First, you need an AWS account, please check out [this]( for how to setup an AWS account.
And then you can create an user by following [this]( instruction, you shall create an user group with following privileges, and then add the user to that group:
Those previleges are:
* AmazonEC2FullAccess
* AmazonS3FullAccess
* AmazonRoute53FullAccess
* AmazonRoute53DomainsFullAccess
* AmazonElasticFileSystemFullAccess
* AmazonVPCFullAccess
* IAMUserSSHKeys
* IAMFullAccess
* NetworkAdministrator
If you located in China, we also recommend creating a tunnel server VM instance with default amazon AMI in the same available zone as your cluster and login to tunnel server for the following steps, otherwise there will be some issues related to account authentication.
##PaddlePaddle on AWS
# PaddlePaddle on AWS with Kubernetes
## Create AWS Account and IAM Account
To use AWS, we need to sign up an AWS account on Amazon's Web site.
An AWS account allows us to login to the AWS Console Web interface to
create IAM users and user groups. Usually, we create a user group with
privileges required to run PaddlePaddle, and we create users for
those who are going to run PaddlePaddle and add these users into the
group. IAM users can identify themselves using password and tokens,
where passwords allows users to log in to the AWS Console, and tokens
make it easy for users to submit and inspect jobs from the command