未验证 提交 976af0da 编写于 作者: Z Zhang Zheng 提交者: GitHub

Optimize performance of depthwise_conv (#46896)

Optimize performance of depthwise_conv

Config: input[2048, 1024, 4, 4], filter[1024, 1, 4, 4], stride=1, pad=0, dilation=1
上级 7eef05c2
......@@ -87,43 +87,36 @@ class DepthwiseConvFilterGradFunctor {
const DataLayout data_layout = DataLayout::kNCHW);
#define FINAL_MASK 0xffffffff
#define HALF_WARP 16
#define WARP_SIZE 32
template <typename T>
static __forceinline__ __device__ T WarpReduceSum(T val, int warp_size) {
typedef cub::WarpReduce<T> WarpReduce;
typename WarpReduce::TempStorage temp_storage;
val = WarpReduce(temp_storage).Sum(val, warp_size);
__forceinline__ __device__ T WarpReduceSum(T val, unsigned lane_mask) {
for (int mask = HALF_WARP; mask > 0; mask >>= 1)
val += platform::CudaShuffleDownSync(lane_mask, val, mask);
return val;
template <typename T>
__forceinline__ __device__ T BlockReduceSum(T val) {
static __shared__ T shared[32];
int thread_id = threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y * blockDim.x +
threadIdx.z * blockDim.x * blockDim.y;
int warp_size = min(blockDim.x * blockDim.y * blockDim.z, warpSize);
int lane = thread_id % warp_size;
int wid = thread_id / warp_size;
val = WarpReduceSum(val, warp_size); // Each warp performs partial reduction
if (lane == 0) shared[wid] = val; // Write reduced value to shared memory
__syncthreads(); // Wait for all partial reductions
// read from shared memory only if that warp existed
int block_size = blockDim.x * blockDim.y * blockDim.z;
if (thread_id < (block_size - 1) / warp_size + 1) {
val = shared[lane];
} else {
val = static_cast<T>(0);
__forceinline__ __device__ T BlockReduceSum(T val, unsigned mask = FINAL_MASK) {
static __shared__ T shared[WARP_SIZE];
int tid = threadIdx.y * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int lane = tid & 0x1f;
int wid = tid >> 5;
val = WarpReduceSum<T>(val, mask);
if (wid == 0) {
val = WarpReduceSum(val, warp_size); // Final reduce within first warp
if (thread_id != 0) {
val = static_cast<T>(0);
if (lane == 0) shared[wid] = val;
// align block_span to WARP_SIZE
int block_span = (blockDim.x * blockDim.y + WARP_SIZE - 1) >> 5;
val = (lane < block_span) ? shared[lane] : static_cast<T>(0.0f);
val = WarpReduceSum<T>(val, mask);
return val;
......@@ -139,55 +132,53 @@ __forceinline__ __device__ T BlockReduceSum(T val) {
// A Cuda kernel to compute the depthwise convolution forward pass
// in NCHW format.
