未验证 提交 2074d369 编写于 作者: Q Qiao Longfei 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #11532 from jacquesqiao/add-none-layers-api-doc

Add none layers api doc
......@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ __all__ = [
......@@ -38,6 +36,25 @@ class BaseErrorClipAttr(object):
class ErrorClipByValue(BaseErrorClipAttr):
Clips tensor values to the range [min, max].
Given a tensor t, this operation clips its value to min and max inplace.
- Any values less than min are set to min.
- Any values greater than max are set to max.
max (float): The maximum value to clip by.
min (float, optional): The minimum value to clip by. if not set by user, \
will be set to -max by framework.
.. code-block:: python
var = fluid.framework.Variable(..., error_clip=ErrorClipByValue(max=5.0), ...)
def __init__(self, max, min=None):
max = float(max)
if min is None:
......@@ -99,6 +116,31 @@ class NullGradientClipAttr(BaseGradientClipAttr):
class GradientClipByValue(BaseGradientClipAttr):
Clips gradient values to the range [min, max].
Given a tensor t, this operation clips its value to min and max inplace.
- Any values less than min are set to min.
- Any values greater than max are set to max.
max (float): The maximum value to clip by.
min (float, optional): The minimum value to clip by. if not set by user, \
will be set to -max by framework.
.. code-block:: python
w_param_attrs = ParamAttr(name=None,
initializer=UniformInitializer(low=-1.0, high=1.0, seed=0),
clip=GradientClipByValue(-1.0, 1.0))
y_predict = fluid.layers.fc(input=x, size=1, param_attr=w_param_attrs)
def __init__(self, max, min=None):
max = float(max)
if min is None:
......@@ -120,6 +162,37 @@ class GradientClipByValue(BaseGradientClipAttr):
class GradientClipByNorm(BaseGradientClipAttr):
Clips tensor values to a maximum L2-norm.
This operator limits the L2 norm of the input :math:`X` within :math:`max\_norm`.
If the L2 norm of :math:`X` is less than or equal to :math:`max\_norm`, :math:`Out`
will be the same as :math:`X`. If the L2 norm of :math:`X` is greater than
:math:`max\_norm`, :math:`X` will be linearly scaled to make the L2 norm of
:math:`Out` equal to :math:`max\_norm`, as shown in the following formula:
.. math::
Out = \\frac{max\_norm * X}{norm(X)},
where :math:`norm(X)` represents the L2 norm of :math:`X`.
clip_norm (float): The maximum norm value
.. code-block:: python
w_param_attrs = ParamAttr(name=None,
initializer=UniformInitializer(low=-1.0, high=1.0, seed=0),
y_predict = fluid.layers.fc(input=x, size=1, param_attr=w_param_attrs)
def __init__(self, clip_norm):
self.clip_norm = clip_norm
......@@ -135,6 +208,44 @@ class GradientClipByNorm(BaseGradientClipAttr):
class GradientClipByGlobalNorm(BaseGradientClipAttr):
Clips values of multiple tensors by the ratio of the sum of their norms.
Given a list of tensors t_list, and a clipping ratio clip_norm, this
operation returns a list of clipped tensors list_clipped and the global
norm (global_norm) of all tensors in t_list.
To perform the clipping, the values :math:`t\_list[i]` are set to:
.. math::
t\_list[i] = t\_list[i] * \\frac{clip\_norm}{\max(global\_norm, clip\_norm)}
.. math::
global\_norm = \sqrt{\sum_{i=0}^{N-1}(l2norm(t\_list[i]))^2}
If :math:`clip\_norm > global\_norm` then the entries in t_list remain as they are,
otherwise they're all shrunk by the global ratio.
clip_norm (float): The maximum norm value
group_name (str, optional): The group name for this clip.
.. code-block:: python
p_g_clip = fluid.backward.append_backward(loss=avg_cost_clip)
with fluid.program_guard(main_program=prog_clip):
p_g_clip = fluid.clip.append_gradient_clip_ops(p_g_clip)
def __init__(self, clip_norm, group_name="default_group"):
if not isinstance(group_name, basestring):
raise TypeError("'group_name' must be a basestring.")
......@@ -184,13 +295,14 @@ class GradientClipByGlobalNorm(BaseGradientClipAttr):
def set_gradient_clip(clip, param_list=None, program=None):
To specify parameters that require gradient clip.
clip(BaseGradientClipAttr): An instance of some derived class of BaseGradientClipAttr,
which describes the type and detailed attributes of required gradient clip.
param_list(list, None by default): Parameters that require gradient clip.
param_list(list(Variable)): Parameters that require gradient clip.
