The hierarchical sigmoid organizes the classes into a complete binary tree to reduce the computational complexity
and speed up the model training, especially the training of language model.
Each leaf node of the complete binary tree represents a class(word) and each non-leaf node acts as a binary classifier.
For each class(word), there's a unique path from root to itself, hsigmoid calculate the cost for each non-leaf node on
the path, and sum them to get a total cost.
Comparing to softmax, the OP can reduce the computational complexity from :math:`O(N)` to :math:`O(logN)`, where :math:`N`
represents the number of classes or the size of word dict.
The OP supports default tree and custom tree. For the default tree, you can refer to `Hierarchical Probabilistic Neural
Network Language Model <>`_. For the custom
tree, you need to set :attr:`is_custom` to True, and do the following steps (take the language model as an example):
1. Using a custom word dict to build a binary tree, each leaf node should be an word in the word dict.
2. Creating a dict map word_id -> path that from the word to the root node, we call it path_table.
3. Creating a dict map word_id -> code of path that from the word to the root node, we call it path_code.
Code means the label of each binary classifier, 1 indicate true, 0 indicate false.
4. Now, each word should has its path and code along the path, you can pass a batch of path and code related
to the same batch of inputs.
input (Variable): A tensor with the shape [N, D], where N is the size of mini-batch,
and D is the feature size. Its data type supports float32 and float64.
label (Variable): A tensor contains the labels of training data. Its shape is [N, 1]
and data type is int64.
weight (Variable): A tensor with shape (num_classes - 1, D) if not using custom tree(path_code and path_table is None), or (num_classes, D) if using custom tree.
bias (Variable): A tensor with shape (num_classes - 1, 1) if not using custom tree(path_code and path_table is None), or (num_classes, 1) if using custom tree.
num_classes (int): The number of classes or the size of word dict, must be greater than 2.
If the default tree is used (:attr:`is_custom` is set to False), :attr:`num_classes`
should not be None. If the custom tree is used (:attr:`is_custom` is set to True),
:attr:`num_classes` should be the number of non-leaf nodes, which indicates the num of
classes using by the binary classifier.
path_table (Variable, optional): A tensor that stores each batch of samples' path from leaf to root
node, its shape is [N, L] and data type is int64, where L is the length of path. For each sample i,
path_table[i] is a np.array like structure and each element in this array is the indexes in parent
nodes' weight matrix. Default: None.
path_code (Variable, optional): A tensor that stores each batch of samples' code of path from leaf
to root node, its shape is [N, L] and data type is int64, which is the same as :attr:`path_table`.
Each code of path is consisted with the code of nodes from leaf to root node. Default: None.
is_sparse (bool, optional): Whether use sparse updating instead of dense updating, if it's True, the
gradient of W and input will be sparse. Default: False.
Variable: A tensor with the cost of hierarchical sigmoid, its shape is [N, 1] and data type is the same as :attr:`input`.