template <typename T, bool fuse_relu_before_conv>
template <typename T, int c_filter, bool fuse_relu_before_conv>
__device__ __inline__ void KernelDepthwiseConvNCHW(
ARG_DEFINE_KernelDepthwiseConv) {
const int fw_size = c_filter != -1 ? c_filter : filter_width;
const int fh_size = c_filter != -1 ? c_filter : filter_height;
int idx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if (idx >= (output_channels * batch_size * output_height * output_width))
const int w_out = idx % output_width;
const int h_out = (idx / output_width) % output_height;
const int c_out = (idx / output_width / output_height) % output_channels;
const int batch = idx / output_width / output_height / output_channels;
int tmp_1 = idx / output_width;
const int w_out = idx - tmp_1 * output_width;
int tmp_2 = tmp_1 / output_height;
const int h_out = tmp_1 - tmp_2 * output_height;
tmp_1 = tmp_2;
tmp_2 = tmp_1 / output_channels;
const int c_out = tmp_1 - tmp_2 * output_channels;
const int batch = tmp_2;
const int c_in = c_out / filter_multiplier;
const T* weight = filter_data + c_out * filter_height * filter_width;
T value(0);
const int h_in_start = -padding_height + h_out * stride_height;
const int w_in_start = -padding_width + w_out * stride_width;
const int h_in_end = h_in_start + filter_height * dilate_height;
const int w_in_end = w_in_start + filter_width * dilate_width;
int in_offset =
((batch * input_channels + c_in) * input_height) * input_width;
const int h_end = h_in_end < input_height ? h_in_end : input_height;
const int w_end = w_in_end < input_width ? w_in_end : input_width;
const int h_start = h_in_start > 0 ? h_in_start : 0;
const int w_start = w_in_start > 0 ? w_in_start : 0;
int weight_offset = 0;
int weight_offset = c_out * filter_height * filter_width;
int h_in_start = -padding_height + h_out * stride_height;
int w_in_start = -padding_width + w_out * stride_width;
#pragma unroll
for (int h_in = h_in_start; h_in < h_in_end; h_in += dilate_height) {
for (int fh = 0, h_in = h_in_start; fh < fh_size;
fh++, h_in += dilate_height) {
#pragma unroll
for (int w_in = w_in_start; w_in < w_in_end; w_in += dilate_width) {
if (h_in >= h_start && h_in < h_end && w_in >= w_start && w_in < w_end) {
for (int fw = 0, w_in = w_in_start; fw < fw_size;
fw++, w_in += dilate_width) {
if (h_in >= 0 && h_in < input_height && w_in >= 0 && w_in < input_width) {
int offset = in_offset + h_in * input_width + w_in;
T in_data = input_data[offset];
if (fuse_relu_before_conv) {
value += weight[weight_offset] * T(max(0.0f, double(in_data)));
value += filter_data[weight_offset] *
static_cast<T>(max(0.0f, static_cast<double>(in_data)));
} else {
value += weight[weight_offset] * in_data;
value += filter_data[weight_offset] * in_data;
int index = batch * output_channels * output_height * output_width +
c_out * output_height * output_width + h_out * output_width +
output_data[index] = value;
output_data[idx] = value;
// A Cuda kernel to compute the depthwise convolution forward pass
......@@ -228,7 +219,8 @@ __device__ __inline__ void KernelDepthwiseConvNHWC(
T in_data = input_data[offset];
const T* weight = filter_data + weight_offset * output_channels + c_out;
if (fuse_relu_before_conv) {
value += weight[0] * T(max(0.0f, double(in_data)));
value += weight[0] *
static_cast<T>(max(0.0f, static_cast<double>(in_data)));
} else {
value += weight[0] * in_data;
......@@ -281,7 +273,8 @@ __device__ __inline__ void KernelDepthwiseConvCFilterNCHW(