It can be a list of parameter or a list of parameter's name.
When it's None, all parameters in the program will be included.
program(Program, None by default): The program where parameters are.
program(Program): The program where parameters are.
Will be the default main program when assigned with None.
if not isinstance(clip, BaseGradientClipAttr):
......@@ -27,13 +27,30 @@ __all__ = ['Inferencer', ]
class Inferencer(object):
def __init__(self, infer_func, param_path, place=None, parallel=False):
:param infer_func: a function that will return predict Variable
:param param_path: the path where the inference model is saved by fluid.io.save_params
:param place: place to do the inference
:param parallel: use parallel_executor to run the inference, it will use multi CPU/GPU.
Inferencer High Level API.
infer_func (Python func): Infer function that will return predict Variable
param_path (str): The path where the inference model is saved by fluid.io.save_params
place (Place): place to do the inference
parallel (bool): use parallel_executor to run the inference, it will use multi CPU/GPU.
.. code-block:: python
def inference_program():
x = fluid.layers.data(name='x', shape=[13], dtype='float32')
y_predict = fluid.layers.fc(input=x, size=1, act=None)
return y_predict
place = fluid.CPUPlace()
inferencer = fluid.Inferencer(
infer_func=inference_program, param_path="/tmp/model", place=place)
def __init__(self, infer_func, param_path, place=None, parallel=False):
self.param_path = param_path
self.scope = core.Scope()
self.parallel = parallel
......@@ -60,9 +77,20 @@ class Inferencer(object):
def infer(self, inputs, return_numpy=True):
:param inputs: a map of {"input_name": input_var} that will be feed into the inference program
to get the predict value
:return: the predict value of the inference model
Do Inference for Inputs
inputs (map): a map of {"input_name": input_var} that will be feed into the inference program
return_numpy (bool): transform return value into numpy or not
Tensor or Numpy: the predict value of the inference model for the inputs
.. code-block:: python
tensor_x = numpy.random.uniform(0, 10, [batch_size, 13]).astype("float32")
results = inferencer.infer({'x': tensor_x})
if not isinstance(inputs, dict):
raise ValueError(
......@@ -19,26 +19,39 @@ from framework import convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_
from core import VarDesc
__all__ = [
'Constant', 'Uniform', 'Normal', 'Xavier', 'Bilinear', 'force_init_on_cpu',
'init_on_cpu', 'ConstantInitializer', 'UniformInitializer',
'NormalInitializer', 'XavierInitializer', 'BilinearInitializer'
'Constant', 'Uniform', 'Normal', 'Xavier', 'Bilinear', 'MSRA',
'force_init_on_cpu', 'init_on_cpu', 'ConstantInitializer',
'UniformInitializer', 'NormalInitializer', 'XavierInitializer',
'BilinearInitializer', 'MSRAInitializer'
_force_init_on_cpu_ = False
def force_init_on_cpu():
The flag of whether force to init variables on CPU.
.. code-block:: python
if force_init_on_cpu():
return _force_init_on_cpu_
def init_on_cpu():
Switch program with `with` statement
Force the variable to be inited on CPU.
