if(NOT WITH_GPU) return() endif() if(WITH_NV_JETSON) add_definitions(-DWITH_NV_JETSON) set(paddle_known_gpu_archs "53 62 72") set(paddle_known_gpu_archs10 "53 62 72") set(paddle_known_gpu_archs11 "53 62 72") elseif(NEW_RELEASE_ALL) message("Using New Release Strategy - All Arches Packge") add_definitions(-DNEW_RELEASE_ALL) set(paddle_known_gpu_archs "35 50 52 60 61 70 75 80 86") set(paddle_known_gpu_archs10 "35 50 52 60 61 70 75") set(paddle_known_gpu_archs11 "50 60 61 70 75 80") elseif(NEW_RELEASE_PYPI) message("Using New Release Strategy - Cubin Packge") add_definitions(-DNEW_RELEASE_PYPI) set(paddle_known_gpu_archs "35 50 52 60 61 70 75 80 86") set(paddle_known_gpu_archs10 "") set(paddle_known_gpu_archs11 "60 61 70 75 80") elseif(NEW_RELEASE_JIT) message("Using New Release Strategy - JIT Packge") add_definitions(-DNEW_RELEASE_JIT) set(paddle_known_gpu_archs "35 50 52 60 61 70 75 80 86") set(paddle_known_gpu_archs10 "35 50 60 70 75") set(paddle_known_gpu_archs11 "35 50 60 70 75 80") else() set(paddle_known_gpu_archs "35 50 52 60 61 70 75 80") set(paddle_known_gpu_archs10 "35 50 52 60 61 70 75") set(paddle_known_gpu_archs11 "52 60 61 70 75 80") endif() ###################################################################################### # A function for automatic detection of GPUs installed (if autodetection is enabled) # Usage: # detect_installed_gpus(out_variable) function(detect_installed_gpus out_variable) if(NOT CUDA_gpu_detect_output) set(cufile ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/detect_cuda_archs.cu) file( WRITE ${cufile} "" "#include \"stdio.h\"\n" "#include \"cuda.h\"\n" "#include \"cuda_runtime.h\"\n" "int main() {\n" " int count = 0;\n" " if (cudaSuccess != cudaGetDeviceCount(&count)) return -1;\n" " if (count == 0) return -1;\n" " for (int device = 0; device < count; ++device) {\n" " cudaDeviceProp prop;\n" " if (cudaSuccess == cudaGetDeviceProperties(&prop, device))\n" " printf(\"%d.%d \", prop.major, prop.minor);\n" " }\n" " return 0;\n" "}\n") execute_process( COMMAND "${CUDA_NVCC_EXECUTABLE}" "--run" "${cufile}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/" RESULT_VARIABLE nvcc_res OUTPUT_VARIABLE nvcc_out ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(nvcc_res EQUAL 0) # only keep the last line of nvcc_out string(REGEX REPLACE ";" "\\\\;" nvcc_out "${nvcc_out}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" ";" nvcc_out "${nvcc_out}") list(GET nvcc_out -1 nvcc_out) string(REPLACE "2.1" "2.1(2.0)" nvcc_out "${nvcc_out}") set(CUDA_gpu_detect_output ${nvcc_out} CACHE INTERNAL "Returned GPU architetures from detect_installed_gpus tool" FORCE) endif() endif() if(NOT CUDA_gpu_detect_output) message( STATUS "Automatic GPU detection failed. Building for all known architectures.") set(${out_variable} ${paddle_known_gpu_archs} PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(${out_variable} ${CUDA_gpu_detect_output} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() ######################################################################## # Function for selecting GPU arch flags for nvcc based on CUDA_ARCH_NAME # Usage: # select_nvcc_arch_flags(out_variable) function(select_nvcc_arch_flags out_variable) # List of arch names set(archs_names "Kepler" "Maxwell" "Pascal" "Volta" "Turing" "Ampere" "All" "Manual") set(archs_name_default "Auto") list(APPEND archs_names "Auto") # set CUDA_ARCH_NAME strings (so it will be seen as dropbox in CMake-Gui) set(CUDA_ARCH_NAME ${archs_name_default} CACHE STRING "Select target NVIDIA GPU achitecture.") set_property(CACHE