int offset = in_offset + h_in * input_width + w_in;
if (fuse_relu_before_conv) {
value += r_weight[h_f * c_filter + w_f] *
T(max(0.0f, double(input_data[offset])));
max(0.0f, static_cast<double>(input_data[offset])));
} else {
value += r_weight[h_f * c_filter + w_f] * input_data[offset];
......@@ -337,7 +330,8 @@ __device__ __inline__ void KernelDepthwiseConvCFilterNHWC(
in_offset + (h_in * input_width + w_in) * input_channels + c_in;
if (fuse_relu_before_conv) {
value += r_weight[h_f * c_filter + w_f] *
T(max(0.0, double(input_data[offset])));
max(0.0, static_cast<double>(input_data[offset])));
} else {
value += r_weight[h_f * c_filter + w_f] * input_data[offset];
......@@ -367,25 +361,26 @@ __global__ void KernelDepthwiseConvSp(ARG_DEFINE_KernelDepthwiseConv) {
if (c_filter == -1) {
if (data_layout != DataLayout::kNHWC) {
KernelDepthwiseConvNCHW<T, fuse_relu_before_conv>(input_data,
KernelDepthwiseConvNCHW<T, c_filter, fuse_relu_before_conv>(
} else {
KernelDepthwiseConvNHWC<T, fuse_relu_before_conv>(input_data,
......@@ -467,60 +462,62 @@ __global__ void KernelDepthwiseConvSp(ARG_DEFINE_KernelDepthwiseConv) {
const int dilate_height, const int dilate_width, \
T *const input_grad_data
template <typename T, bool fuse_relu_before_conv>
template <typename T, int c_filter, bool fuse_relu_before_conv>
__device__ __inline__ void KernelDepthwiseConvInputGradNCHW(
ARG_DEFINE_KernelDepthwiseConvInputGrad) {
const int batch = blockIdx.y;
const int c_in = blockIdx.x;
for (int w_in = threadIdx.x; w_in < input_width; w_in += blockDim.x) {
for (int h_in = threadIdx.y; h_in < input_height; h_in += blockDim.y) {
const int c_out_start = c_in * filter_multiplier;
int h_out_start =
h_in - (filter_height - 1) * dilate_height + padding_height;
int h_out_end = h_in + padding_height;
int w_out_start =
w_in - (filter_width - 1) * dilate_width + padding_width;
int w_out_end = w_in + padding_width;
const int fw_size = c_filter != -1 ? c_filter : filter_width;
const int fh_size = c_filter != -1 ? c_filter : filter_height;
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx >= batch_size * input_channels * input_height * input_width) {
if (fuse_relu_before_conv) {
if (input_data[idx] <= static_cast<T>(0.0f)) {
input_grad_data[idx] = 0;
T value(0);
int index =
((batch * gridDim.x + c_in) * input_height + h_in) * input_width +
int tmp_1 = idx / input_width;
const int w_in = idx - tmp_1 * input_width;
int tmp_2 = tmp_1 / input_height;
const int h_in = tmp_1 - tmp_2 * input_height;
tmp_1 = tmp_2;
tmp_2 = tmp_1 / input_channels;
const int c_in = tmp_1 - tmp_2 * input_channels;
const int batch = tmp_2;
if (fuse_relu_before_conv) {
if (input_data[index] <= T(0)) {
input_grad_data[index] = 0;
T value(0);
for (int c_mul = 0; c_mul < filter_multiplier; ++c_mul) {
int c_out = c_in * filter_multiplier + c_mul;
int filter_offset = c_out * filter_height * filter_width;
for (int c_out = c_out_start; c_out < c_out_start + filter_multiplier;
c_out++) {
int filter_offset = (c_out + 1) * filter_height * filter_width;
for (int h_out = h_out_start; h_out <= h_out_end;
h_out += dilate_height) {
for (int w_out = w_out_start; w_out <= w_out_end;
w_out += dilate_width) {
int s_h_out = h_out / stride_height;
int s_w_out = w_out / stride_width;
if (h_out % stride_height == 0 && w_out % stride_width == 0 &&
s_h_out >= 0 && s_h_out < output_height && s_w_out >= 0 &&
s_w_out < output_width) {
int output_grad_offset =
((batch * output_channels + c_out) * output_height +