>>> with init_on_cpu():
>>> step = layers.create_global_var()
.. code-block:: python
with init_on_cpu():
step = layers.create_global_var()
global _force_init_on_cpu_
......@@ -104,14 +117,18 @@ class Initializer(object):
class ConstantInitializer(Initializer):
"""Implements the constant initializer
def __init__(self, value=0.0, force_cpu=False):
"""Constructor for ConstantInitializer
value: constant value to initialize the variable
value (float): constant value to initialize the variable
.. code-block:: python
fc = fluid.layers.fc(input=x, size=10,
def __init__(self, value=0.0, force_cpu=False):
assert value is not None
super(ConstantInitializer, self).__init__()
self._value = value
......@@ -146,16 +163,20 @@ class ConstantInitializer(Initializer):
class UniformInitializer(Initializer):
"""Implements the random uniform distribution initializer
def __init__(self, low=-1.0, high=1.0, seed=0):
"""Constructor for UniformInitializer
low: lower boundary of the uniform distribution
high: upper boundary of the uniform distribution
seed: random seed
low (float): lower boundary of the uniform distribution
high (float): upper boundary of the uniform distribution
seed (int): random seed
.. code-block:: python
fc = fluid.layers.fc(input=x, size=10,
param_attr=fluid.initializer.Uniform(low=-0.5, high=0.5))
def __init__(self, low=-1.0, high=1.0, seed=0):
assert low is not None
assert high is not None
assert high >= low
......@@ -196,17 +217,21 @@ class UniformInitializer(Initializer):
class NormalInitializer(Initializer):
"""Implements the random Normal(Gaussian) distribution initializer
def __init__(self, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, seed=0):
"""Constructor for NormalInitializer
"""Implements the Random Normal(Gaussian) distribution initializer
loc: mean of the normal distribution
scale: standard deviation of the normal distribution
seed: random seed
loc (float): mean of the normal distribution
scale (float): standard deviation of the normal distribution
seed (int): random seed
.. code-block:: python
fc = fluid.layers.fc(input=x, size=10,
param_attr=fluid.initializer.Normal(loc=0.0, scale=2.0))
def __init__(self, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, seed=0):
assert loc is not None
assert scale is not None
assert seed is not None
......@@ -246,39 +271,49 @@ class NormalInitializer(Initializer):
class XavierInitializer(Initializer):
"""Implements the Xavier initializer
This class implements the Xavier weight initializer from the paper
Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural
networks[1] by Xavier Glorot and Yoshua Bengio.
`Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural
networks <http://proceedings.mlr.press/v9/glorot10a/glorot10a.pdf>`_
by Xavier Glorot and Yoshua Bengio.
This initializer is designed to keep the scale of the gradients
approximately same in all the layers. In case of Uniform distribution,
the range is [-x, x], where x = sqrt(6 / (fan_in + fan_out)).
the range is [-x, x], where
.. math::
x = \sqrt{\\frac{6.0}{fan\_in + fan\_out}}
In case of Normal distribution, the mean is 0 and the standard deviation
is sqrt(2/ (fan_in + fan_out)).
[1] Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural
networks. International conference on artificial intelligence and
.. math::
\sqrt{\\frac{2.0}{fan\_in + fan\_out}}
def __init__(self, uniform=True, fan_in=None, fan_out=None, seed=0):
"""Constructor for XavierInitializer
uniform: whether to use uniform or normal distribution
fan_in: fan_in for Xavier initialization. If None, it is
uniform (bool): whether to use uniform or normal distribution
fan_in (float): fan_in for Xavier initialization. If None, it is
inferred from the variable.
fan_out: fan_out for Xavier initialization. If None, it is
fan_out (float): fan_out for Xavier initialization. If None, it is
inferred from the variable.
seed: random seed
seed (int): random seed
It is recommended to set fan_in and fan_out to None for most cases.
.. code-block:: python
fc = fluid.layers.fc(
input=queries, size=10,
Note: It is recommended to set fan_in and fan_out to None for
most cases.
def __init__(self, uniform=True, fan_in=None, fan_out=None, seed=0):
assert uniform is not None
assert seed is not None
super(XavierInitializer, self).__init__()
......@@ -342,30 +377,42 @@ class MSRAInitializer(Initializer):
"""Implements the MSRA initializer a.k.a. Kaiming Initializer
This class implements the weight initialization from the paper
Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on
ImageNet Classification[1] by Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren
and Jian Sun. This is a robust initialization method that particularly
considers the rectifier nonlinearities. In case of Uniform distribution,
the range is [-x, x], where x = sqrt(6 / fan_in). In case of Normal
distribution, the mean is 0 and the standard deviation
is sqrt(2/ fan_in).
[1] Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance
on ImageNet Classification
`Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on
ImageNet Classification <https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.01852>`_
by Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren and Jian Sun. This is a
robust initialization method that particularly considers the rectifier
nonlinearities. In case of Uniform distribution, the range is [-x, x], where
def __init__(self, uniform=True, fan_in=None, seed=0):
"""Constructor for MSRAInitializer
.. math::
x = \sqrt{\\frac{6.0}{fan\_in}}
In case of Normal distribution, the mean is 0 and the standard deviation
.. math::
uniform: whether to use uniform or normal distribution
fan_in: fan_in for MSRAInitializer. If None, it is
uniform (bool): whether to use uniform or normal distribution
fan_in (float): fan_in for MSRAInitializer. If None, it is\
inferred from the variable.
seed: random seed
seed (int): random seed
It is recommended to set fan_in to None for most cases.
