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+# Design Doc: Operation Graph Based Parameter Server
+## Abstract
+We propose an approach to implement the parameter server. In this
+approach, there is no fundamental difference between the trainer and
+the parameter server: they both run subgraphs, but subgraphs of
+different purposes.
+## Background
+The previous implementations of the parameter server does not run a
+subgraph. parameter initialization, optimizer computation, network
+communication and checkpointing are implemented twice on both the
+trainer and the parameter server.
+It would be great if we can write code once and use them on both the
+trainer and the parameter server: reduces code duplication and
+improves extensibility. Given that after the current refactor, we are
+representing everything as a computing graph on the
+trainer. Representing everything as a computing graph on the parameter
+server becomes a natural extension.
+## Design
+### Graph Converter
+The *graph converter* converts the user-defined operation (OP) graph
+into subgraphs to be scheduled on different nodes with the following
+1. OP placement: the OPs will be placed on different nodes according
+ to heuristic that minimizes estimated total computation
+ time. Currently we will use a simple heuristic that puts parameter
+ varable on parameter server workers and everything else on trainer
+ workers.
+1. Add communication OPs to enable the communication between nodes.
+We will need these OPs: *Send*, *Recv*, *Enqueue*, *Dequeue*.
+Below is an example of converting the user defined graph to the
+subgraphs for the trainer and the parameter server:
+After converting:
+1. The parameter variable W and it's optimizer subgraph are placed on the parameter server.
+1. Operators are added to the subgraphs.
+ - *Send* sends data to the connected *Recv* operator. The
+ scheduler on the receive node will only schedule *Recv* operator
+ to run when the *Send* operator has ran (the *Send* OP will mark
+ the *Recv* OP runnable automatically).
+ - *Enueue* enqueues the input variable, it can block until space
+ become available in the queue.
+ - *Dequeue* outputs configurable numbers of tensors from the
+ queue. It will block until the queue have the required number of
+ tensors.
+### Benefits
+- Model parallelism become easier to implement: it's an extension to
+ the trainer - parameter server approach. we already have the
+ communication OPs, but need to extend the graph converter's
+ placement functionality.
+- User-defined optimizer is easier to add - user can now express it as
+ a subgraph.
+- No more duplication logic inside the trainer and the parameter
+ server mentioned in the background section.
+### Challenges
+- It might be hard for the graph converter to cut a general graph
+ (without any hint for which subgraph is the optimizer). We may need
+ to label which subgraph inside the OP graph is the optimizer.
+- It's important to balance the parameter shards of on multiple
+ parameter server. If a single parameter is very big (some
+ word-embedding, fully connected, softmax layer), we need to
+ automatically partition the single parameter onto different
+ parameter servers when possible (only element-wise optimizer depends
+ on the parameter variable).
+### Discussion
+- In the "Aync SGD" figure, the "W" variable on the parameter server
+ could be read and wrote concurrently, what is our locking strategy?
+ E.g., each variable have a lock cpp method to be invoked by every
+ OP, or, have a lock OP.
+- Can the Enqueue OP be implemented under our current tensor design
+ (puts the input tensor into the queue tensor)?
+- *Dequeue* OP will have variable numbers of output (depends on the
+ `min_count` attribute), does our current design support it? (similar
+ question for the *Add* OP)
+### References:
+[1] [TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems](https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//pubs/archive/45166.pdf)
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..19e509bd9af3c1e9a3f5e0f16ddd281457a339c5
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