# phi auto cmake utils include(phi) # paddle experimental common components add_subdirectory(common) # phi (low level) api headers: include # phi (high level) api add_subdirectory(api) # phi core components add_subdirectory(core) # phi components of specific backends add_subdirectory(backends) # phi kernels for diff device add_subdirectory(kernels) # phi infermeta add_subdirectory(infermeta) # phi operator definitions add_subdirectory(ops) # phi tools add_subdirectory(tools) # phi tests add_subdirectory(tests) # phi capi if(WITH_CUSTOM_DEVICE) add_subdirectory(capi) endif() # make an unity target for compile deps set(PHI_DEPS convert_utils dense_tensor phi_backends kernel_factory kernel_context arg_map_context infermeta lod_utils op_compat_infos sparse_csr_tensor sparse_coo_tensor string_tensor api_scalar api_int_array) get_property(phi_kernels GLOBAL PROPERTY PHI_KERNELS) set(PHI_DEPS ${PHI_DEPS} ${phi_kernels}) if(APPLE AND WITH_ARM) cc_library(phi DEPS ${PHI_DEPS}) else() create_dummy_static_lib(phi LIBS ${PHI_DEPS} LIMIT 100) endif() set(phi_extension_header_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extension.h CACHE INTERNAL "phi/extension.h file") file( WRITE ${phi_extension_header_file} "// Header file generated by paddle/phi/CMakeLists.txt for external users,\n// DO NOT edit or include it within paddle.\n\n#pragma once\n\n" ) # generate inner headers include dir for users generate_unify_header(backends) generate_unify_header(core EXCLUDES cuda_stream.h) generate_unify_header(infermeta) generate_unify_header(kernels SKIP_SUFFIX grad_kernel)