_numel, beta1, moment1 + begin); blas.VADD(update_numel, moment1 + begin, grad.data(), moment1 + begin); blas.SCAL(update_numel, beta2, moment2 + begin); blas.VADD(update_numel, moment2 + begin, grad2.data(), moment2 + begin); beta1_pow[0] = beta1_pow[0] * beta1; beta2_pow[0] = beta2_pow[0] * beta2; float lr_ = *(global_learning_rate_)*learning_rate[0]; lr_ *= sqrt(1 - beta2_pow[0]) / (1 - beta1_pow[0]); float* tmp_ = tmp.data(); float eps_ = epsilon * sqrt(1 - beta2_pow[0]); SQRT(update_numel, moment2 + begin, tmp_); ADD(update_numel, tmp_, eps_, tmp_); blas.VDIV(update_numel, moment1 + begin, tmp_, tmp_); blas.SCAL(update_numel, lr_, tmp_); blas.VSUB(update_numel, param + begin, tmp_, param + begin); } float* learning_rate; float* param; float* moment1; float* moment2; float* beta1_pow; float* beta2_pow; float beta1; float beta2; float epsilon; }; // adam optimizer for dense tensor class DAdamD2Sum : public DenseOptimizer { public: explicit DAdamD2Sum(const CommonAccessorParameter& accessor, std::vector>* values) { lr_hardcode = 5e-6; auto& names = accessor.params(); for (int x = 0; x < static_cast(names.size()); ++x) { if (names[x] == "LearningRate") { learning_rate = (*values)[x].data(); } else if (names[x] == "Param") { param = (*values)[x].data(); } else if (names[x] == "Moment") { mom_velocity = (*values)[x].data(); } else if (names[x] == "G2Sum") { ada_g2sum = (*values)[x].data(); } else if (names[x] == "D2Sum") { ada_d2sum = (*values)[x].data(); } else if (names[x] == "MomentDecayRate") { mom_decay_rate = (*values)[x].data(); } else if (names[x] == "AdaDecayRate") { ada_decay_rate = (*values)[x].data(); } else if (names[x] == "AdaEpsilon") { ada_epsilon = (*values)[x].data(); } } } void Update(const float* update_values, size_t num, int begin, int end) override { auto update_numel = end - begin; Eigen::Map mat_ada_g2sum(ada_g2sum + begin, 1, update_numel); Eigen::Map mat_ada_d2sum(ada_d2sum + begin, 1, update_numel); Eigen::Map mat_mom_velocity(mom_velocity + begin, 1, update_numel); Eigen::Map mat_w(param + begin, 1, update_numel); Eigen::Map mat_grad(update_values + begin, 1, update_numel); mat_ada_d2sum = (mat_ada_d2sum * ada_decay_rate[0]).array() + 1; mat_ada_g2sum = (mat_ada_g2sum * ada_decay_rate[0]) + mat_grad.cwiseProduct(mat_grad); thread_local std::vector scale_vec; scale_vec.resize(update_numel); Eigen::Map scale(scale_vec.data(), 1, update_numel); memcpy(scale_vec.data(), mat_ada_d2sum.data(), sizeof(float) * update_numel); scale = scale.array() * ada_epsilon[0]; scale = (mat_ada_d2sum + scale).cwiseQuotient(mat_ada_g2sum + scale); scale = scale.cwiseSqrt(); mat_mom_velocity = (mat_mom_velocity - mat_grad) * mom_decay_rate[0] + mat_grad; mat_w -= learning_rate[0] * mat_mom_velocity.cwiseProduct(scale); } float* learning_rate; float lr_hardcode; float* param; float* mom_velocity; float* ada_g2sum; float* ada_d2sum; float* mom_decay_rate; float* ada_decay_rate; float* ada_epsilon; }; // for data_norm class DSummary : public DenseOptimizer { public: explicit DSummary(const CommonAccessorParameter& accessor, std::vector>* values) { auto& names = accessor.params(); for (int x = 0; x < static_cast(names.size()); ++x) { if (names[x] == "Param") { param = (*values)[x].data(); } else if (names[x] == "SummaryDecayRate") { summary_decay_rate = (*values)[x].data(); } } } void Update(const float* update_values, size_t num, int begin, int end) override { auto update_numel = end - begin; Eigen::Map mat_w(param + begin, 1, update_numel); Eigen::Map mat_grad(update_values + begin, 1, update_numel); mat_w = mat_w * summary_decay_rate_d + mat_grad; } float* summary_decay_rate; double summary_decay_rate_d = 0.999999; float* param; }; } // namespace distributed } // namespace paddle