1. 27 9月, 2020 1 次提交
  2. 27 4月, 2020 1 次提交
  3. 14 4月, 2020 1 次提交
  4. 04 4月, 2020 1 次提交
  5. 02 4月, 2020 1 次提交
  6. 19 3月, 2020 1 次提交
  7. 17 3月, 2020 1 次提交
  8. 09 3月, 2020 1 次提交
  9. 06 1月, 2020 1 次提交
    • D
      support elu_op double grad (#21822) · fab4b076
      Double_V 提交于
      * support elu activation double grad,test=develop
      * delete the code commit in .cc,test=develop
      * fix relu test unpass, test=develop
      * add elu double grad kernel and unit test
      * add caculate dX in elu double grad functor, test=develop
      * update the commit code,test=develop
  10. 03 1月, 2020 1 次提交
  11. 05 11月, 2019 1 次提交
    • Z
      Support NoNeedBufferVarsInference in dygraph backward (#20868) · 878a40f5
      Zeng Jinle 提交于
      * support no need buffer vars in dygraph, test=develop
      * fix inference compilation error, test=develop
      * update no_need_buffer_vars_inference, test=develop
      * add unittests for no_need_buffer_vars_context, test=develop
      * refine no_need_buffer_vars by return ref, test=develop
      * polish some codes, test=develop
  12. 31 10月, 2019 1 次提交
    • H
      GradMaker for dygraph (#19706) · 8c4573a3
      hong 提交于
      * refactor dygraph,test=develop
      * fix failed unittest,test=develop
      * polish code,test=develop
      * check windows ci error,test=develop
      try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
      * polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
      * try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
      * test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
      * use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
      * test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
      * test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
      * test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
      * test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
      * test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
      * test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
      * optimize grad maker; test=develop
      * optimize grad maker
      * test
      * grad make optim; test=develop
      * fix unittest bugs; test=develop
      * add dygraph grad op maker and split_op
      * grad op maker refactor; test=develop
      * add dygraph grad maker; test=develop
      * fix op deformable_conv_v1_op bug; test=develop
      * fix deformable_conv prroi pool bugs;
      * fix new op grad op maker bug; test=develop
      * fix split by ref bug; test=develop
      * fix dygraph auto prune bug; test=develop
      * fix test_trace bug; test=develop
      * fix fused emb seq pool bug; test=develop
      * remove useless code in op_desc file; test=develop
      * remove useless code, StrVarBaseNode; test=develop
      * fix review issues; test=develop
      * fix rank_loss grad maker; test=develop
      * remove flag in VarBase; test=develop
      * fix distributed_notify_op compile bug ; test=develop
      * fix reshape op double grad; test=develop
      * fix expand as op; test=develop
      * add impertive type_defs.h for demo_train; test=develop
      * fix inference lib cmake; test=develop
      * fix inference lib; test=develop
      * fix infernce_lib; test=develop
      * fix inference cmake; test=develop
      * fix inference lib; test=develop
      * fix inference lib; test=develop
      * remove condition dygraph grad maker, modify local name; test=develop
      * fix split grad maker bug; test=develop
      * fix pyramid_op bug; test=develop
      * change travis time out limit; test=develop
      * restore travis; test=develop
      * change timeout limit; test=develop
  13. 28 10月, 2019 1 次提交
  14. 12 10月, 2019 2 次提交
    • Z
      Fix api doc example bug and polish square doc (#20491) · 8fb569e5
      zhaoyuchen2018 提交于
      * Refine create_array api en doc
      * Fix api doc example bug and polish square
      * Refine comment
      * refine API.spec
    • H
      refine eng doc for hard_sigmoid op (#20442) · 4d0d5e4c
      hong19860320 提交于
      * refine eng doc for hard_sigmoid op
      * refine the description of hard_sigmoid
      * update API.spec
      * Refine the decription of parameters of HardSigmoid op
      test=develop, test=document_fix
      * Update API.spec for hard_sigmoid op
      test=develop, test=document_fix
  15. 11 10月, 2019 3 次提交
    • Z
      fix APIs: relu, relu6, hash (#20416) · 95524a4d
      zhupengyang 提交于
      * fix APIs: relu, relu6, hash
      * fix relu6 doc
      * fix API.spec
      * add description link for hash
    • G
      fix API:cos, exp, ceil, elu, brelu English doc (#20032) · 5ea2cc67
      GaoWei8 提交于
      * fix API:cos, exp, ceil, elu, brelu English doc