s_h_out) *
output_width +
value += output_grad_data[output_grad_offset] *
#pragma unroll
for (int fh = 0; fh < fh_size; ++fh) {
#pragma unroll
for (int fw = 0; fw < fw_size; ++fw) {
int h_out = h_in + padding_height - fh * dilate_height;
int w_out = w_in + padding_width - fw * dilate_width;
if ((h_out - h_out / stride_height * stride_height == 0) &&
(w_out - w_out / stride_width * stride_width == 0)) {
h_out /= stride_height;
w_out /= stride_width;
if (h_out >= 0 && h_out < output_height && w_out >= 0 &&
w_out < output_width) {
int output_grad_offset =
((batch * output_channels + c_out) * output_height + h_out) *
output_width +
value += output_grad_data[output_grad_offset] *
input_grad_data[index] = value;
input_grad_data[idx] = value;
template <typename T, bool fuse_relu_before_conv>
......@@ -733,7 +730,7 @@ __global__ void KernelDepthwiseConvInputGradSp(
if (c_filter_multiplier == 0 || c_filter == -1) {
if (data_layout != DataLayout::kNHWC) {
KernelDepthwiseConvInputGradNCHW<T, fuse_relu_before_conv>(
KernelDepthwiseConvInputGradNCHW<T, c_filter, fuse_relu_before_conv>(
......@@ -854,44 +851,81 @@ __device__ __inline__ void KernelDepthwiseConvFilterGradNCHW(
const int dilate_height,
const int dilate_width,
T* filter_grad_data) {
T s(0);
int gbid = ((blockIdx.z * gridDim.y) + blockIdx.y) * gridDim.x + blockIdx.x;
for (int image_w = threadIdx.x; image_w < output_width;
image_w += blockDim.x) {
for (int bid = 0; bid < num; bid++) {
for (int image_h = threadIdx.y; image_h < output_height;
image_h += blockDim.y) {
int kernel_id = blockIdx.z;
int kernel_h = blockIdx.y * dilate_height - padding_height;
int kernel_w = blockIdx.x * dilate_width - padding_width;
int image_hk = image_h * stride_height + kernel_h;
int image_wk = image_w * stride_width + kernel_w;
if (image_hk < 0 || image_hk >= input_height) continue;
if (image_wk < 0 || image_wk >= input_width) continue;
#define gaid(N, C, H, W) \
((((N)*gridDim.z + (C)) * output_height + (H)) * output_width + (W))
int input_id = ((bid * (gridDim.z / filter_multiplier) +
kernel_id / filter_multiplier) *
input_height +
image_hk) *
input_width +
T f_grad(0);
const bool loop_batch = output_height * output_width >= WARP_SIZE;
int kw_id = blockIdx.x;
int kh_id = blockIdx.y;
int oc_id = blockIdx.z;
int ic_id = oc_id / filter_multiplier;
int idx = ((blockIdx.z * gridDim.y) + blockIdx.y) * gridDim.x + blockIdx.x;
const int ohw = output_height * output_width;
const int onhw = num * ohw;
const int h_offset = kh_id * dilate_height - padding_height;
const int w_offset = kw_id * dilate_width - padding_width;
if (loop_batch) {
for (int og_w = threadIdx.x; og_w < output_width; og_w += blockDim.x) {
for (int bid = 0; bid < num; ++bid) {
for (int og_h = threadIdx.y; og_h < output_height; og_h += blockDim.y) {
int i_h = og_h * stride_height + h_offset;
int i_w = og_w * stride_width + w_offset;
if (i_w >= 0 && i_w < input_width && i_h >= 0 && i_h < input_height) {
int input_offset =
((bid * input_channels + ic_id) * input_height + i_h) *
input_width +
int output_grad_offset =
((bid * output_channels + oc_id) * output_height + og_h) *
output_width +
if (fuse_relu_before_conv) {
f_grad +=
output_grad_data[output_grad_offset] *
max(0.0f, static_cast<double>(input_data[input_offset])));
} else {
f_grad += output_grad_data[output_grad_offset] *
} else {
for (int id = threadIdx.x; id < onhw; id += blockDim.x) {
int bid = id / ohw;
int og_hw = id - bid * ohw;