.. code-block:: python
fc = fluid.layers.fc(
input=queries, size=10,
Note: It is recommended to set fan_in to None for most cases.
def __init__(self, uniform=True, fan_in=None, seed=0):
"""Constructor for MSRAInitializer
assert uniform is not None
assert seed is not None
......@@ -425,34 +472,37 @@ class MSRAInitializer(Initializer):
class BilinearInitializer(Initializer):
"""Implements the bilinear initializer.
This initializer can be used in transposed convolution operator to
act as upsampling. Users can upsample a feature map with shape of
(B, C, H, W) by any integer factor. The usage is:
>>> factor = 2
>>> w_attr = ParamAttr(learning_rate=0., regularizer=L2Decay(0.),
>>> initializer=Bilinear())
>>> conv_up = fluid.layers.conv2d_transpose(
>>> input,
>>> num_filters=C,
>>> output_size=None,
>>> filter_size=2 * factor - factor % 2,
>>> padding=ceil((factor - 1) / 2.),
>>> stride=factor,
>>> groups=C,
>>> param_attr=w_attr,
>>> bias_attr=False)
Where, `num_filters=C` and `groups=C` means this is channel-wise tranposed
.. code-block:: python
factor = 2
w_attr = ParamAttr(learning_rate=0., regularizer=L2Decay(0.),
conv_up = fluid.layers.conv2d_transpose(
filter_size=2 * factor - factor % 2,
padding=ceil((factor - 1) / 2.),
Where, `num_filters=C` and `groups=C` means this is channel-wise transposed
convolution. The filter shape will be (C, 1, K, K) where K is `filer_size`,
This initializer will set a (K, K) interpolation kernel for every channel
of the filter identically. The resulting shape of the output feature map
will be (B, C, factor * H, factor * W). Note that the learning rate and the
weight decay are set to 0 in order to keep coefficient values of bilinear
interpolation unchanged during training.
def __init__(self):
......@@ -469,7 +519,7 @@ class BilinearInitializer(Initializer):
be added.
the initialization op
Operator: the initialization op
ValueError: If type of `var` and `block` is not right.
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ __all__ = [
'SGD', 'Momentum', 'Adagrad', 'Adam', 'Adamax', 'DecayedAdagrad', 'Ftrl',
'SGDOptimizer', 'MomentumOptimizer', 'AdagradOptimizer', 'AdamOptimizer',
'AdamaxOptimizer', 'DecayedAdagradOptimizer', 'RMSPropOptimizer',
'FtrlOptimizer', 'Adadelta', 'ModelAverage', 'Optimizer'
'FtrlOptimizer', 'Adadelta', 'ModelAverage', 'Optimizer', 'RMSPropOptimizer'
......@@ -192,15 +192,15 @@ class Optimizer(object):
"""Add optimization operators to update gradients to variables.
loss: the target that this optimization is for.
parameters_and_grads: a list of (variable, gradient) pair to update.
loss(Variable): the target that this optimization is for.
parameters_and_grads(list(tuple(Variable, Variable))):
a list of (variable, gradient) pair to update.
return_op_list: a list of operators that will complete one step of
optimization. This will include parameter update ops, global step
update ops and any other custom ops required by subclasses to manage
their internal state.
:param startup_program:
# This is a default implementation of create_optimization_pass that
# can be shared by most optimizers. This implementation assumes that
......@@ -268,7 +268,22 @@ class Optimizer(object):
class SGDOptimizer(Optimizer):
""" Simple SGD optimizer without any state.
Optimizer of the stochastic gradient descent algorithm.
.. math::
param\_out = param - learning\_rate * grad
learning_rate (float|Variable): the learning rate used to update parameters. \
Can be a float value or a Variable with one float value as data element.
.. code-block:: python
sgd_optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.2)
def __init__(self, learning_rate, **kwargs):
......@@ -294,7 +309,37 @@ class SGDOptimizer(Optimizer):
class MomentumOptimizer(Optimizer):
"""Simple Momentum optimizer with velocity state
Simple Momentum optimizer with velocity state
This optimizer has a flag for Nestrov Momentum.