    • W
      modify english api (#20159) · 2893cd1a
      Wilber 提交于
      * modify english api test=develop test=document_fix
      - leaky_relu
      - less_than
      - log
      - logical_and
      - logical_or
      - logical_xor
      - logical_not
  16. 10 10月, 2019 1 次提交
  17. 09 10月, 2019 1 次提交
    • J
      fix API doc, solve conflict, test=develop, test=document_fix (#20196) · 407efcf7
      JesseyXujin 提交于
      * fix APIs,test=develop,test=document_fix
      * fix conflict, test=develop, test=document_fix
      * fix confict, test=develop, test=document_fix
      * fix confict, test=develop, test=document_fix
      * fix API.spec, test=develop, test=document_fix
      * change fluid.layers.data to fluid.data,test=develop, test=document_fix
      * fix bug on example code, test=develop, test=document_fix
      * fix API.spec,  test=develop, test=document_fix
  18. 18 9月, 2019 1 次提交
    • L
      Update elementwise double grad to save gpu memory (#19509) · 982e61f5
      Leo Chen 提交于
      * update elementwise double grad to save gpu memory, test=develop
      * update elementwise_mul/div_grad_grad to save memory, test=develop
      * remove eval function in eigen statement to save memory, test=develop
      * add unittest for elementwise_div_grad_grad without dout, test=develop
      * add unittest for elementwise_add_grad_grad without ddx, test=develop
      * add float16 cuda kernel for elementwise double grad op, test=develop
  19. 17 9月, 2019 1 次提交
    • L
      fix pow op, support tensor for agument factor. (#19313) · 677e7144
      liym27 提交于
      improve pow op according to reviews:
      1. Delete unnecessary judgement statements in PowGradOpDescMaker;
      2. Improve test of test_api;
      overload GetKernelTypeForVar
      add stop_gradient=True when attr(factor) is tensor Variable, change examples in API pow.
  20. 11 9月, 2019 1 次提交
  21. 29 8月, 2019 1 次提交
  22. 12 8月, 2019 1 次提交
    • H
      Add hard swish op (new op) (#19001) · 20f18930
      huangjun12 提交于
      * add hard_swish activation op (new op)
      * remove redundancy files
      * modify document content of HardSwish OP
      * add API test in test_layers.py
      * add dynamic_graph for test_hard_swish
  23. 09 8月, 2019 1 次提交
  24. 26 7月, 2019 1 次提交
  25. 25 7月, 2019 1 次提交
  26. 22 7月, 2019 1 次提交
  27. 19 7月, 2019 1 次提交
  28. 11 7月, 2019 1 次提交
    • Z
      Feature/buffer_shared_inplace (#17911) · d3003a16
      Zeng Jinle 提交于
      * feature/buffer_shared_inplace, test=develop
      * refine code, test=develop
      * fix elementwise_add op cpu inplace and sum inplace bug, test=develop
      * add unittest and debug log, test=develop
      * fix parallel_executor scope bug, polish code, test=develop
      * fix sum op, activation op, single_in_place_inference bug, test=develop
      * remove kLocalExecScopeName, test=develop
      * fix unittest,test=develop
      * fix out_var first version bug, test=develop
      * follow comments,test=develop
  29. 04 7月, 2019 1 次提交
  30. 25 6月, 2019 1 次提交
  31. 16 6月, 2019 1 次提交
  32. 15 5月, 2019 1 次提交
    • L
      Double backward sqrt (#17387) · 4ef63101
      lvmengsi 提交于
      * double backward sqrt
      * refine unittest. test=develop
      * refine test. test=develop
      * remove alpha in unittest. test=develop
  33. 13 5月, 2019 1 次提交
    • K
      add double grad for square op (#17173) · 11d3a38f
      Kaipeng Deng 提交于
      * add double grad for square. test=develop
      * formax code. test=develop
      * fix for grad sum. test=develop
      * refine shape. test=develop
      * refine extract. test=develop
  34. 10 5月, 2019 1 次提交
    • Q
      Double backward of conv2d. (#17211) · e32c9888
      qingqing01 提交于
      * Add conv2d_grad_grad_op
      * Extracte the cuDNN conv algo searching code in conv_cudnn_helper.h.
          - Now use it in conv2d_grad_grad.
          - Will simply the searching code in conv2d and conv2d_grad in next PR.
      * Enhance and fix bug in unit testing of gradient_checker.
      * Support to fetch empty variables,return None in Python.
  35. 26 4月, 2019 1 次提交
  36. 23 4月, 2019 1 次提交
    • Q
      Support backward of backward for Relu and add a new gradient checker by... · c1c2633a
      qingqing01 提交于
      Support backward of backward for Relu and add a new gradient checker by comparing theoretical and numerical Jacobian. (#16862)
      * Support backward of backward and a new gradient checker
      * Rename decorators.py to decorator_helper.py, since Python on Windows CI has decorators package.
      1. Add ReluDoubleGradMaker when register relu_grad.
      2. Add a new gradient checker by comparing theoretical and numerical Jacobian.  Check double gradients by double_grad_check.
  37. 12 4月, 2019 1 次提交