CUDA_ARCH_NAME PROPERTY STRINGS "" ${archs_names}) mark_as_advanced(CUDA_ARCH_NAME) # verify CUDA_ARCH_NAME value if(NOT ";${archs_names};" MATCHES ";${CUDA_ARCH_NAME};") string(REPLACE ";" ", " archs_names "${archs_names}") message( FATAL_ERROR "Only ${archs_names} architectures names are supported.") endif() if(${CUDA_ARCH_NAME} STREQUAL "Manual") set(CUDA_ARCH_BIN ${paddle_known_gpu_archs} CACHE STRING "Specify 'real' GPU architectures to build binaries for, BIN(PTX) format is supported" ) set(CUDA_ARCH_PTX "" CACHE STRING "Specify 'virtual' PTX architectures to build PTX intermediate code for" ) mark_as_advanced(CUDA_ARCH_BIN CUDA_ARCH_PTX) else() unset(CUDA_ARCH_BIN CACHE) unset(CUDA_ARCH_PTX CACHE) endif() if(${CUDA_ARCH_NAME} STREQUAL "Kepler") set(cuda_arch_bin "30 35") elseif(${CUDA_ARCH_NAME} STREQUAL "Maxwell") if(WITH_NV_JETSON) set(cuda_arch_bin "53") else() set(cuda_arch_bin "50") endif() elseif(${CUDA_ARCH_NAME} STREQUAL "Pascal") if(WITH_NV_JETSON) set(cuda_arch_bin "62") else() set(cuda_arch_bin "60 61") endif() elseif(${CUDA_ARCH_NAME} STREQUAL "Volta") if(WITH_NV_JETSON) set(cuda_arch_bin "72") else() set(cuda_arch_bin "70") endif() elseif(${CUDA_ARCH_NAME} STREQUAL "Turing") set(cuda_arch_bin "75") elseif(${CUDA_ARCH_NAME} STREQUAL "Ampere") if(${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} LESS 11.1) # CUDA 11.0 set(cuda_arch_bin "80") elseif(${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} LESS 12.0) # CUDA 11.1+ set(cuda_arch_bin "80 86") endif() elseif(${CUDA_ARCH_NAME} STREQUAL "All") set(cuda_arch_bin ${paddle_known_gpu_archs}) elseif(${CUDA_ARCH_NAME} STREQUAL "Auto") message( STATUS "WARNING: This is just a warning for publishing release. You are building GPU version without supporting different architectures. So the wheel package may fail on other GPU architectures. You can add -DCUDA_ARCH_NAME=All in cmake command to get a full wheel package to resolve this warning. While, this version will still work on local GPU architecture.") detect_installed_gpus(cuda_arch_bin) else() # (${CUDA_ARCH_NAME} STREQUAL "Manual") set(cuda_arch_bin ${CUDA_ARCH_BIN}) endif() if(NEW_RELEASE_JIT) set(cuda_arch_ptx "${cuda_arch_ptx}${cuda_arch_bin}") set(cuda_arch_bin "") endif() # remove dots and convert to lists string(REGEX REPLACE "\\." "" cuda_arch_bin "${cuda_arch_bin}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\\." "" cuda_arch_ptx "${cuda_arch_ptx}") string(REGEX MATCHALL "[0-9()]+" cuda_arch_bin "${cuda_arch_bin}") string(REGEX MATCHALL "[0-9]+" cuda_arch_ptx "${cuda_arch_ptx}") list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES cuda_arch_bin) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES cuda_arch_ptx) set(nvcc_flags "") set(nvcc_archs_readable "") # Tell NVCC to add binaries for the specified GPUs foreach(arch ${cuda_arch_bin}) if(arch MATCHES "([0-9]+)\\(([0-9]+)\\)") # User explicitly specified PTX for the concrete BIN string(APPEND nvcc_flags " -gencode arch=compute_${CMAKE_MATCH_2},code=sm_${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") string(APPEND nvcc_archs_readable " sm_${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") else() # User didn't explicitly specify PTX for the concrete BIN, we assume PTX=BIN string(APPEND nvcc_flags " -gencode arch=compute_${arch},code=sm_${arch}") string(APPEND nvcc_archs_readable " sm_${arch}") endif() endforeach() # Tell NVCC to add PTX intermediate code for the specified architectures foreach(arch ${cuda_arch_ptx}) string(APPEND nvcc_flags " -gencode arch=compute_${arch},code=compute_${arch}") string(APPEND