The update equations are as follows:
.. math::
& velocity = mu * velocity + gradient
& if (use\_nesterov):
&\quad param = param - gradient * learning\_rate + mu * velocity * learning\_rate
& else:
&\quad param = param - learning\_rate * velocity
learning_rate (float|Variable): the learning rate used to update parameters. \
Can be a float value or a Variable with one float value as data element.
momentum (float): momentum factor
use_nesterov (bool): enables Nesterov momentum
.. code-block:: python
optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Momentum(learning_rate=0.2, momentum=0.1)
_velocity_acc_str = "velocity"
......@@ -338,7 +383,32 @@ class MomentumOptimizer(Optimizer):
class AdagradOptimizer(Optimizer):
"""Simple Adagrad optimizer with moment state
**Adaptive Gradient Algorithm (Adagrad)**
The update is done as follows:
.. math::
moment\_out &= moment + grad * grad
param\_out &= param - \\frac{learning\_rate * grad}{\sqrt{moment\_out} + \epsilon}
The original paper(http://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume12/duchi11a/duchi11a.pdf)
does not have the epsilon attribute. It is added here in our implementation
as also proposed here: http://cs231n.github.io/neural-networks-3/#ada
for numerical stability to avoid the division by zero error.
learning_rate (float|Variable): the learning rate used to update parameters. \
Can be a float value or a Variable with one float value as data element.
epsilon (float): a small float value for numerical stability.
.. code-block:: python
optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Adagrad(learning_rate=0.2)
_moment_acc_str = "moment"
......@@ -379,7 +449,40 @@ class AdagradOptimizer(Optimizer):
class AdamOptimizer(Optimizer):
"""Implements the Adam Optimizer
This implements the Adam optimizer from Section 2 of the Adam
paper : https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6980.
Adam is a first-order gradient-based optimization method based on
adaptive estimates of lower-order moments.
Adam updates:
.. math::
t & = t + 1
moment\_1\_out & = {\\beta}_1 * moment\_1 + (1 - {\\beta}_1) * grad
moment\_2\_out & = {\\beta}_2 * moment\_2 + (1 - {\\beta}_2) * grad * grad
learning\_rate & = learning\_rate * \\
\\frac{\sqrt{1 - {\\beta}_2^t}}{1 - {\\beta}_1^t}
param\_out & = param - learning\_rate * \\frac{moment\_1}{\sqrt{moment\_2} + \epsilon}
learning_rate (float|Variable): the learning rate used to update parameters. \
Can be a float value or a Variable with one float value as data element.
beta1 (float): The exponential decay rate for the 1st moment estimates.
beta2 (float): The exponential decay rate for the 2nd moment estimates.
epsilon (float): a small float value for numerical stability.
.. code-block:: python
optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=0.2)
_moment1_acc_str = "moment1"
_moment2_acc_str = "moment2"
......@@ -484,7 +587,42 @@ class AdamOptimizer(Optimizer):
class AdamaxOptimizer(Optimizer):
"""Implements the Adamax Optimizer
We implement the Adamax optimizer from Section 7 of the Adam
paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6980. Adamax is a variant of the
Adam algorithm based on the infinity norm.
Adamax updates:
.. math::
t & = t + 1
moment\_out & = {\\beta}_1 * moment + (1 - {\\beta}_1) * grad
inf\_norm\_out & = max({\\beta}_2 * inf\_norm + \epsilon, |grad|)
learning\_rate & = \\frac{learning\_rate}{1 - {\\beta}_1^t}
param\_out & = param - learning\_rate * \\frac{moment\_out}{inf\_norm\_out}
The original paper does not have an epsilon attribute.
However, it is added here for numerical stability to prevent the
division by 0 error.
learning_rate (float|Variable): the learning rate used to update parameters. \
Can be a float value or a Variable with one float value as data element.
beta1 (float): The exponential decay rate for the 1st moment estimates.
beta2 (float): The exponential decay rate for the 2nd moment estimates.
epsilon (float): a small float value for numerical stability.
.. code-block:: python
optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Adamax(learning_rate=0.2)
_moment_acc_str = "moment"
_inf_norm_acc_str = "inf_norm"
......@@ -568,7 +706,34 @@ class AdamaxOptimizer(Optimizer):
class DecayedAdagradOptimizer(Optimizer):
"""Simple Decayed Adagrad optimizer with moment state
**Decayed Adagrad Optimizer**
The original paper(http://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume12/duchi11a/duchi11a.pdf)
The update is done as follows:
.. math::
moment\_out & = decay * moment + (1 - decay) * grad * grad
param\_out & = param - \\frac{learning\_rate * grad}{\sqrt{moment\_out} + \epsilon}
The original paper(http://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume12/duchi11a/duchi11a.pdf)
does not have an epsilon attribute. It is added here for numerical
stability to avoid the division by zero error.
learning_rate (float|Variable): the learning rate used to update parameters. \
Can be a float value or a Variable with one float value as data element.
decay (float): decay rate.
epsilon (float): a small float value for numerical stability.
