#ifdef DT_OPS #else #define DT_OPS include "paddle/infrt/dialect/infrt_base.td" include "paddle/infrt/dialect/tensor_shape_base.td" include "mlir/Interfaces/SideEffectInterfaces.td" def DT_Dialect : Dialect { let name = "dt"; let description = [{ The DenseTensor dialect. }]; let cppNamespace = "::infrt::dt"; } class DT_Op traits = []> : Op; class CreateUninitTensorOp : DT_Op<"create_uninit_tensor." # dtype, [NoSideEffect]> { let summary = "dt.create_uninit_tensor operation"; let description = [{ An operation that creates an uninitialized tensor. }]; let arguments = (ins I64ArrayAttr:$shape); let results = (outs TensorType:$output); let parser = [{ return infrt::dt::parseCreateUninitTensorOp(parser, result); }]; let printer = [{ return infrt::dt::printCreateUninitTensorOp(p, *this); }]; } def ShallowCopyTensorOp : DT_Op<"shallow_copy_tensor", [NoSideEffect]> { let summary = "dt.shallow_copy_tensor operation"; let description = [{ An operation that copy a tensor shallowly. }]; let arguments = (ins TensorType:$input); let results = (outs TensorType:$output); let assemblyFormat = "$input attr-dict `:` type($input) `->` type($output)"; } class FillTensorWithConstantOp : DT_Op<"fill_tensor_with_constant." # dtype> { let summary = "dt.fill_tensor_with_constant operation"; let description = [{ An operation that fills an input tensor with a value. }]; let arguments = (ins TensorType:$input, AnyAttr:$value ); let results = (outs); // TODO: can be removed? //let parser = [{ return infrt::dt::parseFillTensorWithConstantOp(parser, result); }]; //let printer = [{ return infrt::dt::printFillTensorWithConstantOp(p, *this); }]; let assemblyFormat = "`(` $input `:` type($input) `)` attr-dict"; } def PrintTensorOp : DT_Op<"print_tensor"> { let summary = "dt.print_tensor operation"; let description = [{ An operation that prints a tensor. }]; let arguments = (ins TensorType:$input); let results = (outs); let assemblyFormat = "`(` $input `:` type($input) `)` attr-dict"; } class SetTensorOp : DT_Op<"set_tensor_with_constant_values." # dtype> { let summary = "dt.set_tensor_with_constant_values operation"; let description = [{ An operation that sets an input tensor with given values. }]; let arguments = (ins TensorType); let results = (outs); let parser = [{ return infrt::dt::parseSetTensorOp(parser, result); }]; let printer = [{ return infrt::dt::printSetTensorOp(p, *this); }]; } def LoadParamsOp : DT_Op<"load_params", [NoSideEffect]> { let summary = "dt.load_params operation"; let description = [{ An operation that can load tensors to TensorMap. }]; // input path of model params. let arguments = (ins StringType:$path); let results = (outs TensorMapType); let assemblyFormat = "`(` operands `)` attr-dict"; let verifier = ?; } def TensorMapGetTensorOp : DT_Op<"tensor_map_get_tensor", [NoSideEffect]> { let summary = "dt.tensor_map_get_tensor operation"; let description = [{ An operation that can get a tensor from a TensorMap. }]; // input path of model params. let arguments = (ins TensorMapType:$map, StrAttr:$name ); let results = (outs TensorType:$output); let assemblyFormat = "`(` operands `)` attr-dict `->` type($output)"; let verifier = ?; } def TensorMapGetSizeOp : DT_Op<"tensor_map_get_size", [NoSideEffect]> { let summary = "ddt.tensor_map_get_size operation"; let description = [{ An operation that get the size of a TensorMap. }]; let arguments = (ins TensorMapType:$map); let results = (outs I32:$size); let assemblyFormat = "`(` $map `)` attr-dict `->` type($size)"; } def GetTensorShapeOp : DT_Op<"get_tensor_shape", [NoSideEffect]> { let summary = "dt.get_tensor_shape operation"; let description = [{ An operation that returns the shape of the input tensor. }]; let arguments = (ins TensorType:$input); let results = (outs TS_Shape:$output); let assemblyFormat = "$input attr-dict `:` type($input) `->` type($output)"; } class NaiveElementwiseAddOp : DT_Op<"naive_elementwise_add." # dtype, [NoSideEffect]> { let summary = "dt.naive_elementwise_add operation"; let description = [{ Naive elementwise_add operation. Just for testing. }]; let arguments = (ins TensorType:$a, TensorType:$b); let results = (outs TensorType:$output); let assemblyFormat = "`(` $a `,` $b `)` attr-dict `:` `(` type($a) `,` type($b) `)` `->` type($output)"; } class NaiveMatmulOp : DT_Op<"naive_matmul." # dtype, [NoSideEffect]> { let summary = "dt.naive_matmul operation"; let description = [{ Naive matmul operation. Just for testing. }]; let arguments = (ins TensorType:$x, TensorType:$w); let results = (outs TensorType:$output); let assemblyFormat = "`(` $x `,` $w `)` attr-dict `:` `(` type($x) `,` type($w) `)` `->` type($output)"; } foreach dtype = ["ui8", "ui16", "ui32", "ui64", "i32", "f32", "f64", "i64"] in { def DT_CreateUninitTensorOp_#dtype : CreateUninitTensorOp; def DT_FillTensorOp_#dtype : FillTensorWithConstantOp; def DT_SetTensorOp_#dtype : SetTensorOp; def DT_NaiveElementwiseAddOp_#dtype : NaiveElementwiseAddOp; def DT_NaiveMatmulOp_#dtype : NaiveMatmulOp; } #endif // DT_OPS