nvcc_archs_readable " compute_${arch}") endforeach() string(REPLACE ";" " " nvcc_archs_readable "${nvcc_archs_readable}") set(${out_variable} ${nvcc_flags} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${out_variable}_readable ${nvcc_archs_readable} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() message(STATUS "CUDA detected: " ${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION}) if(${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} LESS 11.0) # CUDA 10.x set(paddle_known_gpu_archs ${paddle_known_gpu_archs10}) set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -D_MWAITXINTRIN_H_INCLUDED") set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -D__STRICT_ANSI__") set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets") elseif(${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} LESS 11.2) # CUDA 11.0/11.1 set(paddle_known_gpu_archs ${paddle_known_gpu_archs11}) set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -D_MWAITXINTRIN_H_INCLUDED") set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -D__STRICT_ANSI__") set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets") elseif(${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} LESS 12.0) # CUDA 11.2+ set(paddle_known_gpu_archs "${paddle_known_gpu_archs11} 86") set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -D_MWAITXINTRIN_H_INCLUDED") set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -D__STRICT_ANSI__") set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets") endif() if(NOT ${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} LESS 10.0) add_definitions("-DTRT_PLUGIN_FP16_AVALIABLE") endif() add_definitions("-DCUDA_VERSION_MAJOR=\"${CUDA_VERSION_MAJOR}\"") add_definitions("-DCUDA_VERSION_MINOR=\"${CUDA_VERSION_MINOR}\"") add_definitions("-DCUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=\"${CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR}\"") # setting nvcc arch flags select_nvcc_arch_flags(NVCC_FLAGS_EXTRA) set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} ${NVCC_FLAGS_EXTRA}") message(STATUS "NVCC_FLAGS_EXTRA: ${NVCC_FLAGS_EXTRA}") # Set C++14 support set(CUDA_PROPAGATE_HOST_FLAGS OFF) # Release/Debug flags set by cmake. Such as -O3 -g -DNDEBUG etc. # So, don't set these flags here. set(CMAKE_CUDA_STANDARD 14) # (Note) For windows, if delete /W[1-4], /W1 will be added defaultly and conflic with -w # So replace /W[1-4] with /W0 if(WIN32) string(REGEX REPLACE "/W[1-4]" " /W0 " CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS}") endif() # in cuda9, suppress cuda warning on eigen set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -w") # Set :expt-relaxed-constexpr to suppress Eigen warnings set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} --expt-relaxed-constexpr") # Set :expt-extended-lambda to enable HOSTDEVICE annotation on lambdas set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} --expt-extended-lambda") if(WIN32) set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -Xcompiler \"/wd4244 /wd4267 /wd4819 \"") set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -Xcompiler /bigobj") if(MSVC_STATIC_CRT) foreach(flag_var CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS_RELEASE CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO) if(${flag_var} MATCHES "-MD") string(REGEX REPLACE "-MD" "-MT" ${flag_var} "${${flag_var}}") endif() endforeach() endif() endif() mark_as_advanced(CUDA_BUILD_CUBIN CUDA_BUILD_EMULATION CUDA_VERBOSE_BUILD) mark_as_advanced(CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION) include(thrust)