int og_h = og_hw / output_width;
int og_w = og_hw - og_h * output_width;
int i_h = og_h * stride_height + h_offset;
int i_w = og_w * stride_width + w_offset;
if (i_w >= 0 && i_w < input_width && i_h >= 0 && i_h < input_height) {
int input_offset =
((bid * input_channels + ic_id) * input_height + i_h) *
input_width +
int output_grad_offset = (bid * output_channels + oc_id) * ohw + og_hw;
if (fuse_relu_before_conv) {
s += output_grad_data[gaid(bid, kernel_id, image_h, image_w)] *
T(max(0.0f, double(input_data[input_id])));
f_grad += output_grad_data[output_grad_offset] *
0.0f, static_cast<double>(input_data[input_offset])));
} else {
s += output_grad_data[gaid(bid, kernel_id, image_h, image_w)] *
f_grad +=
output_grad_data[output_grad_offset] * input_data[input_offset];
#undef gaid
T val = BlockReduceSum(s);
platform::CudaAtomicAdd(&filter_grad_data[gbid], val);
T val = BlockReduceSum<T>(f_grad);
if (threadIdx.x == 0 && threadIdx.y == 0) {
filter_grad_data[idx] = val;
template <typename T, bool fuse_relu_before_conv>
......@@ -941,7 +975,8 @@ __device__ __inline__ void KernelDepthwiseConvFilterGradNHWC(
kernel_id / filter_multiplier;
if (fuse_relu_before_conv) {
s += output_grad_data[gaid(bid, image_h, image_w, kernel_id)] *
T(max(0.0f, double(input_data[input_id])));
max(0.0f, static_cast<double>(input_data[input_id])));
} else {
s += output_grad_data[gaid(bid, image_h, image_w, kernel_id)] *
......@@ -1013,7 +1048,8 @@ __device__ __inline__ void KernelDepthwiseConvFilterGradCFilterNHWC(
T s(0);
if (fuse_relu_before_conv) {
s = output_grad_data[output_id] *
T(max(0.0f, double(input_data[input_id])));
max(0.0f, static_cast<double>(input_data[input_id])));
} else {
s = output_grad_data[output_id] * input_data[input_id];
......@@ -1242,8 +1278,7 @@ class DepthwiseConvFunctor<phi::GPUContext, T, fuse_relu_before_conv> {
int filter_multiplier = output_channels / input_channels;
int nums_output =
batch_size * output_channels * output_height * output_width;
int nums_output = output->numel();
#ifdef __HIPCC__
int block_size = 256;
......@@ -1416,6 +1451,13 @@ class DepthwiseConvInputGradFunctor<phi::GPUContext, T, fuse_relu_before_conv> {
int filter_multiplier = output_channels / input_channels;
int nums_input = input_grad->numel();
#ifdef __HIPCC__
int block_size = 256;
int block_size = 512;
int grid_size = (nums_input + block_size - 1) / block_size;
#define check_case(c_filter_multiplier, c_stride, c_filter) \
if (c_filter_multiplier == 0 || \
......@@ -1424,6 +1466,11 @@ class DepthwiseConvInputGradFunctor<phi::GPUContext, T, fuse_relu_before_conv> {
(ksize_height == ksize_width && ksize_height == c_filter || \
c_filter == -1)) { \
if (data_layout != DataLayout::kNHWC) { \
if (c_filter == -1) { \
threads.x = block_size; \
grid.x = grid_size; \
threads.y = threads.z = grid.y = grid.z = 1; \
} \
KernelDepthwiseConvInputGradSp<T, \
c_filter_multiplier, \
c_stride, \
......@@ -1554,6 +1601,10 @@ class DepthwiseConvFilterGradFunctor<phi::GPUContext,
blocks = std::min(std::max(block_size / output_width, 1), output_height);
grid = dim3(ksize_width, ksize_height, output_channels);
threads = dim3(std::min(output_width, block_size), blocks, 1);
if (output_height * output_width < WARP_SIZE) {
threads = dim3(
std::min(block_size, batch_size * output_height * output_width));
} else {
blocks = std::min(
std::max(block_size / output_channels, 1),
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