.. code-block:: python
optimizer = fluid.optimizer.DecayedAdagrad(learning_rate=0.2)
_moment_acc_str = "moment"
......@@ -614,6 +779,7 @@ class DecayedAdagradOptimizer(Optimizer):
class AdadeltaOptimizer(Optimizer):
**Adadelta Optimizer**
Simple Adadelta optimizer with average squared grad state and
average squared update state.
The details of adadelta please refer to this
......@@ -703,26 +869,26 @@ class RMSPropOptimizer(Optimizer):
.. math::
r(w, t) & = \\rho r(w, t-1) + (1 - \\rho)(\\nabla Q_{i}(w))^2 \\\\
r(w, t) & = \\rho r(w, t-1) + (1 - \\rho)(\\nabla Q_{i}(w))^2
w & = w - \\frac{\\eta} {\\sqrt{r(w,t) + \\epsilon}} \\nabla Q_{i}(w)
The first equation calculates moving average of the squared gradient for
each weight. Then dividing the gradient by :math: `sqrt{v(w,t)}`.
each weight. Then dividing the gradient by :math:`sqrt{v(w,t)}`.
In some cases, adding a momentum term :math: `\\beta` is beneficial.
In our implementation, Nesterov momentum is used:
.. math::
r(w, t) & = \\rho r(w, t-1) + (1 - \\rho)(\\nabla Q_{i}(w))^2 \\\\
r(w, t) & = \\rho r(w, t-1) + (1 - \\rho)(\\nabla Q_{i}(w))^2
v(w, t) & = \\beta v(w, t-1) + \\frac{\\eta} {\\sqrt{v(w,t) +
\\epsilon}} \\nabla Q_{i}(w)
w & = w - v(w, t)
where, :math: `\\rho` is a hyperparameter and typical values are 0.9, 0.95
where, :math:`\\rho` is a hyperparameter and typical values are 0.9, 0.95
and so on. :math: `beta` is the momentum term. :math: `\\epsilon` is a
smoothing term to avoid division by zero, usually set somewhere in range
from 1e-4 to 1e-8.
......@@ -733,7 +899,7 @@ class RMSPropOptimizer(Optimizer):
rho(float): rho is :math: `\\rho` in equation, set 0.95 by default.
epsilon(float): :math: `\\epsilon` in equation is smoothing term to
avoid division by zero, set 1e-6 by default.
momentum(float): :math: `\\beta` in equation is the momentum term,
momentum(float): :math:`\\beta` in equation is the momentum term,
set 0.0 by default.
......@@ -952,7 +1118,9 @@ class ModelAverage(Optimizer):
max_average_window: The maximum size of average window.
.. code-block:: python
optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Momentum()
_, params_grads = optimizer.minimize(cost)
model_average = fluid.optimizer.ModelAverage(params_grads, 0.15,
......@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ import framework
from . import core
__all__ = [
'append_regularization_ops', 'WeightDecayRegularizer', 'L1Decay', 'L2Decay',
'L1DecayRegularizer', 'L2DecayRegularizer'
'append_regularization_ops', 'L1Decay', 'L2Decay', 'L1DecayRegularizer',
......@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ def append_regularization_ops(parameters_and_grads, regularization=None):
set. It will be applied with regularizer.
list of (parameters, gradients) pair with the regularized gradient
list[(Variable, Variable)]: list of (parameters, gradients) \
pair with the regularized gradient
Exception: Unknown regularization type
......@@ -100,6 +101,24 @@ class WeightDecayRegularizer(object):
class L2DecayRegularizer(WeightDecayRegularizer):
"""Implements the L2 Weight Decay Regularization
Small values of L2 can help prevent over fitting the training data.
.. math::
L2WeightDecay = reg\_coeff * parameter
regularization_coeff(float): regularization coeff
.. code-block:: python
optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Adagrad(
def __init__(self, regularization_coeff=0.0):
......@@ -154,6 +173,27 @@ class L2DecayRegularizer(WeightDecayRegularizer):
class L1DecayRegularizer(WeightDecayRegularizer):
"""Implements the L1 Weight Decay Regularization
L1 regularization encourages sparsity.
.. math::
L1WeightDecay = reg\_coeff * sign(parameter)
regularization_coeff(float): regularization coeff
.. code-block:: python
program = fluid.framework.Program()
block = program.global_block()
mul_x = block.create_parameter(
shape=[5, 10],
def __init__(self, regularization_coeff=0.0):
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